iStorage diskAshur2 256bit User Manual

English User Manual - Table of Contents ...............................................4
Deutsch Benutzerhandbuch - Inhaltsverzeichnis ...................................29
Français Manuel d’utilisation - Table des matières ...............................50
User Manual
HDD & SSD Range
Manual – v 3.0
iStorage diskAshur
is no way to access the data on the drive.
Available in four colours: Blue, Red, Green and Black
If you are having difficulty using your diskAshur2 drive please contact our technical department by email - or by phone on +44 (0) 20 8991 6260.
Copyright © iStorage, Inc 2017. All rights reserved. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
All other trademarks and copyrights referred to are the property of their respective owners. Distribution of modified versions of this document is prohibited without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. Distribution of the work or derivative work in any standard (paper) book form for commercial purposes is prohibited unless prior permission is
All trademarks and brand names are the property of their respective owners
Trade Agreements Act (TAA) Compliant
iStorage diskAshur
Manual – v 3.0
Table of Contents
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................5
Box contents ..................................................................................................................................5
1. diskAshur
2. How to use the diskAshur
3. Unlocking the diskAshur
4. Locking the diskAshur
5. Entering Admin Mode .............................................................................................................7
6. Changing the Admin PIN .........................................................................................................8
7. Adding a new User PIN in Admin Mode .................................................................................. 9
8. Changing the User PIN in Admin Mode ..................................................................................9
9. Deleting the User PIN in Admin Mode ....................................................................................9
10. Set Read-Only in Admin Mode ................................................................................................ 10
11. Enable Read/Write in Admin Mode .........................................................................................10
12. How to create a Self-Destruct PIN ...........................................................................................10
LED States ............................................................................................................. 6
for the first time .............................................................................6
....................................................................................................... 7
13. How to delete the Self-Destruct PIN ........................................................................................11
14. How to Unlock with the Self-Destruct PIN ............................................................................... 11
15. How to Create an Admin PIN after a Brute Force attack or Reset ............................................12
16. Setting the Unattended Auto-Lock Clock ................................................................................. 12
17. Turn off the Unattended Auto-Lock Clock ................................................................................ 13
18. How to Unlock diskAshur
with User PIN ................................................................................13
19. Changing the User PIN in User Mode .....................................................................................13
20. Set Read-Only in User Mode ................................................................................................... 14
21. Enable Read/Write in User Mode ............................................................................................14
22. Brute Force Protection .............................................................................................................15
23. How to perform a complete reset ............................................................................................ 15
24. Initialising and formatting the diskAshur
25. diskAshur
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26. diskAshur
Setup for Mac OS ................................................................................................. 18
Setup for Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) ............................................................................ 20
27. Hibernating, Suspending or Logging off from the Operating System .....................................23
28. How to check Firmware in Admin Mode .................................................................................. 23
iStorage diskAshur
29. How to check Firmware in User Mode ..................................................................................... 24
30. Technical Support ...................................................................................................................25
31. Warranty and RMA information ...............................................................................................25
Tamper Proof and Soft Touch
Shock Absorbent Facia
- Standby State/Locked
- User Mode/Unlocked
- Admin Mode
Alphanumeric Keypad
LOCK SHIFT UNLOCK Integrated USB 3.1 Cable
The diskAshur2 is an easy to use, ultra-secure, hardware encrypted portable drive with capacities of up to 2TB. Simply connect the integrated USB 3.1 cable to any computer and enter a 7-15 digit PIN, if the correct PIN is entered, all data stored on the drive will be decrypted and accessible. To lock the drive and encrypt all data, simply eject the diskAshur2 from the host computer and the entire contents of the drive will be encrypted (full disk encryption) using military grade AES 256-bit hardware encryption (XTS mode). If the drive is lost or stolen and an incorrect PIN is entered 15 consecutive times, the drive will reset, the encryption key will be deleted and all data previously stored on the drive will be lost forever.
One of the unique and underlying security features of the GDPR compliant diskAshur2 is the dedicated hardware based secure microprocessor (Common Criteria EAL4+ ready), which employs built-in physical protection mechanisms designed to defend against external tamper, bypass attacks and fault injections. Unlike other solutions, the diskAshur2 reacts to an automated attack by entering the deadlock frozen state, which renders all such attacks as useless. In plain and simple terms, without the PIN there’s no way in!
