Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel® products. No license, express or implied, by
estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel's
Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any
express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Intel products including liability or warranties relating to
fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property
right. Intel products are not designed, intended or authorized for use in any medical, life saving, or life sustaining
applications or for any other application in which the failure of the Intel product could create a situation where
personal injury or death may occur. Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time,
without notice.
Intel server boards contain a number of high-density VLSI and power delivery components that need adequate
airflow for cooling. Intel's own chassis are designed and tested to meet the intended thermal requirements of these
components when the fully integrated system is used together. It is the responsibility of the system integrator that
chooses not to use Intel developed server building blocks to consult vendor datasheets and operating parameters to
determine the amount of airflow required for their specific application and environmental conditions. Intel Corporation
can not be held responsible if components fail or the server board does not operate correctly when used outside any
of their published operating or non-operating limits.
Intel, Intel Pentium, and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in
the United States and other countries.
Read all caution and safety statements in this document before performing any of the
instructions. See also Intel Server Boards and Server Chassis Safety Information on the
Resource CD and/or at
Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise
Lesen Sie zunächst sämtliche Warnund Sicherheitshinweise in diesem Dokument, bevor
Sie eine der Anweisungen ausführen. Beachten Sie hierzu auch die Sicherheitshinweise zu
Intel-Serverplatinen und Servergehäusen auf der Resource CD oder unter http://
Lisez attention toutes les consignes de sécurité et les mises en garde indiquées dans ce
document avant de suivre toute instruction. Consultez Intel Server Boards and Server
Chassis Safety Information sur le Resource CD ou bien rendez-vous sur le site http://
Lea todas las declaraciones de seguridad y precaución de este documento antes de realizar
cualquiera de las instrucciones. Vea Intel Server Boards and Server Chassis Safety
Information en el Resource CD y/o en
Heed safety instructions: Before working with your server product, whether you are
using this guide or any other resource as a reference, pay close attention to the safety
instructions. You must adhere to the assembly instructions in this guide to ensure and
maintain compliance with existing product certifications and approvals. Use only the
described, regulated components specified in this guide. Use of other products /
components will void the UL listing and other regulatory approvals of the product and
will most likely result in noncompliance with product regulations in the region(s) in which
the product is sold.
System power on/off: The power button DOES NOT turn off the system AC power. To
remove power from system, you must unplug the AC power cord from the wall outlet.
Make sure the AC power cord is unplugged before you open the chassis, add, or remove
any components.
Hazardous conditions, devices and cables: Hazardous electrical conditions may be
present on power, telephone, and communication cables. Turn off the server and
disconnect the power cord, telecommunications systems, networks, and modems attached
to the server before opening it. Otherwise, personal injury or equipment damage can
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) and ESD protection: ESD can damage disk drives,
boards, and other parts. We recommend that you perfo rm all procedures in this chapter
only at an ESD workstation. If one is not available, provide some ESD protection by
wearing an antistatic wrist strap attached to chassis ground any unpainted metal surface on
your server when handling parts.
ESD and handling boards: Always handle boards carefully. They can be extremely
sensitive to ESD. Hold boards only by their edges. After removing a board from its
protective wrapper or from the server, place the board component side up on a grounded,
static free surface. Use a conductive foam pad if available but not the board wrapper. Do
not slide board over any surface.
ivIntel® Server System SR9000MK4U Product Guide
Installing or removing jumpers: A jumper is a small plastic encased conductor that slips
over two jumper pins. Some jumpers have a small tab on top that you can grip with your
fingertips or with a pair of fine needle nosed pliers. If your jumpers do not have such a tab,
take care when using needle nosed pliers to remove or install a jumper; grip the narrow
sides of the jumper with the pliers, never the wide sides. Gripping the wide sides can
damage the contacts inside the jumper, causing intermittent problems with the function
controlled by that jumper. Take care to grip with, but not squeeze, the pliers or other tool
you use to remove a jumper, or you may bend or break the pins on the board.
