JL Audio XD1000/1V2 Owner's Manual

Thank you for purchasing a JL Audio amplifier for
your automotive sound system.
Your amplifier has been designed and manufactured to exacting
standards in order to ensure years of musical enjoyment in your vehicle.
For maximum performance, we highly recommend that you have
your new amplifier installed by an authorized JL Audio dealer. Your
authorized dealer has the training, expertise and installation equipment
decide to install the amplifier yourself, please take the time
to read this manual thoroughly to familiarize yourself
with its installation requirements and setup procedures.
If you have any questions regarding the instructions in this
manual or any aspect of your amplifier’s operation, please contact your
authorized JL Audio dealer for assistance. If you need further assistance,
please call the JL Audio Technical Support Department
at (954) 443-1100 during business hours.
1000W Monoblock Class D Subwoofer Amplier
2 | JL Audio - XD1200/1v2 Owner’s Manual
Cooling Efficiency Considerations:
The outer shell of your JL Audio amplifier is designed to remove heat from the a mplifier circuitry. For optimum cooling performance, this outer shell shou ld be exposed to the largest possible volume of a ir. Enclosing the ampli fier in a small, poorly ventilated chamber can lead to excessive heat build-up and degraded performa nce. If an instal lation calls for an enclosure around the amplifier, we recommend that this enclosure be ventilated with the aid of a fan. In normal applications, fan-cooling is not necessary.
Mounting the amplifier upside down is strongly discouraged.
If mounting the ampli fier under a seat, make sure t here is at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) of space above the amplif ier’s outer shell to permit proper cooling.
Safety Considerations:
Your amplifier needs to be installed in a dr y, well-ventilated environment and in a manner which does not i nterfere wit h your vehicle’s safety equipment (air bags , seat belt systems, ABS brake systems, etc.). You should also take the time to securely mount the amplifier so that it does not come loose in t he event of a collision or a sudden jolt to the vehicle.
Stupid Mistakes to Avoid
Check before dril ling any holes in your vehicle
to make sure that you will not be drilling through a gas tank, brake line, wiring harness or other vital vehicle system.
• Do not run system wiring outside or underneath
the vehicle. This is an extremely dangerous practice which can result in se vere damage to your vehicle and person.
• Protect all system wires from sharp metal
edges and wear by caref ully routing them, tying them down and using grommets and loom where appropriate.
• Do not mount t he amplifier in t he engine
compart ment, under the vehicle, on the roof or in any other area that w ill expose the amplif ier circuitry to the elements.
We value you as a long-term customer. For that reason, we urge you to practice restraint in the operation of this product so as not to da mage your hearing and that of others in your vehicle. Studies have shown that continuous exposure to high sound pressure levels can lead to permanent (irreparable) hearing loss. This a nd all other high-power amplifiers are capable of producing such high sound pressure levels when connected
to a speaker system. Please li mit your continuous
exposure to high volume levels.
While d riving, operate your audio system in a manner that stil l allows you to hear necessary noises to operate your vehicle safely (horns, sirens, etc.).
In the event that your amplifier requires service or is ever stolen, you will need to have
a record of the product’s seria l number. Please
take the time to enter t hat number in the space provided below. The serial number can be fou nd on the bottom panel of the amplifier and on the amplifier packaging.
Serial Number:
This ampl ifier is designed for operation in vehicles with 12 volt, negative-ground electrical systems. Use of this produc t in vehicles with positive ground and/or voltages other than 12V may result in d amage to the product and w ill void th e war rant y.
This product is not certified or approved for use in aircraft.
Do not attempt to “bridge” the outputs of this
amplif ier with the outputs of a second amplifier, including an identica l one.
It is important that you ta ke the time to read this manual and t hat you plan out your installation carefully. The following are some considerations that you must take into account when planning your installation.
(pg. 11)
(pg. 9)
LP Filter
(pg. 8)
Input Sensitivity
(pg. 8)
(pg. 9)
(pg. 7)
Mode (pg. 6)
Remote Turn-On
(pg. 7)
Chassis Ground
(pg. 5)
Left & Right
Preamp Input Jacks
(pg. 7)
+12 V Power
(pg. 5)
Subwoofer Outputs
(pg. 10)
Jack for Remote Level Control Knob
(pg. 9)
Left & Right
Preamp Output Jacks
(pg. 10)
4 | JL Audio - XD1200/1v2 Owner’s Manual
Before installi ng the amplifier, disconnect t he negative (ground) wire f rom the vehicle’s battery. This will prevent accidental d amage to the system, the vehicle a nd your body during installation.
The XD1000/1v2’s “+12 V DC and Ground connections a re designed to
accept 4 AWG power wire. 4 AWG is the required wire size for this amplifier.
If you are instal ling the XD1000/1v2 with
other amplifiers a nd wish to use a single ma in
power wire, use 2 AWG or 1/0 AWG main power
wire (dependi ng on the overall current demands of all the amplif iers in the system). This 2 AWG
or 1/0 AWG power wire should terminate into
a fused distribution block mounted as close to the amplifiers as possible (within 12 inches
/ 30cm of w ire length). The fused output of
the dist ribution block will connect to t he
XD1000/1v2 with 4 AWG power wire. JL Audio
ECS fused distribution block s are recommended
(XD-FDBU-2 and XD-FDBU-4)
Note: Smaller AWG numbers mean bigger wire
and vice-versa (1/0 AWG is the la rgest, 2 AWG is
smaller, then 4 AWG, then 8 AWG, etc.).
To connect the power wires to the amplifier, first back out the set screw on the top of the termina l block, using the supplied 2.5 mm hex wrench. Strip 1/2 inch (12 mm) of insulation from the end of each w ire and insert the bare wire i nto the terminal block, seating it firm ly so that no bare wire is exposed. Whi le holding the wire in place, tig hten the set screw firmly, tak ing care not to strip the head of the screw.
The ground connection should be made using 4 AWG wire and should be kept as short as possible, while accessing a solid piece of sheet metal in the vehicle. The surface of the sheet metal should be sanded at the contact point to create a clean, meta l­to-metal connection between the chassis and the termination of the ground w ire. For optimal groundi ng, we recommend the use of a JL Audio ECS master ground lug (XB-MGLU). Alternatively, a sheet metal screw or bolt can be used with a star washer.
Any wires run through metal barr iers (such as firewalls), must be protected with a high qualit y rubber grommet to prevent damage to the insulat ion of the wire. Failure to do so may result in a dangerou s short circuit.
Many vehicles employ small (10 AWG - 6 AWG) wire to grou nd the battery to the vehicle chassis and to connect the alternator’s positive connection to the battery. To prevent voltage drops, t hese wires should be upg raded to 4 AWG when installing amplifier systems with mai n fuse ratings above 60A.
