The worldwide growth in Internet
trac continues unabated. Although
video applications account for the
largest portion of this growth, other
big drivers are mobile and emerging
social applications. In a networked
economy, the quality of connectivity
impacts business performance. Carriers
must translate this dependence into
profitability, which means finding
new ways to lower costs on existing
services, developing new revenue
generating services, and evolving
business models to the changing
network landscape.
The T4000 Core Router provides the
scalability and flexibility required to
meet this diverse set of requirements.
With rich service processing, the
industry’s highest per-slot throughput
of 240 Gbps, and in-service hardware
upgrade capability, the T4000 is the
ideal service provider platform, oering
unprecedented investment protection
and operational economics to
profitably manage a core infrastructure.
Product Description
The Juniper Networks® T4000 Core Router is the next generation of T Series routers,
extending Juniper’s proven history of innovation and investment protection. The T4000
system more than doubles the per-slot capacity of existing T1600 systems from 100 Gbps
to 240 Gbps—and with only 25% increase in power. A fully loaded T4000 system can
support up to 192 ports of 10GbE, or 16 ports of 100GbE interfaces, making it the densest
line rate IP/MPLS routing system. The T4000 is a true multiservice core system that is
designed to deliver a reliable, high-performance, and flexible architecture to carry a wide
breadth of services over a common IP/MPLS infrastructure.
With four terabits of line rate throughput in a half rack chassis, the T4000 offers double
the slot capacity of the nearest competitor. In addition, all existing T640 and T1600
systems can be upgraded in service to T4000 systems, offering ultimate investment
protection to the existing T Series installed base.
T Series routers enable service providers to deliver stringent quality of service (QoS) and
meet service-level agreements (SLAs) for multiservice transit and IP services. In addition,
Juniper’s industry-leading IP/MPLS capabilities guarantee that the service level and
performance of critical services are maintained, while extending the effective life span
of legacy network assets. The T Series is ideal for creating routed infrastructures that
must scale to meet constantly growing Internet traffic for all varieties of applications.
Furthermore, capacity-based power consumption for all T Series routers is the lowest in the
industry. The following table illustrates the scaling characteristics of the T Series family.
Table 1: T Series Core Routers Scaling Characteristics
T320 320 Gbps 1/3 rack
T640 640 Gbps 1/2 rack
T1600 1.6 Tbps 1/2 rack
T4000 3.84 Tbps 1/2 rack
Network Virtualization
Hardware virtualization enables operators to consolidate networks (corporate and
residential) and nodes (core and aggregation) onto a single simplified infrastructure.
The result is high CapEx and OpEx savings, secure administrative isolation between
services, and rapid introduction of new services. The T4000 system along with the Juniper
Networks JCS1200 Control System—the industry’s first purpose-built, control plane
scaling platform—will continue to provide operators the flexibility of consolidating or
separating network components based on their service needs.
(19 in)
(19 in)
(19 in)
(19 in)
16 N/A Yes No
32 N/A Yes Yes
80 (line rate)
192 (line rate)
8 Yes Yes
16 Yes Yes

Architecture and Key Components
The core network is the heart of any next-generation network or
multiplay deployment. With the growth of distributed content
in metro networks, and emerging video, social networking, and
mobile applications, the core network must deliver high-speed
transport at five 9s reliability, and, at the same time, provide rich
service delivery features. The T4000 system offers providers the
premier core routing option in the industry—an ultra high capacity
core with the ability to support hardware virtualization. Juniper
Networks Junos
resilient, high-performance, and flexible applications for backbone
carriage of content-intensive consumer and business traffic.
High Availability
The T Series architecture allows all Junos OS features and
services to operate across many interface types without
compromising performance. From its inception, Junos OS was
operating system functionality offers the most
developed for rigorous service provider needs. For example,
Junos OS is completely modular so that in the unlikely event
one module experiences a problem, it is isolated to that specific
section of code and does not bring down an entire system. On the
hardware side, all major components—including Routing Engines,
Control Boards (CBs), Switch Interface Boards (SIBs), and Power
Equipment Modules (PEMs)—are redundant.
In-Service Hardware Upgrade
One of the key architectural choices in the T Series family of
routers is the nondisruptive hardware upgrade. Juniper provides
unique capabilities for upgrading existing T640 and T1600
routers to T4000 routers. Following such an upgrade, the T4000
provides more than double the capacity of T1600, while only using
about 25% more power. The steps highlighting such an upgrade
procedure are shown in Figure 1 below.
Four easy steps to perform a
service hardware upgrade:
1. Upgrade Power Entry
Modules (PEMs)
2. Upgrade Switch Interface
Boards (SIBs)
3. Fix new face panel
4. Upgrade fan
T640 or T1600 T4000
Figure 1: In-service hardware upgrade of T640 or T1600 to T4000 in four easy steps