Intel Server Board S5500HV, Server System SR1670HV Technical Product Specification

Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV
Technical Product Specification
Revision 1.2
May, 2010
Enterprise Platforms and Services Division
Revision History Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS
Revision History
Date Revision
June 2009 1.0 1st Production Release July 2009 1.1 Corrected some typo and power connector pin-outs definition March 2010 1.2 Updated new 5600 processor support information and revise CNCA Certification
Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel® products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Intel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. Intel products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications. Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice.
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The Intel as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request.
Server Board S5500HV and Intel® Server System SR1670HV may contain design defects or errors known
Intel Corporation server boards contain a number of high-density VLSI and power delivery components that need adequate airflow to cool. Intel’s own chassis are designed and tested to meet the intended thermal requirements of these components when the fully integrated system is used together. It is the responsibility of the system integrator that chooses not to use Intel developed server building blocks to consult vendor datasheets and operating parameters to determine the amount of airflow required for their specific application and environmental conditions. Intel Corporation cannot be held responsible if components fail or the server board does not operate correctly when used outside any of their published operating or non-operating limits.
Intel, Pentium, Itanium, and Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation.
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Copyright © Intel Corporation 2010.
Intel Confidential Revision 1.2
Intel order number E69391-006
Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Chapter Outline........................................................................................................1
1.2 Server Board Use Disclaimer ..................................................................................1
2. Intel® Server Board S5500HV Overview .............................................................................2
2.1 Intel® Server Board S5500HV Feature Set..............................................................2
2.2 Server Board Layout................................................................................................4
2.2.1 Server Board Connector and Component Layout....................................................5
2.2.2 Server Board Rear I/O Layout .................................................................................6
3. Functional Architecture.......................................................................................................7
3.1 Processor Support...................................................................................................7
3.1.1 Intel® Xeon® Processor 5500 Series and 5600 Series.............................................8
3.1.2 Processor Population Rules ..................................................................................11
3.1.3 Unified Retention System Support.........................................................................11
3.2 Intel® QuickPath Memory Controller and Memory Subsystem ..............................12
3.2.1 Intel® Server Board S5500HV Memory Support....................................................13
3.3 Intel® 5500 Chipset IOH.........................................................................................19
3.4 Intel® 82801Jx I/O Controller Hub (ICH10R)..........................................................19
3.4.2 USB 2.0 Support....................................................................................................21
3.4.3 Keyboard and Mouse Support...............................................................................21
3.5 Network Interface Controller (NIC) ........................................................................21
3.6 ASPEED* AST2050 Graphics and Remote Management Processor....................23
3.6.1 Video Support........................................................................................................23
3.6.2 Baseboard Management Controller & BMC Module..............................................23
4. Platform Management........................................................................................................26
4.1 System Fan Control...............................................................................................27
4.2 On-board/System Sensor Information ...................................................................27
4.3 Error Handling and Messaging..............................................................................31
5. Connector/Header Locations and Pin-outs......................................................................36
5.1 Power Connectors.................................................................................................36
5.2 Serial ATA Connectors..........................................................................................36
5.3 Front Panel Headers..............................................................................................37
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Table of Contents Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS
5.4 System Management Headers ..............................................................................39
5.4.1 SGPIO Header.......................................................................................................39
5.4.2 Power Supply SMBus Connectors.........................................................................39
5.5 I/O Connectors.......................................................................................................40
5.5.1 VGA Connector......................................................................................................40
5.5.2 NIC Ports...............................................................................................................40
5.5.3 Serial Port Connector ............................................................................................41
5.5.4 USB Connectors....................................................................................................41
5.6 Fan Headers..........................................................................................................42
6. Configuration Jumpers......................................................................................................43
6.1 Clear RTC RAM (CLRTC1) Jumper.......................................................................43
6.2 VGA Controller Enable/Disable Jumper ................................................................44
6.3 NIC 1 & NIC 2 Enable/Disable Jumper..................................................................44
6.4 Embedded RAID Option Select Jumper ................................................................45
6.5 DDR3 voltage control jumpers (**Future Support Only) ........................................46
6.6 BIOS Recovery Jumper.........................................................................................47
7. Intel® Light-Guided Diagnostics........................................................................................48
7.1 Standby Voltage LED ............................................................................................48
7.2 CPU Fault LED......................................................................................................48
7.3 System Identification LED......................................................................................49
7.4 BMC LED...............................................................................................................49
8. Intel® Server System SR1670HV Overview ......................................................................50
8.1 Front Panel Features.............................................................................................51
8.2 Rear Panel Features..............................................................................................52
