The Jensen JS43 multi-purpose speakers are designed to deliver accurate and powerful high fidelity sound in exterior and interior applications. The versatile weather-resistant construction makes them ideal
for temporary or permanent outdoor use. And the full range of sensitivity and mounting options makes JS43 equally at home in your
For simplicity, we’ll call your AV receiver, stereo receiver or amplifier
the receiver.
IMPORTANT- Do not remove the grilles from your speakers.
There are no user serviceable parts behind the grille.
Placement Indoors
The Jensen JS43 can be placed horizontally or vertically in any convenient location in your room - as stereo pairs on either side of your
receiver - as surround speakers in home theater surround sound systems that include a subwoofer - in your computer room to enhance the
multimedia experience - or as remote speakers in a whole house
sound system. For installation ease in wall and ceiling applications, the
included Jensen mounting brackets can be used.
You can experiment with various placements, with the knowledge that
room acoustics can produce large apparent differences in the sound for
small changes in placement location. For example, although the
speaker may be located at any height above the floor, locating the
tweeter near ear level or angling the entire speaker toward ear level,
often provides the most realistic musical imaging.
Another rule to follow is that the amount of bass perceived increases
as you move a speaker closer to intersecting room surfaces (walls, ceiling, floor) and that the highest level of bass results from placement in
a corner at the floor or ceiling.
Placement Outdoors
Note- In some installations, you may find it more convenient to
make the speaker wire connections described below before
placing the speaker in its final location.
The Jensen JS43 has been tested for environmental usage and is
weather resistant. Occasional moisture will not dramatically affect performance. To increase speaker life, mount in locations not subject to
frequent excessive exposure to water, sun and extreme weather. the
speakers should be allowed to ventilate and dry after water exposure.
The Jensen JS43 can be placed permanently outdoors for year-round
enjoyment. Popular locations include decks, gazebos, porches, atriums, backyards, garages, and spa areas. A particularly practical
mounting location is under the eaves of a building adjacent to an outdoor recreation area.
For temporary placement, place the speakers in positions that achieve
the most satisfying audio performance to your ear.
Speaker Mounting
For ease of installation, the JENSEN JS43 includes a removable mounting bracket with each speaker. Once mounted, the bracket allows the
Jensen JS43 to be pivoted to its ideal location. The large thumb screws
(included), when tightened, will hold the selected speaker position.
Before attempting the installation, carefully evaluate the mounting surface, making sure that its composition and construction are strong
enough to support the load safely. If you are unsure about the type of
mounting hardware for your installation, consult a professional contractor or a knowledgeable hardware store. The JS43 bracket is suitable only for attaching the speaker to walls or ceilings constructed of
solid wood, brickwork, concrete, hollow building block or wood studs.
Do not mount the bracket to unreinforced plaster or sheetrock (gypsum board). Once the bracket is secure, reattach the speaker using the
thumb screws included.
Connecting Your Speakers
Speaker Cable-Typical speaker cable has a pair of separate
speaker wires with insulating jackets that are molded together. We
recommend you use 18-gauge speaker wire for hooking your speakers to your receiver.
Polarity- All speakers in a system must be connected with the
same polarity. Speaker wire is marked for polarity so that you can
identify the individual wires in the molded pair. Polarity is shown by a
color stripe on the insulation, by ridges molded into the insulation, or
by the colors of the wires–one copper and one silver. See Diagram 1.
Important- Always connect the red (+) terminal on the receiver to the red (+) terminal on the back of the Jensen JS43, and the
black (-) terminal on the receiver to the black (-) terminal on the back
of the Jensen JS43.
JS43 Owners Manual
Especificaciones JS43
Respuesta de Frecuencia: 90Hz-20kHz ±3dB
Woofer: de polipropileno de 4 pulg.
Margen Medio Cono de 13/4 pulg.
/4 pulg. y cúpula piezo
Sensibilidad: 89dB (2,83v a 1 metro)
Impedancia (nominal): 4-6 ohmios
Dirección de la potencia* 50 vatios
Dimensiones de control (AlxAnxP): 73/8 x 45/8 x 41/2 pulg.
Peso: 2.5 lbs
Acabado: Negro
to black terminal
(plain or silver)
(9 mm)
bare wire
to red terminal
(color stripe, ridged or copper)
Switch: Contours the frequency response to compensate for the change in environmental acoustics
between indoors and outdoors.
* La direcció de la potencia se basa en el volumen del amplificador nunca que es fijado sobre la punta de distortion audibles
Audiovox Electronics Corporation
150 Marcus Blvd
Hauppauge, New York 11788
©2004 Audiovox Electronics Corporation
All Rights Reserved. All specifications subject to change without notice.

• If you hear obvious distortion or “popping” or knocking sounds,
immediately lower the volume level of your receiver. Those sounds
often indicate that either the receiver or the speaker is being overdriven.
• Avoid turning the bass or treble controls fully up when the
volume level also is turned up. This can lead to costly loudspeaker
• Distorted or unnatural sound can indicate poor connections or a
speaker failure. If only one of your speakers has poor sound quality, check the connections. If that doesn’t fix the problem, try putting the speaker in place of one of the other speakers. If the sound
remains poor, the speaker has a problem. If the sound is OK, it
probably is the receiver or the speaker wiring that is causing the
poor sound at the original location.
Limited Warranty
This warranty remains in effect for 90 days from the date of purchase
for speaker components.