It is absolutely vital that the main power wire(s) to the amplifier(s) in the system be fused w ithin 18 inches (45 cm) of the positive battery post connection. The f use value at each power wire shou ld be high enough for all of the equipment being run from t hat power wire. If
only the X D1000/1v2 is being r un from that power wire, use a 80A f use.
If fusing the amplifier nea r its power connections (when more than one a mp is being
run from the mai n power wire), use an 80A fuse
(MAXI™ big plastic-body fuse is recommended).
The XD1000/1v2 is a monoblock
amplif ier utilizing JL Audio Nex D™ high
speed switching technology to deliver outstanding fidelity and efficiency.
The XD1000/1v2 can be operated with a w ide
variet y of source units and system configurations.
Its frequency response is l imited to the range
below 500 Hz. It is not designed for dr iving
midrange speakers or tweeters. Every aspect of its operation has been optimized for low-frequency amplif ication. For detailed specif ications, please refer to Appendi x C (page 13).
The followi ng represents the sequence for a typical ampli fier installation, using an aftermarket sou rce unit or OEM Interface processor (like the CleanSweep CL441dsp). Additional steps and different procedures may be required in some applications. If you have any questions, please contact your authorized JL Audio dealer for assista nce.
1) Disconnect the negative battery post
connection and secu re the disconnected cable to prevent accidental reconnection during installation. This step is not optional.
2) Run 4 AWG power wire from the battery
location to the amplif ier mounting location, taki ng care to route it in such a way that it will not be damaged and will not interfere with vehicle operat ion. Use 2 AWG or larger power wire and a f used power distribut ion block if additiona l amplifiers are being installed w ith
the XD1000/1v2.
3) Connec t power wire to the positive battery
post. Fuse the wire w ith an appropriate fuse block (and connectors) within 18 inches (45 cm) wire length of the positive battery post.
This fus e is essential to protect t he vehicle. Do not insta ll the fuse until t he power wire has been sec urely connected to the a mplifier.
4) Run signal cables and remote turn-on w ire
from the source unit to t he final amplifier mounting location.
5) Run speaker cables from the spea ker systems
to the amplifier mounting location.
6) Find a good, solid metal grou nding point
close to the a mplifier and connec t the negative power wire to it using appropriate hardware (use of t he JL Audio ECS master ground lug, XB-MGLU is recommended). Use 4 AWG wire, no longer than 36 i nches
(90 cm) from the a mplifier to the ground
connection point. In some vehicles, it may be necessary to upgrade the battery grou nd wire. (See page 5 for important notice).
7) Securely mount the amplif ier.
8) Con nect the positive and negative power
wires to t he amplifier. A fuse near the
amplif ier is not necessar y if the XD1000/1v2
is the only device bei ng run from the fused main power wire. If the fused main power
wire is shared by the XD1000/1v2 and other
amplif iers or devices, fuse each amplifier/
device w ithin 12 inches (30 cm) of wire
length, v ia a fused distribution block or multiple individual fuse blocks/ on-board f uses.
9) Connec t the remote turn-on wi re
to the ampl ifier or config ure the “Turn-On Mode” switch for automatic turn-on.
10) Connec t the input cables to the amplifier.
11) Con nect the speaker cables to the amplifier.
12) Caref ully review the amplif ier’s control
settings to make su re that they are set according to the needs of t he system.
13) Install the power wire fuse (80A for a
single X D1000/1v2) and reconnec t the
negative battery post termina l. Install the fuse
(80A) near the amplifier (if applicable).
14) Turn on the sou rce unit at a low level
to double-check that the a mplifier is config ured correctly. Resist t he temptation to crank it up until you have verified the control settings.
15) Make necessary adjustments to the input
sensitivity controls to obtain t he right overall out put and the desired balance in the system. See Appendix A (page 12) for the recommended input sensit ivity setting method.
16) Enjoy the fruits of your labor with your
favorite music.
6 | JL Audio - XD1200/1v2 Owner’s Manual
In signal and DC sensing applications, the
am plif ier’s Remote” turn-on term inal becomes a remote turn-on output. This allows the
XD1000/1v2 to turn on other amplifiers in the
audio system that do not have signal sensi ng.
The XD1000/1v2 employs a d ifferential-
balanced input topolog y that provides the user with a high degree of i nput flexibilit y, while retaining superior noise reject ion. This type of
circuit also allows the XD1000/1v2 to accept high-
voltage inputs f rom factory source unit outputs without excessive distortion or noise problems.
You may run a stereo or a mono signal into the inputs of t he amplifier. The amplifier’s input section automatical ly sums stereo signals to mono for the internal ampli fier section. The a mplifier will operate wit h only one input connection but will require an increase i n input sensitivity to overcome the loss of signal. If a mono input signal is to be run, we recommend that you use
a “Y-adaptor” to split t he mono signal into both
inputs of the a mplifier. If you are feedi ng only
one input and using either the DC- Offset or Signal S ensing “Turn-On Mode,” you must u se
the left-channel input for t he automatic turn-on to operate.
Input Voltage Range:
Input Voltage Range: A wide range of sig nal
input voltages can be accom modated by the
XD1000/1v2’s input section (200mV – 8V).
This wide range is spl it up into two sub-ranges,
accessible via the “Input Voltage” switch :
Low”: for preamp level signals “High”: for speaker level signals
The “Low ” position on the “Input Voltage
switch selects an input sensitiv ity range between
200mV and 2V. This means that the “Input Sens.
rotary control will operate w ithin that voltage window. If you are using an afterma rket source unit, with conventiona l preamp level outputs, this is the position you should select.
The “High” position on t he “Input Voltage”
switch selects an input sensitiv ity range between
800mV and 8V. This is useful for certain high-
output preamp level signals as well as speaker level output from source units and small amplif iers. To use speaker level sources, splice t he speaker out put wires of the source unit or smal l amplif ier onto a pair of RCA cables or plugs, or use the JL Aud io ECS Speaker Wire to RCA
adaptor (XD-CLRAIC2-SW).
Line Output C onverters are usual ly not needed
with t he XD1000/1v2. If you find t hat the output
cannot be reduced sufficiently with a direct speaker level signal applied to the amplif ier and
the “Input Voltage” switch in its “High” position,
you may use a Line Output Converter or voltage divider to reduce the signal level.
The XD1000/1v2 can be switched on and of f
using one of th ree methods, determ ined by the
position of t he amplifier’s “Turn-On Mode” switch. Ple ase read these option s and decide
which is best suited for your specif ic system.