8.3 System LED Overview...........................................................................................53
8.3.1 Front Control Panel LEDs......................................................................................53
8.3.2 LAN Port LEDs ......................................................................................................53
8.3.3 Hard Drive Status LEDs.........................................................................................54
8.4 System Storage.....................................................................................................54
8.5 System Cooling......................................................................................................55
8.6 System Power........................................................................................................56
8.6.1 Power Supply Module Specification ......................................................................57
8.6.2 AC Power Cord Specification Requirements.........................................................58
8.7 Add-in Card Support..............................................................................................58
9. Environmental Specifications...........................................................................................59
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Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS Table of Contents
9.1 Intel® Server Board S5500HV Environmental Specifications.................................59
9.2 Processor Power Support (Server Board Only).....................................................59
9.3 Intel® Server System SR1670HV Environmental Specifications............................60
9.4 Processor Power Support (Integrated System) .....................................................60
10. Regulatory and Certification.............................................................................................61
10.1 Intel® Server Board S5500HV Regulatory and Certification ..................................61
10.1.1 Electromagnetic Compatibility Notices ..................................................................62
10.1.2 FCC Verification Statement...................................................................................63
10.1.3 ICES-003 (Canada)...............................................................................................63
10.1.4 Europe (CE Declaration of Conformity) .................................................................63
10.1.5 Japan EMC Compatibility ......................................................................................63
10.1.6 BSMI (Taiwan).......................................................................................................64
10.1.7 RRL (Korea)...........................................................................................................64
10.2 Intel® Server System SR1670HV Regulatory and Certification .............................64
10.2.1 Product Regulatory Compliance............................................................................64
10.2.2 Use of Specified Regulated Components..............................................................65
10.2.3 Electromagnetic Compatibility Notices ..................................................................67
10.3 Product Ecology Compliance.................................................................................69
10.4 Other Markings......................................................................................................71
10.5 Component Regulatory Requirements to Support System and/or Baseboard Level
11. Product Safety Information...............................................................................................74
11.1 Safety Warnings & Cautions..................................................................................74
11.2 Site Selection.........................................................................................................74
11.3 Equipment Handling Practices...............................................................................75
11.4 Power and Electrical Warnings..............................................................................75
11.4.1 Replacing the Back up Battery ..............................................................................75
11.4.2 Power Cord Warnings............................................................................................76
11.5 System Access Warnings......................................................................................77
11.6 Rack Mount Warnings ...........................................................................................77
11.7 Cooling and Airflow................................................................................................78
11.8 Laser Peripherals or Devices.................................................................................78
Appendix A: Product Usage Tips............................................................................................79
Reference Documents..............................................................................................................83
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List of Figures Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS
List of Figures
Figure 1. Intel® Server Board S5500HV........................................................................................4
Figure 2. Intel® Server Board S5500HV Layout............................................................................5
Figure 3. Intel® Server Board S5500HV Rear I/O Layout .............................................................6
Figure 4. Intel® Server Board S5500HV Functional Block Diagram..............................................7
Figure 5 Processor Architecture ...................................................................................................9
Figure 6. Unified Retention System and Unified Backplate Assembly........................................12
Figure 7. Conceptual Memory Layout Diagram ..........................................................................13
Figure 8. DIMM Slot Nomenclature.............................................................................................14
Figure 9. Intel Server Board S5500HV Memory Slot Layout.......................................................14
Figure 10. Mirror Channel Mode Memory Population.................................................................18
Figure 11. RAID Option Jumper Block........................................................................................20
Figure 12. Internal USB Port Locations ......................................................................................21
Figure 13. NIC Enable/Disabled Jumper Block...........................................................................22
Figure 14. Video Enable/Disable Jumper Block..........................................................................23
Figure 15. Baseboard Management Module...............................................................................24
Figure 16. Management NIC.......................................................................................................25
Figure 17. System Fan Connector Locations..............................................................................27
Figure 18. System Fan Connector Pin-out Definition..................................................................27
Figure 19. 20-pin ATX Main Power Connector Pin-out and Location.........................................36
Figure 20. 4-pin Peripheral Power Connector Pin-out and Location...........................................36
Figure 21. SATA Connector Location and Pin-out......................................................................37
Figure 22. Front Panel Header Location and Pin-out .................................................................37
Figure 23. AUX Front Panel Header Location and Pinout..........................................................38
Figure 24. SGPIO Header Location and Pin-out.........................................................................39
Figure 25. Power Supply SMBus Connector Location and Pin-out ............................................40
Figure 26. Clear RTC Jumper Block...........................................................................................43