Box Contents
1. diskAshur2 Drive with integrated USB Cable
2. Elegant Travel Case
3. Quick Start Guide
iStorage diskAshur
Manual – v 3.0
1. diskAshur2 LED States
When the diskAshur2 is plugged in, there are three possible behaviours for the LED indicators as shown in the table below.
RED GREEN BLUE diskAshur2 State
Solid Off Off Factory Reset Solid Solid Solid Brute Force Solid Off Off Standby
1. In Factory Reset State, the drive is waiting for the operation to set up an Admin PIN.
2. In Brute Force state, the drive is waiting for an operation to get more PIN entry attempts.
3. In Standby state, the drive is waiting for an operation to unlock the drive, or enter Admin mode, or reset the drive.
2. How to use the diskAshur2 for the first time
The diskAshur2 is shipped with a default Admin PIN of 11223344 and although it can be used straight out of the box with the default Admin PIN, for security reasons we highly recommend a new Admin PIN be created immediately by following the instructions under section 6 ‘Changing the Admin PIN’.
Please follow the 3 simple steps in the table below to unlock the diskAshur2 for the first time with the default Admin PIN.
Instructions - first time use LED LED State
1. Connect the diskAshur
2. Enter Admin PIN (default - 11223344)
3. Within 10 seconds press the “UNLOCK” button once to unlock diskAshur
Note: Once the diskAshur
to a USB port RED LED will be solid awaiting PIN entry
RED LED remains solid
has been successfully unlocked, the GREEN LED will remain on and in a
GREEN and BLUE LEDs will alternately blink
several times and then to a solid BLUE LED changing to a blinking GREEN and finally solid
solid state. It can be locked down immediately by pressing the “LOCK” button once or by clicking the ‘Safely
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iStorage diskAshur
Remove Hardware/Eject’ icon within your operating system. To ensure no data is corrupted, we recommend using ‘Safely Remove Hardware/Eject’.
3. Unlocking the diskAshur
The diskAshur2 can be unlocked with either an Admin or User PIN whilst in standby state (solid RED LED).
1. To unlock as the Administrator, enter the Admin PIN and press the “UNLOCK” button.
2. To unlock as a User, first press the “UNLOCK” button (all LEDs, blink on and off) and then enter the User PIN and press the “UNLOCK” button again.
3. If correct User PIN is entered, both GREEN and BLUE LEDs will blink alternately and then return to a solid GREEN LED.
4. If correct Admin PIN is entered, both GREEN and BLUE LEDs will blink alternately, then to a solid BLUE for 1 second and then to the unlocked state, a solid GREEN LED.
5. If correct PIN is entered, the drive displays as “iStorage diskAshur
USB Device” under “Computer Management/Device
In an unlocked state (GREEN LED), there are two possible behaviours for the LED indicators, shown in the table below.
Off Solid Off No data transfer Off Blink Off Data transfer in progress
4. Locking the diskAshur
To lock the drive, press the “LOCK” button once or by clicking the ‘Safely Remove Hardware/Eject’ icon within your operating system. If data is still being written to the drive, please wait until all data has been written to the drive before pressing the ‘LOCK’ button or safely ejecting from the Operating System. When the unattended Auto-Lock timeout is activated, the drive will automatically lock after a predetermined amount of time.
Note: The diskAshur2 cannot be recognized by the operating system in standby state.
5. Entering Admin Mode
To enter the Admin Mode, do the following:
1. In standby state (solid RED LED), press and hold down “UNLOCK + 1” buttons
2. Enter the Admin PIN (default - 11223344) and press “UNLOCK” button
Solid RED LED will change to blinking GREEN and BLUE LEDs
GREEN and BLUE LEDs blink rapidly together
for a few seconds then to a solid GREEN and finally a solid BLUE LED indicating the
is in “Admin Mode”
iStorage diskAshur
Manual – v 3.0
To exist Admin mode, press the “LOCK” button.
