JET JWL-1220VS Variable Speed Lathe
Our JET mini lathes set the industry standard for years.
Now, the new JET JWL-1220VS lathe brings variable
speed to this instantly popular machine. Add the JWL1220BE 28” bed extension and the JET JWL-1220VS
50” between centers capacity rivals that of many
larger, more expensive lathes.
The JET JWL-1220VS lathes are built using our time
honored heavy cast iron technology to insure
maximum accuracy and the long-term durability that makes the JET JWL-1220VS Wood
Lathe an even greater value.
Power and Speeds
The JET JWL-1220VS lathe features a
3/4HP motor (115V only) that runs
strong, smooth and consistent. Mounted
directly below the bed, the motor is out of
the way yet easily accessible from the
front for belt tensioning. Tool-free levers
on the front of the JET JWL-1220VS
Wood Lathe make adjusting belt tension quick and easy.
The JWL-1220VS uses a sophisticated electronic speed
control along with finely machined six step pulleys that
together provide total spindle RPM control within a huge
overall speed range of 200 to 4300 RPM! The electronic
speed control dial has 5 numerical dial settings which allow
making very specific RPM settings easy. Pulley position #1
is the largest diameter step on the spindle shaft, #6 the
smallest diameter step. Using the chart above (included on
the machine) one can set the speed as desired.
Changing the belt position on the JET JWL-1220VS Wood
Lathe step pulleys is fast and tool-free. Release the belt
tension using the front-mounted levers and then slip the
The JET JWL-1220VS brings the
versatility of variable speed to this very
popular lathe.
1 200/330 500/760 1100/1800
2 270/450 700/1000 1500/2400
3 340/560 900/1300 2000/3000
4 410/680 1000/1600 2300/3600
5 470/800 1200/1800 2700/4300
Pulley Position
Low Mid High
1 / 2 3 / 4 5 / 6
The variable speed controls are
powerful but simple to operate.
drive belt onto the new pulley positions through the two springloaded access doors. Re-tension the belt and the JET JWL1220VS is ready for use.
Indexing / Spindle Lock
Another new feature on the JET JWL-1220VS series lathes is 24position indexing that makes it possible to do many fluting or
drilling operations with consistent spacing and exceptional
accuracy. A specially designed, spring-loaded button above the
handwheel can be depressed to temporarily lock the spindle for
removing thread-on accessories such as a chuck. That same
button can be screwed in to lock the spindle in any of the 24
positions, freeing your hands for other operations.
Standardized Versatility
The JET JWL-1220VS lathe
is designed to be compatible
with a huge range of
common accessories. The
spindle and tailstock accept
tooling with the popular #2
Morse taper. The spindle
nose exterior has the popular
1 X 8 threads. These
attachment sizes are virtually
standard in woodturning and
mean you can use tooling
and accessories you already
have. They also make finding specialized accessories in the future easy and economical.
Included Accessories
The JET JWL-1220VS comes with a full set of popular accessories. A four-wing spur
drive, quality ball bearing live center, knockout rod, 10” tool rest, 6” tool rest and 3”
diameter faceplate are standard equipment. We also include quality safety goggles.
The indexing button can be
held in manually for
removing threaded-on
accessories or it can be
screwed in to free your
hands for fluting or drilling
The JWL-1220VS comes with a handy tool rack and cord wrap (left) in
addition to the other accessories. The handy work light (right) makes
working with smaller turnings easier and safer.