Figure 27. Video Enable/Disable Jumper ...................................................................................44
Figure 28. NIC1 & NIC2 Enable/Disable Jumper.......................................................................45
Figure 29. Embedded RAID Option Select Jumper ....................................................................45
Figure 30. BIOS Recovery Jumper.............................................................................................47
Figure 31. Stand-by Voltage LED...............................................................................................48
Figure 32. CPU Fault LED..........................................................................................................48
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Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS List of Figures
Figure 33. System ID LED..........................................................................................................49
Figure 34. BMC LED...................................................................................................................49
Figure 35. Intel® Server System SR1670HV...............................................................................50
Figure 36. Intel® Server System SR1670HV - Front Panel Overview.........................................52
Figure 37. Intel® Server System SR1670HV - Back Panel Overview .........................................52
Figure 38. Intel® Server System SR1670HV - Front Control Panel LEDs...................................53
Figure 39. LAN Port LED Identification.......................................................................................53
Figure 40. Hard Drive LED Identification ....................................................................................54
Figure 41. Hard Drive Assembly.................................................................................................54
Figure 42 Har driver Bay Assembly............................................................................................55
Figure 43. System Fan Assembly...............................................................................................55
Figure 44. System Fan Removal ................................................................................................55
Figure 45. Intel® Server System SR1670HV - Power Sub-system .............................................56
Figure 46. Power Module Removal.............................................................................................57
Figure 47. AC Cord Specification................................................................................................58
Figure 48. Intel® Server System SR1670HV - Add-in card support............................................58
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List of Tables Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS
List of Tables
Table 1. Intel® Server Board S5500HV Feature Set.....................................................................2
Table 2. Major Board Components...............................................................................................6
Table 3 Supported RDIMM configurations..................................................................................15
Table 4 Supported UDIMM configurations..................................................................................16
Table 5 Memory Population Table..............................................................................................17
Table 6. Supported Mirrored DIMM Population ..........................................................................19
Table 7. NIC Status LEDs...........................................................................................................22
Table 8. System Sensors............................................................................................................29
Table 9. LED/Power Module Sensors.........................................................................................30
Table 10. Backplane Sensors.....................................................................................................30
Table 11. Power Module Sensors...............................................................................................30
Table 12. System Fan Sensors...................................................................................................30
Table 13. FRU Sensors ..............................................................................................................31
Table 14. BIOS Error Messages and Checkpoints.....................................................................31
Table 15. VGA Connector Pin-out ..............................................................................................40
Table 16. RJ-45 10/100/1000 NIC Connector Pin-out................................................................41
Table 17. Serial Port Pin-out.......................................................................................................41
Table 18. External USB Connector Pin-out ................................................................................42
Table 19. 4-pin System Fan Connector Pin-out..........................................................................42
Table 20. Intel® Server System SR1670HV Feature Set............................................................51
Table 21. Power Supply Module Specification............................................................................57
Table 22. Over Current Protection Limits....................................................................................57
Table 23. Over Voltage Protection Limits ...................................................................................57
Table 24. AC Cord Specification.................................................................................................58
Table 25. Server Board Environmental Limits Summary............................................................59
Table 26. Intel® Xeon® Processor TDP Guidelines.....................................................................59
Table 27. Server System Environmental Limits Summary..........................................................60
Table 28. Server Board Product Safety & Electromagnetic (EMC) Compliance.........................61
Table 29. Server System Product Safety & Electromagnetic (EMC) Compliance ......................66
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Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS List of Tables
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Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS Introduction
1. Introduction
This Technical Product Specification (TPS) provides information detailing the features, functionality, and high-level architecture of the Intel
Server Board S5500HV and the Intel®
Server System SR1670HV. Additional product information can be found at the following Intel website:
1.1 Chapter Outline
This document is divided into the following chapters:
Chapter 1 – Introduction Chapter 2 – Intel Chapter 3 – Functional Architecture Chapter 4 – Platform Management Chapter 5 – Connector/Header Locations and Pin-outs Chapter 6 – Configuration Jumpers Chapter 7 – Intel Chapter 8 – Intel Chapter 9 – Environmental Specifications Chapter 10 – Regulatory and Certification Chapter 11 – Product Safety Information Appendix A – Product Usage Tips Glossary of Terms Product Reference Documents
Server Board S5500HV Overview
Light-Guided Diagnostics
Server System SR1670HV Overview
1.2 Server Board Use Disclaimer
Intel Corporation server boards contain a number of high-density VLSI and power delivery components that need adequate airflow to cool. Intel ensures through its own chassis development and testing that when Intel server building blocks are used together, the fully integrated system meets the intended thermal requirements of these components. It is the responsibility of the system integrator who chooses not to use Intel developed server building blocks to consult vendor datasheets and operating parameters to determine the amount of airflow required for their specific application and environmental conditions. Intel Corporation cannot be held responsible if components fail or the server board does not operate correctly when used outside any of their published operating or non-operating limits.
