JET 690008 User Manual

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Operating Instructions and Parts Manual
Variab le Speed Tu rret Mill
Model JTM-4VS
Shown with optional accessori es X- Axis Tabl e Powerfeed and DRO
WALTER MEIER (Manuf acturing) Inc.
427 New Sanford Road LaVergne, Tennessee 37086 Part No. M- 690182
Ph.: 800-274-6848 Revision G 06/ 2010 www.walt er meier.c om Copyright © 2010 Walt er Meier (M anufacturi ng) Inc.

W arranty and Service

W alter Meier (Manufacturin g) Inc ., warr ants every product it sel ls. If on e of our tools needs ser vice or r epair, one of our Authorized Service Centers located throughout the United States can gi ve you quick ser vice. In mos t cases, any of these W alter Meier Authorized Service Centers can authorize warranty repai r, assist you i n obtaining part s, or per for m r outin e maintenanc e and ma jor repai r on your JET® tools. For the name of an Authorized Service Center in your area cal l 1- 800-274-6848.
W alter M eier is c onsi st en tly addi ng n e w products to th e li ne. For c o mplet e, up-to- da te pr oduc t i nf or mati on, c hec k wi th y our loc al W alter Meier distribu tor , or vi sit wa lter meier.c om.
JET products carry a limited warranty which varies in duration based upon the product (MW = Metalworking, WW = Woodworking).
This warranty covers any defec ts in workmanship or materials subject to the exceptions stated below. Cutting tools, abrasives and other consumables are e xcluded from warranty coverage.
This w arranty covers only the initial purcha ser of t he product.
The general JET warranty lasts for the time per iod specified in the product li terature of each pro duct.
Five Year Warranties do not cover woodworking (WW) products used for commercial, industrial or educational purposes. W oodworking pr oduc t s wit h Fi ve Ye ar W arr anties th at ar e us ed for co mmer ci a l, indu str ia l or e duc a tion purp os es re ver t to a One Year W ar r anty. This warra nty do es no t c over def ec ts d ue dir ec tly or i ndir ec tly to misu se, a buse, ne gli genc e or ac ci dents, nor mal wear-and- tear, improper r epair or alteration s, or lack of mainten ance.
The pr oduc t or part must be re turned f or exami nation, po stage pre paid, to a loca tion d esigna ted by us. For the n ame of the location neares t you, p lease call 1-800-2 74-6848.
You m ust pr ovide pr oof of ini tial p urchas e dat e and an e xpl anati on of th e co mp lain t must ac co mpany t he merc handi se. If our insp ec tio n disc los es a defec t, we will r epai r or r eplace t he pr oduc t, or r efun d th e purc ha se pri c e, at o ur opti on. W e wil l retu rn the repai red pr oduc t or r ep lace men t at our e xpen se un les s it i s d et er mine d by us th at t here is n o d efec t, or that the def ec t r esu lt ed fr om cau ses no t withi n the sc op e of our warran ty i n which c ase we will, at y our di r ecti on, di spos e of or r eturn th e pro duc t. I n the event you c hoose to have t he product returned, you will be responsib le for the shipping and handling costs of the ret urn.
This warranty gi ves you specific legal ri ghts; y ou may a lso have other rights which vary from sta te to sta te.
W alter Meier se lls t hrou gh dis tr ibu tor s on ly. The s peci fi c ation s in W alt er Mei er c atalo gs are give n as gen er al inf or mati on a nd are not bi nding. Me mb ers of Walter Meier reserve the right to effect at any time, withou t prior noti ce, th ose alt erations to part s, fittings, and ac c essor y eq uip men t w hic h they may d ee m n ecess ar y f or any r e ason wh at so ever . J E T® br ande d pr oduc ts are no t so l d in Canada by Walter Meier.

