To achieveoptimumcooking performance,use heavy gauge, flat, smooth bottom
cookpotsthatconformto thediameterof thecoilor radiant element(no morethanone
inchoverhang).Propercookpetswill minimizecookingtimes,use lesselectricity,cook
foodmoreevenly and requirelesswateror oil.
Cookpetswiththin, unevenbottomsdonotadequatelyconductheatfromthe element
tothe food inthecookpetswhich resultsin hot spots,burnedor underdonefood. Using
badcookpetsalsorequiresmorewater,time, and energyto cookfood.
• Select heavy gauge eookpots. Usually heavy gaugecookpots will not change
shapewhen heated.
• Use cookpotswithflat, smooth bottoms, Thetwowaystodetermineifcookpots
havea flat, smoothbottomare the rulertestand the cookingtest.
Ruler Test
1.Place the edge of ruler across the bottom of the pot.
2.Hold upto the light.
3.No light shouldbevisible underthe ruler.
Cooking Test
1.Put 1 inch of water into the cookpet.
2.Place cookpotonthe element.Turncontrol
tothe High setting.
3,Observethe bubbleformationto determine
theheat distribution,if the bubblesare uniformacrossthecookpot,thecookpot
willperformsatisfactorily.Ifthe bubblesarenotuniform,the bubbleswiltindicate
the hotspots,
• Matchthe sizeof the cook,pot to the size ofthe element. Ideally,thecookpot
will be the samesize orslightly larger.
• Do not use cookwarethat extends more than 1 inchbeyond the edge of the
• Donotuseasmall cookpotona largeelement.Notonlycan thiscausetheelement
to requiremoreenergyandtime,but itcan alsoresultinspilloversburningontothe
elementwhich cause extra effortin cleaning.
• Do not use nenflatspecialty itemsthat are oversized,uneven or do not meet
propercookwarespecificationssuch as roundbottom woks with rings, griddles,
rippledbottomcanners,lobsterpots,large pressurecanners,etc. Usethe Jenn-
Airflat bottomwokaccessory,ModelnumberAO142. (See p. 11.) Alsosee page
14 for homecanningrecommendations.