1 Intel Confidential Revision 1.2 Intel order number E69391-006
Overview Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS
2. Intel
Server Board S5500HV Overview
The Intel® Server Board S5500HV is designed to support high density rack server markets. Its unique half width board design (6.3” x 16.7”) allows for possible dual server node configurations within a single rack mount chassis application.
2.1 Intel
Processors Support for one or two Intel® Xeon® Processors 5500 Series and 5600 Series in FC-
Memory Support for 800/1066/1333 MT/s ECC registered (RDIMM) or unbuffered (UDIMM)
I/O Control External connections:
System Fan Support Four 4-pin managed system fan headers Add-in Adapter Support One riser slot supporting low-profile X16 GEN2 PCI Express* riser cards Video On-board ASPEED* AST2050 with integrated Video Controller
Hard Drive Support for Four ICH10R SATA II ports with support for the following integrated RAID
LAN Two 10/100/1000 Ethernet LAN ports provided by Intel® 82574L PHYs with Intel® I/O
Server Board S5500HV Feature Set
Table 1. Intel® Server Board S5500HV Feature Set
Feature Description
LGA 1366 Socket B package with up to 130 W Thermal Design Power (TDP) 4.8 GT/s, 5.86 GT/s and 6.4 GT/s Intel® QuickPath Interconnect (Intel® QPI)
DDR3 memory. 12 DIMMs total across 6 memory channels (3 channels per processor).
5500 Chipset IOH
82801Jx I/O Controller Hub (ICH10R)
DB-15 Video connector DB-9 COM1 Serial Port connector Two RJ-45 Network Interface Connectors (Stacked) for 10/100/1000 Mb One RJ-45 Management Network Interface Connector Two USB 2.0 connectors
Internal connections:
One USB 1x5 pin header, supporting one USB 2.0 port One USB 2.0 Type F Connector Four SATA II Connectors 20-pin ATX Main Power Connector(s) 4-pin Peripheral Drive Power Connector Power Supply SMBus Interface Header Front Panel Headers providing support for control button and LED options
Integrated 2D Video Controller 8 MB Video Memory
LSI* SATA Software RAID supporting Software RAID levels 0/1/10 (Windows and
Acceleration Technology
Matrix Storage Manager supporting Software RAID levels 0/1/5/10
(Windows* Only)
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Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS Overview
Feature Description
Server Management On-board ASPEED AST2050 with integrated Baseboard Management Controller
BMC Management Module with IPMI 2.0 support (Included) 10/100 Management NIC port
3 Intel Confidential Revision 1.2
Intel order number E69391-006
Overview Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS
2.2 Server Board Layout
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Figure 1. Intel® Server Board S5500HV
Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS Overview
2.2.1 Server Board Connector and Component Layout
The following figure shows the board layout of the server board. Each connector and major component is identified by letter, with a description of each given in Table 2.
Figure 2. Intel® Server Board S5500HV Layout
5 Intel Confidential Revision 1.2 Intel order number E69391-006
Overview Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS
Table 2. Major Board Components
A Rear I/O Connectors K CPU 1 DIMM Slots (Slots A1– C2) B BMC Management Module connector L Peripheral Drive Power Connector – 4 pin C SATA Ports 1-4 M CPU 2 - LGA 1366 Socket D Internal USB(4) 2.0 Port N CMOS Battery E CPU 2 DIMM Slots (Slots D1 – F2) O Auxilary Front Panel Header F CPU 1 - LGA 1366 Socket P Front Panel Header G Power Supply SMBus - 2x3 Pin Header Q X16 GEN 2 PCI Express* Riser Card Slot H Main Power Connector – 20 pin I System Fan Connectors J USB(3) 2.0 - 1x5 Pin Header
Description Description
2.2.2 Server Board Rear I/O Layout
The following figure shows the layout of the rear I/O components for the server board.
1 BMC Management NIC Port 5 COM 1 Serial Port 2 Stacked USB 2.0 Ports 6 Video Connector 3 LAN 1 Port 10/100/1000 7 Blue System ID LED 4 LAN 2 Port 10/100/1000
Figure 3. Intel® Server Board S5500HV Rear I/O Layout
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Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS Functional Architecture
3. Functional Architecture
The Intel® Server Board S5500HV is based on Intel architecture with I/O and performance features provided with the Intel and the Intel Interconnect (Intel
Xeon® processor 5500 Series and 5600 Series featuring Intel® QuickPath
5500 Chipset I/O Hub (IOH), Intel® ICH10R I/O controller hub,
This chapter provides a high-level description of the functionality associated with each chipset component and the architectural blocks that make up the server board.
