Intel SE8500HW4 User Manual

Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4
Technical Product Specification
Enterprise Platforms and Services – Marketing
Revision 1.0
May, 2005
Revision History Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4
Revision History
Date Revision
May 2005 1.0 Initial release.
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The Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4 may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request.
Intel Corporation server baseboards contain a number of high-density VLSI and power delivery components that need adequate airflow to cool. Intel’s own chassis are designed and tested to meet the intended thermal requirements of these components when the fully integrated system is used together. It is the responsibility of the system integrator that chooses not to use Intel developed server building blocks to consult vendor datasheets and operating parameters to determine the amount of air flow required for their specific application and environmental conditions. Intel Corporation can not be held responsible if components fail or the Server Board does not operate correctly when used outside any of their published operating or non-operating limits.
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Revision 1.0
Intel order number D22893-001
Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4 Product Overview
Table of Contents
1. Product Overview.................................................................................................................1
1.1 Board Set Features..................................................................................................2
2. Processor and Chipset ........................................................................................................5
2.1 Processors Supported.............................................................................................5
2.1.1 Heat Sink.................................................................................................................6
2.1.2 Installation Order .....................................................................................................7
2.2 Intel® E8500 Chipset................................................................................................8
2.2.1 North Bridge (NB)....................................................................................................8
2.2.2 eXtended Memory Bridge (XMB).............................................................................8
2.2.3 Intel® IOP332 Storage I/O Processor.......................................................................9
2.2.4 Intel® 82801EB I/O Controller Hub 5 (ICH5)............................................................9
2.2.5 Intel® 6700 PXH 64-bit Hub (PXH)..........................................................................9
3. I/O Subsystems ..................................................................................................................11
3.1 PCI Subsystem......................................................................................................11
3.1.1 PCI Interrupts.........................................................................................................11
3.1.2 PCI IDSEL Signal ..................................................................................................12
3.1.3 Bus Arbitration Signals ..........................................................................................13
3.1.4 Wake On LAN........................................................................................................13
3.1.5 PCI Hot Plug* Support...........................................................................................14
3.2 Ultra320 SCSI Subsystem.....................................................................................16
3.3 Intel® RAID On Motherboard (ROMB) ..................................................................17
3.3.1 Intel® RAID Activation Key (RAK)..........................................................................17
3.3.2 DDR2 RAID DIMM.................................................................................................17
3.3.3 Intel® RAID Smart Battery (RSB)...........................................................................17
3.4 Gigabit Ethernet.....................................................................................................18
3.5 Serial ATA (SATA).................................................................................................18
3.6 Fibre Channel........................................................................................................18
3.7 Firmware Hubs ......................................................................................................18
3.8 Video......................................................................................................................19
3.9 USB 2.0 .................................................................................................................19
3.10 Serial......................................................................................................................19
4. Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4 Memory Board ......................................................21
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Product Overview Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4
4.1 DDR2 DIMM Support.............................................................................................22
4.2 Installation Order ...................................................................................................22
4.3 Memory Initialization..............................................................................................22
4.4 Data Correction and Scrubbing .............................................................................23
4.5 Memory Board Components..................................................................................23
4.5.1 Button, Retention Latch and LEDs ........................................................................24
4.5.2 Temperature Sensors and FRU.............................................................................25
4.5.3 I2C..........................................................................................................................25
4.5.4 Independent Memory Interface (IMI) .....................................................................25
4.5.5 Serial Presence Detect (SPD)...............................................................................25
4.5.6 Power.....................................................................................................................26
4.6 Memory Hot Plug...................................................................................................26
4.6.1 Prerequisite for Memory Hot Plug..........................................................................26
4.6.2 Memory Board Hot Remove ..................................................................................26
4.6.3 Memory Board Hot Add .........................................................................................26
5. Server Management ...........................................................................................................27
5.1 Sahalee Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) .............................................29
5.1.1 Sensor Data Record SDR (SDR) Repository.........................................................30
5.1.2 Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) Inventory Devices ..................................................30
5.1.3 System Event Log (SEL) .......................................................................................31
