Sealed Gas Cooktop
Models CCG2421, CCG2521
Use and Care Manual
Model CCG2421
Printedin U.S.A.
@1999 Jenn-Air PartNo.8111P394-60 AJ03/99
WARNING: If the information in this manual is not
followedexactly,a fireorexplosionmayresultcausing
ipropertydamage,personalinjuryor death.
- Donotstoreorusegasolineorotherflammablevapors
andliquidsinthevicinityofthisor anyotherappliance.
• Donot try to lightany appliance.
• Donot touch any electricalswitch.
• Donot use any phonein your building.
• Immediatelycallyourgassupplierfromaneighbor's
phone. Followthe gas supplier'sinstructions.
• If youcannot reachyour gas supplier,callthe fire
• Extinguishany openflame.
- Installationandservice mustbe performedby aquali-
fied installer,serviceagencyor the gas supplier.
All appliances - regardless ofthe manufacturer- havethe potentialthrough improper
or careless use to create safety problems. Therefore the following safety precau-
tions should be observed:
1. Be sure your appliance is properly installed and grounded by a qualified
2. Never use your appliance for warming or heating the room. This warning is
based on safety considerations.
3. Children should not be left alone or unattended in area where appliance is in
use. They should never be allowed to sit or stand on any partofthe appliance.
4. Wear proper apparel. Loose-fitting or hanging garments should never be
worn while using the appliance.
5. Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance unless specifically recom-
mendedin this manual. All otherservicing should be referredto anauthorized
Jenn-Air Servicer.
6. Do not store combustible materials, gasoline or other flammable vapors and
liquidnear cooktop, Thisalsoapplies to aerosol spraysandaerosol spraycans.
7. Donot use water on greasefires. Smother fireor flame or usedry chemical or
foam-type extinguisher.
8. Useonly dry potholders. Moist or damp potholderson hot surfaces may result
in burns from steam. Do not use a towel or other bulky cloth.
9. Select ceokware large enough to properly contain food and avoid boilovers or
spillovers. Thiswill save on cleaningand preventhazardousaccumulations of
food, since heavysplattering or spillevers left on acooktop canignite. Pan size
is especially important in deep fat frying.
10, Never leave cooktop unattended at Hi heat settings. Boilovercauses smoking
and greasy spillovers that may ignite.
11. TYPE OF COOKWARE - Avoid pans that are unstable and easily tipped. In
choosing pans, look for easily-grasped handles that will stay cool. Pans that
are too heavy when filled with food can also be a hazard. Ifpan handlestwist
and cannot be tightened, discard the pan.
12. HANDLES -Always turn pan handles to the side or back of the cooktop -not
out into theroom where theyare easilyhit. COOKWARE HANDLES SHOULD
BURNERS tominimize burns, ignitionof flammable materials, andspillage due
to unintentional contact with the cookware.
13. CAUTION - Donotstore itemsofinteresttochildren incabinets abovecooktop-
children climbing on the cooktop to reachitems could be seriously injured.
14. Donot touch surface burnerareas or anyareas near burners. During and after
use, these areas may be hot enough to causeburns. Avoid contactwiththese
areas by clothing or other flammable materials until they have had sufficient
time to cool.
15. Do not heat unopened food containers. Build-up of pressure may cause
container to burst and result in injury.
16. Keep all controls "OFF" when unit is not in use.
17. GREASE - Grease isflammable andshould be handled carefully. Never leave
any cooking operation unattended. Letfat cool before attempting to handle it.
Do not allow grease to collect around the cooktop. Wipe up spillovers
18. If the cooktop is installed near awindow, proper precautions should betaken
to prevent curtains from blowing over burners creating a FIRE HAZARD.
19. Donot usealuminum foil to lineburner spilloverbowl. Restrictionof normal air
flow mayresult in unsafe operation.
20. Clean only parts listed in this manual and use procedures recommended.
21. Alwaysallow hot panstocool ina safe place out of the reachof small children.
22. A faint gas odor mayindicateagas leak. If a gas odor is detected, shut off the
gassupply to thecooktop. Call your installer or localgas company to havethe
possible leak checked. Never use a match or other flame to locate a gas
23. Flame size should be adjusted so it does not extend beyond the edge of the
cookware. This instructionis based on safetyconsideration.
24. This appliance has been tested for safe performance using conventional
cookware. Do not use any devicesor accessoriesthat are not specifically
recommendedinthismanual. Donotuseeyelidcoversforthe surfaceburners
or stovetopgrills. The use of devices or accessories that are not expressly
recommended in this manual can create serious safety hazards, result in
performanceproblemsand reducethelifeof thecomponentsoftheappliance.
25. Beforeservicingandwhennecessarybeforecleaning,followtheseprocedures
to remove appliance: a. shut off gas supply to appliance; b. disconnect
electricalsupplyand gas supply tubing;c. remove screwsthat secure appli-
ance to cabinet. Reverse these proceduresto install. If gas linehas been
disconnected,check for gas leaks after reconnection. (See Installation
Instructionsfor gas leak test method.) Note: A trained servicemanshould
makethe gasinstallation,disconnectionand reconnectionofgas supplytothe
26. Never cover controlarea with dishtowel, potholders,etc., or aluminumfoil
whichcouldobstructcoolingand combustionair fromenteringthe appliance
at the controlknobarea.
27. Donotletcookinggreaseor otherflammable materialsaccumulateinornear
the appliance,hoodorventfan. Clean hoodfrequentlytopreventgreasefrom
accumulating on hoodorfilter. When flamingfoods underthe hoodturn the
fan on.