Use and Care Manual
Radiant Range with
Convection and Full
Electronic Controls
Model FCE70610
Model FCE70610

Congratulationson yourchoice of aJenn-Airelectricrange. YourJenn-
Air self-cleaningrange combinesthe best of four cookingmethods,
convectionbaking,convectionroasting,conventionalbakingor roast-
The Jenn-Air convectionoven is actuallya conventionaloven that
circulatesheated air withinthe oven. As both bake and broil heating
elementscycleon and offwiththethermostat,a fan keepsthe heated
air circulatingaroundthefood. Theconstantlyrecirculatingheatedair
intheconvectionovenstripsawaythe layerofcoolerairthatsurrounds
the food. Consequently,many foods cook more quickly. Distributed
heat makesmultiple rack cooking possible. Convection roasted meats
retaintheirnatural flavor andjuiciness withlessshrinkagethen conven-
tional roasting.
In addition to the many exclusive benefits of convectioncooking, your
ovenisalsoa finefull featuredconventional "bakeand broil" oven. You
can cook your "old favorite" recipes as you have in the past. The
foods when convection cooking may not be as beneficial, as when
cooking foods in covered casseroles or clay pots. The broilelement is
convenient for top browning and oven broiling of foods.
Before you begin cooking with your new range, please take a few
minutesto read and become familiarwith the instructions in this book.
Onthe following pagesyou will find awealth of information regarding all
aspectsofusingyour new range. Byfollowing the instructionscarefully,
you will be able to fully enjoy and properly maintain your range and
achieve excellent resultswiththe food you prepare.
Should you have any questionsabout using your Jenn-Air range, write
to us. Be sure to provide the model number.
Jenn-Air Customer Assistance
c/o Maytag CustomerService
P.O. Box 2370
Cleveland, TN 37320-2370

Appliance Usage
Caring for Your Range ............................................................... 38-41
Adjusting Oven Temperature ...................................................... 41
Cleaning Other Parts of Your Range .......................................... 38
Light Bulb Repacement .............................................................. 40
Range Components .......................................................................... 8
Safety Precautions ......................................................................... 4-7
Service Information .................................................................... 42-43
Cook'top Usage
Surface Controls................................................................................ 9
Cool<ware................................................................................... 10-11
Radiant ElementCooktop .......................................................... 12-13
Oven Usage
BakingChart............................................................................... 25
Causes of Cake Failure .............................................................. 26
Convect Baking ...................................................................... 26-27
General Recommendations ........................................................ 24
Broiling ....................................................................................... 32-33
Clock Controls
Clock Controlled Baking or Roasting ..................................... 21-23
Time of Day Clock ...................................................................... 18
Timer ..................................................................................... 19-20
Oven Cleaning
Self-Cleaning ......................................................................... 34-37
Oven Operation .......................................................................... 15-16
Oven Control Panel .................................................................... 14
Rack Positions ............................................................................ 17
Setting Controls ..........................................................................16
Convect Roasting ....................................................................... 30
Frozen Convenience Foods ........................................................ 31
General Recommendations ........................................................ 28
Roasting Chart ............................................................................ 29

