Intel V09 User Manual

BIOS Settings Dictionary – Alphabetical
Intel® Desktop Boards BIOS Settings Dictionary – Alphabetical
The BIOS Setup program can be used to view and change the BIOS settings for the computer. The BIOS Setup program is accessed by pressing the <F2> key after the Power-On Self-Test (POST) memory test begins and before the operating system boot begins. The following menus are available:
Menu Title Purpose
The maintenance menu is displayed only when the Desktop Board is in configure mode.
Manageability Configure options associated with Intel® Platform Administration Technology. Main Displays processor and memory configuration. Advanced Configures advanced features available through the chipset. Security Sets passwords and security features. Power Configures power management features and power supply controls. Boot Selects boot options. Intel® ME Configures options for the Intel® Management Engine and Intel® Active
Management Technology.
Exit Saves or discards changes to Setup program options.
The presence of menus and BIOS settings are dependent on your board model, hardware components installed, and the BIOS version. BIOS menu titles may differ.
If any problems occur after making BIOS settings changes (poor performance, intermittent issues, etc.), reset the desktop board to default values:
1. During boot, enter the BIOS setup by pressing F2.
2. Press F9 to set defaults.
3. Press F10 to Save and Exit.
If the system locks or won’t boot after making BIOS settings changes, perform a BIOS recovery as described at
V09 – March 2008
BIOS Settings Dictionary – Alphabetical
0 – 9
BIOS Setting Appears on BIOS
+1.5Vin Advanced >
Hardware Monitoring
12V Voltage
Advanced > Hardware Monitoring
Options Description / Purpose
No changeable options
No changeable options
Displays voltage level of the +1.5V in supply
Displays voltage level of the +12V in supply
+3.3Vin Advanced >
Hardware Monitoring
5V Voltage
This BIOS setting is present only on Intel® Desktop Boards that include IEEE 1394.
1st ATAPI CD-ROM Drive
This boot device submenu is present only if at least one boot device of this type is installed. This list will display up to four ATAPI CD­ROM drives, the maximum number of ATAPI CD-ROM drives supported by the BIOS.
Advanced > Hardware Monitoring
Advanced > Peripheral Configuration
Boot > ATAPI CD­ROM Drives
No changeable options
No changeable options
• Enabled
• Disabled
Dependent on installed ATAPI CD-ROM drives
Displays voltage level of the +3.3V in supply
Displays voltage level of the +5V in supply
Disables or enables IEEE 1394 support
Specifies the boot sequence from the available ATAPI CD­ROM drives. To specify boot sequence:
1. Select the boot device with <
2. Press <Enter> to set the selection as the intended boot device.
↑> or <↓>.
1st Boot Device Boot > Boot
Device Priority
V09 – March 2008
• Removable Device
• Hard Drive
• Network
• Disabled
Specifies the boot sequence from the available devices. To specify boot sequence:
1. Select the boot device with <
2. Press <Enter> to set the selection as the intended boot device.
The operating system assigns a drive letter
↑> or <↓>.
BIOS Settings Dictionary – Alphabetical
Hard Disk Drive
Boot > Hard Disk Drives
This boot device submenu appears only if at least one boot device of this type is installed. This list will display up to 12 hard disk drives, the maximum number of hard disk drives supported by the BIOS.
Dependent on installed hard drives
Specifies the boot sequence from the available hard disk drives. To specify boot sequence:
1. Select the boot device with <
↑> or <↓>.
2. Press <Enter> to set the selection as the intended boot device.
1st Removable Device
Boot > Removable Devices
This boot device submenu is present only if at least one boot device of this type is installed. This list will display up to four removable devices, the maximum number of removable devices supported by the BIOS.
2nd Boot Device Boot > Boot
Device Priority
3rd Boot Device Boot > Boot
Device Priority
Dependent on installed removable devices
• Removable Device
• Hard Drive
• Network
• Disabled
• Removable Device
• Hard Drive
• Network
• Disabled
Specifies the boot sequence from the available removable devices. To specify boot sequence:
1. Select the boot device with <
↑> or <↓>.