6. Changing the Admin PIN
PIN requirements:
• Must be between 7-15 digits in length
• Must not contain only repetitive numbers, e.g. (3-3-3-3-3-3-3)
• Must not contain only consecutive numbers, e.g. (1-2-3-4-5-6-7), (7-8-9-0-1-2-3-4), (7-6-5-4-3-2-1)
Password Tip: You can create a memorable word, name, phrase or any other Alphanumerical PIN combination
by simply pressing the key with the corresponding letters on it.
Examples of these types of Alphanumerical PINs are:
• For “Password you would press the following keys: 7 (pqrs) 2 (abc) 7 (pqrs) 7 (pqrs) 9 (wxyz) 6 (mno) 7 (pqrs) 3 (def)
• For “iStorage you would press: 4 (ghi) 7 (pqrs) 8 (tuv) 6 (mno) 7 (pqrs) 2 (abc) 4 (ghi) 3 (def)
Using this method, long and easy to remember PINs can be created.
Note: The SHIFT key can be used for additional combinations. SHIFT + 1 is a separate value than just 1.
To create a PIN using additional combinations, press and hold down the SHIFT button whilst entering your 7-15 digit PIN. e.g. SHIFT + 26756498.
To change the Admin PIN, first enter the “Admin Mode” as described in section 5. Once the drive is in Admin Mode (solid BLUE LED) proceed with the following steps.
1. In Admin mode, press and hold down “UNLOCK + 2” buttons
Solid BLUE LED will change to blinking GREEN and solid BLUE LEDs
Blinking GREEN and solid BLUE LEDs will
2. Enter NEW Admin PIN and press “UNLOCK” button
switch to a single GREEN LED blink and then back to blinking GREEN and solid BLUE LEDs
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3. Re-enter the NEW Admin PIN and press “UNLOCK” button
Blinking GREEN and solid BLUE LEDs change to a rapidly blinking BLUE LED and finally to a solid BLUE LED indicating the Admin PIN has been successfully changed
iStorage diskAshur
7. Adding a new User PIN in Admin Mode
To add a New User, first enter the “Admin Mode” as described in section 5. Once the drive is in Admin Mode (solid BLUE LED) proceed with the following steps.
1. In Admin mode, press and hold down “UNLOCK + 3” buttons
Solid BLUE LED will change to blinking GREEN and solid BLUE LEDs
Blinking GREEN and solid BLUE LEDs will
2. Enter New User PIN and press “UNLOCK” button
switch to a single GREEN LED blink and then back to blinking GREEN and solid BLUE LEDs
3. Re-enter the New User PIN and press “UNLOCK” button
GREEN LED rapidly blinks for a few seconds
then changes to a solid BLUE LED indicating the User PIN has been successfully created
8. Changing the User PIN in Admin Mode
To change an existing User PIN, first enter the “Admin Mode” as described in section 5. Once the drive is in Admin Mode (solid BLUE LED) proceed with the following steps.
1. In Admin mode, press and hold down “UNLOCK + 3” buttons
Solid BLUE LED will change to blinking GREEN and solid BLUE LEDs
Blinking GREEN and solid BLUE LEDs will
2. Enter New User PIN and press “UNLOCK” button
switch to a single GREEN LED blink and then back to blinking GREEN and solid BLUE LEDs
3. Re-enter the New User PIN and press “UNLOCK” button
GREEN LED rapidly blinks for a few seconds
then changes to a solid BLUE LED indicating the User PIN has been successfully changed
9. Deleting the User PIN in Admin Mode
To delete a User PIN, first enter the “Admin Mode” as described in section 5. Once the drive is in Admin Mode (solid BLUE LED) proceed with the following steps.
1. In Admin mode, press and hold down “SHIFT + 3” buttons
Solid BLUE LED will change to blinking RED
LED Blinking RED LED will change to solid RED
2. Press and hold down “SHIFT + 3” buttons again.
LED and then to a solid BLUE LED indicating the User PIN was successfully deleted
iStorage diskAshur
Manual – v 3.0
10. Set Read-Only in Admin Mode
Important: If data has just been copied to the diskAshur2, make sure to properly disconnect the drive
first by clicking ‘Safely Remove Hardware/Eject’ the diskAshur2 from the Operating System before reconnecting and setting the diskAshur2 as ‘Read-Only/Write-Protect’.