1) +12V remote turn-on lead (preferred)
2) Signal-sensing turn-on circuit
3) DC offset-sensing tur n-on circuit
+12 V Remote Turn-On : This is the preferred
method for tu rning the amplifier on/off. T he amplif ier will turn on when +12 V is present at
its “Remote” input and turn off when +12 V is
switched of f. This +12 V remote turn-on signa l is typically controlled by a source unit's remote
turn-on wire. The XD1000/1v2’s “Remote” turn­on connector will accept 18 AWG – 12 AWG
wire. To connect t he remote turn-on wire to the ampli fier, first back out the set screw on the top of the terminal block, using t he supplied 2.5 mm hex wrench. Strip 1/2 inch (12mm) of wire and inser t the bare wire into the terminal block, seating it f irmly so that no bare wire is ex posed. While holding the w ire in the terminal, tighten the set screw firmly, taki ng care not to strip the head of the screw and mak ing sure that the wire is firmly gripped by the set screw.
If a source un it does not have a dedicated remote turn-on output, consider one of t he following a lternative turn-on options:
These methods are useful when a conventional +12 V remote turn-on signal is not available in a system. These allow you to operate the amplif ier without hav ing to locate a remote turn-on lead at the source u nit, which can be ver y useful when interfacing the amplifier with OEM (factory) audio systems that do not use conventional +12 V turn-on leads.
Depending on the cha racteristics of the audio
signal, one of the following methods may work
better t han the other. We recommend trying DC
Offset-Sensing first as it does not require a long delay to turn the system off af ter the signal is shut off.
DC Offset-Sensing: The a mplifier will turn on and off by detecting the presence of a very smal l
DC signa l (of fset) that is typical in the audio
output of most OEM (factory) source units and amplif iers. The amplifier will turn on and off in
reaction to the presence or absence of t his DC
Offset. The sensitivity of t his circuit is desig ned for high-level (spea ker level) signals, not for low­level (preamp level) signals. The circuit senses t he left-channel signa l only.
Signal-Sensi ng: The amplifier w ill turn on and off by detecting the presence of a fu ll-range audio signa l at its left-channel input. After
approximately 30 seconds, the amplifier will shut
off. The sensitivit y of this circuit is designed for high-level (spea ker level) signals, not for low-level (preamp level) signals. The circuit is tuned to react to signals at mid-range frequencies. This prevents false switching from sig nals created by moving loudspeakers that are in paral lel with the amplif ier’s input signal.
8 | JL Audio - XD1200/1v2 Owner’s Manual
Note: The above hint is not “set-in-stone”… You should always listen to the system caref ully to determine the best choice as vehicle acoustics and other factors play a big role in choosing the most appropriate filter slope.
3) Precise Frequency Selection: The filter
frequency markings on the front pa nel of the ampli fier are for reference purposes and are generally accurate to within 1/3 octave or better. If you would like to select the f ilter frequency w ith a higher level of precision, consult Appendix B (page 13) of this manua l. This cha rt gives you a more accurate frequency for each of the forty detented positions of the frequency selection control. This method can be very useful if the amplifier is mounted in a location where you can’t see the f ront panel markings easily.
4) Defeating the LP Filter: The Low-Pass filter
can also be defeated completely, by switching
the “LP Filter Mode/Slope” switch to the “Off” position. This is usef ul if you are using
an external act ive crossover in the system. With the internal crossover turned off, the
XD1000/1v2’s upper frequency response l imit is 500 Hz, due to its subwoofer-specific design.
The “Infrasonic Fi lter” is a 24 dB/octave high-
pass filter, with a fixed cutoff frequency of 30 Hz.
This filter is designed to conserve amplifier power and protect subwoofer systems, without aud ibly degrading the sub-bass output.
With ported enclosures, the use of t he
Infras onic Filter” is high ly recommended to
protect the speaker(s) from excessive excursion below box tuning.
With sealed enclosures, the use of the filter is less necessary, but can stil l help protect the speaker system from excessive excursion.
The “Infrasonic Fi lter” can be completely defeated by selecting the “Off ” position on its
switch. This bypasses all signa l from flowing through the circuit.
With the add ition of the optional Remote
Level Cont rol (HD-RLC), you can control the
subwoofer volume from the front of the vehicle
The HD-RLC connects to the jack labeled “Remote Level Cont rol” on the Connection Panel of the amplifier usi ng a standard telephone cable (supplied with the HD-RLC). If desired, multiple X D (a nd HD) amplifiers can be controlled from a single HD-R LC controller
using a single-line, four-wire phone li ne splitter and multiple phone cables.
When connected to the a mplifier, the
HD-RLC operates as follows: At f ull counter-
clockwise rotation, the audio will mute completely. At full clockw ise rotation the level
will be the same as if the HD-RLC was not
connected at all. In other words, it operates strict ly as a level attenuator.
The control labeled “Input Sens.” can be u sed
to match the sou rce unit’s output voltage to the input stage of the X D1000/1v2 for ma ximum
clean output. Rotating the control clockwise wil l result in higher sensitivity (louder for a given input voltage). Rotating the control counter­clockwise will result i n lower sensitivity (quieter for a given input voltage).
To properly set the ampli fier for maximum clean output , please refer to Appendix A (page
) in this manual. After using this procedure,
you can then adjust the “Input Sens.” levels
downward if t his is required to achieve the desired system balance. Do not increas e any “Input Sens.” setting for
any channel(s) of any amplifier i n the system beyond the ma ximum level establis hed during the procedu re outlined in Appendix A (page 12). Doing so wi ll result in audible distortion and possible spea ker damage.
Most speakers are not designed to reproduce the full range of f requencies audible by the human ear. For this reason, most speaker systems are comprised of multiple spea kers, each dedicated to reproducing a specific frequency range. Filters are used to select which frequency range is sent to each section of a speaker system. The division of frequency ranges to different speakers ca n be done with passive filters (coils and /or capacitors between t he amplifier outputs a nd the speakers), which are acceptable and commonly used for filtering between mid-range speakers and tweeters. Filtering between subwoofer systems
and satellite speaker systems is best done with active filters, which cut off frequency content at the input to the amplif ier. Active filters are more stable than passive f ilters and do not introduce extra neous resistance, which can degrade subwoofer performance.
The active low-pass filter built into the
XD1000/1v2 is designed to at tenuate frequencies
above its fi lter frequency, so that the system’s subwoofers do not reproduce any audible midra nge content.
This ser ves to improve tonal balance and to avoid distortion. Correct use of the fi lter can substantially improve the fidelity of your aud io system.
2) LP Filter Ope ration: The low-pass filter in the
XD1000/1v2 is ful ly variable between 50 Hz and 500 Hz v ia the “Filter Freq.” control k nob (80 Hz is a good starting point for tuning most
systems). The filter also features the ability to
select bet ween a moderate “12dB” per oc tave or a steep “24dB” per oc tave slope via the “LP Filter Mode/Slope” switch. Depending on the subwoofer system and
the vehicle, different slopes may be requ ired to produce a smooth transit ion to the mid­bass spea kers in the system. E xperiment to find the slope which best matches t he acoustic requirements of your system .
Tuning Hint: A trunk mounted sub whose
output has to “ fight” throu gh a rear deck or a
backseat of ten benefits from the 12 dB/octave slope which lets more upper bass content pass through. A sub that f ires directly into the listeni ng environment is more likely to benefit from a 24 dB/octave slope.
