Jenn-Air W2410B, W2410W, W2451B, W2451W, WW2460B Owner's Manual

Use and Care Manual
Self Cleaning Wall Ovens
Models W2410, W2451, & WW2460
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Model W2451
Congratulations on your choice of a Jenn-Air wall oven. Your Jenn-Air convection oven combines the best of two cooking methods, convection and
conventional baking or roasting, in a self-cleaning oven. (Note: Only Models W2451 and WW2460 have the convection option.)
The Jenn-Air convection oven is actually a conventional oven that circulates
heatedair withinthe oven. Asbothbakeand broilheatingelements cycleonand
off withthe thermostat, afan keeps the heated air circulating around the food.
The constantly recirculating heated air inthe convection oven strips awaythe
layerofcoolerairthat surroundsthefood. Consequently,manyfoodscook more quickly. Evenlydistributed heatmakesmultiple rackcooking possible. Convec-
tion roasted meats retaintheir natural flavor and juiciness with less shrinkage than conventional roasting.
In addition to the many exclusive benefits of convection cooking, your oven is alsoa fine full featured "bakeand broil"oven. You can cook your "old favorite"
recipesas you have inthe past. Theconventional bakeoven also givesyouthe
flexibility of preparing various foods when convection cooking may not be as
beneficial,aswhen cookingfoods incovered casseroles or clay pots. The broil element is convenient for top browning and oven broiling offoods.
Beforeyou begincooking withyournewoven,pleasetake afew minutes toread and become familiar with the instructions in this book. On the following pages
youwillfindawealth ofinformationregarding all aspectsofusingyournewoven.
Byfollowing the instructionscarefully, you will beable tofully enjoy and properly maintain your oven and achieve excellent results with thefood you prepare.
Shouldyouhave any questions about using yourJenn-Air oven,write tous. Be sureto provide the model number.
Jenn-Air Customer Assistance c/oMaytag CustomerService
P.O, Box2370 Cleveland,TN 37320-2370
Baking Chart ............................................................................... 14
Convect Baking ...................................................................... 15-16
Frozen Convenience Foods ........................................................ 15
General Baking Recommendations ............................................ 13
Broiling ....................................................................................... 20-21
Caring For Your Oven
Adjust Oven Temperature ........................................................... 29
Cleaning Other Surfaces ............................................................ 28
Cleaning the Lower Oven ........................................................... 29
Oven Light Bulb Replacement .................................................... 28
Clock Controls
Clock Controlled Baking or Roasting ..................................... 11-12
Time of Day Clock ........................................................................ 9
Timer ........................................................................................ 10
Oven Cleaning
Auto-Clean .............................................................................. 23
Self-Cleaning Process ........................................................... 22-27
Oven Operation
Oven Control Panels .................................................................. 6-7
Rack Positions .............................................................................. 8
Setting Controls ............................................................................ 8
Convect Roasting ....................................................................... 19
Roasting Chart ............................................................................ 18
Roasting Recommendations ....................................................... 17
Safety Precautions ........................................................................... 4-5
Service Information ...................................................................... 30-31
Read before operating your oven
All appliances - regardless of the manufacturer - have the potential through
improper or careless useto create safety problems. Therefore thefollowing
safety precautions should be observed:
1. Besure your appliance is properly installed and grounded byaqualified technician.
2. Never use your appliance for warming or heating the room.
3. Children should not beleftalone or unattended inarea where appliance
is in use. They should never be allowed to sit or stand on any part of
the appliance.
4. Wearproperapparel. Loose-fitting or hanging garments should never be worn while using the appliance.
5. Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance unless specifically recommended inthis manual. All other servicing should be referred to
an authorized Jenn-Air Service Contractor.
6. Flammable materials should not be stored in an oven.
7. Do not use water on grease fires. Smother fire or flame or use dry chemical or foam-type extinguisher.
8. Use only dry potholders. Moist or damp potholders on hot surfaces may result in burns from steam. Do not letpotholder touch hot heating
elements. Do not use a towel or other bulky cloth.
9. Usecare when opening oven door. Let hotairor steam escape before removing or replacing food.
10. Do not heat unopened food containers. Build-up of pressure may cause container to burst and result in injury.
11. Keep oven vent ducts unobstructed. The oven vent islocated at the top of the control panel.
12. Always place oven racks in desired location while oven is cool. If rack must be moved while oven is hot, do not let potholder contact hot
heating element in oven.