DDR3 – C1, C2 DDR3 – B1, B2
DDR3 – A1, A2 DDR3 – D1, D2
Intel® Xeon®
5500 Series
Intel® Xeon®
5500 Series
DDR3 – F1, F2 DDR3 – E1, E2
X16 Riser Card Slot
PCI Express* Gen 2
5500 Chipset IOH
4 x SATA
PCI 33
Figure 4. Intel
Server Board S5500HV Functional Block Diagram
3.1 Processor Support
The server board supports the following:
Two on board FC-LGA 1366 socket B package processor sockets.
BMC Module
7 Intel Confidential Revision 1.2 Intel order number E69391-006
Functional Architecture Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS
Functional support for one or two Intel® Xeon® Processors 5500 Series and 5600 Series with 4.8 GT/s, 5.86 GT/s or 6.4 GT/s with Intel
QuickPath Interconnect.
Up to 130 Watt Thermal Design Power (TDP)
NOTE: Previous generations of the Intel
Xeon® processors are not supported on this server
3.1.1 Intel
Xeon® Processor 5500 Series and 5600 Series
The Intel® Xeon® Processor 5500 Series and 5600 Series are new micro-architecture based on Intel 45nm and 32nm process technology. The enhancements of the Intel Xeon Processor 5500 Series and 5600 Series are a result of six major technology developments:
New processor architecture Intel
QuickPath Technology
Hyper-threading Intelligent power Turbo boost Integrated Memory Controller
The processor supports all the existing Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (SSE2), Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 (SSE3) and Streaming SIMD Extensions 4 (SSE4); in addition to several advanced technologies including:
Execute Disable Bit Intel Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Intel Simultaneous Multithreading.
Extended Memory 64 Technology (Intel® EM64T)
Virtualization Technology (Intel® VT) New Processor Architecture
The Intel
Xeon® Processor 5500 Series and 5600 Series feature several new architectural
innovations, including:
A distinction between the core and “uncore” in terms of chip design Four distinct cores per processor New Level 3 shared Smart Cache More parallelism: 33% more micro-ops over 45nm Intel Enhanced algorithms and branch prediction capabilities High bandwidth Intel An Integrated Memory Controller
Revision 1.2 Intel Confidential 8 Intel order number E69391-006
Xeon® Processor 5400 Series
QuickPath Memory Controller: up to 25.6GB/s
Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS Functional Architecture
Core Core Core Core
8M Shared Cache
3x DDR3
2x Intel
Figure 5 Processor Architecture
The Intel Smart Cache architecture features a new three-level hierarchy.
Level Cache
32 KB instruction cache 32 KB data cache (which supports more L1 misses in parallel than Core 2)
Level Cache
New cache introduced in the Intel
Xeon® Processor 5500 Series and 5600 Series
Unified (holds code and data) 256KB per core Performance: Very low latency (new dedicated L2 cache improves performance by
reducing latency to frequently used data)
Scalability: As core count increases, pressure on shared cache is reduced
Level Cache
Shared across all cores Size depends on number of cores Quad-core: up to 8 MB Scalability: built to vary size with varied core counts with the ability to easily increase L3
size in future parts
Inclusive cache policy for best performance The data residing in L1/L2 must be present in 3rd level Shares memory among all cores
9 Intel Confidential Revision 1.2 Intel order number E69391-006
Functional Architecture Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS Intel
QPI is a cache-coherent, link-based interconnect specification for processor, chipset, and
Intel I/O bridge components. Intel platforms spanning IA-32 and Intel
QuickPath Interconnect (Intel® QPI)
QPI can be used in a wide variety of desktop, mobile, and server
Itanium® architectures. Intel® QPI also provides support for high-performance I/O transfer between I/O nodes. It allows connection to standard I/O buses such as PCI Express*, PCI-X, PCI (including peer-to-peer communication support), AGP, etc., through appropriate bridges.
Each Intel and receiver, plus a differential forwarded clock. A full width Intel signals (20 differential pairs in each direction) plus a forwarded differential clock in each direction. Each Intel links, one going to the other processor and the other to the Intel
In the current implementation, Intel
6.4 GT/s. Intel
- 5 lanes) independently in each direction between a pair of devices communicating via Intel
QPI link consists of 20 pairs of uni-directional differential lanes for the transmitter
Xeon® Processor 5500 Series and 5600 Series supports two Intel® QPI
QPI ports operate at multiple lane widths (full - 20 lanes, half - 10 lanes, quarter
QPI ports are capable of operating at transfer rates of up to
QPI link pair consists of 84
5500 Chipset IOH.
QPI. The server board supports full width communication only. Intel
Hyper-Threading Technology lets you run two threads at the same time per core. This
Hyper-Threading Technology
capability lets the processor take advantage of a 4-wide execution engine, effectively hiding the latency of a single thread. However, the data residing in L1/L2 must be present in 3rd level cache.