Intel® Server System SR9000MK4U Product Guidev
viIntel® Server System SR9000MK4U Product Guide
About this Manual
Thank you for purchasing and using Intel® server products.
This manual is written for system technicians who are responsible for troubleshooting,
upgrading, and managing the Intel
provides an overview of the features of the server system utilities, and instructions on how
to install, setup, and manage the system. For the latest version of this manual, see http://
Chapter 1 provides a brief overview of the chassis features for the Server System
Chapter 2 provides an overview of the features of the boards used in the Server System
In this chapter, you will find a list of the server board features, photos of the product, and
product diagrams to help you identify components and their locations.
Chapter 3 provides instructions for adding and replacing components. Use this chapter for
step-by-step instructions and diagrams for installing or replacing components such as the
hard drives, memory, processor, fans, boards and other components.
Chapter 4 tells you how to install the system into a rack environment.
Server System SR9000MK4U. This document
Chapter 5 provides instructions on using the utilities that are shipped with the board or
that may be required to update the system. This includes how to navigate through the
BIOS Setup screens, and how to clear the CMOS.
Chapter 6 provides troubleshooting information. In this chapter, you will fi nd suggestions
and steps to follow for performing troubleshooting activities to identify the source of a
Appendices provide tables of POST codes, SEL codes, safety information, safety start-up
warnings, and how to get help.
Product Accessories
You may need or want to purchase one or more of the following accessory items for your
Processor, memory DIMMs, hard drive, USB floppy drive, CD-ROM or DVD-ROM
drive, RAID controller, operating system.
For information about which accessories, memory, processors, and third-party hardware
have been tested and can be used with your board, and for ordering information for Intel
products, see
Additional Information and Software
If you need more information about this product or information about the accessories that
can be used with this server board, use the following resources. These files are available at
Unless otherwise indicated in the table below, once on this Web page, type the document
or software name in the search field at the left side of the screen and select the option to
search “This Product.”
Table 1. Additional Information and Software
For this information or
For in-depth technical
information about this
product, including BIOS
settings and chipset
If you just received this
product and need to
install it
Accessories or other Intel
server products
Hardware (peripheral
boards, adapter cards)
and operating systems
that have been tested with
this product
Processors that have
been tested with this
Use this Document or Software
Server System SR9000MK4U Technical Product
Server System SR9000MK4U Quick Start User's Guide in the
product box
Spares and Configuration Guide
Tested Hardware Operating Systems List
Supported Processors
viiiIntel® Server System SR9000MK4U Product Guide
Table 1. Additional Information and Software
For this information or
DIMMs that have been
tested with this product
For driversDriver (for an extensive list of available drivers)
For firmware and BIOS
updates, or for BIOS
For diagnostics test
Tested Memory List
Operating System Driver (for operating system drivers)
Firmware Updates
Use this Document or Software
See also the Resource CD that came with your server system.
Intel® Server System SR9000MK4U Product Guideix
Powering the System On and Off
Powering On the System Power
1. Connect the power cables to AC input power connectors in the back of the system
and to the outlet. If 100 - 110 VAC is used, both power supplies must be connected.
2. If peripheral devices are attached that need to be turned on first, power on these
peripherals. See your peripheral guides for information.
3. Press the power button on the front panel. The green power LED will light.
4. Watch the fault LED on the front panel for any signs of trouble. See the
troubleshooting information at the end of this manual for help if necessary.
Powering Off the System Power
1. If peripheral devices are attached that need to be turned off first, power off these
peripherals. See your peripheral guides for information.
