Intel SE7320, SE75xx, SE8500, Server Configuration Wizard Utility User Manual

User’s Guide
Server Configuration Wizard (SCW)
For Intel® Server Boards and Platforms
Revision 1.1
for Server Configuration Wizard through v 2.1.6
Part Number: D17937-002
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The Server Configuration Wizard product may contain design defects or errors known as errata that may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Currently characterized errata are available on request.
*Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners.
User’s Guide for Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) Utility.......................... 1
1 Overview of Server Configuration Wizard .................................................... 5
Technical Details.....................................................................................................................5
User’s Guide Layout................................................................................................................5
2 Quick Links (for Experienced Users of SCW) .............................................. 6
3 Installation Paths............................................................................................. 6
A. Installing Intel® Management Module (IMM) – Advanced Edition......................................6
B. Installing Intel Management Module – Professional Edition...............................................6
C., D., E. Installing Intel Server Manager – various level of Agents (Full, Minimal, None) .....6
F. Not installing Intel Server Manager.....................................................................................6
Save Configuration to Disk Option..........................................................................................6
Unattended Configuration –....................................................................................................6
4 General Wizard Format and Syntax............................................................... 7
5 Getting Started ................................................................................................ 8
Booting the Server ..................................................................................................................8
Server Probing........................................................................................................................8
Start Screen............................................................................................................................9
Initial Options ..........................................................................................................................9
6 SCW Screens................................................................................................. 10
Intel® Server Management (ISM) Question..........................................................................10
Unattended Configuration and Cloning/Restore Option........................................................10
7 Selecting Options to Configure – Main Page ............................................ 11
Configure FRU/SDRs............................................................................................................11
BIOS Date and Time:............................................................................................................12
Setting a System Asset Tag..................................................................................................12
Channel Configuration (LANs and Serial/Modem)................................................................13
LAN Channel Screens...........................................................................................................14
LAN Channel, Screen 1 – Addresses...........................................................................14
LAN Channel, Screen 2 – Server Management and SOL............................................16
Access Levels – Admin Level is strongly suggested.............................................................16
LAN Channel, Screen 3 – Alerts ..................................................................................17
LAN Alert Filters....................................................................................................................18
Configuring the Serial/Modem Channel................................................................................19
Serial/Modem Screen 1 – Modem Setup .....................................................................19
Serial/Modem Screen 2 – Remote Server Management..............................................20
Serial/Modem Screen 3 – Alerting................................................................................21
Serial Alert Filters..................................................................................................................22
Configuring Users – Selection Screen..................................................................................23
Settings Available per User..........................................................................................24
User’s Guide for Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) Utility
Configuring the Advanced Features......................................................................................25
Advanced Screen 1 – SNMP, KVM and Telnet Configuration .....................................25
Advanced Screen 2 – Web Configuration....................................................................26
Advanced Screen 3 – SMTP Alert Settings..................................................................26
8 Set and Save the Configuration.................................................................. 27
Install an Operating System (certain platforms only):...................................................27
9 Server Configuration Utilities....................................................................... 27
10 Loading a Configuration from a Diskette.................................................. 28
11 Creating Diskettes........................................................................................ 28
Appendix A. Acronyms and Glossary.......................................................... 29
Appendix B. Removable Media Considerations............................................ 30
To format a removable media device as FAT 16: ........................................................30
To enable USB devices in the BIOS for DOS ..............................................................30
1. Screen Layout Syntax....................................................................................................7
2. Start Screen...................................................................................................................9
3. First Choices..................................................................................................................9
4. ISM or SCW?...............................................................................................................10
5: Unattended Configuration (Clone Install).....................................................................10
6. Typical SDR Question .................................................................................................11
7. Date and Time..............................................................................................................12
8. System Asset Tag........................................................................................................12
9. Channels to Configure .................................................................................................13
10. LAN Screen 1 – IP Configuration.................................................................................14
11. Address Resolution......................................................................................................15
12. LAN Screen 2: OOB, SOL............................................................................................16
13. LAN Screen 3: Alerts....................................................................................................17
14. LAN Alert Filters...........................................................................................................18
15. Serial 1: Modem Configuration.....................................................................................19
16. Serial 2: Privilege and Mode........................................................................................20
17. Serial 3: Alerts..............................................................................................................21
18. Serial Alert Filters.........................................................................................................22
19. User Selection..............................................................................................................23
20. User Configuration.......................................................................................................24
21. Advanced Screen 1 – Telenet, KVM............................................................................25
22. Advanced Screen 2 – Web ..........................................................................................26
23. Advanced Screen 3 – Alert Contents...........................................................................27
24.` Save to Media Option ..................................................................................................28
25. Separate Utilities..........................................................................................................28
26. Disk Set Selection........................................................................................................29
1 Overview of Server Configuration Wizard
The Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) is a combination of multiple utilities and data files that allow quick initial configuration of an Intel® Server.