This is the most power efficient performance feature of the Intel
Xeon® Processor 5500 Series and 5600 Series. It’s very efficient performance boost that comes at a very low die area cost. Depending on the application, it can provide significant performance benefit and is much more efficient than adding an entire core. It supports larger caches and provides for massive memory bandwidth. Intel
The Intel
Xeon® Processor 5500 Series and 5600 Series feature two Intel® Intelligent Power
Intelligent Power Technology
Technologies: Integrated Power Gates - this feature lets individual idle cores reduce power to nearly zero
independently. Core power can be controlled automatically or manually. Automated Low Power States – this feature allows for more and lower CPU power states with
reduced latency during transitions. Also, it now features power management on memory and I/O chip as well as the processor. This adjusts system power consumption based on real-time loads. Turbo Mode
Turbo Boost Technology opportunistically and automatically allows the processor to run faster than the marked frequency if the part is operating below power, temperature, and current limits. This can result in increased performance of both multi-threaded and single threaded workloads.
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Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS Functional Architecture
Turbo boost operation:
Operates under OS control – only entered when OS requests higher performance state
Turbo Boost availability is independent of the number of active cores Max Turbo boost frequency is dependent on the number of active cores and varies by
processor configuration.
Amount of time the system spends in Turbo Boost will depend on the workload,
operating environment, and platform design.
Turbo Boost can be enabled or disabled by BIOS. Integrated Memory Controller
The Intel as the Intel
5500 Chipset Series employs a new design where the memory controller, referred to
QuickPath Memory Controller, is now embedded as part of the processor
architecture. The Intel
QuickPath Memory Controller provides up to three memory channels per processor supporting up to 32 GB/s bandwidth per memory controller. Supported memory follows the DDR3 specification and supports the following characteristics:
800MHz, 1066MHz and 1333MHz operating frequencies Single-rank (SR), dual-rank (DR) and quad-rank (QR) Registered DIMM (RDIMM) or Unbuffered DIMM (UDIMM)
Processor Population Rules
Note: Although the server board does support dual-processor configurations consisting of different processors that meet the defined criteria below, Intel does not perform validation testing of this configuation. For optimal system performance in dual-processor configurations, Intel recommends that identical processors be installed.
When using a single processor configuration, the processor can be installed into either CPU1 or CPU2 processor sockets.
When two processors are installed, the following population rules apply:
Both processors must have the same Intel Both processors must have the same core frequency Both processors must have the same internal cache sizes Both processors must have the same Thermal Design Power (TDP - Watts) rating Processor stepping within a common processor family can be mixed as long as it is
QuickPath Interconnect frequency
listed in the processor specification updates published by Intel Corporation.
Unified Retention System Support
The server board complies with Intel’s Unified Retention System (URS) and the Unified Backplate Assembly. The server board ships with a made-up assembly of Independent Loading Mechanism (ILM) and Unified Backplate for each processor socket.
11 Intel Confidential Revision 1.2 Intel order number E69391-006
Functional Architecture Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS
The URS retention transfers load to the server board through the unified backplate assembly. The URS spring, captive in the heatsink, provides the necessary compressive load for the thermal interface material. All components of the URS heatsink solution are captive to the heatsink and only require a Philips* screwdriver to attach to the unified backplate assembly. See the following figure for the stacking order of the URS components.
ILM and Socket
ILM Attach Studs
Attach Studs
Server Board
Compression Spring
Retention Cup
Retaining Ring
Thermal Interface Material (TIM)
Unified Backplate
Figure 6. Unified Retention System and Unified Backplate Assembly
3.2 Intel
QuickPath Memory Controller and Memory Subsystem
The Intel® QuickPath Memory Controller provides up to three memory channels per processor supporting up to 32 GB/s bandwidth per memory controller. Supported memory follows the DDR3 specification and supports the following characteristics:
800MHz, 1066MHz and 1333MHz operating frequencies Single-rank (SR), dual-rank (DR) and quad-rank (QR)
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Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS Functional Architecture
Registered DIMM (RDIMM) or Unbuffered DIMM (UDIMM)
RDIMMs must be ECC only UDIMMs can be ECC or non-ECC and can be mixed within a common configuration The Channel Independent mode is the only memory RAS mode that supports non-
The presence of a single non-ECC UDIMM results in the disabling of ECC
RDIMMs and UDIMMs cannot be mixed within a common system memory
Although non-ECC memory can be used on this server board, Intel does not validate and
strongly discourages their use in a working server environment. The following table shows the maximum memory amounts possible using RDIMM type memory:
Single Rank RDIMMs 800 MHz and 1066 MHz Dual Rank RDIMMs 800 MHz and 1066 MHz Quad Rank RDIMMs (1) 800 MHz only
48 GB (12x 4GB DIMMs) 96 GB (12x 8GB DIMMs) 96 GB (12x 8GB DIMMs)
NOTE: (1) Due to thermal requirements needed to support Quad Rank x4 DDR3 DIMMs, this memory type is not supported in the Intel® Server System SR1670HV. Support for this memory type should be verified with other server chassis/system manufacturers planning to support this server board.