When Admin writes content to the diskAshur2 and restricts access to read-only, the User cannot change this setting in User mode. To set the diskAshur
to Read-Only, first enter the “Admin Mode” as described in section 5. Once the drive is in
Admin Mode (solid BLUE LED) proceed with the following steps.
1. In Admin mode, press and hold down “7 + 6” buttons. (7=Read + 6=Only)
Solid BLUE LED will change to blinking GREEN and BLUE LEDs
GREEN and BLUE LEDs will change to a solid
2. Release 7+6 buttons and press “UNLOCK
GREEN LED and then to a solid BLUE LED
indicating the drive is configured as Read-Only
11. Enable Read/Write in Admin Mode
To set the diskAshur2 to Read/Write, first enter the “Admin Mode” as described in section 5. Once the drive is in Admin Mode (solid BLUE LED) proceed with the following steps.
1. In Admin mode, press and hold down “7 + 9” buttons. (7=Read + 9=Write)
Solid BLUE LED will change to blinking GREEN
GREEN and BLUE LEDs change to a solid
2. Release 7+9 buttons and press “UNLOCK
GREEN LED then to a solid BLUE LED
indicating the drive is configured as Read/Write
12. How to create a Self-Destruct PIN
The self-destruct feature allows you to set a PIN which can be used to perform a crypto-erase on the entire drive. When used, the self-destruct PIN will delete ALL data, Admin/User PINs and then unlock the drive. Activating this feature will cause the Self-Destruct PIN to become the new User PIN and the diskAshur2 will need to be partitioned and formatted before any new data can be added to the drive.
To set the Self-Destruct PIN, first enter the “Admin Mode” as described in section 5. Once the drive is in Admin Mode (solid BLUE LED) proceed with the following steps.
1. In Admin mode, press and hold down
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UNLOCK + 6” buttons
2. Create a 7-15 digit Self-Destruct PIN and press the “UNLOCK” button
iStorage diskAshur
3. Re-enter the PIN and press the “UNLOCK” button
Solid BLUE LED will change to blinking GREEN and solid BLUE LEDs
Blinking GREEN and solid BLUE LEDs will switch to a single GREEN LED blink and then back to blinking GREEN and solid BLUE LEDs
GREEN LED will rapidly blink for several
seconds and then changes to a solid BLUE LED to indicate the Self-Destruct PIN has been successfully configured
13. How to Delete the Self-Destruct PIN
To delete the Self-Destruct PIN, first enter the “Admin Mode” as described in section 5. Once the drive is in Admin Mode (solid BLUE LED) proceed with the following steps.
1. In Admin mode, press and hold down “SHIFT + 6” buttons
Solid BLUE LED will change to a blinking RED LED
Blinking RED LED will become solid and then
2. Press and hold down “SHIFT + 6” buttons again
change to a solid BLUE LED indicating the Self-Destruct PIN was successfully deleted
14. How to Unlock with the Self-Destruct PIN
When used, the self-destruct PIN will delete the encryption key, ALL data, Admin/User PINs and then unlock the drive. Activating this feature will cause the Self-Destruct PIN to become the new User PIN and the diskAshur2 will need to be partitioned and formatted before any new data can be added to the drive.
To activate the Self-Destruct mechanism, the drive needs to be in the standby state (solid RED LED) and then proceed with the following steps.
1. In standby state, press the “UNLOCK” button
RED LED switches to all LEDs, RED, GREEN &
BLUE blinking on and off
2. Enter the Self-Destruct PIN and press the “UNLOCK” button
Important: When the Self-Destruct mechanism is activated, all data, the encryption key and the Admin/User
PINs are deleted. The Self-Destruct PIN becomes the User PIN. No Admin PIN exists after the Self-Destruct mechanism is activated. The diskAshur
perform a complete reset’ Section 23, on page 15) first in order to create an Admin PIN with full
Admin privileges including the ability to create a User PIN.
