Intel SRCS14L - RAID Controller User Manual

Intel® Integrated RAID Controller SRCS14L
Four-port Low Profile Serial ATA RAID Controller Technical Product Specification, Version 1.0
November 2002
Technical Product Specification
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Technical Product Specification
Intel® Integrated RAID Controller SRCS14L
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................5
1.1 Acronyms .............................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Documentation Conventions ................................................................................. 6
1.3 Product Overview ..................................................................................................6
1.4 Operating System Support ....................................................................................6
1.5 List of Features...................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Physical Layout .....................................................................................................8
2.2 Major Components ................................................................................................ 8
2.2.1 Intel® 80303® Intelligent I/O Processor ................................................... 8
2.2.2 Intel® Smart 3 FlashFile Flash Memory ...............................................9
2.2.3 SDRAM (Cache)....................................................................................... 9
2.2.4 SATA Controllers...................................................................................... 9
2.2.5 Audible Alarm ...........................................................................................9
2.2.6 SATA Connectors...................................................................................10
2.2.7 PCI Interface .......................................................................................... 10
2.2.8 SRCS14L Jumpers.................................................................................10
2.2.9 Diagnostic Features ............................................................................... 11
2.3 Architecture Features (HW)................................................................................. 13
2.4 Electrical Characteristics .....................................................................................13
2.5 Environmental Specifications ..............................................................................13
2.6 Supported Hard Drive Technology ...................................................................... 13
3Software.......................................................................................................................... 14
3.1 Software Architecture Overview ..........................................................................14
3.1.1 User Interface .........................................................................................15
3.1.2 System Management ............................................................................. 15
3.1.3 Common Layers ..................................................................................... 16
3.1.4 RAID Firmware ....................................................................................... 16
4 RAID Functionality and Features..................................................................................17
4.1 Hierarchy .............................................................................................................17
4.1.1 Level 1: Physical Drives ......................................................................... 17
4.1.2 Level 2: Logical Drives ........................................................................... 17
4.1.3 Level 3: Array Drives .............................................................................. 17
4.1.4 Level 4: Host Drives ............................................................................... 18
4.1.5 RAID Host/Array Drive Statuses ............................................................ 19
4.1.6 Logical Drive Statuses............................................................................20
4.1.7 RAID Controller Drive Limitations (Host, Array, Logical, and Physical) .20
4.2 Utilities and Tools ................................................................................................21
4.3 RAID Features..................................................................................................... 22
4.3.1 RAID Level Support................................................................................ 22
4.3.2 Caching .................................................................................................. 22
4.3.3 Hot Fix (Spare) Disks ............................................................................. 24
4.3.4 Auto-detection of Hot-Plug Disk Drives in a Non-Intelligent Drive Enclo­sure25
Technical Product Specification
Intel® Integrated RAID Controller SRCS14L
4.3.5 Auto-declare Hot Fix (Spare) Drive ........................................................ 25
4.3.6 RAID Array Drive Roaming .................................................................... 25
4.3.7 On-line RAID Array Configurations ........................................................ 25
4.3.8 Background Initialization and Instant Availability.................................... 27
4.3.9 PCI Hot Plug .......................................................................................... 27
5 Certifications and Supported Technologies................................................................ 28
5.1 OS Certifications ................................................................................................. 28
5.2 Electronic Regulatory Agencies Certifications (Hardware) ................................. 29
5.3 Supported Specifications and Standards ............................................................ 31
6 Technical Drawings and Diagrams............................................................................... 32
7 Appendices..................................................................................................................... 33
7.1 Referenced Documentation ................................................................................ 33
7.2 BIOS Boot Messages .......................................................................................... 33
1 SRCS14L RAID Controller Physical Layout .......................................................... 8
2 Jumper Settings and Pin Numbers ..................................................................... 10
3 LED Labels and Colors ....................................................................................... 11
4 RAID Software Stack Architecture Block Diagram.............................................. 14
5 Controller PBA Drawing, Front View ................................................................... 32
6 Controller PBA Drawing, Back View ................................................................... 32
1 Common Acronyms............................................................................................... 5
2 Controller Jumper Settings.................................................................................. 11
3 LED Descriptions ................................................................................................ 11
4 Beep Sequences ................................................................................................. 12
5 Hardware Architecture ........................................................................................ 13
6 Electrical Specifications ...................................................................................... 13
7 Environmental Test Results ................................................................................ 13
8 Host Array Drive Statuses................................................................................... 19
9 Logical Drive Statuses ........................................................................................ 20
10 RAID Controller Drive Maximum Limitations (SRCS14L) ................................... 20
11 Utilities And Tools ............................................................................................... 21
12 Supported RAID Levels....................................................................................... 22
13 Supported Cache Settings .................................................................................. 23
14 Example of a 9GB Pooled Hot Fix Drive
Selected to Protect Four Raid Array Drives ........................................................ 24
15 OS Certification Requirements............................................................................ 28
16 Electronic Equipment Regulatory Certifications .................................................. 29
17 Supported Standards and Specifications ............................................................ 31
18 Referenced Documentation ................................................................................ 33
Technical Product Specification
Intel® Integrated RAID Controller SRCS14L
1.1 Acronyms
The following acronyms may be used throughout this document.