5.1.4 Rolling BIOS..........................................................................................................31
5.1.5 First Boot with a New IMM.....................................................................................31
5.2 Fan Control and Temperature Monitoring..............................................................32
5.2.1 Memory Throttling..................................................................................................33
5.2.2 Processor Throttling...............................................................................................33
5.3 ACPI Power Control...............................................................................................34
5.3.1 S1 Sleep State Support.........................................................................................34
5.3.2 S5 Sleep State Support.........................................................................................34
5.3.3 Secure Mode Operation.........................................................................................34
5.4 Fault Resilient Booting (FRB)................................................................................35
5.4.1 FRB3......................................................................................................................35
5.4.2 FRB2......................................................................................................................36
5.5 Reset Control.........................................................................................................36
5.5.1 Front Panel Reset..................................................................................................36
5.5.2 Warm Reset...........................................................................................................36
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Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4 Product Overview
Remote Management and External Interfaces to the BMC ...................................37
5.6.1 Intelligent Platform Management Buses (IPMB)....................................................38
5.6.2 Keyboard Controller Style (KCS)/Low Pin Count (LPC) Bus.................................38
5.6.3 Inter-Chassis Management Bus (ICMB)................................................................38
5.6.4 Serial Over LAN (SOL) ..........................................................................................39
5.6.5 Emergency Management Port (EMP) Interface.....................................................39
5.7 Event Filtering and Alerting....................................................................................40
5.7.1 Platform Event Filtering (PEF)...............................................................................40
5.7.2 Dial Page Alerting..................................................................................................41
5.7.3 Alert over LAN .......................................................................................................41
5.7.4 Alert over Serial/PPP.............................................................................................42
6. Jumpers ..............................................................................................................................43
6.1 Mainboard..............................................................................................................43
6.1.1 Circuit Breaker Type Jumper.................................................................................44
6.1.2 Intel® Management Module....................................................................................45
7. Connectors .........................................................................................................................47
7.1 SCSI ......................................................................................................................47
7.2 100-pin Front Panel...............................................................................................48
7.3 COM2 Serial Port...................................................................................................49
7.4 USB .......................................................................................................................50
7.5 SATA .....................................................................................................................50
7.6 Power.....................................................................................................................51
7.7 Rear Panel Connectors .........................................................................................52
7.7.1 Video......................................................................................................................52
7.7.2 Network..................................................................................................................52
7.7.3 COM1 Serial Port...................................................................................................54
7.7.4 USB .......................................................................................................................55
7.8 Server Management and Diagnostics....................................................................55
7.8.1 5-pin ICMB Header................................................................................................55
7.8.2 3-pin IPMB Header................................................................................................55
7.8.3 3-pin Chassis Intrusion..........................................................................................56
7.8.4 I2C POST Code Headers.......................................................................................56
8. Electrical Specifications....................................................................................................57
8.1 Power Generartion.................................................................................................57
8.2 Power Timing.........................................................................................................58
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Product Overview Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4
8.2.1 Power-Up Sequence..............................................................................................58
8.2.2 Power-Down Sequence.........................................................................................59
8.3 Reset .....................................................................................................................60
8.4 Interrupts................................................................................................................61
8.5 Clocks....................................................................................................................62
8.6 Programmable Logic Devices................................................................................63
9. Mechanical and Thermal Specifications ..........................................................................65
9.1 Mechanical Specifications .....................................................................................65
9.1.1 Mainboard..............................................................................................................65
9.1.2 Memory Board .......................................................................................................67
9.2 Thermal Specifications ..........................................................................................68
10. System BIOS.......................................................................................................................69