Ta ble of Contents

Warranty and Service .................................................................................................................................2
In trodu c tion ...............................................................................................................................................7
Spe ci fic ati ons ............................................................................................................................................7
Unpacking .................................................................................................................................................8
Contents of the Shipping Container..........................................................................................................8
Set-up and Installation................................................................................................................................9
Prepari ng the Milling Machine for Service.................................................................................................9
JTM-4VS Dimensions............................................................................................................................... 10
JTM-4VS Overview and Terminology ........................................................................................................ 11
Electrical Connect io ns .............................................................................................................................. 12
General Electrical Cautions ................................................................................................................ 12
Wire Sizes ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Lu bricati on ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Operating Instructions .............................................................................................................................. 12
Operating Controls ............................................................................................................................... 12
Motor Sw itch ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Variable Speed Control ......................................................................................................................... 13
Spindle Brake....................................................................................................................................... 14
High-Neutral-Low Shift Lever................................................................................................................. 14
Quill Power Feed Lever......................................................................................................................... 14
Feed Rate Lever................................................................................................................................... 14
Feed Trip Cam Lever ............................................................................................................................ 15
Feed Direction Control .......................................................................................................................... 15
Coarse Feed Handle ............................................................................................................................. 15
Quill Lock Lever.................................................................................................................................... 15
Micrometer Adjusting Nut ...................................................................................................................... 15
Fine Feed Handwhee l ........................................................................................................................... 15
Depth Scale and Stop ........................................................................................................................... 16
Power Feed O per at ion .......................................................................................................................... 16
Draw Bar Operation - Changing Tooling ................................................................................................. 17
Clamping Work Piece to the Table ......................................................................................................... 17
Adjustmen ts ............................................................................................................................................ 17
Mill Head – Left/Right Adjustment .......................................................................................................... 17
Mill Head – Fore/Aft Adjustment ............................................................................................................ 18
Positioning the Ram.............................................................................................................................. 19
Positioni ng the Ram Fore and Aft ....................................................................................................... 19
Positioning the Ram on its Turret........................................................................................................ 19
Gib Adjustment..................................................................................................................................... 19
Adjustment of Knee Gib ..................................................................................................................... 19
Adjustment of Saddle Gib .................................................................................................................. 19
Adjustment of Table Gib .................................................................................................................... 19
Power Feed Tr ip Lever Mechanism ........................................................................................................ 20
Table Lead Screw Backlas h Adjust me nt ................................................................................................ 20
Cross Feed Backlash Adjustment ....................................................................................................... 20
Longitudinal Backlash Adjustment ...................................................................................................... 20
Maintenance............................................................................................................................................ 22
Lu bricati on ........................................................................................................................................... 22
Periodic Maintenance Requirements .................................................................................................. 22
Replacement of Drive Motor .................................................................................................................. 23
Replacement of Vari- Speed Belt ............................................................................................................ 24
Replacement of Brake Shoes, Springs and/or Timing Belt ....................................................................... 24
Replacement of Q uill Feed Clock Spring ................................................................................................ 25