This warranty protects the original owner providing that the
product has been purchased from an authorized Jensen dealer in the
United States. The original bill of sale must be presented whenever
warranty service is required. For warranty service outside the United
States, contact the authorized Jensen distributor in the country where
the product was purchased.
Except as specified below, this warranty covers all defects in
material and workmanship.
The following are not covered: Damage caused by accident,
misuse, abuse, product modification or neglect, damage occurring during shipment, damage from failure to follow instructions contained in
the owners manual, damage resulting from the performance of repairs
by someone not authorized by Jensen, or any claims based on misrepresentations by the seller. This warranty does not cover incidental
or consequential damages. It does not cover the cost of removing or
reinstalling the unit.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other
rights which vary from state to state. Some states do not allow the
exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above may not
apply to you.
JS43 Specifications
Frequency Response 90Hz-20kHz ±3dB
Woofer 4” polypropylene
Midrange 13/4” cone
/4” Piezo dome
Sensitivity 89dB (2.83v @ 1 meter)
Nominal Impedance 4-6 ohms
Power Handling* 50 watts
Dimensions (H x W x D) 73/8 x 45/8 x 41/2
Weight 2.5 lbs
Finish Black
* Power handling is based on amplifier volume never being set above the point of audible distortion.
3/8 pulg.
(9 mm)
descubiertos alambres
para ennegrecer
la terminal
(llano o silvera)
Interruptor: Contornea la respuesta de frecuencia para compensar el cambio de las acústicas ambientales entre el interior y el exterior.
rojo al terminali
(raya del color, surcado o de cobre)
Resolución de Problemas
• Si usted oye una distorsión obvia o sonidos "de estallido" o de
golpes, baje inmediatamente el nivel de volumen de su receptor.
Esos sonidos muchas veces indican que el receptor o el parlante está
siendo puesto a sobremando (actividad excesiva).
• Evite poner los controles de bajo o triple completamente al máximo
cuando el nivel de volumen también está al máximo. Esto puede llevar a un fallo de altoparlante costoso.
• Sonido distorsionado o artificial pueden indicar pobres conexiones o
un fallo del parlante. Si solamente uno de sus parlantes tiene una
calidad de sonido pobre, verifique las conexiones. Si eso no arregla
el problema, intente colocar el parlante en el lugar de uno de los
otros parlantes. Si el sonido sigue siendo pobre, el parlante tiene un
problema. Si el sonido está bien, probablemente es el receptor o el
alambrado del parlante que está causando el sonido pobre en la ubicación original.
puede tener otros derechos que varían de estado a estado. Algunos
estados no permiten la exclusión o limitación de daños incidentales o
consecuenciales o limitaciones sobre cuánto tiempo dura una garantía
implícita, así que lo mencionado arriba posiblemente no se aplica a
Como Obtener Servicio
Por favor, llámenos al 800-225-9847 o escríbanos a: Jensen
(Attention: Customer Service Department), 17C Airport Drive Newdale
MA 01747 (USA -Estados Unidos).
Nosotros rápidamente le aconsejaremos acerca de qué acción tomar.
Es posible que le guiaremos a un Centro de Servicio Jensen autorizado o le pediremos que envíe su parlante a la fábrica para reparación.
Usted tendrá que presentar el contrato de compra y venta original para
establecer la fecha de compra. Por favor, no envíe su producto Jensen
para reparación sin autorización previa.
Por favor, no devuelva el producto a la dirección arriba, ya que no es
una ubicación de servicio. Usted tiene la responsabilidad del transporte
de su producto para reparación y para pago de cualquier cargo de
envío inicial.
Sin embargo, es posible que nosotros pagaremos los cargos de envío
de retorno si las reparaciones están cubiertas bajo la garantía.
How to Obtain Service
Please call us at 800-225-9847 or write to: Jensen (Attention:
Customer Service Department) 17C Airport Drive Newdale MA 0174
We will promptly advise you of what action to take. We may direct you
to an authorized Jensen Service Center or ask you to send your speaker to the factory for repair. You will need to present the original bill of
sale to establish the date of purchase. Please do not ship your Jensen
product for repair without prior authorization. Please do not return
product to the above address, it is not a service location. You are
responsible for transporting your product for repair and for payment of
any initial shipping charges. However, we will pay the return shipping
charges if the repairs are covered under warranty.
Garantía Limitada
Esta garantía conserva su validez durante noventa días a partir de la
fecha de compra para los componentes.
Esta garantía protege al dueño original con tal que el producto ha sido
comprado de un negociante Jensen autorizado en los Estados Unidos.
El contrato de compra y venta original debe ser presentado en
cualquier momento que se requiera servicio de garantía. Para servicio
de garantía fuera de los Estados Unidos, póngase en contacto con el
distribuidor Jensen autorizado en el país donde el producto fue comprado.
Con la excepción de lo que se especifica más adelante, esta
garantía cubre todos los defectos en material y mano de obra.
No se cubren los siguientes: Daños causados por accidente, uso indebido, abuso, modificación o negligencia del producto, daños que ocurren durante el embarque (flete), daños debidos a el no seguir las
instrucciones contenidas en el manual de dueño, daños que resultan
de la realización de reparaciones por parte de una persona no autorizada por Jensen, o cualquier reclamación basada en representación
fraudulenta por parte del vendedor. Esta garantía no cubre daños incidentales o consecuenciales. No cubre el costo de retirar o de reinstalar la unidad.
Esta garantía le da a usted derechos legales específicos. También