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Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications and before placing your product order.
The Intel
Current characterized errata are available on request.
Implementations of the I
820 chipset may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications.
C is a two-wire communications bus/protocol developed by Philips. SMBus is a subset of the I2C bus/protocol and was developed by Intel.
C bus/protocol or the SMBus bus/protocol may require licenses from various entities, including Philips Electronics N.V. and
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Copies of documents which have an ordering number and are referenced in this document, or other Intel literature may be obtained by:
• Uni-processor schematics have been updated (Appendix A). See the
-004• Minor edits for clarityJuly 2000
schematic revision history page at the end of Appendix A for details.
- The following update is not in the schematic revision history.
Cap C249 (schematic page 9) has been changed from 0.022 uF to
0.047 uF.
• Updated the text descriptions in the two paragraphs in Section 4.2.3,
“MCH to DRCG”.
• Updated the first paragraph in Section, “RSL Signal Layer
December 1999
January 2000
Intel® 820 Chipset Design Guideix
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820 Chipset Design Guide
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The Intel® 820 Chipset Design Guide provides design recommendations for systems using the
820 chipset. This includes motherboard layout and routing guidelines, system design issues
and requirements, debug recommendations, and board schematics. The design recommendations
should be used during system design. The guidelines have been developed to ensure maximum
flexibility for board designers while reducing the risk of board-related issues.
The Intel board schematics in Append ix A (uni-processo r) and Appen dix B (dual-proces sor) can be
used as references for board designers. A feature list is provid ed at the beg inning o f each appe ndix.
Although these schematics cover specific designs, the co re schematics for each chip set co mpon ent
remains the same for most Intel
schematics for each chipset component, in addition to common motherboard options. Additional
flexibility is possible through other permutations of these options and components.
1.1About This Design Guide
This design guide is intended for hardware designers who are experienced with PC architectures
and board design. The design guide assumes that the designer has a working knowledge of the
vocabulary and practices of PC hardware design.
This chapter introduces the designer to the purpose and organization of this design guide, and
provides a list of references of related documents. This chapter also provides an overview of
the Intel
Chapter 2, "Layout/Routing Guidelines"—This chapter provides a detailed set of motherboard
layout and routing guidelines for designing an Intel
motherboard functional units are covered (e.g., chipset component placement, system bus
routing, system memory layout, display cache interface, hub interface, IDE, AC’97, USB,
interrupts, SMBUS, PCD, LPC/FWH Flash BI OS, and RTC).
Chapter 3, "Advanced System Bus Design"— AGTL+ guidelines and theory of operation are
discussed. This chapter also provides more detail about the methodologies used to develop the
Chapter 4, "Clocking"— This chapter provides motherboard clocking guidelines (e.g., clock
architecture, routing, capacitor sites, clock power decoupling, and clock skew).
Chapter 5, "System Manufacturing"— This chapter includes board stackup requirements.
Chapter 6, "System Design Considerations"— This chapter includes guidelines regarding
power delivery, decoupling, thermal, and power sequencing.
Appendix A, "Reference Board Schematics: Uni-Processor "— This appendix provides a set
of schematics for Uni-processor designs. A feature list for the board design is also provided.
Appendix B, "Reference Board Schematics: Dual-Processor "— This appendix provid es a set
of schematics for dual-processor designs. A feature list for the board design is also provided.
820 chipset.
820 chipset platforms. The appendices provides a set of reference
The Intel® 820 chipset is the third generation desktop chipset designed for Intel’s SC242
architecture and the first chipset to support the 4X capability of the AGP 2.0 I nterface Specification
and 400 MHz Direct RDRAM. The 400 MHz, 16 bit, double clocked Direct RDRAM interface
provides 1.6 GB/s access to main memory. A new chipset component interconnect, the hub
interface, is designed into the Intel
chipset components.
Support of AGP 4X, 400 MHz Direct RDRAM and the hub interface provides a balanced system
architecture for the Pentium III processor, minimizing bottlenecks and increasing system
performance. By increasing memory bandwidth to 1.6 GB/s through the use of 400 MHz Direct
RDRAM and increasing graphics bandwidth to 1 GB/s through the use of AGP 4X, the Intel
chipset delivers the data throughpu t necess ary to t ake advan t age of the hi gh perfo rmance provided
by the powerful Pentium
In addition, the Intel
infrastructure through the Firmware Hub component.
