Intellijel Corgasmatron User Manual

Corgasmatron Manual v1.0
The Corgasmatron is a two independent multi mode filters and a cross fader mounted behind a 16HP Eurorack panel. The Corgasmatron's sound can range from ultra clean and precise, to extremely ballsy and dirty.The resonance is incredibly musical and interesting and is prime for all sorts of experimenting and sound design. The normalling, routing and cv options have been carefully selected to allow for a lot of control over the modules functionality and capabilities.
The original circuit was designed by analog guru david g. dixon after carefully studying and analyzing the classic korg ms-20 filter. His work resulted in a completely original circuit based around ssm2164 vca chips. This design is capable of almost identical results but is far more versatile. This is not a clone, it is an entirely new and modern circuit with many enhancements.
Key features:
16HP and shallow (two pcbs in parallel so it is
• skiff friendly)
two independent filters, each with LP, HP and
• Notch modes.
Unique resonant (Q) drive control
• A Switch links the two filters allowing both
• parallel and serial routing via normals to input B
(which can be broken by inserting a cable at input B). Oscillates very easily and can be used as a
• dual sine VCO. Using the resonance controls
this Sine shape can be colored. 1V/Oct inputs for each filter
• Built in full featured cross fader allows voltage
• controlled xfading between the two filters. The
Xfade has a switch to select either unipolar (e.g. envelopes) or bipolar (e.g. lfo) control of the xfade position. There is also a switch to select direction. With nothing plugged into the Xfade jack the xfade knob controls the fade position. When an external CV is patched in the same knob acts as an attenuator for the control signal. Jumpers on the back to select "modern" or
• "vintage" resonant modes (two different
feedback paths for the resonance that use different diodes) Expansion jacks for adding additional filter
• inputs and VC control of resonance
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Front Panel
1- FREQ - Cutoff frequency of
the filter. This sets the center frequency of the filter.
2- Xfader section. XFADE position knob, CV polarity switch and Xfade direction switch. The Xfade knob acts as cross fader in Parallel configuration and using MIX out if nothing is plugged into the Xfade jack. Once patched the Xfade knob becomes a CV attenuator.
3- Q is also referred to as resonance. Depending on input gain moving this knob past 1 oʼclock will cause the filter to start oscillating.
Corgasmatron Manual v1.0
4- Q-DRIVE - is the level of
the resonance. This control is also used to alter the timbre of the resonant sound if the filter is self oscillating.
5- FM1 - Unipolar attenuator for FM1 input.
6- IN A - Input attenuator controls the level into the filter. For classic tone keep this below 12 oʼclock. Higher gain will suppress the resonance of the filter and change its tone. The combination of IN A level, Q and Q Drive knobs can alter the tone of the filter dramatically from sweet to scathing - experiment!
7- FM2 - Bi-polar attenuator for FM2 input. This is a center detent knob. Turning the knob CCW will apply inverted CV, turning the knob CW will apply positive CV.
8- Filter mode switch. The three modes are 1 pole High Pass, 1 pole Notch, 2 pole Low Pass
9- Input and output jacks. Outputs are surrounded by a black outline.
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CV input to VCF A filter cutoff, attenuated by FM1 A knob
CV input to VCF A filter cutoff, attenuated with inversion by FM2 A knob. Normalled to VCF B FM2.
CV input to VCF B filter cutoff, attenuated with inversion by FM2 B knob. This is a switching jack, inserting a plug here will break the normal from FM2 A. Using this normal allows the same CV source patched into FM2 A to control both filters. The bi polar attenuators can set opposite so as to lower the frequency of one filter while raising the frequency of the other.
CV input to VCF B filter cutoff, attenuated by FM1 B knob
Output of filter A
CV input to Xfade section. This is a switching jack, when a plug is inserted the XFADE knob becomes a CV attenuator. The Uni/Bi switch to the left of the XFADE knob determines if this input is Unipolar or Bipolar. If using a Envelope as a modulation source use Uni, If using. a LFO as a modulation source use Bi.
Signal input to filter A. Patch a audio signal here to be filtered. The knob IN A attenuates this signal. The input signal level alters the tone of the filter circuit and the resonance behavior. For classic filter tone set the IN A knob to 11 oʼclock when using standard level modular VCOs.
1V/Oct A
CV input for filter frequency calibrated for 1V/oct standard. By patching the 1V/Oct output of your keyboard or MIDI to CV converter here the filter will track the keyboard. This is normalled to the 1V/Oct CV input of filter B.
1V/Oct B
CV input for filter frequency calibrated for 1V/oct standard. This is switching jack, inserting a plug here will break the normal from 1V/Oct A.
Signal input to filter B. Patch a audio signal here to be filtered. The knob IN B attenuates this signal. See IN A for more detail. If you are using the Corgasmatron in Serial configuration inserting a plug into this jack will break the internal routing from filter A which may cause confusion.
Output of filter A and B mixed together. Use this output if the Corgasmatron is in Parallel configuration and you want to mix the filters together to one output.
Output of filter B. In Series configuration use this output.
Corgasmatron Manual v1.0
Input and Output jacks (left to right top to bottom)
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