2. Press <Enter> to set the selection as the intended boot device.
Specifies the boot sequence from the available devices. To specify boot sequence:
1. Select the boot device with <
↑> or <↓>.
2. Press <Enter> to set the selection as the intended boot device.
The operating system assigns a drive letter
Specifies the boot sequence from the available devices. To specify boot sequence:
1. Select the boot device with <
↑> or <↓>.
2. Press <Enter> to set the selection as the intended boot device.
4th Boot Device Boot > Boot
Device Priority
V09 – March 2008
• Removable Device
• Hard Drive
• Network
• Disabled
The operating system assigns a drive letter
Specifies the boot sequence from the available devices. To specify boot sequence:
1. Select the boot device with <
↑> or <↓>.
2. Press <Enter> to set the selection as the intended boot device.
The operating system assigns a drive letter
BIOS Settings Dictionary – Alphabetical
BIOS Setting Appears on BIOS
Access Level Maintenance No changeable
Access Mode Advanced > Drive
Options Description / Purpose
• Large
• Auto
Displays the current user's access level.
Allows you to select the sector addressing mode.
CHS (cylinder, head, sector) mode supports up to 528 MB hard disks.
LBA (logical block addressing) mode supports hard disks up to 128 GB in size.
Large mode supports hard disks above 528 MB in size, but does not support LBA mode.
ACPI Power No changeable
ACPI Suspend Mode (or ACPI Suspend State)
Additional System Information
AddOn ROM Display Mode
After Power Failure Power • Stay Off
Agent Manageability • Enable
AGP/PCI Burn-in Mode
Power > ACPI • S1 State
• S3 State
Main No changeable
Boot • Enabled
• Disabled
• Last State
• Power On
• Disable
Advanced > Chipset Configuration > Burn-in Mode
• Default
• 63.88/31.94 MHz
• 68.05/34.02 MHz
• 69.44/34.72 MHz
• 70.83/35.41 MHz
• 72.22/36.11 MHz
• 73.60/36.80 MHz
Opens the sub-menu for ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface).
Specifies the ACPI sleep state.
Displays information such as System Information, Desktop Board Information, Chassis Information, etc.
Enabled: the logo screen will be followed by the “AddOn ROM” initial screen (the screen showing the add-on card BIOS message).
Disabled: no “Add-On ROM” screen is followed.
Determines the mode of operation if a power loss occurs.
Stay Off keeps the power off until the power button is pressed.
Last State restores the previous power state before power loss occurs.
Power On restores power to the computer.
By default, Intel® Platform Administrator Agent is disabled. To enable the agent, select
Enables the selection of specific AGP/PCI clock frequencies. The host clock (system bus speed) is not changed.
If this option is set to anything other than Default, the Host and I/O Burn-In Mode is automatically set to Default.
Alternate DNS Address
V09 – March 2008
Intel® ME > Intel® Active Management Technology Configuration > TCP/IP Configuration
User defined Enter the address in dot-decimal notation.
BIOS Settings Dictionary – Alphabetical
Ambient Air Temperature
Advanced > Hardware Monitoring
This BIOS setting is present only on certain BTX form factor Intel® Desktop Boards.
Aperture Size Advanced > Video
No changeable options
• 4MB
• 8MB
• 16MB
• 32MB
• 128MB
• 256MB
Options may vary depending on board model.
Displays the temperature near the remote thermal diode on BTX form factor boards.
Amount of system memory available for direct access by the graphics device.
APM Power > APM • Enabled
• Disabled
ASF Support Advanced >
• Enabled
• Disabled Configuration or
or Advanced > Boot Configuration or Advanced > Management
• Automatic
• Manual - User
• Disabled
ATA/IDE Configuration
Advanced > Drive Configuration
• Disabled
• Legacy
• Enhanced (or
This BIOS setting is
Boot No changeable
Advanced > Peripheral
• Enabled
• Disabled
present only on Intel® Desktop Boards that include onboard audio.
Disables or enables APM (Advanced Power Management).