Read before operating your range
All appliances - regardlessof the manufacturer - have the potential
throughimproperorcarelessuseto createsafetyproblems.Therefore
the followingsafety precautionsshouldbe observed:
1. Be sureyourapplianceis properlyinstalledand groundedby a
2. Neveruseyourapplianceforwarmingor heatingthe room.
3. Childrenshouldnot be left alone or unattendedin area where
applianceisinuse. Theyshouldneverbeallowedtositorstandon
anypart of the appliance.
4. Wear properapparel. Loose-fittingor hanginggarmentsshould
neverbe worn while usingtheappliance.
5. Donotrepairorreplaceanypartoftheapplianceunlessspecifically
to an authorizedJenn-AirServiceContractor.
6, Flammable materialsshould not be stored in an oven or near
surface units.
7. Donot usewateron greasefires. Smotherfireorflame or usedry
chemicalor foam-typeextinguisher.
8. Useonlydry pothofders.Moistordamppotholdersonhotsurfaces
may resultin burnsfrom steam. Do not let potholdertouchhot
heatingelements. Do notusea towelor otherbulky cloth.
g. Use properpansize. Manyappliancesare equippedwith one or
more surfaceunitsof differentsize. Select cookwarehavingflat
bottomslargeenoughto cover the surface unitheatingelement.
Theuseofundersizedcookwarewillexposea portionoftheheating
element to direct contactand may resultin ignitionof clothing.
efficiencyand performance.
10. Never leave surface unitsunattendedat high heat settings. Boil
overmay causesmokingand greasyspilloversthat may ignite.
11. Do not use aluminumfoil to linesurfaceunitdrippansor oven
bottom. Installationof these linersmay resultin an electricshock
orfire hazard.

12. Glazed cookware - only certain types of glass, glass-ceramic,
ceramic,earthenware,or other glazedcookwareare suitablefor
cooktopsurface withoutbreakingdue to the suddenchange in
temperature. Use onlysuch cookware as you know has been
approvedfor thispurpose.
13. Cookwarehandlesshouldbe turnedinwardand notextendover
adjacent surface heating elements to avoid burns, ignitionof
flammablematerialsandspillagedueto unintentionalcontactwith
the cookware.
14. Do not soakorimmerseremovableheatingelementsinwater.
15. CAUTION - Do notstore itemsof interestto childrenin cabinets
aboverange- childrenclimbingonthe rangeto reach itemscould
be seriouslyinjured.
16. Donottouchsurfaceunitsorareasnear units,heatingelementsor
interiorsurfacesofoven.Surface unitsorheatingelementsmay be
interior surfaces of an oven may becomehot enoughto cause
burns. Duringand after use,do nottouchor let clothingorother
flammable materialscontact these areas until they have had
sufficienttimetocool. Othersurfacesmay becomehotenoughto
causebums-amongthese surfacesare the cooktop,upperdoor
ovendoor,and ovenwindow.
17. Do not cook on glass-ceramiccookingsurface if the cooktopis
broken. Cleaning solutionsand spilloversmay penetrate the
broken cooktopandcreatea shock hazard. Contactanauthorized
Jenn-Air Service Contractor.
18. Clean glass-ceramiccooktopswithcaution. If wetsponge or cloth
is used to wipe spills on a hot cooking area, be careful to avoid
steam bums. Some cleansers can produce noxious fumes if
applied to a hot surface.
19. Do not operate with damaged cooking element after any product
malfunction until proper repair has been made.
20. Keep all switches "OFF" when unit is not in use.
21. Use care when opening oven door. Let hot air or steam escape
before removing or replacing food.
22. Do not heat unopenedfood containers. Build-up of pressure may
cause container to burst and result in injury.
23. Keepovenvent ductsunobstructed.

24. Alwaysplace oven racks in desired location whileoven is cool. If
rack must be moved while oven is hot, do not letpotholder contact
hot heating element in oven.
25. Do not clean door gasket. The door gasket is essential for a good
seal. Care should betaken notto rub,damage,or movethe gasket.
26. Do not use oven cleaners. No commercial oven cleaner or oven
linerprotective coating ofany kind should be used inor aroundany
part of the oven.
27. Clean only parts listed in this manual.
29. Do not allowaluminumfoilto contact heating elements.
30. PREPARED FOOD WARNING: Follow food manufacturer's
instructions. If a plasticfrozenfoodcontainerand/oritsfilm cover
31. WARNING' To reduce the risk of tippingof the appliancefrom
unusualusage or by excessiveloadingof the oven door, the
appliancemustbe securedby a properlyinstalledanti-tipdevice,
To checkif device is installedproperly:Use a flashlightand look
underneaththe rangetosee that one of the rearlevelinglegsis
engagedinthebracketslot. Whenremovingapplianceforcleaning,
besureanti-tipdeviceisengagedwhenrangeisreplaced.The anti-
tipdevicesecuresthe rear levelingleg tothefloor,whenproperly
32. This appliance has been tested for safe performance using
arenotspecificallyrecommendedinthismanual. Donotuseeyelid
coverforthe surface units,stovetopgrills,or add-onconvection
systems.The useofdevicesor accessoriesthat arenotexpressly
recommendedinthis manualcan create serioussafety hazards,
result in performance problems, and reduce the life of the
componentsofthe appliance.

