JOYCE 3130IF -VoIP SERIES User Manual

3130IF -VoIP User Manual V1.2
User Manual
IP Phone
3130IF -VoIP User Manual V1.2
About This Manual
This Manual provides basic information on how to install and connect 3130IF IP
Phone to the network. It also includes features and functions of 3130IF IP
phone components, and how to use them.
Before Getting Started
Before you can connect 3130IF to the network and use it, you must have a
high-speed Internet connection installed. A high-speed connection includes
such environments as DSL, cable modem, and a leased line.
3130IF -VoIP User Manual V1.2
1 Summary
3130IF IP Phone
3130IF IP phone is a stand-alone device, which requires no PC to make
Internet calls. 3130IF IP phone supports both data and Rec/Finish thru IP
network, and also provides features of conventional phone. 3130IF IP phone
guarantees clear and reliable Rec/Finish quality on IP network. 3130IF IP
phone can be used thru Internet phone service to make basic Internet calls.
3130IF IP is fully compatible with SIP and H.323 industry standard and can
interoperate with many other SIP or H.323 compliant devices and software on
the market.
2 Introduction
The 3130IF VoIP phone with the latest VoIP technology for the caller with high
demands, whether at home or in the office. With a Three-line LCD display,
alphanumerical caller ID and user interface with a multitude of features. High
quality audio, Advanced functionality and usability and speakerphone.
Stylish and functional in design, the 3130IF IP can be used in residential,
SOHO, enterprise and small to medium business service offerings including IP
PBX, hosted IP telephony and IP Centrex. The 3130IF IP phone market leading
technology and manufacturing proficiency to deliver an upgradeable, high
quality IP telephone unparalleled in value and support.
Components Check List
1) One 3130IF IP phone
2) One Straight Ethernet cable
3) One universal power adapter, one CD
3130IF -VoIP User Manual V1.2
Item 3130IF
Adapter (Input/output/frequency) 100-240VA/7.5VDC/60Hz
WAN 10/100Base T RJ-45 for LAN Port
LAN 10/100Base T RJ-45 for PC
Power Consumption 1.8W/1.4W
Operating Temperature
Relative Humidity
Rec/Finish Features:
Codec: G.711A/u, G.7231 high/low, G.729
G.168 echo cancel
Rec/Finish Gain Setting
Jitter Buffer
Auto latency recover
RFC2833 DTFM relay
Support H323 and SIP synchronously
H323 Features:
DNS name of GK
H323 Call forward
H323 Fast start
Early H245
H245 tunneling
3130IF -VoIP User Manual V1.2
H245 multiplex
H245 DTMF/Q931 DTMF facility
Q931 signaling port setting
Dual GK support
NAT transverse, CITRON
NAT transverse, AVS
Fast start with early media channel Rec/Finish
Peer to Peer H323 call
SIP Features:
RFC3261, RFC3262, RFC3666, RFC2543
Proxy and Register
SIP domain
Server authentication: none, basic, MD5
DNS name of SIP server
SIP signaling port setting
NAT transverse, STUN
NAT transverse, SIP Express router
Pubic Server/ Private server. Can connect to ISP and Private SIP
server at same time
Dual public server
SIP INFO for DTMF, interoperate with CISCO SIP device
Each password for each number
SIP Call forward/transfer/holding/waiting
Peer to peer SIP call
Networks Features:
WAN/LAN port with Router or Bridge Mode
3130IF -VoIP User Manual V1.2
Basic NAT and NAPT
Under Bridge mode, Access internet by using NAT through PPPoE
PPPoE for xDSL, automatically keep alive
DHCP Client on WAN
DHCP server on LAN
DNS client with 2 servers IP
DNS relay on LAN
Auto configuration on LAN for IP and DHCP server
802.1P QOS
Network utilities: ping, trace route, telnet client
Call Control Features:
Flexible Dial Map
Fix length
End with #
Dial Map Table
Dial with time out
Call routing table for Phone Book
Multi phone No. for same phone
Public No. and Private No. for phone
HOTLINE Service, Pick up phone, dial immediately
Black list for reject authenticated call
Empty calling No. reject service
3130IF -VoIP User Manual V1.2
Limit dialing out No. list
No Disturb
Caller ID display
Call forward without condition or busy
Dial out authentication
Auto written message
Maintenance and Management:
Boot Monitor
Upgrade firmware through boot monitor
Keyboard Config
Telnet CLI
FTP, TFTP upgrade firmware
HTTP upgrade firmware
FTP, FTP upload/download configuration file
Security firmware upgrade, firmware digest check
AAA and Logs:
Log level
Telnet logs and CDR
SysLog Logs and CDR
3130IF -VoIP User Manual V1.2
3 Installation
3130IF IP phones are designed to look and feel like standard telephones. The
following photo illustrates the appearance of a 3130IF IP phone and the use of
its key buttons.
Remove the LAN cable for Internet connection from your PC and connect it to
‘WAN’ port of 3130IF Connect the power adapter in the box to ‘Power’
Find LAN cable in the box and connect between ‘Lan’ port and your PC (PC is
not required for set up or making a call.)
3130IF -VoIP User Manual V1.2
4 Product Overview
3130IF IP Phone is a next generation IP network telephone based on industry
open standard SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) and H.323. Built on innovative
technology, 3130IF IP Phone features market leading superb sound quality and
rich functionalities at mass affordable price.