Disables or enables Alert Standard Format (ASF). For more information, refer to
Specifies the integrated IDE controller.
Disabled disables the integrated IDE controller.
Legacy enables up to two IDE channels for OS requiring
legacy IDE operation.
Enhanced (or Native) enables all SATA and PATA resources.
Opens the ATAPI CD-ROM Drive sub-menu where you may specify the boot sequence from the available ATAPI CD-ROM drives.
Enables or disables onboard audio.
Automatic Fan Detection
V09 – March 2008
Advanced > Fan Control
• Next Boot
• Disable
• Always
Next Boot: Will detect fan(s) added to the motherboard upon next boot only.
Disabled: Will NOT detect fan(s) added to the motherboard, new fans may perform erratically.
Always: Will detect fan(s) added to the motherboard, may cause a slight delay and increased noise during startup.
BIOS Settings Dictionary – Alphabetical
Aux Fan Speed
Auxiliary Fan
Advanced > Hardware Monitoring
No changeable
Displays aux fan speed.
Auxiliary Power
This BIOS setting is present only on Intel® Desktop Boards that include an onboard auxiliary power connector.
Advanced > Peripheral Configuration
BIOS Setting Appears on BIOS
Base I/O Address (for the Parallel Port)
This BIOS setting is present only when Parallel Port is set to Enabled
Base I/O Address (for the Serial Port)
This BIOS setting is present only when Serial Port A is set to Enabled
Advanced > Peripheral Configuration
Advanced > Peripheral Configuration
• Enabled
• Disabled
Options Description / Purpose
• 378
• 278
• 3F8
• 2F8
• 3E8
• 2E8
Enables or disables on the onboard auxiliary power connector.
Specifies the base I/O address for the parallel port, if Parallel Port is Enabled.
Specifies the base I/O address for serial port A if serial port A is enabled.
BIOS Version Main No changeable
Block Mode Advanced > Drive
Configuration > SATA/PATA
Board ID Maintenance No changeable
Boot Device Priority Boot No changeable
Boot Drive Order Boot Dependent on
Boot Menu Type Boot • Normal
Boot to Network Boot • Enabled
Boot to Optical Devices
Boot to Removable Devices
Boot • Enabled
Boot • Enabled
• Disabled
• Auto
installed bootable
• Advance
• Disabled
• Disabled
• Disabled
Displays the version of the BIOS currently installed on the PC.
Check the hard disk drive’s specifications for optimum setting.
Value that uniquely identifies the SKU of the board.
Opens the Boot Device Priority sub-menu where you may specify the boot sequence from the available types of boot devices.
Allows you to specify the boot sequence from the available types of boot devices.
Normal allows you to set boot priority based on type of device.
Advanced allows you to set boot priority for each device regardless of category
Disables or enables booting from the network.
Disables or enables booting from optical devices (CD/DVD).
Disables or enables booting from removable devices.
V09 – March 2008
BIOS Settings Dictionary – Alphabetical
Boot USB Devices First Boot Bound to Server
If the client is bound to a server, this option will display the server's IP address in this format:
Bound to
Manageability • Yes
• Enabled
• Disabled
• No
Sets USB devices to be first in boot order. This BIOS option is changeable ONLY when the system is bound to a server. Select binding.
When the binding is no longer applicable, for example if the system has crashed or the server has been changed, you need to release the client/server binding, otherwise the client will be unable to be managed by another server.
No to release the client/server
Burn-In Mode Advanced >
Chipset Configuration
• Default
• -2.0%
• -1.0%
• +1.0%
• +2.0%
• +3.0%
• +4.0%
BIOS Setting Appears on BIOS
C1E Maintenance • Enabled
Cable Detected
This BIOS setting is present only if an IDE device is installed.
CD/DVD Drive Order Boot Lists all installed
CD-ROM Boot Priority Boot Lists all installed
Change Intel® Management Engine Password
Advanced > Drive Configuration > SATA/PATA
Intel® ME User defined Intel® ME password must be changed from the default
Options Description / Purpose
• Disabled
No changeable
CD/DVD devices
CD-ROM devices
Alters host and I/O clock frequencies.