Replacement Parts .................................................................................................................................. 25
Head Assembly .................................................................................................................................... 26
Parts List for Head Assembly ................................................................................................................ 27
Spindle Assembly ................................................................................................................................. 30
Base Assembly .................................................................................................................................... 34
Parts List for Base Assembly ................................................................................................................. 35
Lead Screw Assembly .......................................................................................................................... 37
One-Shot Lubrication System ................................................................................................................ 38
Electrical Connect io ns – Single Phase only ............................................................................................ 39
Electrical Connect io ns – 3 Phase only ................................................................................................... 40
1. Read and understand t he entire owner’s manual befor e attempting assembly or operation.
2. Read and understand the war ni ngs posted on the machine and in this manual. Failure to c omp ly w ith all of these warnings may cause serio us injury.
3. Replace the warning labels if they become obscured or removed.
4. This turret mill is designed and intended for use by properly trai ned and experi enced personnel only. If you are not f amiliar with the pr oper and safe oper ation of a turret mill, do not use unt il proper tr aining and knowledge have bee n obtai ned.
5. Do not use this turret mill for other t han its i ntended use. I f used for other purposes, W MH Tool Group disclaims any r eal or implied war ra nty and holds itself harmless fr om any i njury that may result fr om that use.
6. Always wear appr oved safet y glasses/fac e shields while using t his turret mill. ( Ever yda y ey eg lasse s o nly have impact resistant lenses; t hey are not safety glasses.)
7. Before operating this turret mill, remove tie, rings, w at ches and ot her jew elry , and roll slee ves up pas t the elbows. Remove all loose clothing and confine long hair. Non-slip footwear or anti-skid floor strips are recommended. Do not wear gloves.
8. Wear ear pr otect or s (plugs or muffs ) during extended periods of operation.
9. Some dust cr eated by power sandi ng, saw ing, grinding, drilli ng and ot her co nstr uction activities co ntai n chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. Some examples of t hese chemicals are:
Lead from lead based paint.
Crystalline silica from bricks, cement and ot her masonry products.
Arsenic and chromium fr om chemically treated lumber.
Your risk of expos ure var ies, depe nding on how often you do t his type of wor k. To reduce your exposure to these c hemicals, w or k i n a wel l-ventilated area and work with appr oved s af et y equipment, s uch as face or dust masks that are specifically desig ned t o f ilter out microscopic particles.
10. Do not operate this machine while tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol or any medicat io n.
11. Make cer t ain the switch is in the OFF position before co nnecti ng the machine t o t he power s upply.
12. Make cer t ain the machine is properly grounded.
13. Make all machine adjustme nts or maintenance with the machine unplugged from the power source.
14. Remove ad justing keys a nd wrenches. For m a habit of c hec ki ng to see t hat key s and adj usti ng w r enc hes are removed from the machine before t ur ning it on.
15. Keep safet y guards i n place at all times when the machine is in use. If r emoved for maintena nce purposes, use extreme caution and replace the guards im mediately.
16 . S ome co ol a nts use d f or ma ch ini ng co nta i n c he mic al s t hat ma y b e ha za rd o us t o y our he a lth if not us ed
properly. Read and understand all inform at io n on the coolant contai ner a nd protect y ourself accor dingly.
17. Check damaged parts. Before f urt her use of t he machi ne, a g uard or ot her part t hat is da maged s hould be carefully c hecked to det ermine that it w ill operate properly and perform its intended functio n. Chec k for alignment of moving parts, binding of mo ving parts, br eakage of par ts, mounting and any ot her co ndit io ns that may affect its operation. A guard or other part that is damaged should be properly repaired or replaced.
18. Provide for adequate space surrounding work area and non-glare, overhead lighti ng.
19. Keep the floor around t he machine clean and free of sc r ap material, oil and grease.
20. Keep visitors a saf e dist ance from the wor k ar ea. Keep children away.
21. Give your work undivided attention. Looking around, carrying on a conversation and “horse-play” are careless acts that can result in serious injury.
22. Maintain a balanced sta nce at all times so that you do not fall or lean against the cutters or ot her moving parts. Do not overreach or use excessive for ce t o perfor m any machine operation.
23. Use the r ig ht tool at the correct s peed and feed rate. Do not for ce a tool or attac hme nt to do a job for which it was not designed. The r ight t o ol will do t he job b e tter a nd mor e s a fely.
24. Use recommended accessor ies; improper acc essor ies may be ha zardo us.
25. Maintain tools with care. Keep cutters sharp and clean for the best and safest performance. Follow instructions for lubricat ing and changi ng accessori es .
26. Turn off the machine and disconnect from power before cleaning. Use a brush or compressed air to remove chips or debris — do not use your hands.
27. Do not stand on the machine. Serio us injury co uld occur if the machine tips over.
28. Never lea ve t he mac hine running unat tended. Turn the pow er off and do not lea ve the mac hine until it comes to a complete stop.
29. Remove loose items a nd unnecessary w or k pieces f r om the area befor e starting the machine.
Familiarize yours elf with the f ollow ing saf et y not ices used in t his manual:
This mea ns t hat if precautio ns are not heeded, it may res ult in mi nor inj ury and/or poss ible
machine damage.
This means that if precautions are not heeded, it may result i n serio us or even fatal injury.
This manual is provided by Walter M eier (Manufact uring) Inc., coveri ng the safe operat ion and mainte nance procedures for a JET M odel JTM- 4VS Turret M illing Machine. This manual contains inst r uctions on i nst a lla tion, safety precautions, general operating procedures, maintenance instructions and parts breakdown. This machine has bee n designed and constr ucted to provide year s of t rouble free operation if used i n accordance with instr uctions set fort h in this m anual. If t here are any q uestions or com ments, please co ntact eit her your local supplier or Walter M eier . Walter Meier can also be reached at our web site: www.w alter meier. com.