13. Do not clean door gasket. The door gasket isessential for agood seal. Care should be taken not to rub, damage, or move the gasket.
14. Do not use oven cleaners. No commercial oven cleaner or oven liner protective coating of any kind should be used in or around any part of
the oven.
15. Clean onlyparts listed inthis manual.
17. Listen forfan. A fan noiseshould be heard during the bake, convect bake, broil and cleaning cycles. If not, call a serviceman before
operatingoven again.
18. DO NOTTOUCH HEATING ELEMENTS OR INTER/OR SURFACES OF OVEN. Heatingelements may be hot even though they are dark
in color. Interiorsurfaces of any oven become hot enough to cause
bums. During and after use, do not touch, or let clothing or other flammable materials contact heating elements or interiorsurfaces of
ovenuntilthey have had sufficienttime to cool. Other surfaces of the appliance may become hot enough to cause bums-among these
surfaces are: oven vent openingsand surfaces near these openings,
oven doors, windowsof oven doom.
19. This appliance has been tested for safe performance usingconven-
tional cookware. Do not use any devicesor accessories that are not specificallyrecommended inthismanual. Do notuseadd-on convec- tionsystems.The useofdevicesoraccessoriesthatare notexpressly
recommendedinthismanualcan createserioussafety hazards, result inperformance problems,and reducethe lifeofthecomponents ofthe
20. PREPARED FOOD WARNING: Followfood manufacturer's instruc- tions. If a plasticfrozen food container and/orits filmcover distorts,
warps or is otherwisedamaged duringcooking, immediatelydiscard the food and its container. The food couldbe contaminated.
21. Do notallow aluminumfoil to contactthe heating element.
The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65) requires the Governor of California to publish a list of
substances known to the State of California to cause cancer or repro- ductive harm, and requires businesses to warn customers of potential
exposures to such substances. Users of this appliance are hereby warned that when the oven is engaged inthe serf-cleancycle, there may be some low level exposure to some of the listed substances, including
Carbon Monoxide. Exposureto these substances can be minimized by properly venting the oven to the outdoors during the self-clean cycle.
Selector Knob Temper_ureKnob Oven Clock
/ /;Lo.
Indicator Ughm:
/ / "
Single Wall Ovens
Upper oven Upper oven hldlc_dorUghts:
SelectorKnob TemperatureKnob
Upper oven Oven light switch Door lock switch SelectorKnob Temp_atum Knob IndicatorLight
Upper oven
Double Wall Ovens
Oven Light Switch
Forsomemodels, the ovenlightautomaticallycomeson wheneverthe oven door isopened. The ovenlightmaybe turnedonbypushingtheovenlightswitchtothe right. Note: For ModelWW2460, the oven lightswitchcontrolsboth ovens.
Selector Knob
Thisknobcontrolsthe ovenoperation. To operatethe oven,turn to desiredsetting and turn Temperature Knob to desired setting.
The settings are:
Off Theovenwillnotoperatewhen knobisonthissetting. Keep knobon
this positionwhenoven is notin use.
Bake Usefor conventionalbaking or roasting.
Time Bake Usewithclockcontrolsfor automaticallystartingandstoppingoven
when bakingor roastingIn the conventionalbake oven.
Convect Usefor convectionbakingor roasting.(Selected ovensonly.) Time Cony Usewithclockcontrolsfor automaticallystartingand stoppingoven
when bakingor roastinginthe convectionoven.
(Selectedovensonly.) Broil Usefortop browningor ovenbroilingof foods. Clean Use for process,
Temperature Knob
Use to set oven temperature. Be sure the indicatordot is in linewiththe exact temperaturedesired. This knobisusedwith all ovenoperationsettingsnotedon
the SelectorKnob.
Door Lock Switch
Use tolockovenfor self-cleaningprocess.
Oven Indicator Light
Indicateswhenovenisturnedtoan operatingpositionotherthantheCleansetting. Lightwill glowuntilthe desiredtemperatureisreached. It willcycleon and off as thistemperatureismaintainedduringcooking.
Lock indicator Light
Willglowaftertheovendoorhasbeenlockedandaftertheoventemperatureisover 550°F. Doorwi/I/ockautomatica//yandcannotbeopenedunti/oventemperature
drops below 550°F and the lock indicator light goes off
Clock Controls and Timer
Featurestimeofday,timer, andclockcontrolstostartand stopovenautomaticar/y. (See pages 9-12.)