Warning: This setting is intended for validation and test purposes only. Altering clock frequencies may reduce system stability and/or the useful life of the system and processor. Operation at settings beyond component specification is not covered by Intel component warranties. If any problems occur during operation at non-default settings, reset the board to default values.
Allows the system to change voltage level (lower) of processor when no work is being done.
Displays the type of cable connected to the IDE interface: 40-conductor or 80-conductor (for ATA-66/100 devices) or Serial ATA.
Allows you to set the boot order of CD/DVD drives (used when Boot Menu type is set to normal)
Allows you to set the boot order of CDROM drives
password prior to gaining access to other ME options. Intel® ME passwords must be between 8 and 32 characters long, have at least one upper case character, one lower case character, one number, and a special character (for example: !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *).
Chassis Fan Speed Advanced >
Hardware Monitoring
Chassis Inlet Fan Advanced >
Hardware Monitoring
Chassis Intrusion Security • Enabled
V09 – March 2008
No changeable
No changeable
• Disabled
The system owner should document the new Intel ME password, store it in a secured location (a vault, safe deposit box, or off-site storage), and have it available for future use. This document should be updated after any password change is made.
Displays chassis fan speed
Displays front chassis fan speed
Enables or disables the chassis intrusion feature.
BIOS Settings Dictionary – Alphabetical
Chassis Outlet Fan Advanced >
No changeable
options Monitoring
Clear All DMI Event Log
Advanced > Event Log Configuration
• Yes
• No
Clear All Passwords Maintenance Selecting this
option clears the
Clear Event Log Advanced > Event
Log Configuration
Clear Trusted
Maintenance • OK
Platform Module
• Enabled
• Disabled
• Cancel
This BIOS setting is present only on Intel® Desktop Boards that include support for Trusted Platform Module (TPM).
Displays rear chassis fan speed
Yes - the DMI Event Log will be cleared at next POST stage and then this option automatically resets to No.
Clears both the user and supervisor passwords.
Enable discards all events in the event log and will reset the option to
disable upon exiting BIOS.
Used to clear the TPM if you are transferring ownership of the platform to a new owner. For more information, refer to your Trusted Platform Module Quick Reference Guide.
Clear User Password
Security Selecting this
This BIOS setting is present only if a user password has been set.
Compatibility Mode Intel® ME > Intel®
Active Management Technology Configuration > Provisioning Configuration
Compliance Test Pattern
Advanced > PCI Express Configuration
Computer Name Intel® ME > Intel®
Active Management Technology Configuration
Configure SATA as… Advanced > Drive
Clears the user password. option clears the password.
• Intel® AMT Generation 2.0
• Intel® AMT Generation 1.0
• Enabled
• Disabled
Depending on the 3rd party management software that is
chosen to be used with this system (if any), set the
Compatibility Mode appropriate to the management
Used for making sure a PCI Express slot remains
functional and enabled per PCI Express specification for
Compliance test card testing of PCI Express cards. User defined Sets the computer name. The computer name must be
between 1 and 32 characters long, may contain upper case
characters, lower case characters numbers, however
spaces, dashes, and any other special characters (for
example: !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *) are not allowed.
IDE is default
RAID: enables RAID which may require you to install the
RAID Driver during OS installation
Core Multiplexing Technology
This BIOS setting is present only when a dual core processor is installed.
V09 – March 2008
Main • Enabled
• Disabled
AHCI: allows you to take advantage of Advanced Host
Controller Interface features such as Native command
Queuing , Hot plug, etc., without the option to use RAID.
Requires a hard drive that supports AHCI.
When disabled, turns off all but one processor core. You
may need to disable this for legacy operating systems that
do not support multiple cores. The remaining core may
have access to more cache. The amount of cache available
to the remaining core will depend on the particular
processor. The increase in available cache can result in
better performance under certain applications.