Model Number ................................................................... JTM-4V S-1 ............................................JTM-4 VS-3
Stock Number.......................................................................... 690180 ................................................ 690182
Spindle Taper ................................................................................R -8 ....................................................... R -8
Diameter of Quill (in.) ..................................................................3.375 .................................................... 3. 375
Number of Spindle Speeds ...................................................... Vari ab le ................................................ Va ria bl e
Range of Spindle Speeds (RPM) ......................................... 60 to 4200 .............................................60 to 4200
Downfeeds per Revolution of Spindle ( i n.) ............ 0.0015, 0.003, 0.006 .............................. 0.0015, 0.003, 0.006
Spindle Travel (in.) ............................................................................ 5 ...........................................................5
Head Movement – Left and Right (deg.) ........................................... 90 ......................................................... 90
Head Movement – Fore and Aft (deg.).............................................. 4 5 ......................................................... 45
Maximum Distance Spindle to Table (in.) .................................... 17-1/2 ................................................... 17-1/2
Maximum Distance Spindle to Column (in.)....................................... 19 ......................................................... 19
Minimum Distance Spindle to Column (in.).................................... 4-1/2 ..................................................... 4-1/2
Collet Capacity (in.)................................................................ 1/8 – 7/8 ............................................... 1/8 – 7/8
Table Size (in.) .......................................................................... 9 x 49 ................................................... 9 x 49
Longitudinal Table Travel, maximum (in.) ......................................... 34 ......................................................... 34
Table Cross Travel, maximum (in.)................................................... 12 ......................................................... 12
Number of T-Slots ............................................................................. 3 ...........................................................3
T-Slot Size (WxD)(in.) ............................................................ 5/8 x 3/4 ................................................5/8 x 3/4
T-Slot Centers (in.)...................................................................... 2-1/2 ..................................................... 2-1/2
Table Load, maximum (lbs. ) .......................................................... 660 ...................................................... 660
Knee Travel, maxim um (in.) ....................................................... 14-1/2 ................................................... 14-1/2
Ram Travel, maximum (in.)........................................................ 13-3/8 ................................................... 13-3/8
Overall Dimensions (in.) ............................................ 66W x 63D x 85H .................................. 66W x 63D x 85H
Motor ............................................... TEFC 2HP, 1PH, 115/230V, 60Hz ......... TEFC 3 HP, 3PH, 230/460V, 60Hz
(prewired 230V) (prewired 230V)
Net Weight, approx. (lbs.) ............................................................2,420 .................................................... 2 ,420
The above spec ificat ions were c urrent at the t ime t his manual was p ub lis hed, but beca use of our policy of continuo us improvement, W alt er M eier r eser ves the right to change specifications at any time and without prior notice, without incurring obligations.