The ACPI compliant Intel
RAM, Suspend to Disk, and Soft-off power management states. Through the use of an appropriate
LAN device, Intel
The Intel
traditionally integrated into the I/O subsystem of Intel chipsets. This removes many of the conflicts
experienced when installing hardware and drivers into legacy ISA systems. The elimination of ISA
provides true plug-and-play for the Intel
was used for audio and modem devices. The addition of AC’97 allows the OEM to use software
820 chipset architecture removes the requirement for the ISA expansion bus that was
820 chipset architecture enables a new security and manageability
820 chipset platform can support the Full-on, Stop Grant, Suspend to
820 chipset also supports Wake on LAN* for remote administration and
820 chipset to provide more efficient communication between
820 chipset platform. Traditionally, the ISA interface
820 Chipset Design Guide
configurable AC’97 audio and modem coder/decoders (codecs) instead of the traditional ISA
devices. The ISA bus can be implemented through the use of the optional 82380AB PCI-ISA
The Intel
I/O Controller Hub (ICH). The MCH integrates the 133 MHz processor system bus controller,
AGP 2.0 controller, 400 MHz Direct RDRAM controller and a high-speed hub interface for
communication with the ICH. The ICH integrates an UltraATA/66 controller, USB host controller,
LPC interface controller, FWH Flash BIOS interface controller, PCI interface controller, AC’97
digital controller and a hub interface for communication with the MCH. The Intel
provides the data buffering and interface arbitration required to ensure that system interfaces
operate efficiently and provide the system bandwidth necessary to obtain peak performance with
the Pentium III processor.
820 chipset contains tw o core components: the Memory Controller Hub (MCH) and the
1.3.1Chipset Components
This section provides an overview of the 82820 Memory Controller Hub (MCH) and the 82801AA
I/O Controller Hub (ICH). Additional functionality can be provided using the 82380AB PCI-ISA
Memory Controller Hub (MCH)
The MCH provides the interconnect between the Direct R DRAM and the system log ic. It integrates
the following functions:
Support for single or dual SC242 processors with 100 MHz or 133 MHz System Bus
256 MHz, 300 MHz, 356 MHz or 400 MHz Direct RDRAM interface supporting 1 GB of
Direct RDRAM
4X, 1.5V AGP interface (3.3V 1X, 2X and 1.5V 1X, 2X devices also supported)
820 chipset
Downstream hub interface for access to the ICH
In addition, the MCH provides arbitration, buffering and coherency management for each of these
interfaces. Refer to Chapter 2, “Layout/Routing Guidelines” for more information regarding these
Intel®820 Chipset Design Guide1-3
I/O Controller Hub (ICH)
The I/O Controller Hub provides the I/O subsystem with access to the rest of the system.
Additionally, it integrates many I/O functions. The ICH integrates the following functions:
Upstream hub interface for access to the MCH
2 channel Ultra ATA/66 Bus Master IDE controller
USB controller
SMBus controller
FWH interface (FWH Flash BIOS)
LPC interface
AC’97 2.1 interface
PCI 2.2 interface
Integrated System Management Controller
Alert on LAN*
The ICH also contains the arbitration and buffering necessary to ensure efficient utilization of these
interfaces. Refer to Chapter 2, “Layout/Routing Guidelines” for more information on these
ISA Bridge (82380AB)
For legacy needs, ISA support is an optional feature of the Intel® 820 chipset. Implementations that
require ISA support can benefit from the enhancements of the Intel
designs are not burdened with the complexity and cost of the ISA subsystem.
The Intel
820 chipset platform with optional ISA support takes advantage of the 82380AB ISA
bridge. The bridge is a PCI to ISA bridge and resides on the PCI bus of the ICH.
1.3.2Bandwidth Summary
Table 1-1 provides a summary of the bandwidth requirements for the Intel® 820 chipset.
The Direct Rambus* (RDRAM) initiative provides the memory bandwidth necessary to obtain
optimal performance from the Pentium III processor as well as a high-performance AGP graphics
controller. The MCH RDRAM interface supports 266 MHz, 300 MHz, 356 MHz, and 400 MH z
operation; the latter delivers 1.6 GB/s of theoretical memory bandwidth; twice the memo ry
bandwidth of 100 MHz SDRAM systems. Coupled with the greater bandwidth, the RDRAM
protocol, which is heavily pipelined, provides substantially more efficient data transfer. The
RDRAM memory interface can achieve greater than 95% utilization of the 1.6 GB/s theoretical
maximum bandwidth.
In addition to RDRAM’s performance features, the new memory architecture provides enhanced
power management capabilities. The powerdown mode of operation enables Intel
based systems to cost-effectively support suspend-to-RAM.