3.2.1 Intel
Server Board S5500HV Memory Support
The Intel® Server Board S5500HV provides six DIMM slots across 3 memory channels per processor, for a total of twelve DIMM slots.
3 channels per
r 5500
Intel® Xeon
r 5500
Figure 7. Conceptual Memory Layout Diagram
13 Intel Confidential Revision 1.2 Intel order number E69391-006
1 2
2 1
2 DIMMs per
Functional Architecture Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS
The nomenclature for DIMM slots implemented on the Intel® Server Board S5500HV is detailed in the following figure.
Processor Socket 1 Processor Socket 2
Channel 0
A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 D1 D2 E1 E2 F1 F2
Channel 1 (B) Channel 2
Channel 0
Channel 1 (E) Channel 2
Figure 8. DIMM Slot Nomenclature
On the Intel® Server Board S5500HV the DIMM slots are identified as shown below:
Intel® Xeon®
5500 Series
Intel® Xeon®
5500 Series
Figure 9. Intel Server Board S5500HV Memory Slot Layout
Note: Memory is only populated using DIMM slots associated with a given installed processor. Ie.) With only one processor installed, only the DIMM slots associated with that processor should be populated. Memory installed into DIMM slots for a processor that is not installed are non-functional.
DIMMs are organized into physical slots on DDR3 memory channels that belong to
processor sockets.
The memory channels from processor socket 1 are identified as Channels A, B, and C.
The memory channels from processor socket 2 are identified as Channels D, E, and F.
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Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS Functional Architecture
The memory slots associated with a given processor are unavailable if the given processor socket is not populated.
A processor may be installed without populating the associated memory slots provided a
second processor is installed with associated memory. In this case, the memory is shared by the processors. However, this is not a recommended configuration due to the associated latency which will affect performance.
Processor sockets are self-contained and autonomous. However, all memory subsystem
support (i.e., Memory RAS, Error Management, etc.) in the BIOS setup are applied commonly across processor sockets. Memory Population Rules
DIMM population requirements are dependent upon the number of slots per channel; the number of DIMMs installed; and rank type. When installing memory consider the following:
Populate DIMMs by channel starting with the Blue slot farthest from the CPU All channels in a system will run at the fastest common frequency RDIMMs and UDIMMs may not be mixed If two 1333 MHz capable UDIMMs or RDIMMs is detected in the same channel, BIOS
will flag this as a warning and force the speed down to 1066 MHz. Supported RDIMM configurations:
Table 3 Supported RDIMM configurations
DIMM Slots
per Channel
2 1 Registered
2 1 Registered
2 2 Registered
2 2 Registered
DIMMs Populated
per Channel
DIMM Type Speeds Ranks per
800, 1066 QR Only
800, 1066 Mixing SR,
800 Mixing SR,
SR or DR
Population Rules
1. Any combination of x4 and x8 RDIMMs, with 1Gb or 2Gb DRAM density
256 Mb, 512 Mb and 4 Gb DRAM technologies and x16 DRAM on RDIMM are NOT
If a quad rank RDIMM is mixed with a single rank or dual rank DIMM on given channel,
the quad rank DIMM must be populated in the lowest numbered slot.
15 Intel Confidential Revision 1.2 Intel order number E69391-006
Functional Architecture Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS Supported UDIMM configurations:
Table 4 Supported UDIMM configurations
Slots per
2 1 Unbuffered DDR3
2 2 Unbuffered DDR3
per Channel
DIMM Type Speeds Ranks per DIMM Population Rules
SR or DR
Mixing SR, DR
1. Any combination of x8 UDIMMs with 1Gb or 2Gb DRAM Density
(with or without
(with or without
256 Mb, 512 Mb and 4 Gb DRAM technologies; x4 DRAM on UDIMM and Quad rank
UDIMM are not supported
Mixing ECC and non-ECC UDIMMs anywhere on the platform will force system to run in
non-ECC mode
No RAS support for non-ECC UDIMMs No x4 SDDC support with UDIMM w/ECC, however x8 SDDC is supported in lock step
mode with x8 UDIMMs w/ECC
Although non-ECC memory can be used on this server board, Intel does not plan to
validate and strongly discourages their use in a working server environment.
When installing DIMMs, the following population rules should be followed to deliver best performance
Maximize number of channels populated first Balanced DIMM population across channels and sockets.
