d. Removethe door to the washing compartment
before the washer is removed from service or
1. Read all instructions carefully before using the 5.
washer. Retainall instructionsfor future reference.
2. Installation- Installandlocatethis washeraccording a. Do not wash articles that have been previously
to the InstallationInstructions. cleanedin, washed in,soakedin,or spottedwJth
a. Thisappliancemustbeproperlygrounded.Never orexplosive substancesas they give off vapors
plugtheappliance electriccord intoa receptacle that could ignite or explode. Any material on
whichhas notbeen groundedadequatelyand in whichyouhaveuseda cleaningsolvent,orwhich
accordancewith local and nationalcodes, issaturatedwithflammableliquidsorsolids,should
not be placed in the applianceuntJlall traces of
b. This appliancemust be connectedto a properly theseflammableliquidsor solidsand theirfumes
rated,protected,andsized power supplycircuit, have been removed. There are many highly
flammable items used in homes, such as: ac-
c. Donot install orstorethis appliancewhere it will
be exposed to temperaturesbelow freezing or
chemicalsolvents,some liquidhouseholdclean-
exposedto the weather.
ers,somespot removers,turpentine,waxesand
d. This appliance must be connected to adequate wax removers.
plumbingand drainfacilities.
b. Do not add gasoline, dry-cleaning solvents, or
e. This applianceshouldbe installedby a qualified otherflammable or explosJvesubstancesto the
servicetechnician, washwater.
3. If someone should get an electric shock from the c. HYDROGENGAS IS EXPLOSIVE. Undercer-
washer, disconnect the electrical power. DO NOT taJnconditions,hydrogengasmaybeproducedin
OPERATEuntilit hasbeenrepairedbyanauthorized a hot water system that has not been used for
Jenn-AirServiceContractor. 2weeksor more. Ifthe hotwatersystemhasnot
been used for such a period, before using a
4. To preventinjuryto children: washing machine, turn on all hot water faucets
and let the water flow from each for several
a. Do not allow children to play on, in, or with the minutes. This will release anyaccumulated hy-
appliance.CIosesupervisionofchildrenisneces- drogen gas. As the gas is flammable, do not
sarywhen usingthe washer, smokeor use anopen flame duringthis time.
b. Keepall laundryaidsout ofthe reachof children d. Keep area around and underneath the washer
preferablyin a lockedcabinet. Use laundryaids free fromthe accumulationofcombustiblemate-
onlyasdirectedbythe manufacturerandobserve rials, such as lint, paper, rags, gasoline,and all
all warningson the containerlabels, otherflammablevapors and liquids.
c. Destroythecartonand plasticbagsafterunpack-
ingthe washer. Cartonscoveredwith rugs,bed-
spreads,or plasticsheetscan createa chamber
with inadequateventilation.