1.4.2Streaming SIMD Extensions
The Pentium III processor provides 70 new Streaming SIMD (single instruction, multiple data)
Extensions. The Pentium III new extensions are floating point SIMD extensions . Inte l MMX™
technology provides integer SIMD extensions. The Pentium III processor new extensions
complement the Intel MMX™ technology SIMD extensions and provide a performance boost to
floating-point intensive 3D applications.
1.4.3AGP 2.0
820 chipset
The AGP 2.0 interface, along with Direct Rambus* memory technology, allows graphics
controllers to access main memory at over 1 GB/s; twice the AGP bandwidth of previous AGP
platforms. AGP 2.0 provides the infrastructure necessary for photor ealistic 3D. In conjun ction with
Direct Rambus
the next level of 3D graphics performance.
and the Pentium III processor new Streaming SIMD Extensions, AGP 2.0 delivers
1.4.4Hub Interface
As I/O speeds increase, the demand placed on the PCI bus by the I/O bridge has become
significant. With the addition of AC’97 and ATA/66, coupled with the existing USB, I/O
requirements will begin to impact PCI bus performance. The Intel
architecture ensures that the I/O subsystem, both PCI and the integrated I/O features (IDE, AC’97,
USB, etc.), receives adequate bandwidth. By placing the I/O bridge on the hub interface instead of
PCI, the hub architecture ensures that both the I/O functions integrated into the ICH and the PCI
peripherals obtain the bandwidth necessary for peak performance. In addition, the hub interface’s
lower pin count allows a smaller package for the MCH and ICH.
820 chipset’s hub interface
820 Chipset Design Guide
The Intel® 820 chipset platform integrates several functions designed to manage the system and
lower the total cost of ownership (TCO) of the system. These system management functions are
designed to report errors, diagn os e the s yst em, an d reco ver fro m s ystem locku ps without th e aid o f
an external microcontroller.
TCO Timer
The ICH integrates a programmable TCO T imer. This timer is used to d etect system locks. The firs t
expiration of the timer generates an SMI# which the system can use to recover from a software
lock. The second expiration of the timer causes a system reset to recover from a hardware lock.
CPU Present Indicator
The ICH looks for the CPU to fetch the first instruction after reset. If the CPU does not fetch the
first instruction, the ICH will reboot the system at the safe-mode frequency multiplier.
ECC Error Reporting
Upon detecting an ECC error, the MCH can send one of several messages to the ICH. The MCH
can instruct the ICH to generate either an SMI#, NMI#, SERR#, or TCO interrupt.
Function Disable
The ICH provides the ability to disable the following functions: AC'97 Modem, AC'97 Audio,
IDE, USB or SMBus. Once disabled, these functions no longer decode I/O, memory, or PCI
configuration space. Also, no interrupts or power management events are generated from the
disabled functions.
Intruder Detect
The ICH provides an input signal (INTRUDER#) that can be attached to a switch that is activated
by the system case being opened. The ICH can be programmed to generate an SMI# or TCO
interrupt due to an active INTRUDER# signal.
The ICH integrates an SMBus controller. The SMBus provides an interface to manage peripherals
(e.g., serial presence detection (SPD) on RIMMs and thermal sensors).
Alert on LAN*
The ICH supports Alert on LAN*. In response to a TCO event (intruder detect, thermal event, CPU
not booting) the ICH sends a mes sage over A LERTCLK and ALERTDAT A. A LAN contro ller can
decode this alert message and send a message over the network to alert the network manager.
Intel®820 Chipset Design Guide1-9
The Audio Codec’97 (AC’97) Specification defines a digital link that can be used to attach an
audio codec (AC), a modem codec (MC), an audio/modem codec (AMC), or both an AC and an
MC. The AC’97 Specification defines the interface between the system logic and the audio or
modem codec known as the AC’97 Digital Link.
The ability to add cost-effective audio and modem solutions is important as the platform migrates
away from ISA. In addition, the AC’97 audio and modem components are software configurable.
This reduces configuration errors. Intel
only replaces ISA audio and modem functionality, but also improves overall platform integration
by incorporating the AC’97 digital link. Using Intel
reduces cost and eases migration from ISA.
820 chipset’s AC’97 (with the appropriate codecs) not
820 chipset’s integrated AC’97 digital link
By using an audio codec, the AC’97 digital link allows for cost-effective, high-quality, integrated
audio on the Intel
with the use of a modem codec. Several system options exist when implementing AC’97. Intel
820 chipset platform. In addition, an AC’97 soft modem can be implemented
820 chipset’s integrated digital link allows two external codecs to be connected to the ICH. The
system designer can provide audio with an audio codec (Figure 1-4a) or a modem with a modem
codec (Figure 1-4b). For systems requiring both audio and a modem, there are two solutions. The
audio codec and the modem codec can be integrated into a single Audio Modem Codec (AMC)
(Figure 1-4c), or separate audio and modem codecs can be connected to the ICH (Figure 1-4d).