1. Place oven racks on proper rack positions. (See below.)
2. Turn Selector Knob to Bake or Convect sefflng. Note; A cooling fan will operate when Selector Knob is on any setting except for Off.
3. TurnTemperaturaKnobtodesiradtemperature. WhentheOvenlndicatorLightoyctes off,the oven is preheated to the selected temperature. Place the food inthe oven. The
Oven Indicator Lightwill cycle on and off throughout the baking process. Preheat on/y
when necessary. Refer to baking and roast'mg sections as to when preheating is recommended.
4. After baking, turn both Temperature and Selector Knobs to Off position.
The rack positionsnotedare generally recommended forthe best browningresults and most efficientcooking times. For many food items,excellent resultscan be achieved when using
one of severa/ different rack positions. Refer tobaking and roastingsections for racommen- dations for specific foods.
Different Racks
One flat rack and one offset rack were packaged withyour oven, The use of the offset rack isdenoted inthe listbelow and the charts as an "o"after the rack number. Note W2451 and
WW2460 Owners; An additionar flat rackwas packaged with your oven. Note WW2460 Owners: An additional offset rack was packaged with your oven
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Rack Uses ......
Use Rack Position #4o (offset rack on #4):
Use Rack Position #3:
Mostbaked goods on cookie sheets, cakes (sheet and layer).
Use Rack Position #30 (offset rack on #3):
Most baked goodson cookie sheets, frozen convenience foods, fresh fruitpie, cream pie,
layercakes, main dish souffle.
Use Rack Position #2:
Roasting small cuts of meat, cakes (tube, bundt or layer) frozen fruit pie, pie shell, large cassaro_3.
Use Rack Position #2o (offset rack on #2):
Roasting smaltcuts of meat, loaves of bread, angel food cake.
Use Rack Position #1:
Large cutsof meat and largepoultry,angel foodcake, loaves ofbread,custard pie, dessert souffle.
Multiple Rack Cooking:
Two racks, use #2o and #4. Three racks, use #1, #30, and #4. (Note: three rack baking is only possible in a convectionoven.) 8
Important: The clockis a 12 hourclock. Whenoven is firstsuppliedpoweror power isinterrupted,the Displaywillshow:
TO set Time of Day on clock
1. TouchClock Pad. A "beep"willbe heard.
2. Touch or Pad untilthe correcttimeappears inthe Display. Note: Eachtap of Padwill increaseandeach tapof Pad will decreasethe
displayedtime by1minute. If or Pad isheld,the displayedtimewillincrease or decreasein 10 minuteincrements.
3. TouchCIockPadagaintoentertime. A"beep"willbeheardandthewordSETwill disappearfromthe Display.
To change time of day set on clock: Repeatsteps1-3 from abovesequence.
To recalltime of day when timer is in use: TouchClock Pad. Time of daywill be displayedbriefly, then Displaywillreturn to timer function.
Clock time cannotbe changed when the oven has been programmedfor Timed Bake,Timed Convect Sake or Self-clean. Cancel programbefore reprogramming
the clock,
Important:ThisintervalTimercanbe usedto remindyouwhenaperiod,upto 24 hours and 00 minutes,expires. Itcan be used independentlyof anyother ovenactivityand canbe setwhileanotherovenfunctionisoperating.TheTimerdoesnotcontroltheoven.
TO set Timer
1. TouchTimer Pad. A "beep"willbe heardandthe displaywillshow:
[ ":001.
2. Touch or Pad untildesirednumberof hoursand minutesappear in the Display.
Note: Eachtap of or Pad willincreaseordecreasethe displayedtimeby 1 minute. If or Pad is held,the displayedtimewillincreaseordecreasein10
Note: If or Pad is nottouchedwithin5 secondsoftouchingtheTimer Pad,
the Timer Pad mustbe touchedagain. Note: Hoursare to the left of thecolonand minutesto therightof thecolon.
:05_ 5-00_
5 minutes 5 hours
The IndicatorWordTIMER willremaininthedisplaywindowduringcountdown.At
the lastminuteof countdown,theTimer will"beep"twiceand displaywillbeshown
inseconds. At theend of timeset, the IndicatorWord TIMER willblinkandthree
"beeps"will be heard. "Beeping"will continueevery 10 seconds untilany pad is
touched. Display will returnto time of day or whatever is programmed on control
To cancel Timer TouchTimer Pad twice. After5 seconds,displaywillautomaticallyreturntotimeofday
or whateverisprogrammedon controlpanel.
To recall Timer during a timed function TouchTimer Pad.
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