TheCaliforniaSafe DrinkingWaterandToxicEnforcementActof 1986
(Proposition65) requiresthe Governorof Californiato publisha listof
substancesknownto the State of Californiato cause canceror repro-
ductiveharm,andrequiresbusinessesto warn customersof potential
exposuresto suchsubstances. Users of this applianceare hereby
besomelowlevelexposuretosomeofthe listedsubstances,including
CarbonMonoxide.Exposureto thesesubstancescan be minimizedby
properlyventingthe rangeto the outdoorsduringthe self-cleancycle.
(Numbersappear ontheSerial Rate locatedbehindthe storagedraweronthefrontframe.)
Important: Retain proofofpurchasedocumentsforwarrantyservice.

Surface Controls Minute Timer
Clock Controls &
= ............................_,_,_ _=_a=_t
Light/_ iil,liln
Ii := =
_ Door
• Use to provide variableheatto cooktopheatingelements,(See p.9.)
• Usethe electronictouchcontrolsto setClockorOven functions,(Clock- See pp.
19-23, Oven Operation- See pp. 15-18.)
• Use the oven lightswitch to turn on the interioroven light(light willalsocome on
whenthedooris opened)and usethepanel lightswitchtoturnonthe panellight
(lightlocatedabovethe controlpanel).
• Use tolockthe oven for theself-clean mode. (See pp. 34-37,)

• The surfacecontrolsare electronic.Toset requirestwo steps:1) touchtheOn/Off
Pad (an orangeindicatorlightappears)and2) touchthe Lowerand/orHigher Pads
toselecta setting.ThefirsttapontheLower Padwillbethe "1" (Low)settingand
thefirsttapontheHigherPadwillbethe"9" (High)setting.Toselectothersettings,
touchand holdthe Lower and Higher Pad. The number of red indicatorlights
correspondtothe selectedsetting.
• The rightfrontdualelementis controlledbytheSmall/Large Pad. Whenthe small
indicatorlighttotheleftoftheSmall/LargePad islit,thesmallelementison. When
thelargeindicatorlightto therightoftheSmall/Large Padislit,the largeelementis
on. To switchfromoneelementsizeto the other, touchthe Small/Large Pad.
areaishot. Thislightwillremainonuntilthearea hascooled.
1. Left front heatingelement -===_ _ _ _ _ _
2. Left rear heatingelement __ / 7L____ \ \
3. Rightrear heatingelement 1/ =. 3. 4.
4. Rightfront dual heatingelement
Manyfactors willdeterminethe controlsettingthat providesthe best resultssuchas
size andtype of ccokwareor amountoffoodto be cooked. Low orvaryingelectrical
voltagemayalsobe a factor. While someexperimentationisrequired,thesuggested
settingsare providedas a generalguidelineuntilyoubecomefamiliar withyourrange,
9 (High)Afast heat-uptostartcookingquickly,to bringliquidsto a boil,to preheat
oil for deep fat frying.
7-8 (MediumHigh) Forfast frying orbrowningfoods;to maintainrapidboilof large
amountsoffood, to maintainoiltemperaturefor deep fat frying.
5-6 (Medium) For foods cooked in a doubleboiler,sauteing,slow boil of large
amountsof food and most frying.
2.4 (Medium Low)To continuecookingfoodsstarted on highersettings.
1 (Low) Maintainingservingtemperaturesof foods,simmeringfoods, melting
butter or chocolate.

