About This Guide
This E-Series Installation and User Guide provides the information you
need to install and start the E-series router.
Note: If the information in the latest E-series Release Notes differs from the
information in this guide, follow the E-series Release Notes.
The E-series router is shipped with the latest system software installed. If
you need to install a future release or reinstall the system software, refer
to the procedures in Appendix B, Installing JUNOSe Software.
E-Series Routers
Five models of E-series routers are available:
• ERX-1440 router
• ERX-1410 router
• ERX-710 router
• ERX-705 router
• ERX-310 router
All models use the same software. For information about the differences
between the models, see Chapter 1, E-Series Overview.
In the E-series documentation, the term ERX-14xx models refers to both
the ERX-1440 router and the ERX-1410 router. Similarly, the term
ERX-7xx models refers to both the ERX-710 router and the ERX-705
router. The terms ERX-1440 router, ERX-1410 router, ERX-710 router,
ERX-705 router, and ERX-310 router refer to the specific models.

About This Guide
This guide is intended for experienced system and network specialists
working with E-series routers in an Internet access environment.
Table 1 defines notice icons used in this guide, and Table 2 defines text
conventions used throughout the book, except for command syntax.
Table 3 provides command syntax conventions used primarily in the
E-Series Command Reference Guide. For more information about
command syntax, see E-Series System Basics Configuration Guide,
Chapter 1, Planning Your Network.
Table 1 Notice icons
Icon Meaning Description
Informational note Indicates important features or instructions.
Caution Indicates that you may risk losing data or damaging your hardware.
Warning Alerts you to the risk of personal injury.
Table 2 Text conventions (except for command syntax)
Convention Description Examples
Bold typeface Represents commands and
keywords in text.
Bold Courier typeface Represents text that the user must
Key name in angle brackets Indicates the name of a key on the
Key names linked with a plus sign
(+) in angle brackets.
Plain Courier typeface Representsinformation asdisplayed
Indicates thatyou mustpress two or
more keys simultaneously.
on your terminal’s screen.
• Command example:
Issue the clock source command.
• Keyword example:
Specify the keyword exp-msg.
user input
Press <Enter>.
Press <Ctrl+B>.
host1#show ip ospf 2
Routing Process OSPF 2 with
Router ID
Router is an Area Border
Router (ABR)