Table 1. Common Acronyms (Sheet 1 of 2)
Acronym Description
API Application Programmer Interface
DLL Dynamic Linked Library
DOS Generic term to reference either MS-DOS* or ROM-DOS
DMI Desktop Management Interface – a system management specification
ECC Error Correction Code (also
error correcting code and error correcting circuits)
FRU Flash Recovery Utility
FUU Flash Update Utility
FW Firmware
Gb Gigabit
GB Gigabyte
HBA Host Bus Adapter
IIR Intel Integrated RAID
Kb Kilobit
KB Kilobyte
LVD Low Voltage Differential SCSI
Mb Megabit
MB Megabyte
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect
RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks
SAF-TE SCSI Accessed Fault Tolerant Enclosure
SATA Serial AT Attachment
SE Single Ended SCSI device. SCSI device type.
Single Connector Attachment - 80-pin SCSI connector on hot-swappable SE and LVD hard disks.
SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
Technical Product Specification
Intel® Integrated RAID Controller SRCS14L
1.2 Documentation Conventions
The terms “RAID controller” and “the controller” are used interchangeably throughout this document. Each term represents the physical PCB that integrates all the components of the RAID PCI add-in card.
1.3 Product Overview
The SRCS14L is a PCI-based, low-profile, four-port SATA RAID controller. It utilizes the Intel® 80303 Intelligent I/O processor, two Silicon Image* Sil3112A SATA controllers, and Intel Integrated RAID software.
1.4 Operating System Support
The following operating systems are fully validated and supported:
Microsoft* Windows* XP Professional
Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server
Red Hat* Linux* 7.3 (2.4 kernel)
SuSe* Linux 8.0 Professional
The following operating systems are supported with limited compatibility validation:
Windows 2000 Server
Red Hat Linux 7.2
TurboLinux* 7.0 Server
1.5 List of Features
Supports RAID levels 0, 1, 4, 5 and 10
Supports up to four hard drives connected to the four SATA ports on the controller
Online RAID level migration and capacity expansion without reboot
RAID array roaming
Storage Console: A character-based, menu-driven tool used for setting up, monitoring and maintaining mass storage device subsystems based on IIR Controllers.
Storage Console Plus: A GUI-based, menu-driven tool used for setting up, monitoring and maintaining mass storage device subsystems based on IIR Controllers. Runs only on Microsoft* Windows*-based systems.
XROM PCI Expansion ROM - BIOS utility accessed at system POST.