10 | JL Audio - XD1200/1v2 Owner’s Manual
There is a single multi-color LED on the top
surface of the ampli fier to indicate the a mplifier’s operating status.
1) Flashing Green: amplifier is powering up, audio output is muted.
2) Constant Green: amplif ier is on and functioning normally, audio output is active.
3) Constant Red: lights to indicate that the amplif ier has exceeded its safe operating temperature, putting the amplifier into a self-protection mode, which reduces the peak power output of the amplifier without muting the aud io. When its temperature returns to a safe level, t he red light will ret urn to green and the amplifier will return to f ull power operating mode.
4) Constant Amber (Yellow): Indicates that an over-current condition has occurred and is accompanied by a muting of t he amplifier’s output. Because the muting behavior may be very short in duration, it may manifest itself as an audible, repetitive ticking or thumping noise in the output. Over-current conditions can be caused by a speaker impedance lower t han the optimum load impedance range for the amplif ier or a short-circuit in the speaker wiring. The latter can result from a short circuit between the positive and negative speaker wires or between either spea ker wire and the vehicle chassis.
The “Status LED” w ill remain amber for a few
seconds, even if the over-current condition is of a very short duration.
5) LED off / Amplifier Shuts Off Unexpectedly
The only condition that will shut down
an unda maged XD1000/1v2 completely is i f
battery voltage or remote turn-on voltage drops
below 10 volts. The “Status LED” wil l turn off.
when this occurs. The amplifier wi ll turn back on when voltage climbs back above 11 volts. If this is happening in your system, have your charging system and power wiring inspected.
For more information on troubleshooting this
amplifier, refer to Appendix D (pages 14, 15).
If your amplifier fa ils or malfunc tions, please return it to your authorized JL Audio dealer so that it may be sent in to JL Audio for ser vice. There are no user serviceable par ts or fuses inside the ampli fier. The unique nature of t he circuitry in the JL Audio amplif iers requires specifically
trained serv ice personnel. Do not attempt
to service the amplifier you rself or through unauthorized repair facilities. T his will not only void the warranty, but may resu lt in the creation of more problems within the a mplifier.
If you have any questions about the insta llation or setup of the a mplifier that have not been covered in this manual, please contact your dealer or technica l support.
JL Audio Technica l Support:
(954) 443-1100
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM (Eastern Time Zone)
Monday - Friday
The XD1000/1v2 incor porates a buffered, pass-
through preamp output section, so t hat additional amplif iers can be easily added to the system. The preamp output delivers the same signal that
is connected to the X D1000/1v2’s inputs.
The preamp output signal is not affected by
the amplifier’s LP Filter (if the input signal is ful l-
range, the preamp output w ill be full-ra nge).
If you plan to use t he “Preouts” to feed a stereo amplifier, you must connect a stereo signa l to the input of the amplifier. A mono signal i nto the ampli fier will result in a mono signa l out of the preamp output.
The XD1000/1v2 is designed to deliver power
into subwoofer loads equal to or greater tha n 2 ohms of nominal impedance.
The XD1000/1v2’s subwoofer output s are
designed to accept 16 AWG - 8 AWG wire. To connect the subwoofer wires to the amplifier, first back out the set screws on the top of t he termina l block, using the supplied 2.5 mm hex wrench. Strip 1/2 inch (12 mm) of insulation from the end of each wire and insert the bare wire into t he terminal block, seating it f irmly so that no bare wire is ex posed. While holding the wire i n place, tighten the set screw fi rmly, taki ng care not to strip the head of the screw.
You will notic e that there are t wo “+” positive
connections and t wo “–” negative connections.
This is to facilitate multiple subwoofer wiring.
The two positive and two negative connections are connected in parallel inside the amplifier. They are not stereo outputs. Connecting two
subwoofers, each to one set of positive and negative terminals, wil l result in a parallel subwoofer connection. When only connecting one pair of subwoofer wires, it is not necessar y to use both sets of connections.
Subwoofer loads below 2 ohms nominal are not recommended a nd may cause the amplifier to initiate a protection mode, which reduces power output.
12 | JL Audio - XD1200/1v2 Owner’s Manual
APPENDIX B: Precise Frequency Selection Chart
Detent Panel Actual Number Marking Freq. Full counter-clockwise: 53
01 ............................53
02 ...........“50” ............53
03 ............................54
04 ............................54
05 ............................55
06 ............................57
07 ............................59
08 ...........“60” ............61
09 ............................63
10 ............................65
11 ............................67
12 ............................70
13 ............................72
14 ............................75
15 ............................78
16 ...........“80” ............81
17 ............................85
18 ............................88
19 ............................93
20 .......“12 o’clock” ........97
21 ...........................102
22 ...........................107
23 ...........................113
24 ..........“120” ..........120
25 ...........................127
26 ...........................135
27 ...........................144
28 ...........................156
29 ...........................169
30 ...........................184
31 ...........................203
32 ..........“200” ..........227
33 ...........................254
34 ...........................290
35 ...........................337
36 ...........................392
37 ...........................426
38 ..........“500” ..........447
39 ...........................467
Full-clockwise: 470
APPENDIX C: XD1000/1v2 Specifications
General Specifications:
Recommended Fus e Value: 80A
Recommended Fus e Type: MAXI® or AGU
Input Sections:
No. of Inputs: O ne Stereo Pair Input Type: Dif ferential-balanced with RC A jack inputs Input Range: 20 0mV - 8V RMS
Amplifier Section:
Amplifier Topology: NexD™ High Speed Class D Power Supply: Unregulated MOSFET switching type
Rated Power a t 14.4V with less than 1% THD+Noise (20 Hz - 20 kHz)
600W RMS x 1 @ 4 ohms
800W RMS x 1 @ 3 ohms
1000W RMS x 1 @ 2 ohms
Rated Power @ 12.5V with less than 1% THD + Noise (20Hz - 20 kHz)
500W RMS x 1 @ 4 ohms
650W RMS x 1 @ 3 ohms
800W RMS x 1 @ 2 ohms Signal to Noise R atio:
>83 dB referred to rated p ower
(A-weighted, 20 Hz-20 kHz nois e bandwidth)
>53 dB referred to 1W
(A-weighted, 20 Hz-20 kHz nois e bandwidth)
Frequency Response: 7 Hz - 500 Hz (+0, -1dB) Damping Factor:
>1000 @ 4 ohms / 50 Hz
>500 @ 2 ohms / 50 Hz
Amplifier Filters:
Amplifier Low-Pass Filter:
State-variabl e, 12 dB /octave But terworth or 24 dB/octave
Linkwitz-Riley with continuously variable cutoff frequency
selectio n from 50 - 500 Hz (defeatable).
Infrasonic Filter:
24 dB/octave Butter worth @ 30 Hz (defeatable).