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Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS Functional Architecture
; ; ;
- -
; ;
CPU 1 Configuration
Table 5 Memory Population Table
; ;
; ; ;
- - - -
; ; ; ; ; ;
CPU 2 Configuration
; ;
; ; ;
- - - -
; ; ;
- -
; ;
; ; ; ; ; ;
With two processors installed, the system will operate if only the DIMM slots of one processor are populated. In this case, memory is shared between the two processors. However, due to the associated latency of this configuration, this is NOT a recommended operating mode. Memory RAS Modes
The server board supports the following memory RAS Modes:
Independent Channel Mode Mirrored Channel Mode
Mirrored Channel Mode requires that all installed DIMMs support ECC and that there be matching DIMM populations between channels. Matching DIMMs must meet the following criteria: DIMM size, DIMM organization (rank, banks, rows, columns). DIMM timings do not have to match, however, timings will be set to support all DIMMs populated.
Independent channel mode is the only memory RAS mode that supports either non-ECC or ECC DIMMs.
Independent Channel Mode
In the Channel Independent mode, channels can be populated in any order (e.g., channels B and C can be populated while channel A is empty). All three channels may be populated in any order and have no matching requirements. All channels must run at the same interface frequency, but individual channels may run at different DIMM timings (RAS latency, CAS latency, and so on).
The single channel mode is established using the Channel Independent mode by populating DIMM slots from channel A only.
17 Intel Confidential Revision 1.2 Intel order number E69391-006
Functional Architecture Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS
Mirrored Channel Mode
In Mirrored Channel Mode, the memory controller supports mirroring across channels, but not across CPU sockets. The contents are mirrored between the first 2 channels of a given processor. For CPU1, mirrored slot pairs include {A1, B1} and {A2, B2}. For CPU2, the mirrored slot pairs include {D1, E1} and {D2, E2}. The sockets of the 3rd channel of each CPU are not used in this mode.
Intel® Xeon®
5500 Series
Intel® Xeon®
5500 Series
Figure 10. Mirror Channel Mode Memory Population
Mirrored channel mode requires the following memory population rules:
Channel 0 and Channel 1 of a given processor must be populated identically. DIMM slot populations within a channel do not have to be identical, but the same DIMM
slot location across Channel 0 and Channel 1 must be populated the same.
For example; DIMM slots A1 and B1 must have identical DIMMs installed to be
mirrored together. DIMM slots A2 and B2 must have identical DIMMs installed to be mirrored together. However the DIMMs used in mirrored pair {A1, B1} can be different than those used in mirrored pair {A2, B2}.
With two processors installed, DIMM slots associated with each processor must have a
valid mirroring configuration for memory channels 0 and 1. However, the memory configuration of each processor can be different from the other.
The exception to this rule is that one processor has no memory installed. Because of
the associated latency, this is NOT a recommended operating mode.
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Intel® Server Board S5500HV/Intel® Server System SR1670HV TPS Functional Architecture
The following table illustrates possible DIMM configurations that can be mirrored, with the following assumptions: Two processors are installed; all installed DIMMs are identical.
Table 6. Supported Mirrored DIMM Population
A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 D1 D2 E1 E2 F1 F2 Mirroring
; ;
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
; ; ; ; ;
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
3.3 Intel
The Intel components and Intel
5500 Chipset IOH
5500 Chipset I/O Hub (IOH) provides a connection point between various I/O
QuickPath Interconnect (Intel® QPI) based processors. It is capable of interfacing with up to 24 PCI Express* lanes, which can be configured in various combinations of x4, x8, x16 and limited x2 and x1 devices.
On the Intel Server Board S5500HV the IOH provides the following:
Two Intel One X16 PCI Express* Gen 2 port supporting a single PCI Express Gen2 compliant X16
QuickPath Interconnect (Intel® QPI) interfaces
riser card slot. (Compliant to the PCI Express Base Specification, Revision 2.0)
One X4 ESI link interface to the I/O controller hub Intel
3.4 Intel
82801Jx I/O Controller Hub (ICH10R)
The server board utilizes features of the Intel® 82801Jx I/O Controller Hub (ICH10R). Supported features include the following:
PCI Express* Base Specification, Revision 1.1 support PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.3 support for 33-MHz PCI operations (supports
up to four REQ#/GNT# pairs)
ACPI Power Management Logic Support, Revision 3.0a Enhanced DMA controller, interrupt controller, and timer functions Integrated Serial ATA host controllers with independent DMA operation on up to four
ports and AHCI support
USB host interface with support for four USB 2.0 ports; Two external, two internal System Management Bus (SMBus) Specification, Version 2.0 with additional support for
C devices
Low Pin Count (LPC) interface support Firmware Hub (FWH) interface support Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) support
19 Intel Confidential Revision 1.2 Intel order number E69391-006
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