To achieve optimumcooking performance,use heavy gauge, flat, smooth bottom
cookpotsthat conformto thediameterofthe radiant element(no morethan one inch
moreevenlyand requirelesswater oroil.
Cookpotswiththin,unevenbottomsdo notadequatelyconductheatfromthe element
tothefoodinthe cookpotswhichresultsinhotspots,burnedorunderdonefood. Using
bad oookpotsalsorequiresmorewater,time,andenergyto cookfood.
• Select heavy gauge cookpots. Usuallyheavygaugecookpotswillnot change
shapewhen heated.
• Use cookpots with flat, smooth bottoms. The twowaysto determineifcookpots
havea flat, smoothbottomare the rulertest and thecookingtest.
Ruler Test
1. Placethe edge of ruleracrossthe bottomofthe pot.
2. Hold uptothe light.
3. No lightshouldbe visibleunderthe ruler.
Cooking Test I., ,,_.......
1. Put1 inchofwater intothecookpot.
2. Placecookpoton the element. Set the
surfacecontrolto the "9" (High)setting.
3. Observethe bubble formationto determine
theheatdistribution.Ifthe bubblesare uniformacrossthecookpot,the cookpot
the hot spots.
• Match the size of the cookpot to the size of the element. Ideally,the cookpot
willbethesamesize or slightlylarger.
• Do not use cookware that extends more than 1 inch beyondthe edge of the
• Donotuseasmall cookpotona largeelement.Notonlycan thiscausetheelement
elementwhichcauseextra effortin cleaning.
• Do not use nonfletspecialty itemsthat are oversized,uneven ordo not meet
propercookwarsspecificationssuch as roundbottomwokswith rings, griddles,
rippledbottomcanners,lobsterpots,large pressurecanners,etc. Use theJenn-
Airfiatbottomwokaccessory,Model numberAO142. (See p.11.)

Heavy gauge cookpotswithflat, smoothbottomswill usuallywork in a similarway.
However,there aresomedifferencesinthe cookingperformanceof variousmaterials.
• Aluminum cookpotsheat quicklyand evenly. Bestsuitedfor simmering,braising,
boilingand frying.
• Stainless steel cookpotswill evenly distributeheat if constructedof tri-ply or
combinedwith other metals such as aluminumand copper. Use for cooking
functionssimilarto aluminum.
• Cast iron cookpotsare slowto heat but cook moreevenly once temperature is
reached. Useforlongtermlow heat cookingorfor browningandfrying.
• Glass ceramic, earthenware, heat-proof glass or glazed cookpotscan be usedif
recommendedby the manufacturerfor cookpotcooking. Do not use withtrivets.
Bestusedon lowto mediumcontrolsettings.
• Porcelain enamel-on-steel or porcelain enamel-on-cast iron should be used
accordingto manufacturer'sdirections. Do not allowto boildry.
Acceptablecanningpotsshouldnotbe oversizedand musthave a flatbottom. When
cannersdo notmeetthesestandards,the useof the "9" (High)heat settingbecomes
excessiveandmayresultindamagetothe cooktop. In addition,watermay notcome
toa boilandcannersmay notreach10 lb. of pressure.
Theacceptablecanningprocedureusesthe"9" (High)settingjustlongenoughtobring
the water toa boil,then lowerthe settingto maintainthe watertemperature.
Use Jenn-Air'sflat bottom wok accessory
(ModelAO142) for optimumresults. Model
AO142 wok has a nonstick finish, wood
tipsand recipes.

