Server Systems
SR4850HW4S and SR6850HW4S
Configuration Guide
Rev 3.03
A reference guide to assist customers in ordering components to configure
SAS 3.5” Harwich 800T-based server systems - RoHS compliance w/ server exemption.
SR4850HW4S = Harwich 800T 4U Server SAS 3.5
SR6850HW4S = Harwich 800T 6U Server SAS 3.5
Revisions/Additions in blue font
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1. Table of Contents
1. Table of Contents..................................................................................................................2
2. Revision History....................................................................................................................3
3. Important Notes ....................................................................................................................3
4. System Configuration Options............................................................................................4
5. 4U System Part Configurator: SR4850HW4S.....................................................................5
6. 6U System Part Configurator: SR6850HW4S.....................................................................6
7. Base System SKU Configuration Contents........................................................................7
7.1 Table 1: Base System Product Code Contents........................................................7
8. Complete Product Ordering Code Listings........................................................................8
8.1 Table 2: Base System Codes...................................................................................8
8.2 Table 3: Common System Accessory Codes...........................................................9
8.2.1 Table 4: 4U Unique Accessory Codes for SHW4URM3SA...................................10
8.2.2 Table 5: 6U Unique Accessory Codes for SHW6URM3SA...................................10
8.3 Table 6: Common System Spare Part Codes........................................................10
8.3.1 Table 7: 4U 3.5“ SAS Unique Spare Part Codes for SHW4URM3SA....................11
8.3.2 Table 8: 6U 3.5” SAS Unique Spare Part Codes for SHW6URM3SA....................11
8.4 Table 9: Boxed Processor Codes Reference (Heatsink Included).........................11
8.5 Table 9: Trayed Processor Codes Reference (Requires Heatsink- AHWPROCHS)12
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2. Revision History
Date Rev Modification
Mar 23, 2005
Sept 27, 2005
Apr 24, 2006
Apr 25, 2006
Sept 25, 2006
Oct 25, 2006
Apr 3,2007
1.1 Corrected system DVD from a DVD/CDRW to a DVD-ROM.
2.0 Harwich 800T revisions.
2.7 Harwich 800T MM#s revised, DVD spare
3.0 Harwich 800T SAS MM#s added
3.01 Updated Boxed and Tray Processor Reference Codes
3.02 Updated BHWBASEM MM#
3.02 Updated SHW4URM3SA and SHW6URM3SA MM#
3. Important Notes
1. The SRx850HW4S boardset is ordered and shipped as two separate boards. The two boards are the baseboard and the
memory board. Each system can accommodate up to four memory boards. System SKUs include one memory board in
the base configuration.
2. The 6U server platform SR6850HW4S (product code SHW6URM3SA) comes preconfigured with 1 power supply and an
empty second power supply bay. The second power supply bay must be filled with either a second power supply
(AHW6UPWR) or a power bay fan (AHW6UPWRFAN).
3. Systems will not ship with processors, hard drives, or memory. These parts must be obtained separately from the system.
4. VRMs are not included with the platform.
5. Heat sinks are not included with the platform.
6. Processor thermal blanks must be ordered separately (if no processor is installed).
7. Either a Button Control Panel or Intel
8. Intel® Server Management Professional or Advanced modules must be ordered for installation in the system.
9. The SRx850HW4S memory board supports DDR2 400 SDRAM registered DIMMs.
10. The Intel factory will package board orders into single order packaging and ship to fill customer orders. Each board MM is a
self-contained shipping package of one board.
11. Power cords are not shipped with the system and must be obtained from local suppliers. Please review the power cord
enabling documents on support.intel.com, they cover all the countries that we intend to sell the product and have how to
order the correct cable:
12. All parts listed below are RoHS compliant with server exemption.
Local Control Panel must be ordered for installation in the system.
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4. System Configuration Options
Button Control
LCD Control
4U Platform
Mandatory Accessories
Optional Accessories
6U Platform
6U Only
Active Fan
ROMB Key and
Fibre Channel
Rack Rails and
Up to 3 additional
memory boards.
Pedestal Kit (6U)
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