General Instructions
Thank you for purchasing the laser product by us. For the sake of
better usage with operate this article, please carefully read and understa-
nd the instructions in this manual thoroughly before attempting to operate
this unit. These instructions contain important safety information regardi-
ng the use and maintenace of this unit.Please keep this manual with the
unit, for future reference. Every unit has been thoroughly tested and has
been shipped in perfect operating condition carefully check the shipping
carton for damage that may have occurred during shipping. If the carton
appears to be damaged that may have occurred during shipping. If the c-
arton appears to be damaged, carefully inspect you're your unit for any d-
amage and be sure all equipment necessary to operate the system gas
arrived intact. In the event that damage has been found or parts are mis-
sing , please contact our toll free customer support number for further i-
nstructions. Please do not return the unit to your dealer without first cont-
acting customer support.
1. please insure the power supply good connect ground before operat-
ing, the in order to prevent gets an electric shock.
2. This system is applicable to only the indoors uses, and insure the w-
atertightness defending the tide, quakeproof, its stable workMaking
the environment temperature is 18~30℃, continue work time cann-
ot over 4 hours, otherwise Shorten the service life of the laser mach-
3. The system uses over a long period of time, outing the light lens sur-
face will adsorb the dust, lowering the exportation power of the laser
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machine, asking adoption to wipe the paper of lens sweeps.
4. Protect to fix the decals cannot tear, otherwise our company wills be
irresponsible to protect to fix.