Open shipping container and check for shipping damage. Report any damage immediately to your distributor and shipping agent. Do not discard any shipping material until the Turret Mill is assembled and running properly.
Compare the contents of your container with the following parts list to make sure all parts are intact. Missing parts, if any, should be reported to your distributor. Read the instruction manual thoroughly for assembly, maintenance and safety instructions.
Contents of the Shipping Container
Note: Some parts may be pre-i nstalled on the mill.
1 Turre t Mill ( not shown) 1 Flat Way Cover 1 Pleated Way Cover 1 Draw Bar
3 Table Adjustment Handles 1 Tool Box, containing:
1 Hex Key Set (1.5-10mm) * 1 17/19mm Box Wrench * 1 Cross Point Screw Driver #2 * 1 Flat Blade Screw Driver #2 * 1 Plastic Oil Bottle * 1 Elevating Crank Handle 1 Handwheel 1 Coarse Feed Handle 1 C an Whi te Touch Up Paint 1 Eye Bolt 1 Operator ’s M anual (not shown) 1 Warranty Card (not shown)
* parts with an asterisk are also included in the tool box service kit, p/n JTM4VS-TB.
Figure 1
Read and understand the entire contents of this manual before attempting set-up or
operation! Failur e t o comply may cause seri ous in jury.
If y o ur mill is suppl ie d with a n optio na l T ab le Po werfeed and/or DRO, be sure to consult the separate instr uction materials that accompany them.

Set-up a nd Installation

and-aft leveling. Be certain you get it level in BOTH directions.
Preparing the Milling Machine for Servi ce
1. Remo ve a ny crating w hic h may be co vering the machine on the pallet.
2. Remove accessory items from the pallet or machine table. Compar e these items w ith the list on the previous page.
3. C heck the tight ness of t he lifti ng ring on t he ram to be certain it is tight.
4. Check the tightness of the lock handles on the ram (see Figure 23) to be certain the ram is locked tight.
5. Remove the nuts a nd/or bolts , which secure the machine to the pallet.
6. Center an overhead crane or other suitable overhead lifting device and sling arrangement over the lifting ring.
Note: This machine weighs over 2400 pounds! Be certain t he lifting arrangement is new or in excellent condition and has a safety factor that will account for age, difficulties in lifting, etc. When lifting using the ring, the machine will tip forward. If you wish, you can minimize this tipping by rigging a support sling over the front of the machine. Be caref ul when doing t his, to pr event the sling from damaging any components on the front of t he machi ne. Be s ure to st eady t he m il l to prevent it fr om spinning.
7. Lift the machine off the pallet no higher than necessary to clear the hold- down hardware, then pull the pallet o ut of the way. Do NOT get hands or feet underneath the machine when removing the pallet!
8. Put the machi ne base over the ho ld-down system where the machine will be spott ed. Anchor bolts of sufficient size and le ngt h must be fast ened to the floor accordi ng to the footprint of the mill. See diagram on page 10.
Note: The accompa nying diagrams show you t he maximum dimensions of the machines with the table, ram, etc., fully extended in all possible directio ns. When spotting the machine be cert ain to leave room not o nly for t he machine itself, but also for operator clearance and clearance for worker s servicing the machine, a nd a ny unusual sizes of workpieces that might extend off the machine’s table.
9. When the mac hine is o ver its anchors, le vel t he machine using shims under t he corner s needi ng them. The machinist’s level used for leveling should be placed on the table. The table is the refer ence surfac e for both side-to- side and fore-
Mill must be supported equally under a ll fo ur cor ners. Failure to comply may cause the column to tw ist and put a bi nd in the table ways.
10. When the machine is level, secure the base to
the anchor system.
IMPORTANT: Before attempting to raise the mill head, refer to Mill Head – Left/Right Adjustment in
the Adjustments section for procedures to safely raise and set up the mill head.
11. Loose n the four he x head nuts (see A, Figure 22)
about 1/4 turn each (counterclockwise), just enough to allow rot at ion of the head.
12. While assisting the worm mechanism by putting
upward press ure o n the motor by hand, use t he wrench supplied with the machine to turn the worm nut and raise the head to upright position.
13. Tighten the headbolts slightly — not torqued —
just snug.
14. Using mineral spirits or other cleaning solvent,
clean all of the rust proofing from where it may have been applied. T his is important; mo ving the table or any other components before removing the r ust pr oof i ng will o nly p ut rust pro ofing w here you don’t want it.
Some of the following steps may have already been perfor m ed on the machine. If so, ignore the instructions related to those particular steps. Otherwise, perform them in the order listed, refer ring to Fi gur e 11 for any clarifi cation.
15. Install the table traverse and cross-feed cranks
on their respective shafts using the nuts on the shafts to secure the cranks.
16. Remove any r ust proof ing from the drawbar and
its washer, and put the drawbar with washer installed i nto the spindle ce nter t hro ugh t he top of the machine.
17. Slide the fine feed handwheel over the
handwheel hub and push it back until its rollpin engages the hole in the hub and the wheel is flush with the hub surface.
18. Put t he coar se f eed handle on the feed shaft and
tap it l ig htly unt il its r ol l pin engages a hole in the hub and it is f l us h against the hub surface.
19. Unwrap and clean the k nee cr ank a nd i nstall it on
its shaft.
20. Install the r ubber way co vers at fr ont and behind
the table.