10.1 Advanced Memory Modes.....................................................................................69
10.1.1 Sparing ..................................................................................................................70
10.1.2 Maximum Compatibility..........................................................................................70
10.1.3 Maximum Performance..........................................................................................71
10.1.4 Memory Mirroring...................................................................................................71
10.1.5 Memory RAID ........................................................................................................71
10.2 Rolling BIOS..........................................................................................................73
10.3 Initialization............................................................................................................73
10.3.1 Processors.............................................................................................................73
10.3.2 Memory..................................................................................................................75
10.3.3 I/O Devices............................................................................................................77
10.3.4 Operating System..................................................................................................78
10.4 Remote Management ............................................................................................78
10.4.1 Serial Configuration Settings.................................................................................78
10.4.2 Keystroke Mappings..............................................................................................79
10.4.3 Limitations..............................................................................................................79
10.4.4 Interface to Server Management ...........................................................................79
10.5 IPMI Serial/Modem Interface .................................................................................80
10.5.1 Channel Access Modes.........................................................................................80
10.5.2 Interaction with BIOS Console Redirection............................................................80
10.5.3 Serial Over LAN.....................................................................................................80
10.6 Wired For Management.........................................................................................81
10.6.1 PXE BIOS Support ................................................................................................81
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Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4 Product Overview
System Management BIOS ...................................................................................81
10.8 Security..................................................................................................................81
11. BIOS User Interface............................................................................................................83
11.1 Overview................................................................................................................83
11.1.1 System State Window............................................................................................83
11.1.2 Logo/Diagnostic Window.......................................................................................83
11.1.3 Current Activity Window.........................................................................................84
11.2 System Diagnostic Screen.....................................................................................84
11.3 Systems Options Menu Screen .............................................................................85
11.4 Error Manager........................................................................................................85
11.5 Boot Maintenance Manager...................................................................................86
11.6 BIOS Setup Utility..................................................................................................94
11.6.1 Setup Utility Layout................................................................................................94
11.6.2 Keyboard Commands............................................................................................95
11.6.3 Server Platform Formset........................................................................................96
12. Error Handling ..................................................................................................................111
12.1 LEDs....................................................................................................................111
12.1.1 POST Progress LEDs..........................................................................................111
12.1.2 CPU Diagnostic LEDs..........................................................................................113
12.2 Beeps...................................................................................................................114
12.2.1 BIOS Recovery Beep Codes ...............................................................................114
12.3 POST Messages..................................................................................................115
Reference Documents............................................................................................................120
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Product Overview Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4
List of Figures
Figure 1. Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4, Populated.........................................................2
Figure 2. Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4 Interconnect Diagram........................................3
Figure 3. 64-bit Intel® Xeon™ Processors MP............................................................................5
Figure 4. Memory Board Outline Diagram .................................................................................21
Figure 5. Memory Board Component Diagram..........................................................................22
Figure 6. Memory Board Block Diagram....................................................................................23
Figure 7. Server Management Block Diagram...........................................................................28
Figure 8. I2C Block Diagram.......................................................................................................29
Figure 9. External Interfaces to the BMC...................................................................................37
Figure 10. Mainboard Jumper Locations ...................................................................................43
Figure 11. 68-Pin SCSI Connector ............................................................................................47
Figure 12. Stacked Ethernet Connector.....................................................................................52
Figure 13. Power Distribution Block Diagram............................................................................57
Figure 14. Typical Power-Up Sequence....................................................................................58
Figure 15. Typical Power-Down Sequence................................................................................59
Figure 16. Reset Block Diagram................................................................................................60