Preamp Output:
Buffered p ass-through type.
14.73” x 7.09” x 2.05” (374m m x 180mm x 52mm)
APPENDIX A: Input Sensitivity Level Setting
Following the directions below w ill allow the installer to adjust t he input sensitivity of each amplif ier channel pair simply and easily in just a few minutes using equipment which is common ly available in installation bays.
Necessary Equipment
• Digital AC Voltmeter
• CD with a sine-wave test tone recorded at
0 dB reference le vel in the frequency range
to be amplified for that set of channels
(50 Hz for subwoofer channels, 1 kHz for a midrange application). Do not use attenuated test tones (-10 dB, -20 dB, etc.).
The Nine-Step Procedure
1) Disconnect t he speaker(s) from the
amplif ier’s speaker out put connectors.
2) Turn off all processing (bass/treble, loudness,
EQ, etc.) on the source unit, processors (if used) and amplifier. Set fader control to center position and subwoofer level control to 3/4 of
maxi mum (if used to feed the X D1000/1v2).
3) Turn the amplifier’s “Input Sens. control all
the way down.
4) Set the source unit volume to 3/4 of full
volume. This will allow for reasonable gain overlap with moderate clipping at full volume.
5) Using t he chart on this pa ge, determine the ta rget
voltage for input sen sitivity adjust ment according to the nomin al impedance of t he speaker system connecte d to the amplifier out puts.
6) Verify that you have disconnected the speakers
before proceed ing. Play a track with an
appropriate sine wave (within t he frequency
range to be amplif ied by the XD1000/1v2) at
3/4 source unit volume.
7) Connect the AC voltmeter to t he speaker output
connectors of t he amplifier. Make sure you test
the voltage at t he correct connectors (+ and –).
8) Increase the “Input Sens. control until the
target voltage is obser ved with the voltmeter.
9) Once you have adjusted the X D100 0/1v2 to
its maximum low-distortion output level, reconnect the speaker(s). The “Input Sens. controls can now be adjusted downward if the amplif ier requires attenuation to achieve the desired system balance.
Do not increase any “Input Sens. setting for any amplif ier channel or channe l pair in the system beyond t he maximum level established during this procedure. Doing so will resu lt in audible distor tion and possible speaker damage.
It will be necessary to re-adjust the
Input Sens. if any equalizer boost is activated after setti ng the “Input Sens. with this
procedure. This applies to any EQ boost circuit, including source unit tone controls or EQ circuits. EQ cuts will not requ ire re-adjustment.
Nom. Impedance Target AC Voltage
4 63.2 V
3 49.0 V
2 34.6 V
Not Recommended
Due to ongoing product development, all specifications are subject to change without notice.
14 | JL Audio - XD1200/1v2 Owner’s Manual
“My amplif ier shuts off once in a wh ile, usually at higher vo lumes.”
Check your voltage source and grounding point. The power supply
of the XD1000/1v2 will oper ate with chargi ng system voltages down to 10V. Shutdown problems at higher volume
levels can occur when the charg ing system voltage (or remote
turn-on voltage) drops below 10V. These dips c an be of very
short durat ion making them ex tremely difficult to detec t
with a common DC voltme ter. To ensure proper voltage,
inspect all wiring and termination points. It may also be necessary to upgrade the ground wire connecting the battery to the vehicle’s chassis and the power wire connecting the
alter nator to the batter y. Many vehicles employ smal l (10
AWG - 6 AWG) wire to grou nd the battery to the vehicle’s chassis a nd to connect the alter nator to the battery. To prevent voltage drops , these wires should be upgraded to 4 AWG when installi ng amplifier systems with m ain fuse ratings
above 60A. Grounding problems are the leading cause of misdia gnosed amplifier “failures.”
“My amplif ier turns on, but ther e is no output.”
Check the input signa l using an AC voltmeter to measure the
voltage from t he source unit while an appropriate test tone is played through the source unit (disconnect the input cables from the amplifier prior to this test). The frequency used should be in t he range that is to be amplified by t he amplifier
(example: 50 Hz for a sub bass application or 1 kHz for a f ull
range / hig h-pass applic ation). A steady, suff icient voltage
(between 0.1 and 4.0 -volts) should be pres ent at the output of
the signa l cables.
Check the output of the amplifier. Using the procedure explained in
the previous check item (after plugging the input cables back into the ampl ifier) test for output at the speaker outputs of the ampli fier. Unless you enjoy test tones at hig h levels, it is a good idea to remove the speaker wires from the amplifier while doing this. Turn the volume up approxi mately halfway. 5 volt AC or more should be measured at the speaker out puts. This output level can vary greatly between amplif iers but it should not be in the mi llivolt range with the source u nit at half volume. If you are reading sufficient voltage, check your spea ker connections as explained below.
Check to ensure that the spea ker wires are mak ing a good
connection with the metal inside the ter minal block. The speaker w ire connectors are designed to accept up to 8 AWG wire. Ma ke sure to strip the wi re to allow for a sufficient connection with the metal inside the ter minal block.
“How do I prop erly set the input sens itivity on my amplif ier?”
Please refer to Appendix A (page 12) to set t he input sensitivity for
maximum, low-distortion output.
“My amplif ier doesn’t turn on.”
Check the fuse, not just visually, but wit h a continuity meter. It is
possible for a fu se to have poor internal connections t hat cannot be fou nd by visual inspection. It is best to take t he fuse out of the holder for testing. If no problem is fou nd with the fuse, inspect the fu se holder.
Check the integrity of the con nections made to each of the
+12V DC,” “Ground ,” and “Remote” terminals. Ensure that no wire insulation is pinched by the terminal set screw and that each connect ion is tight.
Check to make sure there is +12V at the Remote connection of the
amplif ier. In some cases, the t urn-on lead from the sou rce unit is insuf ficient to turn on multiple devic es and the use of a relay is required. To test for this problem, jump the +12V DC ” wire to the Remote termina l to see if the ampli fier turns on.
“I hear a repetitive ticking or popping sound coming out of the speaker(s).”
Check the speaker wires for a possible short, either bet ween the
positive and negative leads or between either spea ker lead and the vehicle’s chassis ground. If a shor t is present, you will experience distorted and/or attenuated output. T he Status LED” will tu rn amber in this sit uation. It may be helpful to disconnect the speaker wi res from the amplif ier and use a different set of wires connected to a test spea ker.
Check the nominal load impedance to verify that the ampli fier is
drivi ng a load equal to or greater t han 2 ohms.
“My amplif ier’s output fluc tuates when I tap on it or hi t a bump.”
Check the connect ions to the amplifier. Ma ke sure that the
insulat ion for all wires has been stripped back far enough to allow for a good contact area inside the termina l block.
Check the input connectors to ensure that they all are making good
contact wit h the input jacks on the amplifier.