JTM-4VS Dimensions

Figure 2: Install ation Di agr am

JTM-4V S Over view and Terminology

Figure 3: Ov er view

Electrical Connections

Operating Instructions

All electrical connections must
be made by a qualified electrician! Failure to comply may cause serious injur y!
General Electrica l Cautions
This mac hine must be grounded i n accorda nce with the National Electrical Code and local codes and ordinances. T his work should be done by a q ualified electrician. T he machine must be grounded to prot ect the us er f r om electr ical shock.
Wire Sizes
For circuits which are far aw ay from the electrical service box, the wire size must be increased in order to deliver ample voltage to the motor. To minimize power losses and to prevent motor overheating and bur nout, the use of wir e sizes for branch circuits or electrical extension cords accordi ng to the following table is recommended:
Conductor Length
0 – 50 Ft. No. 14 No. 14 50 – 100 Ft. No. 14 No. 12 Over 100 Ft. No. 12 No. 8
Confirm that power at the site matches power requirements of the mill before connecting to the power source.
The JTM-4VS has been pre-wired for 230 volt operation. To c hange from 230 V to the ot her voltage offer ed, remove the junction box co ver o n the motor and change t he wires acc or di ng to the diagram found on the inside of the cover.
Before connecting to the power source, make sure that the switch is in the off position.
The mill must be properly grounded. Check for pr oper spindle rotat ion in the high-speed
range. The spindle should rotate clockwise when viewed from the top of the machine. If the spindle rotates counter-clockwise, disconnect from power and switch two of t he three power leads.
230/ 460 Vol t Lines 120 V olt Lines
AWG Number
Figure 4

Operati ng Con t rols

The lubricatio n system is a ma nually operated, one­shot system requiring operator intervention. The operator must lower the one-shot lever to lubricate the machine ways and ball screws. The one-shot lubrication system reservoir is located o n t he left side of the machine.
The positio n of t he milli ng machi ne mill head can be set up to accommodate the work piece being machined. T he mill head ca n be set up for a ngles to the left or rig ht a nd for fore and aft angles. T he mill head can also be r otated on it s turret. The ram ca n be moved back and forth to reach work piece locations at the fore and aft extremes of worktable travel. Refer to the Adjustments section.

M otor Swi t ch

The Motor Switch is on the upper left-hand side of t he mill head (Figure 5). The switc h has three posit ions: FWD (forward), STOP, and REV (reverse).
Setting the switch to FWD will provide clockwise spindle rotation. Use FWD for normal, right-hand tooling.
FWD (clockwise) operation occurs only when the gearbox is in the low speed position. When the gearbox is in high-speed position, the motor switch must be i n the REV posit io n to provide r ight- hand or clockwise rotation. Refer to Figure 6 for a chart of required switc h positions.
The motor sw itch co ntrols a t hree-p hase motor. The motor can be sw itched from FWD t o REV a nd back with the motor running, and will reverse direction when the switch setting is changed. At higher speeds, this may put strain on the timing belt but there will be no damage to the motor or gear mechanism.
Do not operate the mill before lubricating the machine fully. Failure to comply may cause damage to the machine.
Refer to the Maintenance/Lubrication section and make sure the machine has been fully lubricated before oper at ing.
Figure 5
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