Figure 17. Interrupt Block Diagram............................................................................................61
Figure 18. PLD Connections......................................................................................................63
Figure 19. Mainboard Outline and Hole Location Drawing........................................................65
Figure 20. Mainboard Pin 1 Location Drawing...........................................................................66
Figure 21. Memory Board Mechanical Outline Drawing ............................................................67
Figure 22. Memory Board Pin 1 Location Drawing ....................................................................67
Figure 23. BIOS Display ............................................................................................................83
Figure 24. System Diagnostics Display ....................................................................................84
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Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4 Product Overview
List of Tables
Table 1. Processor Feature Overview .........................................................................................5
Table 2. Processor Installation Order ..........................................................................................7
Table 3. PCI Expansion Slot Features.......................................................................................11
Table 4. PCI Interrupt Mapping..................................................................................................11
Table 5. IDSEL Mapping............................................................................................................12
Table 6. Arbitration Connections................................................................................................13
Table 7. PCI Hot Plug LEDs ......................................................................................................14
Table 8. Memory Board LEDs....................................................................................................25
Table 9. FRU Device Location and Size....................................................................................30
Table 10. Example Rolling BIOS Behavior with a New IMM......................................................31
Table 11. Fan States..................................................................................................................32
Table 12. Secure Mode Affect on ACPI States..........................................................................34
Table 13. System Reset Sources and Actions...........................................................................36
Table 14. Platform I2C Buses.....................................................................................................38
Table 15. Default Event Filters...................................................................................................40
Table 16. Mainboard Jumpers...................................................................................................44
Table 17. 68-Pin SCSI Connector Pinout ..................................................................................47
Table 18. 100-pin Front Panel Connector Pinout.......................................................................48
Table 19. COM2 Serial Header Pinout ......................................................................................49
Table 20. 4-pin Internal USB Header.........................................................................................50
Table 21. SATA Connector Pinout.............................................................................................50
Table 22. 12-pin Power Connector Pinout.................................................................................51
Table 23. 30-pin Power Signal Header Pinout...........................................................................51
Table 24. Video Connector Pinout.............................................................................................52
Table 25. Stacked Ethernet Connector Pinout...........................................................................53
Table 26. Server Management Ethernet Connector Pinout.......................................................54
Table 27. COM1 Serial Port Pinout............................................................................................54
Table 28. Stacked USB Connector Pinout.................................................................................55
Table 29. 5-pin ICMB Header Pinout.........................................................................................55
Table 30. 3-pin IPMB Header Pinout.........................................................................................55
Table 31. 3-pin Chassis Intrusion Pinout...................................................................................56
Table 32. 5-pin I2C POST Code Header Pinout.........................................................................56
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Product Overview Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4
Table 33. Power Budget ............................................................................................................58
Table 34. Typical Power-Up Timings.........................................................................................59
Table 35. Typical Power-Down Timings ....................................................................................60
Table 36. Reset Types...............................................................................................................61
Table 37. PLD Functions ...........................................................................................................63
Table 38. Thermal Specifications...............................................................................................68
Table 39. Memory Hot Plug Support Under Different Memory Modes.......................................70
Table 40. Memory Modes Supporting Sparing ..........................................................................70
Table 41. System Options Menu................................................................................................85
Table 42. Error Manager Menu...................................................................................................85
Table 43. Boot Maintenance Manager Menu.............................................................................86
Table 44. Boot Options Menu....................................................................................................86
Table 45. Change Boot Order Menu...........................................................................................87
Table 46. Add Boot Option Menu...............................................................................................87
Table 47. Delete Boot Option Menu...........................................................................................88
Table 48. Select Legacy Floppy Order Menu ............................................................................88
Table 49. Select Legacy Hard Drive Order Menu......................................................................89
Table 50. Select Legacy CD-ROM Order Menu.........................................................................89
Table 51. Set Embedded NIC Order Menu................................................................................90
Table 52. Select Legacy BEV Order Menu................................................................................90
Table 53. Driver Options Menu..................................................................................................90