16 | JL Audio - XD1200/1v2 Owner’s Manual
Use this diagram to document your amplifier’s switch and control positions.
JL AUDIO warrants this product to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of two (2) years. The war ranty is extended to t hree (3) years tota l if installation is performed by an
authoriz ed JL Audio dealer usi ng a JL Audio Premium Power Connection System for power w iring.
This warranty is not transferrable a nd applies only to the original purchaser from an authori zed
JL AUDIO dealer. Shou ld service be necessar y under this war ranty for any reason due to manufacturing defect or ma lfunction, JL AUDIO will (at its d iscretion), repair or replace the defective produc t with new or remanufactured product at no cha rge. Damage caused by the follow ing is not covered under warranty:
accident, misuse, abuse, product mod ification or neglect, failure to follow installation instructions, unauthorized repair attempts, misrepresentations by t he seller. This warranty does not cover incidenta l or consequential damages and does not cover the cost of removing or reinstalling t he unit(s). Cosmetic damage due to accident or norma l wear and tear is not covered u nder warranty.
Warranty is voi d if the product’s seri al number has been re moved or defaced.
Any applicable implied warranties are limited in duration to the period of the express warranty as provided herein beginning wit h the date of the original purchase at retail, and no wa rranties, whet her express or implied, sha ll apply to this product t hereafter. Some states do not a llow limitations on implied warra nties, therefore these exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
If you need se rvice on your JL AUDIO pro duct:
All wa rranty retur ns should be sent to JL AUDIO ’s Amplif ier Service Facility freight-prepaid throug h an authorized JL AUDIO dealer and must be accompa nied by proof of purchase (a copy of the orig inal sales rec eipt). Direct returns from consumers or non-author ized dealers will be refused u nless specifically authoriz ed by JL AUDIO with a valid return authoriz ation number.
Warranty expiration on products returned without proof of purchase will be determined from the manufacturing date code. C overage may be invalidated as this date is prev ious to purchase date. Non­defective items received w ill be returned f reight-collect. Customer is responsible for shipping charges and
insura nce in sending the product to JL AUDIO. Freight damage on returns is not covered under warranty.
For Service Information in the U.S.A. please call
JL Audio Customer Service: (954) 443-1100
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM (Eastern Time Zone)
JL Audio, Inc
10369 North Commerce Pkw y.
Miram ar, FL 33025
(do not send produc t for repair to this address)
International Warranties:
Products purc hased outside the United States of America are covered only
by that country’s distributor and not by JL Audi o, Inc.
Printed in China
XD1000/1v2 MAN-01-30-2013
Muchas gracias por adquirir un amplificador JL Audio para
el sistema de audio de su automóvil.
El amplificador se ha diseñado y fabricado de acuerdo con normas rigurosas
a fin de asegurarle que disfrutará de la música en su vehículo durante
muchos años. Para un rendimiento óptimo, recomendamos que su nuevo
amplificador sea instalado por un distribuidor autorizado de JLAudio.
Eldistribuidor autorizado cuenta con la capacitación, la pericia y los
equipos de instalación necesarios para asegurar el rendimiento óptimo de
este producto. En el caso de que decida instalar usted mismo el amplificador,
lea atentamente este manual para familiarizarse con los requisitos de la
instalación y los procedimientos de configuración.
Si tiene alguna duda relacionada con las instrucciones dadas en este
manual o con cualquier aspecto del funcionamiento del amplificador,
póngase en contacto con un distribuidor autorizado de JL Audio para
solicitar asistencia . Si necesita más ayuda, llame al Departamento de
Soporte Técnico de JL Audio al (954) 443-1100 en los EE. UU. durante horas
normales de oficina .
Amplicador monobloque de subwoofer clase D de 1000 W
2 | JL Audio - XD1200/1v2 Manual del Propietario
Consideraciones relativas a la eficiencia de enfriamiento:
La carca sa externa de su amplificador JL Audio
se ha diseñado para eliminar el calor del circuito
del amplificador. Para logra r el rendimiento
de enfriamiento óptimo, la carcasa debe estar expuesta al mayor volumen de a ire posible. Si el amplif icador se coloca en una cá mara pequeña con escasa venti lación, se producirá una acumulación de calor excesiva y se degradará el rendimiento. Si la insta lación requiere un espacio envuelto alrededor del amplificador, recomendamos que este se ventile con la ayuda de
un ventil ador. Para aplicaciones normales, no se
requiere enf riamiento con un ventilador.
Se desal ienta firmemente montar el amplificador boca abajo.
Si se monta el amplificador debajo de un asiento, asegúrese de que haya por lo menos 2,5cm (1 pulgada) por encima de la carcasa del amplificador pa ra permitir un enfria miento adecuado.
Consideraciones relativas a la seguridad:
El amplificador se debe instalar en un lugar seco y bien ventilado, y de manera que no interfiera con los equipos de seguridad del vehículo (bolsas de aire, sistemas de cinturones de seguridad, sistemas de frenos
ABS, etc.). Debe dedicar tiempo a montar
el amplif icador de manera segu ra a fin de que no se suelte si se produce un choque o el vehículo da un salto repentino.
+12 VDC Ground Remote
Mono Subwoofer Output
Inputs Preouts
Conector de alimentación
de +12 V
(pág. 5)
Conector de
toma a tierra del
(pág. 6)
Conector de
remoto (pág. 7)
Conectores de entrada de bajo nivel izquierdo y derecho (pág. 8)
Conectores de
salida de bajo nivel
izquierdo y
derecho (pág. 10)
Conector para la perilla de control de nivel remoto
(pág. 10)
Salidas mono de
(pág. 11)
Lo valoramos como cliente a largo plazo.
Por ello, lo instamos a utilizar este producto
con cautela para no dañar su audición y la de sus acompañantes en el vehíc ulo. Los estudios realizados han demostrado que una exposición continua a niveles de presión de sonido muy altos puede provocar pérdida de audición permanente (irreparable). Tanto este como otros amplif icadores de alta potencia pueden producir niveles de presión de sonido muy elevados cuando se conectan a u n sistema de altavoces. Le recomendamos que limite la exposición continua a niveles de volumen altos.
Mientras conduce, use su sistema de audio de manera que le permita escuchar los r uidos necesarios para conducir de manera segura (bocinas, sirenas, etc.).
En el caso de que necesite repa rar su amplif icador o si se lo roban, deberá tener registrado el número de serie del producto. No deje de anota r dicho número en el espacio provisto a continuación. El número de serie se encuentra en el panel inferior del amplificador y en el embalaje del producto.
Número de serie:
+12 VDC Ground Remote
Turn-On Mode
Rem. | Oset | Signal
Low | High
O | 30Hz
Input Voltage
LP Filter
Filter Freq. (Hz)
O | 12dB | 24dB
Input Sens.