Table 1. Common Acronyms (Sheet 2 of 2)
Acronym Description
Technical Product Specification
Intel® Integrated RAID Controller SRCS14L
Instant availability and background initialization
Automatic rebuild with private (dedicated) or pooled (global) hot fix (spare) drives
Variable data strip size configurable per array
64MB of ECC SDRAM support
Read/write controller caching
Hot plug disk drive auto detection configurable for non-intelligent enclosures
PCI Hot plug support
Technical Product Specification
Intel® Integrated RAID Controller SRCS14L
2.1 Physical Layout
2.2 Major Components
2.2.1 Intel® 80303® Intelligent I/O Processor
The SRCS14L features the Intel® 80303® I/O processor. The core processor, PCI-to-PCI bridge, and Memory Controller are particularly useful in RAID applications. For more information on the Intel 80303 memory controller unit, visit
Figure 1. SRCS14L RAID Controller Physical Layout
167 mm
56 mm
PCI bus speed
66MHz = on
33MHz =off
DMA mode
Port-B:0 activity
Port-B:1 activity
Back View
Port-A:1 activity Port-A:0 activity
167 mm
56 mm
data cache
IOP mode select jumper
(J1 )
Channel B
64-bit /
keyed, 3.3 and 5 volt,
PCI interface
I/O processor
Front View
SATA connector B:0
SATA connector B:1
SATA Connector A:0
SATA connector A:1
SATA processor B
SATA processor A
MB Intel® Smart 3
FlashFile™ flash memory
Activity indicator header
PCI bus speed jumper
(J4 )
Standard bracket
Low-profile bracket
Technical Product Specification
Intel® Integrated RAID Controller SRCS14L Processor Core
The 80303 uses the 80960JT-100 core. The core processor runs at 100 MHz with an internal 64-bit 100 MHz PCI bus. Among other features, it contains a 128-bit register bus, 16Kbyte two-way instruction cache, 4Kbyte direct-mapped data cache, 1Kbyte zero wait state data RAM, and single clock execution of most instructions. PCI-to-PCI Bridge
The PCI-to-PCI bridge features fully independent PCI bus operation with independent clocks, dedicated data queues, 32-bit/33Mhz and 64-bit/66Mhz PCI bus support, and 64-bit Dual Address Cycle addressing. Memory Controller Unit
The Memory Controller provides direct control of memory systems external to the 80960 core processor, including SDRAM and Flash. It features programmable chip selects, a wait state generator, ECC single-bit correction and double-bit error detection. The bus interface to the memory controller operates at 100 MHz. The SRCS14L uses 64MB of embedded memory.
2.2.2 Intel® Smart 3 FlashFile Flash Memory
This 3.3v, 32Mb (4MB) flash memory chip is used to store the RAID firmware. This non-volatile storage can be accessed for firmware updates and recovery. For firmware recovery, set the IOP mode select jumper J1 to reset; place jumper on pins 1 and 2. For normal firmware updates, place the jumper on pins 2 and 3 (or remove totally). See Figure 2: Jumper Settings and Pin Numbers for more information.
2.2.3 SDRAM (Cache)
The SRCS14L provides 64MB of 3.3v PC-100 ECC unbuffered CAS 2 latency SDRAM. The memory is embedded in the RAID controller and is not upgradeable. It is connected directly to the memory controller interface bus of the IOP, and serves as storage for the executable code transferred from the flash. It also serves as cache during RAID transactions. Cache mode selection takes immediate effect while the server is online. The IOP memory controller provides single-bit ECC error correction.
2.2.4 SATA Controllers
The SRCS14L has two Silicon Image Sil3112A SATA controllers, which each control two serial ports (four ports total). The Sil3112A can support data transfer rates up to 1.5 Gbps. See http:// for more information.
2.2.5 Audible Alarm
An 80db audible alarm is mounted on the RAID controller to alert the user to a number of software and/or hardware events experienced by the controller.
Technical Product Specification
Intel® Integrated RAID Controller SRCS14L
2.2.6 SATA Connectors
The SRCS14L provides four SATA signal connectors.
2.2.7 PCI Interface
The SRCS14L has a 64-bit/66MHz PCI interface. The PCI connector is universally keyed for 3.3v or 5v signaling and is PCI 2.2 compliant. The controller is designed for optimal performance when inserted in a 64-bit/66MHz PCI expansion slot; however, it is backwards compatible with all 33MHz PCI expansion slots.
2.2.8 SRCS14L Jumpers
The IIR controller normally comes ready to be installed into the computer motherboard immediately. However, jumper settings are available to:
Reprogram the RAID firmware that is located in the flash memory of the IIR controller.
Set the PCI bus speed (force 33 MHz or auto-negotiate 33/66 MHz).
For jumper locations and settings, see Table 2: Controller Jumper Settings and Figure 2: Jumper
Settings and Pin Numbers.
Figure 2. Jumper Settings and Pin Numbers
PCI Bus Speed (J4)
Auto-negotiate 33 or 66 MHz (pins 2-3)
Force 33 MHz (pins 1-2)
IOP Mode Select (J1)
Normal Mode (pins 2-3)
Recovery Mode (pins 1-2)
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