2. Press the power button on the front panel. The green power LED will turn off.
Note: The system will force a power off if the power button is held down for four or more
seconds. This method should be used only if the system has locked up. If the power is
forced off, wake events, such as Wake-on-LAN, are disabled. The IPMI “Power Off”
command functions the same way as a four-sec ond button pr ess. When the system power is
forced off, either the power button or the IPMI “Power On” command must be used to
power the system back on.
xIntel® Server System SR9000MK4U Product Guide
Safety Information ..................................................................................................... iii
Important Safety Instructions ................................................................................................ iii
Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise ............................................................................................... iii
Consignes de sécurité .......................................................................................................... iii
Instrucciones de seguridad importantes ............................................................................... iii
Warnings ............................................................................................................................... iv
Table 31. POST Codes Generated by the BMC and Logged at the Seven Segment LED ...171
Table 32. POST Codes Generated by SAL and Logged at the Seven Segment LED ..........177
Table 33. Error POST Codes Generated by SAL ..................................................................179
Intel® Server System SR9000MK4U Product Guidexxi
xxiiIntel® Server System SR9000MK4U Product Guide
Chassis Overview
Server System SR9000MK4U
The Intel® Server System SR9000MK4U as shown in Figure 1 is a compact, high-density
rack-mount server system with support for up to four Intel
256-GB DDR2 SDRAM memory. The system is based on the Hitachi CF-3e board set and
the Hitachi CF-3e chipset.
The system supports hot-plug PCI-X* and PCI-Express* add-in cards; hot-swap,
redundant power supply modules; hot-swap redundant cooling fans; and hot-swap hard
drives. The system supports symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) and a variety of operating
systems. Table 2 provides an overview of the server system's physical characteristics.
Itanium® 2 processors and
Figure 1. Intel
Height176 mm (6.9 inches)
Width441 mm (17.3 inches)
Depth765 mm (30.1 inches)
WeightBase: 21 kg (46.3 lbs), Max: 48 kg (105.8 lbs)
Heat Dissipation1390 W
Server System SR9000MK4U Three Dimensional View
Table 2. Server Physical Specifications
Chassis Description
Features are outlined in Table 3.
Table 3. Chassis Feature Summary
Server Configuration
Expansion and Servicing
• Stand-alone system including external I/O PCI slots and
disk expansion as needs grow
• Support for Intel
Itanium® 2 processors
• Support for 533 MHz Front Side Bus (FSB)
• Support for Double Data Rate-2 (DDR-2) 533 Synchronous
Dynamic Random Access Memory (SDRAM)
• Support for PCI Express* x4/x8/x16
• Up to four Intel
Itanium® 2 processors
• Up to 32 DIMM sockets with max 256 GB memory capacity
• Two 64-bit PCI-X* slots
• Two x8 PCI-Express* slots
• Two x16 PCI-Express slots
• Up to eight hot-swappable 3.5-inch SAS 3G hard drives
with front/external access
• Two hot-swap 1390 W power supplies in a redundant
power cords when using 200-240 VAC configuration with
redundant power cords (one cord per power supply). If 100
- 110 VAC is used, both power supplies must be connected
for the server system to operate, and redundancy is not
• Six top access hot-swap system fans in a redundant (5+1)
System control buttons and indicators are located in several places on the chassis:
• Chassis front
—Front panel: Front panel switches and LEDs
—Optical drive bay
—Hot-swap hard drive bay: hard drive LEDs
—Memory box: Memory box serviceability LEDs
• Chassis rear
—Power supplies and AC inputs
—PCI slots
—IO ports
—Identification switch
• Chassis top
—Power supply indicators
—Cooling fan
—PCI hot plug
Intel® Server System SR9000MK4U Product Guide3
Chassis Front
Figure 2 shows the front view of the chassis with the snap-on bezel in place. The bezel
provides access to the optical drive, front panel controls, and the hot-swap hard drives.
The bezel must be removed to access the memory boxes.
A.Front Panel, see “Front Panel”E.Memory box 1
B.Optical DriveF.Memory box 2
C. Hard Drives, HDD0 - HDD7 from left to rightG. Memory box 3
D. Memory box 0
Figure 2. Chassis Front View
4Intel® Server System SR9000MK4U Product Guide
Front Panel
The front panel is located below the slimline optical drive on the left-side of the chassis
front. The front panel provides buttons and status indicator LEDs. Figure 3 shows the
control buttons and status indicators on the front panel.