RED, GREEN and BLUE blinking LEDs will
change to GREEN and BLUE LEDs alternating on and off for approximately 15 seconds and finally shifts to a solid GREEN LED
will need to be reset (see ‘How to
iStorage diskAshur
Manual – v 3.0
15. How to Create an Admin PIN after a Brute Force attack or Reset
It will be necessary after a Brute Force attack or when the diskAshur2 has been reset to create an Admin PIN before the drive can be used. If the drive has been brute forced or reset, the drive will be in a standby state (solid RED LED). to create an Admin PIN proceed with the following steps.
PIN requirements:
• Must be between 7-15 digits in length
• Must not contain only repetitive numbers, e.g. (3-3-3-3-3-3-3)
• Must not contain only consecutive numbers, e.g. (1-2-3-4-5-6-7), (7-8-9-0-1-2-3-4), (7-6-5-4-3-2-1)
Note: The SHIFT key can be used for additional combinations. SHIFT + 1 is a separate value than just 1.
To create a PIN using additional combinations, press and hold down the SHIFT button whilst entering your 7-15 digit PIN. e.g. SHIFT + 26756498.
1. In Standby state, press and hold down “Shift + 1” buttons
Solid RED LED will change to blinking GREEN and solid BLUE LEDs
Blinking GREEN and solid BLUE LEDs will
2. Enter NEW Admin PIN and press “UNLOCK” button
switch to a single GREEN LED blink and then back to blinking GREEN and solid BLUE LEDs
Blinking GREEN LED and solid BLUE LED
3. Re-enter the NEW Admin PIN and press “UNLOCK” button
change to BLUE LED rapidly blinking for a few seconds and then to a solid BLUE LED indicat­ing the Admin PIN was successfully configured.
16. Setting the Unattended Auto-Lock Clock
To protect against unauthorised access if the drive is unlocked and unattended, diskAshur2 can be set to automatically lock after a pre-set amount of time. In its default state, the diskAshur2 Unattended Auto Lock feature is turned off. The Unattended
Auto Lock can be set to activate between 5 - 99 minutes. To set the Unattended Auto Lock, first enter the “Admin Mode” as described in section 5. Once the drive is in Admin
Mode (solid BLUE LED) proceed with the following steps.
1. In Admin mode, press and hold down “UNLOCK + 5” buttons
Solid BLUE LED will change to blinking GREEN and BLUE LEDs
2. Enter the amount of time that you would like to set the Auto-Lock timeout feature for, the minimum time that can be set is
Manual – v 3.0
5 minutes and the maximum being 99 minutes (5-99 minutes). For example enter:
05 for 5 minutes 20 for 20 minutes 99 for 99 minutes
iStorage diskAshur
Blinking GREEN and BLUE LEDs will change to
3. Press the “SHIFT” button
a solid GREEN for a second and then finally to a solid BLUE LED indicating the Auto-Lock time out is successfully configured
17. Turn off the Unattended Auto-Lock Clock
To turn off the Unattended Auto Lock, first enter the “Admin Mode” as described in section 5. Once the drive is in Admin Mode (solid BLUE LED) proceed with the following steps.
1. In Admin mode, press and hold down “UNLOCK + 5” buttons
2. Enter “00” and press the “SHIFT” button
18. How to Unlock diskAshur
1. In a standby state (solid RED LED) Press the “UNLOCK” button
2. Enter User PIN and press the “UNLOCK” button
with User PIN
Solid BLUE LED will change to blinking GREEN and BLUE LEDs
Blinking GREEN and BLUE LEDs will change to a solid GREEN for a second and then finally to a solid BLUE LED indicating the Auto-Lock time out has been successfully switched off
RED LED switches to all LEDs, RED, GREEN &
BLUE blinking on and off
RED, GREEN and BLUE blinking LEDs will
change to alternating GREEN and BLUE LEDs then to a rapidly blinking GREEN LED and finally shifts to a solid Green LED indicating drive successfully unlocked in User mode
19. Changing the User PIN in User Mode
To change the User PIN, first unlock the diskAshur2 with a User PIN as described above in section 18. Once the drive is in User Mode (solid GREEN LED) proceed with the following steps.