3130IF -VoIP User Manual V1.2
5 Basic Operations
5.1 Get Familiar with Keypad
3130IF phone has a 26-button keypad.
Key Button Key Button Definitions
0 - 9, *, # Digit, star and pound keys are usually used to make phone
Local IP/OK Display local IP address on LCD and enter key
Phone No Browse phone number for this unit, and can be used to modify
during editing
Vol + Increase handset/speakerphone volume
Vol - Reduce handset/speakerphone volume
Up Previous menu item when phone is in IDLE mode
Down Next menu item when phone is in IDLE mode
ESC/REG Exit and register
Hold Temporarily hold the active call
Speed Dial Dial speed dial number
Call List Browse call memory
Redial Dial a new number or Redial the number last dialed. After
entering the phone number, pressing this key would force a
call to go out immediately before timeout
H.F Enter hands-free mode
Rec/Finish Enter Rec/Finish record menu
PH Book User can make a call directly by # button if choicing the proper
person in phone number book.
3130IF -VoIP User Manual V1.2
5.2 Make Phone Calls
Make Calls Using Regular Phone or Extension Numbers.
There are three ways to make phone calls:
1. Pick up handset or press H.F button, and then enter the phone numbers
2. Press the Redial button directly to redial the number last called. Once
pressed, the last dialed number will be displayed on the LCD as the
corresponding DTMF tones are played out and an outgoing call is sent.
3. Browse the OUTGOING/INCOMING history and press the # button. Once
pressed, the last dialed number will be displayed on the LCD as the
corresponding DTMF tones are played out and an outgoing call is sent.
4. When the unit indicates Missed calls, press Call List and Down button to
enter Miss calls menu, then press Local IP/OK button to review number. Press
# button to dial out this number.
5. In ideal mode, press # button and key desired number to make pre-dial.
Press # button to dial out this number.
5.3 Dial out
Pick up the phone, dial the phone number, and press “#” to call out.
5.4 Answering operation:
5.4.1 User-Defined Record and playblack:
Press “Rec/Finish” key and LCD show:
---REC/FINISH record---
3130IF -VoIP User Manual V1.2
Press “Down” or “Up” key and LCD show”
---REC/FINISH record---
Press “Local IP/OK” key and “Up” key and LCD show:
--- User-Defined ---
Press “Local IP/OK” key and LCD show:
Press OK to Rec
Press “Local IP/OK” key again to begin record and press “Rec/Finish” to quite
And press “DOWN” or “UP” key and LCD show:
--- User-Defined ---
Press “Local IP/OK” key to playblack User-Defined recording.
5.4.2 ICM record:
The unit will playback User-Defined recording after 5 times ringer. You can
begin record ICM recording end of playback User-Defined recording.
5.4.3 Playblack ICM recording:
3130IF -VoIP User Manual V1.2
Press “Rec/Finish” key and LCD show:
---REC/FINISH record---
Press “Local IP/OK” key and LCD show:
Press “Local IP/OK” key and LCD SHOW:
--- New record ---
Record 1
Press “Local IP/OK” key and LCD SHOW:
--- Record 1---
Press “Local IP/OK” key and LCD SHOW:
Press OK To Play
Press “Local IP/OK” key again to playblack.
5.5 IP distribution mode selection:
Press and hold “1” button for 5s, the LCD displays “STATIC MODE”;
Press and hold “2” button for 5s, the LCD display “DHCP MODE”;
Press and hold “3” button for 5s, the LCD display “PPPOE MODE”.
3130IF -VoIP User Manual V1.2
6 Configuration with WEB
The IP Phone Web Configuration Menu can be accessed by the following URI:
http://Phone-IP-Address. The default LAN IP address is “” and WAN IP address is “”. If the web login port of the phone is
configured as non-80 standard port, then user need to input, otherwise the web will show that no server has been
found),it will be shown as follows:
6.1 Current state
On this page user can gather information of each commonly-used parameter of
the phone, it is shown as the following figure: the network section shows the
current WAN, LAN configurations of the phone: including gaining way of WAN
3130IF -VoIP User Manual V1.2
IP and IPstatic state, DHCP, PPPoE),MAC address, WAN IP address of the
phone, LAN IP address of the phone, opening state of LAN DHCP server.
The VoIP section shows the current default signaling protocol in use, and
server parameter in use of each protocol: including GateKeeper IP of
H323,H323ID,whether enables register, whether has registered on GK;
Register server IP of SIP, proxy server IP, whether enables register, whether
has registered on register server, whether enables outbound proxy, whether
enables STUN server.
The Phone Number section shows corresponding phone number of each
protocol; the version number and date of issue have been shown at the end of
the page.
3130IF -VoIP User Manual V1.2
6.2 User verification
User should login before configurating dialogue machine.
Guest account: the default username and password are all" guest", user can
have a browse of system.
Administrator account: the default username and password are all" admin", this
user can configure the system.
Note: After inputting username and password, user press carriage return directly to enter the page.
3130IF -VoIP User Manual V1.2
6.3 Network configuration Wide area networkWAN
User can view the current network IP linking mode of the system on this page.
User will be authorized to set the network IP, Gateway and DNS if the system
adopts the static linking mode.
If the system selects DHCP service in the network which is using DHCP service,
IP address will be gained dynamically.
If the system selects PPPOE service in the network which is using the PPPOE
service, then the IP address will be gained by the set PPPOE ISP internet and
password of the account.
Note: If IP address has been modified, the web page will no longer respond owing to the modification, so new IP address should be input in the address field now.
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