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1.0 INTRODUCTION.......... .... ........... .... .. ............. .. .. ............. .. ............. .. .. ............. .. .. ............. 1
2.0 INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................ 1
2.1 Installi ng the Adapter Board .................................... ............................................ ........ .1
2.2 Installing the new EPROM ...........................................................................................4
3.0 BOARD LAYOUT.............................................................................................................. 5
4.0 FEATURES....................................................................................................................... 5
4.1 CPU Foot Print .............................................................................................................5
4.2 External Clock Oscillator/Crystal ..................................................................................5
4.3 Test Points ...................................................................................................................6
4.4 Jumpers .......................................................................................................................6
4.5 Evaluation Board Interface ...........................................................................................6
4.6 S e ria l C o m m u n ic a tio n s . ....... ... ....... .. ........ .. ....... ... ....... ... ....... .. ... ....... .. ........ .. ....... ... .....6
4.6.1 Using the External Serial Port .................................................................................7
4.6.2 Using the Internal Serial Port ..................................................................................7
5.0 8X930XX ADAPTER BOARD SCHEMATICS .................................................................. 7
8X930 MICROCONTROLLER LOCATION ...................................................................................2
ADAPTER BOARD ORIENTATION ..............................................................................................3
EPROM ORIENTATION ...............................................................................................................4
ADAPTER BOARD LAYOUT ........................................................................................................5

This manual describes how to connect the USB930HxADBD daughte r card to the 8x 930 F amily
USB Evaluation Board Rev B. The 8x930Hx chip supports one upstream USB port and four
downstream USB ports.
Due to pin incompatibilities, this daughter card can be used with the four-port
8x930 Family USB Evaluation Board Rev B only.
2.1 Installing the Adapter Board
1. Remove the 8x930Ax device inst alled on the 8x930 Fa mi ly USB Evaluation Board Rev B
from the U3 socket prior to installing the adapter board. Refer to Figure 1 for the location
of socket U3
2. Place the adapter on the evaluation board, ensuring that the connectors are properly
aligned, and press the adapter onto the evaluation board until the connectors are fully
engaged. Refer to Figure 2 for the correct orientation for the adapter board.