A.USB Port 0, USB 1.1. The port is shut down in
case of an over-current. To recover, power
down server and then power it back on.
B.USB Port 1, USB 1.1. The port is shut down in
case of an over-current. To recover, power
down server and then power it back on.
C. Power button and power LED.
– Green on: ACPI S0 state.
– Green blink: System is powering down.
– LED off: ACPI S5 state.
For information about power the system on and off,
see “Powering the System On and Off” on page x.
F.Identification button and blue ID LED. Button toggles
state of LED between on and off.
– Blue on: Identifies server.
– Blue blink: CMOS being cleared or FWH recovery
in process. For instructions on how to clear the
CMOS, see “Clearing the CMOS” on page 140.
– Off: System not identified, CMOS not being
cleared, FWH recovery not in process.
G. Power fault LED:
– Orange on: Critical, non-recoverable power fault
– Orange blink: Non-critical power fault detected.
– Off: No power fault detected.
H. Cooling fault LED:
– Orange on: Critical non-recoverable cooling fault
– Orange blink: Non-critical cooling fault detected.
– Off: No cooling fault detected by the BMC.
D. Reset button: Resets the system.I.General fault LED:
E.System diagnostic interrupt (SDINT) button:
Asserts INIT to system.
Intel® Server System SR9000MK4U Product Guide5
– Orange on: Critical, non-recoverable fault other
than power or cooling fault detected.
– Orange blink: Non-critical fault other than power or
cooling fault detected.
– Off: No general fault detected.
Figure 3. Front Panel Controls and Indicators
Optical Drive Bay
The slim-line optical drive (DVD-ROM / CD-ROM drive) is inserted from the front of the
optical drive bay. The system power must be turned off to remove or install this drive.
Note: Intel validates specific DVD-ROM / CD-ROM drives. See the Intel
SR9000MK4U Tested Hardware and Operating System List” for a list of these drives
Figure 4. Optical Drive Bracket with Drive Installed
Server System
Hot-swap Hard Drive Bay
The hot-swap hard drive carrier, shown in Figure 5 is designed to support 15,000-RPM or
slower SAS3G technology hard drives.
Figure 5. Hard Drive Carrier
6Intel® Server System SR9000MK4U Product Guide
The hard drive carriers contain light-pipes that allow dual-color LED indicators to display
through the bezel. The hard drive status is described in Table 4.
Table 4. SAS Hard Drive LED Details
LED ColorStateDescription
4 Hz blinkLocate
1 Hz blinkRebuild
Red / Green / OffBlinkHard drive insert
Power on reset with or without hard drive
• To test the hard drive LEDs, do the following:
—Install a hard drive.
—Power on the system.
—Watch for the LED status to change. The red LED should be on for 0.5 seconds,
then the green turns on and remains on.
• Intel validates specific hard drive types in the Server System SR9000MK4U. See the
Server System SR9000MK4U T ested Hardware and Operating System List for
a list of the drives supported.
Intel® Server System SR9000MK4U Product Guide7
Memory Box
In memory mirror mode, memory box 0 is paired with memory box 1. Memory box 2 is
paired with memory box 3. When mirroring mode is used, either of the memory boxes
with a pair can be hot-swapped.
Figure 6 shows the front view of the memory box.
CalloutLEDLED StateDescription
AMemory Box Mirror
BMemory Box Power
CMemory Box
Attention LED
DNo LEDN/AHot-swap button. Press this button to initiate
Green onThe memory box is operating in mirror
OffThe memory box is not operating in mirror
Green onThe memory box is powered on.
OffThe memory box is powered off.
Orange onAn error has been detected in the memory
OffNo error has been detected on the memory
box or the memory box is powered off.
a hot-swap process.
Figure 6. Memory Box Front View
8Intel® Server System SR9000MK4U Product Guide
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