OWNER’S MANUAL ADDENDUM for the description of the wall
mounting option on page 5 in the L series o/m, fo r the mode ls
L810, L820, LC 2.
The page mentions in two places where you lower the loudspeaker “onto its keyholes at
the rear of the speaker”.
On these models, at the rear, there are four pairs of threaded inserts, and the holes are
blocked with plastic plugs. The included wall brackets contain the keyholes.
1. Remove the plastic plugs from the pair of holes you will need at the rear of the
2. Attach the wall brackets to the loudspeakers with the supplied screws.
3. Then you can hang the loudspeaker from its keyholes onto your prepared wall
If for some reason you cannot locate the wall brackets, you can order them from the
JBL parts dept. The part number is 353355-001.