@ For best results,alwaysuse recommendedcookware.
• Differentcookpotsand differentamountsoffood beingpreparedwillinfluencethe
controlsett'=ngsneededfor bestresults.For fastestcooking,startwiththesurface
controlon"g" (High)foroneminute;thensetthecontroltothe lowerdesiredsetting.
Coveringpans, wheneverpossible,speedscookingand Ismore energyefficient.
• The glassceramiccookingarearetainsheatfor aperiodoftimeafterthe elements
havebeenturned off. Putthisretainedheat to gooduse. Turn theelements offa
fewminutesbeforefoodiscompletelycookedandusethe retainedheatto complete
thecooking. Becauseofthisheat retentioncharacteristic,the elementswin not
respondto changesin heat settingsas quicklyas coil elements. In theeventof a
potentialboilover, removethe cookpotfromthe cookingarea.
• Whenpreparingfoodswhichcanbeeasilyscorchedorover-cooked,startcooking
at a lowertemperaturesettingand graduallyincreasetemperatureas needed.
• A highersettingthannormalmaybe necessarywhen usingcookpotsmade with
materialthatisslowto conductheat,such_s castiron.
• A lowersettingcan beusedwhencookingsmallquantitiesoffoodsorwhenusing
a cookpotthatconductsheat quickly.
• Do notusewiretrivets,firerings,padsorany suchitem betweenthe cookware
and the e_ement.
• Do notcookfoodsdirectlyon cooktop.
• Do not allowpanto boildry as thiscoulddamage thecooktopandthe pan.
• Donotslideheavymetalorglasscookpotsacrosssurfacesincethesemay scratch
the surface.
• Do not use or placeplasticitemsanywhereon cooktop.

• Do notallowplasticobjects,sugar,orfoodswithhighsugarcontenttomeltontothe
hotcooktop.Mertedmaterialscancausepermanentdamagetothe cooktop.Ifyou
itimmediatelywhilethecooktopis stillhot. Carefully,useasingleedge razorblade
heldwitha potholderto scrapethe meltedmaterialorsugaryboiloverto a cooler
area of the cooktop. Useseverallayersof papertowlesto wipeupthe spillover,
beingcarefulnotto burnyourself.Whentheelementhascooled,usea razorblade
toscrapeofftheremainingsoilandcleanasyouwouldfor heavyspilrs.(Seep.39.)
• Donotusealuminumfoilorfoil-typecontainersunderanycircumstances.Aluminum
foilwilldamagethecooktopifitmeltsontotheglass. If metalmeltsoncooktop,do
not use. Callan authorizedJenn-AirServiceContractor.
• Do not usethe glass-ceramiccooktopas a cuttingboard.
• DoNOTuseabresivecleansingpowdersorscouringpads(includingmetalscouring
pads),whichwillscratchthe cooktop.
• Do NOT use chlorinebleach, ammonia,rust removers,oven cleaners, or other
cleansernotspecificallyrecommendedfor useon glass-ceramic.
• Testcastironwaresinceallare notflat. Alsobecautionedagainstpossible"impact
damage"shouldthe heavycookpotbe droppedon the glass-ceramicsurface.
• Make surebottomsof cookpotsare alwaysclean and dry. (Soilfromthe cookpot
bottomcanbe transferredto thecooktopsurface.) Beforeusingcookpotsonthe
glass-ceramiccooktopfor the first time, and periodicanyas needed, clean the
bottomswithscouringpads or othercleansers. Rinseand dry thoroughly.
• Make ita practicetowipecooktopsurfacewitha c/ean dampclothorpapertowel
beforeeachuse; drythoroughly.Invisiblespatters,dustspecks,cleansersorwater
cancausestainsthatappearafter unitisheated. A spongeor dishclothwhichis
notcleanwillleavefilmand soilladendetergentwaterwhichmaycausestainson
surface after area isheated.
• When frying, usea spatter shieldto reducespattering.
• Use correctcontrolsettingsandcookwarelargeenoughto holdfood andliquidto
preventboUoversand splattering.
• if abadspilloveroccurswhilecooking,spillsmaybe cleanedfromthe cooktopwhile
itis hotto preventa toughcleaningchorelater. Usingextremecare, wipewitha
cleandamptowel. Becarefultoavoidburnsfromsteamor handstouchingthe hot