Mono Subwoofer Output
Monoblock Subwoofer Amplier
CH. 1
CH. 2
Voltaje de
entrada (pág. 8)
Modo de
(pág. 6)
Selección de
(pág. 10)
LED de estado
(pág. 12)
Selección de modo/pen-
diente del ltro
LP (pág. 9)
Selector de frecuencia
de ltro (pág. 10)
Control de amplicación de entrada (pág. 9)
Este amplificador se ha diseñado para funciona r en vehículos con sistema s eléctricos de 12 V con toma a tierra negativa . Si se utiliza este producto en vehículos con sistemas con toma a tierra positiva y/o voltajes diferentes de 12 V, pueden ocasionarse da ños al producto y se anula rá la garantía .
Este producto no está certificado o aprobado para el uso en aeronaves.
No intente realizar “conexiones puenteadas”
entre las sa lidas de este amplificador y la s de un segundo amplificador, aunque sea idéntico al original.
Es import ante que dedique tiempo a leer este manual y que planif ique cuidadosamente la instalación. A conti nuación se indican algunas consideraciones que debe tener en cuenta al planif icar la instalación.
4 | JL Audio - XD1200/1v2 Manual del Propietario
puede ser necesario aumentar el ca libre del cable a tierra de la batería. (Consulte el av iso importa nte de la página 5).
7) Monte el amplif icador de manera segura.
8) Conecte los cables de alimentación positivo
y negativo al amplif icador. No se necesita un fusible cerca del ampl ificador si el único dispositivo conectado al cable de a limentación
principa l con fusibles es el X D100 0/1v 2. Si el
cable de alimentación principal con fusibles
es compar tido por el XD1000/1v2 y otros
amplif icadores o dispositivos, conecte f usibles
a cada amplific ador/d ispositivo a 30cm
(12pulgadas) como máximo de long itud de cable, mediante un bloque de distr ibución o múltiples bloques de fusibles indiv iduales/ fusibles integrados.
9) Conecte el cable de encendido remoto al
amplif icador o configure el interruptor de
Turn-On Mode” (Modo de encendido) par a
encendido automático.
10) Conecte los cables de entrada al a mplificador.
11) Conecte los cables de los altavoces
al amplificador.
12) Revise con atención los ajustes de control
del amplificador para asegurarse de que se hayan con figurado de acuerdo con las necesidades del sistema.
13) Instale el fusible del cable de alimentación
(80 A para un único X D1000/1v2) y vuelva
a conectar el terminal del polo negativo de
la batería. Instale el fusible (80A) cerca del
amplif icador (si corresponde).
14) Encienda la unidad fuente a un nivel
bajo para comprobar nuevamente que el amplif icador se haya config urado correc tamente. Resista la tentación de subir el volumen a l máximo hasta que haya verif icado los ajustes de control.
15) Haga los aju stes necesarios en los
controles de amplificación de entrada para obtener la salida general adecuada y el balance deseado en el sistema. Consulte el Apéndice A (página14) para el método de conf iguración recomendado para la amplificación de entrada.
16) Disf rute del trabajo rea lizado escucha ndo su
música favorita.
Antes de ins talar el amplif icador, desconecte el cable negativo (tierra) de la batería del veh ículo. Esto serv irá para evitar daños accidentales a l sistema, al vehículo y a usted mismo durante la i nstalación.
+12 VDC Ground Remote
Mono Subwoofer Output
Inputs Pre-Outs
Las conexiones +12 V DC y “Ground” (A tie rra) del XD1000/1v2 están diseñadas para aceptar cables de alimentación calibre 25 mm. El calibre de cable requerido para este
amplificador es 25 mm.
Si va a inst alar el XD1000/1v2 con otros
amplif icadores y desea usar un único cable de alimentación principal, use un cable de alimentación principal calibre 35 mmo 50 mm (según la exigencia de corriente de todos los amplif icadores del sistema). Este cable de alimentación cal ibre 35 mm o 50 mm debe termina r en un bloque de distribución con fusibles montado tan cerc a como sea posible de
los amplificadores (a 30cm/12pulgadas de cable
como máximo). La salida con fusibles del bloque
de distribución se cone ctará al XD1000/1v2
con un cable de a limentación calibre 25 mm. Se recomiendan los bloques de distribución
con fusible s JL Audio ECS (XD-FDBU-2 y XD -FDBU-4)
Errores sencillos que debe evitar
• Antes de perforar u n agujero en el vehículo,
compruebe que no perforará el tanque de gasolina, la línea de frenos, el a rnés de cableado u otro sistema esencial del vehículo.
• No instale el cableado en el exterior o debajo
del vehículo. Es una prác tica extremadamente peligrosa que puede provoca r daños graves a su vehículo y a usted mismo.
• Proteja todos los cables del sistema de
bordes metá licos afilados y desgaste. A tal fi n, colóquelos cuidadosa mente, amárrelos y use ojales y organizadores de cables donde sea apropiado.
• No instale el amplificador en el compar timento
del motor, debajo del vehículo, sobre el techo ni en ningu na otra zona en la que el circu ito del amplif icador esté expuesto a los elementos.
El XD1000/1v2 es un ampl ificador monobloque
que usa la tecnología de conmutación de alta
velocidad JLAudioNex D™ para proporcionar
fidelidad y eficiencia sobresalientes.
El XD1000/1v2 puede f uncionar con
una amplia variedad de unidades fuente y config uraciones de sistema.
Su respuesta de frecuencia se limit a al rango
debajo de los 50 0Hz. No está diseñado para
altavoces de rango med io o tweeters. Cada aspecto de su funcionamiento ha sido opt imizado
para ampl ificación de baja frecuencia . Para
conocer las especif icaciones detalladas, consulte el Apéndice C (página 15).
A continuación se representan los pasos necesar ios para la instalación típica de un amplificador mediante el uso de una unidad f uente posventa o un procesador de interfaz de fábrica (como el CleanSweep CL441dsp). En algunos casos, pueden requerirse pasos adicionales y procedimientos diferentes. Si tiene alg una duda, póngase en contacto con u n distribuidor autorizado de JL Audio para solicita r asistencia.
1) Desconecte la conexión del polo negativo de
la batería y sujete el cable desconectado pa ra evitar una reconex ión accidental durante la instalación. Este paso no es opcional.
2) Lleve el cable de alimentación ca libre 25
mm desde la ubicación de la batería hasta el lugar de montaje del amplif icador, con cuidado de colocar el cable de manera que no se dañe o interfiera con el funcionamiento del vehículo. Si desea instala r amplificadores
adicionales junto con el XD1000/1v2,
use un cable de alimentación calibre 35 mm o más gr ueso y un bloque de distribución de alimentación con f usibles.
3) Conecte el cable de al imentación al polo
positivo de la batería. Interru mpa el cable con un bloque de fusibles apropiado (y conectores) a 45cm (18pulgadas) como máximo del polo positivo de la batería. Este fusible es esencial
para proteger el vehículo. No instale el fusible hast a que el cable de alimentación se haya conectado al amplificador.