Modem implementation for different co untries mu st b e con sidered as teleph one sy stems may var y.
By using a split design, the audio codec can be on-board and the modem codec can be placed on a
riser. With a single integrated codec, or AMC, both audio and modem can be routed to a connector
near the rear panel where the external ports can be located.
The digital link in the ICH is AC’97 Rev. 2.1 compliant, supporting two codecs with independent
PCI functions for audio and modem. Microphone input and left and right audio channels are
supported for a high quality two-speaker audio solution. Wake on ring from suspend is also
supported with an appropriate modem codec.
820 Chipset Design Guide
Figure 1-4. (a-d) AC’97 Connections
a) AC'97 With Audio Codec
(241 mBGA)
b) AC'97 With Modem Codec
(241 mBGA)
c) AC'97 With Audio/Modem Codec
(241 mBGA)
d) AC'97 With Audio and Modem Codec
(241 mBGA)
AC'97 Digital
AC'97 Digital
AC'97 Digital
Digital Link
Audio Ports
Modem Port
Modem Port
Audio Ports
Modem Port
Audio Ports
1.4.7Low Pin Count (LPC) Interface
In the Intel® 820 chipset platform, the super I/O component has migrated to the Low Pin Count
(LPC) interface. Migration to the LPC interface allows for lower cost super I/O designs. The LPC
super I/O component requires the same feature set as traditional super I/O components. It should
include a keyboard and mouse controller, floppy disk controller and serial and parallel ports. In
addition to the super I/O features, an integrated game port is recommended because the AC’97
interface does not provide support for a game port. In a system with ISA audio, the game port
typically existed on the audio card. The fifteen pin game port connect o r prov ides fo r two joys t ic ks
and a two-wire MPU-401 MIDI interface. Consult your super I/O vendor for a comprehensive list
of devices offered and features supported.
In addition, depending on system requirements, a device bay controller and USB hub could be
integrated into the LPC super I/O component. For systems requiring ISA support, an ISA-IRQ to
serial-IRQ converter is required. Potentially, this converter could be integrated into the super I/O.
Intel®820 Chipset Design Guide1-11
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820 Chipset Design Guide
Layout and Routing
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Layout/Routing Guidelines
Layout/Routing Guidelines
This chapter documents motherboard layout and routing guidelines for Intel® 820 chipset based
systems. This section does not discuss the functional aspects of any bus, or the layout guidelines
for an add-in device.
Caution: If the guidelines listed in this document are not followed, it is very important that thorough
signal integrity and timing simulations are completed for each design. Even when the
guidelines are followed, critical signals should still be simulated to ensure proper signal integrity
and flight time. As bus speeds increase, it is imperative that the guidelines documented are
followed precisely. Any deviation from these guidelines must be simulated!
2.1General Recommendations
The trace impedance typically noted (i.e., 60Ω ±10%) is the “nominal” trace impedance. That is,
the impedance of the trace when not subjected to the fields created by changing current in
neighboring traces. When calculating flight times, it is important to consider the minimum and
maximum impedance of a trace based on the switching of neighboring traces. Using wider spaces
between the traces can minimize this trace-to-trace coupling. In addition, these wider spaces reduce
crosstalk and settling time.
Coupling between two traces is a function of the coup led length , the d istance sep arating the traces ,
the signal edge rate, and the degree of mutual capacitance and inductance. In order to minimize the
effects of trace-to-trace coupling, the routing guidelines documented in this section should be
followed. In addition, the PCB should be fabricated as documented in Section 5.3, “Stackup
Requirement” on page 5-1 of this document.
All recommendations in this section (except where noted) assume 5 mil wide traces. If trace width
is greater than 5 mils then the trace spacing requirements must be adjusted accordingly (linearly).
For example, this section recommends routing most AGP signals with 5 mil traces on 20 mil spaces
(1:4). If 6 mil traces are used, then 24 mil spaces must be used (also 1:4). Using a wider trace (and
therefore wider spaces) will make routing more difficult.
Additionally, these routing guidelines are created using the stack-up described in section
Section 5.3, “Stackup Requirement” on page 5-1. If this stack-up is not used, extremely thorough
simulations of every interface must be completed. Using a thicker dielectric (prepreg) will make
routing very difficult or impossible.
2.2Component Quadrant Layout
The quadrant layouts shown are approximate and the exact ball assignments should be used to
conduct routing analysis. These quadrant layouts are designed for use during component