© 2010 GN Netcom A/S. All Rights Reserved.
This user guide is published by GN Netcom A/S.
The information in this user guide is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice,
and should not be construed as a commitment by GN Netcom A/S. GN Netcom A/S assumes no responsibility or
liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this user guide.
Written and designed at GN Netcom A/S, Lautrupbjerg 7, 2750 Ballerup, Denmark, www.jabra.com.

Thank you
Thank you for purchasing the Jabra LINK™ 280 controller. We hope you enjoy it! This instruction manual will get
you started and ready to make the most of your controller.
abouT your Jabra LInk 280 conTroLLer
1 QD Plug
2 USB plug
3 Mute button
4 Soft button (
5 Soft button (O)
6 Hookswitch
7 Volume control

how To connecT conTroLLer To headseT
Plug the QD to the QD of any Jabra GN corded headset.
how To connecT conTroLLer To Pc
Plug the USB plug into a free USB port on your PC. Once connected, the active mute and hookswitch buttons will
be illuminated.
The rst time connected, your PC displays a small pop-up message in the task bar to indicate that a new device
has been found. You are now ready to use the controller.