1. In User mode press and hold down “UNLOCK + 4
Solid GREEN LED will change to a blinking
GREEN LED and a solid BLUE LED
Blinking GREEN and solid BLUE LEDs will
2. Enter New User PIN and press the “UNLOCK” button
switch to a single GREEN LED blink and then back to blinking GREEN and solid BLUE LEDs
Blinking GREEN and solid BLUE LEDs will
3. Re-enter New User PIN and press the “UNLOCK” button
switch to a rapidly blinking GREEN LED and then to a solid GREEN LED indicating successful User PIN change
iStorage diskAshur
Manual – v 3.0
20. Set Read-Only in User Mode
Important: If data has just been copied to the diskAshur2, make sure to properly disconnect the drive
first by clicking ‘Safely Remove Hardware/Eject’ the diskAshur2 from the Operating System before reconnecting and setting the diskAshur2 as ‘Read-Only/Write-Protect’.
To set the diskAshur2 to Read-Only, first enter the “User Mode” as described in section 18. Once the drive is in User Mode (solid GREEN LED) proceed with the following steps.
1. In User mode, press and hold down “7 + 6” buttons. (7=Read + 6=Only)
Solid GREEN LED will change to blinking
GREEN and BLUE LEDs GREEN and BLUE LEDs will change to a solid
2. Release 7+6 buttons and press “UNLOCK
GREEN LED indicating the drive is configured
as Read-Only
Note: 1. This setting is activated the next time the drive is unlocked.
2. If a User set the drive as Read-Only, Admin can override it by setting the drive as Read/Write in Admin mode.
3. If Admin set the drive as Read-Only, the User cannot set the drive as Read/Write
21. Enable Read/Write in User Mode
To set the diskAshur2 to Read/Write, first enter the “User Mode” as described in section 18. Once the drive is in User Mode (solid GREEN LED) proceed with the following steps.
1. In User mode, press and hold down “7 + 9” buttons. (7=Read + 9=Write)
2. Release 7+9 buttons and press “UNLOCK
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Note: 1. This setting is activated the next time the drive is unlocked.
2. If a User set the drive as Read-Only, Admin can override it by setting the drive as Read/Write in
iStorage diskAshur
Admin mode.
3. If Admin set the drive as Read-Only, the User cannot set the drive as Read/Write
Solid GREEN LED will change to blinking
GREEN and BLUE LEDs GREEN and BLUE LEDs will change to a solid
GREEN LED indicating the drive is configured
as Read/Write
22. Brute Force Protection
If an incorrect PIN is entered 15 (3 x 5 PIN clusters) consecutive times, then all Admin/User PINs, the encryption key and all data will be deleted and lost forever. The diskAshur
will then need to be formatted and partitioned before it can be reused.
1. If a PIN is entered incorrectly 5 (five) consecutive times, all LEDs - RED, GREEN, BLUE will light up and become solid.
2. Unplug the drive and re-plug it into the host to get five more PIN attempts. If PIN is incorrectly entered 5 more times, (10
in total - 5 from step 1 and 5 from step 2) all LEDs - RED, GREEN, BLUE will light up and become solid again.
3. Unplug the drive, hold down the “SHIFT” button and replug it into the host, all LEDs - RED, GREEN, BLUE will light up and blink together.
4. With all LEDs blinking, enter “47867243” and press the “UNLOCK” button to get 5 final attempts.
Caution: After 15 consecutive incorrect PIN entries the Brute Force Defence Mechanism activates and deletes
all Admin/User PINs, the encryption key and data. A new Admin PIN must be created, refer to Section
15 on page 12 on ‘How to Create an Admin PIN after a Brute Force attack or Reset’, the diskAshur will also need to be partitioned and formatted before any new data can be added to the drive.
23. How to perform a complete reset
To perform a complete reset, the diskAshur2 must be in a standby state (solid RED LED). Once the drive is reset then all Admin/User PINs, the encryption key and all data will be deleted and lost forever and the drive will need to be formatted and partitioned before it can be reused.
To reset the diskAshur2 proceed with the following steps.