4) Lleve los cables de señal y el cable de encendido
remoto desde la unidad fuente hasta el lugar de montaje final del amplificador.
5) Lleve los cables de los alt avoces desde el
sistema de altavoces hasta el lugar de montaje del amplif icador.
6) Busque un pu nto de toma a tierra de metal
sólido adecuado cercano al ampli ficador y conecte el cable de alimentación negativo a éste usando la tornillería adecuada (se recomienda el u so de la orejeta de toma a tierra JLAudioECS, XB-MGLU). Use cable calibre 25 mm, con una long itud menor a 90cm (36pulgadas) desde el amplificador hasta el punto de toma a tier ra. En algunos veh ículos,
6 | JL Audio - XD1200/1v2 Manual del Propietario
Encendido remoto de +12 V: Este es el método preferido para encender y apaga r el amplificador. El amplificador se encenderá cuando haya +12 V en la entrada Remote (Remoto) y se apagará cuando se desconecte la a limentación de +12 V. Esta señal de encendido remoto de +12 V generalmente es controlada por el cable de encendido remoto de una unidad fuente. El
conector de enc endido “Remote” del XD1000/1v2
usa cable calibre 1 mm-3mm . Para conectar el cable de encend ido remoto al amplificador, primero af loje el tornillo de fijación en la pa rte de arriba del bloque terminal, usando la llave
hexagonal de 2,5mm provista. Pele 12 mm (0,5 pulgada) de cable e inserte el cable pelado
en el bloque de term inales, introduciéndolo firmemente de forma que no haya cable pelado expuesto. Mientras sostiene el cable en el termina l, ajuste el tornillo de fijación f irmemente, con cuidado de no robar la cabeza del tornillo y asegurándose de que el cable esté f irmemente agarrado por el torni llo de fijación.
Si la unidad f uente no tiene una salida dedicada de encendido remoto, c onsidere una de las sig uientes opciones de encendido alternativas:
Estos métodos son útiles cuando no hay una señal de encendido remoto de +12 V convencional disponible en el sistema. Estos le permiten operar el amplificador sin tener que ubicar un cable de encendido remoto en la unidad fuente, lo cual puede ser muy útil a l interconectar el amplif icador con sistemas de audio de fábrica que no usen cables de encendido convencionales de+12 V.
Según las característ icas de la señal de audio, uno de los siguientes métodos puede funcionar mejor que el otro. Recomendamos probar el modo de detección de corrimiento de CC ya que no requiere un retardo prolongado para apagar el sistema luego de que se apaga la seña l.
Detección de cor rimiento de CC: el amplificador se encenderá y apagará detectando la presencia de una muy pequeña señal de CC (corrimiento) que es típica en la salida de audio de la mayoría de las unid ades fuente y los amplif icadores de fábrica. E l amplificador se encenderá y apagará en reacción a la presencia o ausencia de este corrimiento de CC. La sensibilidad de este circuito está diseñada para señales de a lto nivel (nivel de altavoces), no para señales de bajo nivel (nivel de preamplificación). El circu ito solo detecta la señal del canal izquierdo.
Detección de señal: El amplificador se encenderá y apagará detectando la presencia de una señal de rango completo en la entrada del canal izquierdo. Luego de aproximadamente
30 segundos, el amplificador se apagará. La
sensibilidad de este circuito está diseñada para seña les de alto nivel (nivel de altavoces), no para seña les de bajo nivel (nivel de preamplif icación). El circuito está ajustado para reaccionar a señales de f recuencia de rango medio. Esto impide un falso accionamiento del interruptor debido a señales generadas por el movimiento de altavoces que estén en paralelo con la señal de entrada del a mplificador.
En las aplicaciones de detección de señal y de CC, el terminal de encendido Remote del amplificador se convierte en u na salida de encendido remoto. E sto permite que el
XD1000/1v2 encienda ot ros amplificadore s del
sistema de audio que no tengan detección de seña l.
+12 VDC Ground Remote
Mono Subwoofer Output
Inputs Pre-Outs
Para conec tar los cables de alimentación al
amplif icador, primero afloje el tornillo de fijación en la parte superior del bloque terminal, usando
la llave hex agonal de 2,5 mm prov ista. Pele 12 mm (0,5 pulgada) del aislamiento del extremo de
cada cable e i nserte el cable pelado en el bloque de termina les, introduciéndolo firmemente de forma que no haya cable pelado expuesto. Mientras sostiene el cable en su lugar, ajuste el tornil lo de fijación firmemente, con cuidado de no robar la cabeza del tornil lo.
Es recomendable que la conexión a tierra se realice mediante un cable de 25 mm lo más corto posible, con acceso a una chapa metálica en el vehícu lo. La superficie de la chapa metálica debería pulirse en el punto de contacto para crear una buena conexión entre metales entre el chasis y la terminación del cable de
toma a tier ra. Para una toma a tierra óptima,
recomendamos el uso de una orejeta maestra de toma a tierra JL Audio ECS (X B-MGLU). Como alternativa, se puede usar un tornillo o perno de chapa metá lica con una arandela en estrella.
Se deben proteger todos los cables que atraviesen barreras metálicas, como los cortafuegos, con u n ojal de caucho de alta calidad a fin de evitar daños al a islamiento del cable. En caso contrario, podr ía producirse un cortocircuito peligroso.
En muchos vehícu los, se utilizan cables pequeños (calibre 5 mm - calibre 15 mm ) para conec tar la batería a tierra en el chasis del vehículo y pa ra conectar el conector positivo del alternador a la batería. C on el fin de evitar caídas de voltaje, el calibre de estos cables se debe aumentar a c alibre 25 mmmm cuando se instalan sistemas de a mplificadores con fusible principal de más de 60 A.
Es fundamental que los cables de a limentación principales que van a l amplificador o los amplif icadores del sistema tengan fusibles conectados a 45 cm (18 pulgadas) como máx imo de la conexión del polo positivo de la batería. El valor del fusible en cada cable de alimentación debe ser suf icientemente alto para todo el equipo que se a limente con dicho cable. Si solo
se ali menta el XD1000/1v2 con ese cable de alimentación, use u n fusible de 80 A.
Si se conecta n fusibles al ampli ficador cerca de sus conexiones de alimentación (cuando se alimenta más de un amplificador con el cable de alimentación principa l), use
un fusible de 80A (se recomienda el f usible
MAXI™ de cuerpo plástico grande).
El XD1000/1v2 se puede encender y apagar
usando uno de tres métodos, determinados por la posición del conmutador “ Turn-On Mode del amplif icador. Lea estas opciones y elija cuál se ajusta mejor a su sistema específico.
1) Cable de encendido remoto de +12 V
(pr eferido)
2) Circuito de encend ido detector de señal
3) Circuito de encend ido de corrimiento de CC
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