13. CAUTION - Do not store items of interest to children in cabinets above
cooktop-childrenclimbingonthecooktoptoreachitemscouldbe seriously
14. Donot touchsurfaceburnerareas or anyareas near burners. Duringand
theseareas by clothingor other flammablematerialsuntiltheyhave had
15. Do notheat unopenedfood containers. Build-upof pressuremaycause
containerto burstand resultininjury.
16. Keepal/controls "OFF" when unitis notin use.
17, GREASE - Greaseis flammable andshouldbe handledcarefully. Never
leaveanycookingoperationunattended. Letfat coolbeforeattemptingto
handleit. Do not allowgrease to collectaroundthe cooktop. Wipe up
18. Ifthecooktopisinstallednearawindow,properprecautionsshouldbetaken
to preventcurtainsfromblowingover burnerscreating a FIRE HAZARD.
19. Donotusealuminumfoiltolineburner spi//overbowl. Restrictionofnormal
airflow may resultin unsafeoperation,
20. Clean onlypartslistedin thismanualanduseproceduresrecommended.
21. Alwaysallowhot pansto coolin a safe place outof the reachof small
22. A faint gasodor may indicate a gas leak. If agas odor is detected, shut off
the gassupplyto thecooktop. Call your installeror localgas company to
havethe possibleleakchecked. Never use a match or other flame to
locate a gas leak.
23. Flamesizeshouldbeadjustedsoitdoesnotextendbeyondthe edgeofthe
cookware,This instructionis basedon safetyconsideration.
24. Thisappliancehasbeen tested for safe performanceusingconventional
cookware. Do not useany devices oraccessoriesthat are notspecificafiy
recommended in this manual. Do not use eyelid covers for the surface
burnersor stovetopgrills. The useof devicesor accessoriesthatare not
resultinperformanceproblemsandreducethelife ofthecomponentsofthe
25. Beforeservicingshutoffelectricalpowersupplyto appliance,
26. Nevercovercontrolarea with dishtowel,potholders,etc.,oraluminumfoil
at the controlknobarea.