1. In standby state, press and hold down “0” button until all LEDs blink alternately on and off
Solid RED LED will change to all LEDs, RED,
GREEN and BLUE blinking alternately on and
RED, GREEN and BLUE alternating LEDs will
2. Press and hold down “2 + 7” buttons until all LEDs become solid for a second and then to a solid RED LED
change to all solid for a second and then to a solid RED LED indicating the drive has been reset
Important: After a complete reset a new Admin PIN must be created, refer to Section 15 on page 12 on ‘How to
Create an Admin PIN after a Brute Force attack or Reset’, the diskAshur
will also need to be
partitioned and formatted before any new data can be added to the drive.
iStorage diskAshur
Manual – v 3.0
24. Initialising and formatting the diskAshur2
After a ‘Brute Force Attack’ or a complete reset of the diskAshur2 will delete all data, encryption key and partition settings. You will need to initialise and format the diskAshur
To initialise your diskAshur2, do the following:
1. Attach the diskAshur
to the computer.
2. Create a new Admin PIN - see page 12, section 15, ‘How to create an Admin PIN after a Brute Force attack or reset’.
before it can be used.
3. With the diskAshur
in standby state (RED LED) enter New Admin PIN to unlock (GREEN LED).
4. Windows 7: Right click Computer and then click Manage and then select Disk Management Windows 8: Right-click left corner of desktop and select Disk Management Windows 10: Right click on the start button and select Disk Management
5. In the Computer Manage window, click Disk Management. In the Disk Management window, the diskAshur2 is recognised as an unknown device that is uninitialised and unallocated.
Note: If the Initialise Disk Wizard window opens, click Cancel.
6. Right-click Unknown Disk, and then select Initialise Disk.
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iStorage diskAshur
7. In the Initialise Disk window, click OK.
8. Right-click in the blank area under the Unallocated section, and then select New Simple Volume. The Welcome to the New Simple Volume Wizard window opens.
9. Click Next.
10. If you need only one partition, accept the default partition size and click Next.
11. Assign a drive letter or path and click Next.
12. Create a volume label, select Perform a quick format, and then click Next.
13. Click Finish.
14. Wait until the format process is complete. The diskAshur
will be recognised and it is available for use.
iStorage diskAshur
Manual – v 3.0
25. diskAshur
Setup for Mac OS
Your diskAshur2 is preformatted in NTFS for Windows. To reformat the drive to a Mac compatible format please read below. Once the drive is unlocked, open Disk Utility from Applications/Utilities/Disk Utilities.
To format the diskAshur2:
1. Select diskAshur2 from the list of drives and volumes. Each drive in the list will display its capacity, manufacturer, and product name, such as ‘iStorage diskAshur2 Media’ or 232.9 diskAshur2.
2. Click the ‘Erase’ button (figure 1).
figure 1
3. Enter a name for the drive (figure 2). The default name is Untitled. The name of the drive will eventually appear on the desktop.
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iStorage diskAshur
figure 2
4. Select a scheme and volume format to use. The Volume Format dropdown menu (figure 3) lists the available drive formats that the Mac supports. The recommended format type is ‘Mac OS Extended (Journaled).’ The scheme format dropdown menu lists the available schemes to use (figure 4). We recommend using ‘GUID Partition Map’ on drives larger than 2TB.
figure 3
figure 4
5. Click the ‘Erase’ button. Disk Utility will unmount the volume from the desktop, erase it, and then remount it on the desktop.
iStorage diskAshur
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26. diskAshur
Setup for Linux (Ubuntu 14.04)
If your diskAshur2 has been initialised and formatted in NTFS for Windows, you can directly use the drive on Ubuntu. If not, please read below.
To format the diskAshur
as FAT filesystem:
1. Open ‘Unity Dash’ and type ‘Disks’ in the search box. Click on the ‘Disks’ utility when displayed.
2. Click to select the drive (500 GB Hard Disk) under ‘Devices’. Next click on the gears icon under ‘Volumes’ and then click on ‘Format’.
3. Select ‘Compatible with all systems and devices(FAT)’ for the ‘Type’ option. And enter a name for the drive, e.g: diskAshur2. Then, click the ‘Format’ button.
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iStorage diskAshur
4. Click ‘Format’ again.
5. The drive will start to be formatted.
6. After the format process is finished, click to mount the drive to Ubuntu.
iStorage diskAshur
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