BIOS Settings Dictionary – Alphabetical
CPC Override Advanced >
Chipset Configuration
Advanced > Memory Configuration
CPU Cooling Fan Advanced >
Hardware Monitoring
CPU Die/Package Temperature
CPU Fan Control Advanced > Boot
CPU Fan Speed Advanced >
CPU Frequency Multiplier
This BIOS setting is present only when Default Frequency Ratio is disabled.
Advanced > Hardware Monitoring
Hardware Monitoring
Maintenance User Defined Sets the ratio between CPU Core Clock and the Front Side
• Auto
• Enabled
• Disabled
No changeable options
No changeable options
• Enabled
• Disabled No changeable
Controls Command Per Clock/1n rule mode. When
enabled, allows DRAM controller to attempt Chip Select
assertions in two consecutive common clocks.
Displays fan speed of the CPU fan
Displays processor's temperature.
Allows the CPU fan to be controlled in order to optimize
acoustics. If disabled, the CPU fan will run at 100%.
Displays processor fan speed
Bus (FSB)
CPU Microcode Update Revision
CPU Stepping Signature
CPU Temperature Advanced >
CPU Thermal Module Fan
CPU Voltage Offset Performance >
CSA Device Advanced >
Maintenance No changeable
Maintenance No changeable
Hardware Monitoring
Advanced > Hardware Monitoring
Processor Overrides
Chipset Configuration
options No changeable
No changeable options
• Enabled
• Disabled
• Auto
• Disable
Displays processor’s Microcode Update Revision.
Displays processor’s Stepping Signature.
Displays processor's temperature.
Displays fan speed of the CPU fan
When enabled, will provide 300 mV additional voltage to
CPU above selected CPU Voltage Override
Enables or disables Communication Streaming
Architecture interface.
Auto leaves the CSA device enabled if a device is found
on the bus, else the device is disabled.
For more information, refer to
BIOS Setting Appears on BIOS
DDR2 Voltage Advanced >
Chipset Configuration > Memory Configuration
V09 – March 2008
Options Description / Purpose
• Automatic
• 1.8
• 1.9
Memory voltage will be adjusted according to the memory
detected. Memory voltage can also be manually set to
allow memory to function or achieve higher performance.
BIOS Settings Dictionary – Alphabetical
Default Frequency
Maintenance • Enabled
Default Gateway
Manageability <Enter> Press <Enter> to edit the default gateway for the client
This setting editable only if Obtain an IP Automatically is set to No.
Enabled uses processor default frequency ratio.
• Disabled
Disabled allows programming of frequency ratio.
DHCP Enabled Intel® ME > Intel®
[X] [ ]
Management Technology Configuration > TCP/IP Configuration
Disable Disk
Manageability <Enter>
Protection Discard Changes Exit No changeable
Disk Protection is <enabled or disabled
Manageability No changeable
Diskette Controller Advanced >
• Enabled
• Disabled
Diskette Write Protect Advanced >
• Enabled
• Disabled
Display Setup Prompt Advanced > Boot
DMA Mode Advanced > Drive
Configuration > SATA/PATA
• On
• Off
• Auto
• UDMA 0
• UDMA 1
• UDMA 2
• UDMA 3
• UDMA 4
• UDMA 5
Toggle the checkbox (with the Enter key or the Space bar)
to enable or disable DHCP.
Only allowed if disk protection is enabled.
Discards changes without exiting Setup. The option values
present when the computer was turned on are used.
Displays whether disk protection is enabled or disabled.
Hard Disk Protection is enabled by default after installing
Intel® Platform Administrator Client.
With Hard Disk Protection enabled, the client computer can
save a copy of the current OS image for recovery purpose.
This copy enables recovering a crashed client to a
previously saved state.
Configures the integrated floppy controller.
Disables or enables diskette drive write protection.
Displays the "F2 to enter BIOS setup" message during
Specifies the Ultra DMA mode for the drive.
DMI Event Log Advanced > Event
Log Configuration
Domain Name Intel® ME > Intel®
Active Management Technology Configuration > TCP/IP Configuration
V09 – March 2008
• Enabled
• Disabled
Enable or disable the storing of POST error messages to
the DMI Event Log. User defined Sets the domain name.
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