The SCW utility is available on the Intel® Server Deployment Toolkit CD, which can be used to boot the server. SCW is a DOS-based application, run from the CD’s ROM-DOS, that gathers system information plus installation and configuration preferences, stores them to non-volatile memory, and then performs the Server configuration. The Wizard will appear as a Windows-style GUI to help the user choose which options to configure from this tool.
SCW can also run in ‘silent’ mode using a previously saved server configuration file from removable media (formatted fat16).
SCW can
Load FRUs and SDRs (Field Replaceable Units and Sensor Data Records)
Create startup diskette and installation diskettes for drivers
Allow utilities to be run separately by expert users
Set the:
- System Asset Tag
- LAN, Serial, and Advanced LAN Channels.
- OOB (Out of band) management settings – for Server Management without using the OS
- Intel® Management Module (IMM) Advanced Features
- User configurations for Advanced Features
- BIOS System date and time
Beyond date/time, SCW neither installs nor updates the BMC or BIOS.
Help and error messages are provided throughout the process.
Technical Details
SCW supports IPMI 1.5 and 2.0 compatible platforms. The autoexec and config.sys files on the Intel Deployment Toolkit CD launch ROM-DOS, setup a
RAMdrive, and run the SCW batch file. The SCW batch file checks for the RAMdrive and copies the required utilities and data files to that drive. The Wizard presents a GUI menu set for the user to choose which setup options to run. Error messages will display (if needed) from the GUI and the DOS utilities for troubleshooting.
User’s Guide Layout
On the next page are quick links to major topics and suggested paths through SCW based on installation. The rest of the document body is a screen by screen explanation of SCW. The Appendices contain the Glossary and instructions for formatting and enabling removable media.
2 Quick Links (for Experienced Users of SCW)
Run DOS Utilities outside of SCW
Make Device Driver Diskettes by Operating System or by Device From Disk Install for unattended Configuration, Cloning, or to restore previous settings
ISM Question
Set up
System Asset Tag
Channels: LAN 1, Advanced LAN 3, or Serial Modem 4 (Addresses, Alerts, etc.)
User Accounts Advanced Settings for Intel® Management Module – Advanced Edition Save Configuration Option Choices to Disk
3 Installation Paths
A. Installing Intel® Management Module (IMM) – Advanced Edition B. Installing Intel Management Module – Professional Edition C, D, and E. Installing Intel Server Manager – with Agents (Full, Minimal, None) F. Not installing Intel Server Manager
Table 1: Hardware Configurations and Suggested Installation
Answer ISM ? FRU/SDRs Date/Time Asset Tag LAN Ch 1 IMM Adv. C3 Modem C4 Multi Users Advanced
A: IMM Adv.Ed.
No Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
-----------Optional---------- -------Optional------- --Optional-­Opt Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes TCO TCO Yes No No No No No No No
Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No
Prof Ed
Optional No No No No No Yes
Full Ag
D. SM-
No Agt
no ISM8x
Save Configuration to Disk Option
Run applicable scenario as listed above and choose the
Unattended Configuration –
Need a previous Saved Configuration Disk, then use
previous Settings)
Save to Disk option before Finish.
From Disk Install: (Clone/ Restore
4 General Wizard Format and Syntax
Configuration options will be presented in a Wizard. Current settings will be displayed and can be accepted or changed. Square checkboxes allow multiple choices in a section. Round radio buttons allow one choice per section (exclusive). The basic layout of each screen is:
Figure 1. Screen Layout Syntax
Feature Description
Title Bar Gives Version of SCW Screen Title an ption Area (left half
of screen) Data Entry Area ( Shows the configu r that
Common Buttons
Back Returns to pr
Exit Quits the program aving without s Help Provides additional information Continue Accepts the s
d Descri se of the particular scre
right half of screen) ration data required fo
Explains purpo en and provides gen
section’s setting.
eral instructions
evious screen, choices
ettings and moves to the next
User’s Guide for Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) Utility
5 Getting Started
Booting the Server
When booting the server from an Intel Server Deployment Toolkit CD, the startup files (autoexec.bat and config.sys) will create a RAMdrive. This RAMdrive will be used as a temporary storage area for the different components of the utility. Information on the RAMdrive is lost on power off or reboot.
Server Probing
SCW will probe the server and store the component information to data files. Probed areas include the:
FRU (Field Replaceable Unit) devices
SDRs (Sensor Data Records)
BIOS and Firmware versions
Configured Users
Intel Management Modules
Start Screen
When the Wizard starts, the following Welcome screen is displayed.
Figure 2. Start Screen
Initial Options
Choose Server Configuration Wizard to configure Channels, Users, and Advanced Settings. Choose Create Diskettes to place device drivers on removable media. Choose Server Configuration Utilities to view which DOS Utilities can be run separately for this platform. (See
Section 9.)
Figure 3. First Choices
+ 21 hidden pages