Table 54. Add Driver Option Menu .............................................................................................91
Table 55. Add Driver Option Using File Menu ...........................................................................91
Table 56. Add Driver Option Using Handle Menu......................................................................92
Table 57. Delete Driver Option Menu ........................................................................................93
Table 58. Change Driver Order Menu........................................................................................93
Table 59. Set Time Out Value Menu..........................................................................................94
Table 60. BIOS Setup Utility Layout ..........................................................................................94
Table 61. BIOS Setup: Keyboard Command Bar.......................................................................95
Table 62. Main Menu.................................................................................................................96
Table 63. Time and Date Menu .................................................................................................97
Table 64. Processor Menu.........................................................................................................97
Table 65. Processor #n Information Menu.................................................................................98
Table 66. Memory Menu............................................................................................................98
Table 67. Configure System RAS and Performance Menu........................................................99
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Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4 Product Overview
Table 68. View Memory Configure Details Menu.....................................................................100
Table 69. Memory Board #n Menu ..........................................................................................101
Table 70. DIMM Labels Menu...................................................................................................102
Table 71. Devices Menu..........................................................................................................102
Table 72. IDE Controller Menu ................................................................................................102
Table 73. Mass Storage Menu.................................................................................................103
Table 74. LAN Menu................................................................................................................104
Table 75. Video Menu..............................................................................................................104
Table 76. USB Menu................................................................................................................104
Table 77. Serial Ports Menu .....................................................................................................105
Table 78. PCI Menu.................................................................................................................105
Table 79. Server Management Menu ......................................................................................106
Table 80. Console Redirection Menu.......................................................................................106
Table 81. COM1 Console Redirection Menu...........................................................................107
Table 82. FRU Information Menu..............................................................................................107
Table 83. LAN Management Menu..........................................................................................108
Table 84. SEL Menu................................................................................................................108
Table 85. FRB Information Menu.............................................................................................109
Table 86. Security Menu..........................................................................................................109
Table 87. Save, Restore and Exit Menu..................................................................................110
Table 88. POST Progress LED Location and Example ...........................................................111
Table 89. POST Progress LED Codes ....................................................................................111
Table 90. Processor Diagnostic LED Locations.......................................................................113
Table 91. Beep Codes.............................................................................................................114
Table 92. BIOS Recovery Beep Codes ...................................................................................114
Table 93. POST Messages......................................................................................................115
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Product Overview Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4
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Intel order number D22893-001
Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4 Product Overview
1. Product Overview
The Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4 is the fourth generation of four-way Intel® IA32 Server Boards. The board set uses the Intel processor technologies. This product diverges from other Intel
E8500 Chipset, and the next generation of memory and
server boards and platforms in
the following ways:
Addition of PCI Express* technology Addition of Double Data Rate Two (DDR2) memory Memory implemented across up to four Memory Boards, with enhanced performance
and reliability features
Optional mass storage expansion for Fibre Channel and RAID Removal of IDE, floppy, and PS/2* ports
The Intel MP with up to 8MB L3 cache and incorporates features that clearly differentiate it as a high availability server. Building on previous server platforms, the Intel
Server Board Set SE8500HW4 supports up to four 64-bit Intel® Xeon™ Processors
Server Board Set SE8500HW4 introduces redundant memory, networking, and the BIOS flash in addition to the enterprise features of hot-swap PCI slots, standards-based server management and server­oriented embedded I/O. Remote monitoring and management features are also included, providing a new level of user tools for server administration.
The Intel to four Memory Boards plug vertically into the Mainboard. The board set was designed to work with the Intel SR6850HW4, a 6U chassis. The board set may also be used in a non-Intel chassis that meets the power and cooling requirements found in this specification. Please refer to the Intel Platform SR4850HW4 Technical Product Specification and Intel
Server Board Set SE8500HW4 consists of two primary boards: Main and Memory. Up
Server Platform SR4850HW4, a 4U chassis, and the Intel® Server Platform
Server Platform SR6850HW4
Technical Product Specification for more information on these products.
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Intel order number D22893-001
Product Overview Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4
This document describes the Mainboard and Memory Board components of the Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4.
Figure 1. Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4, Populated
1.1 Board Set Features
This chapter discusses the features for the Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4, which includes:
Up to four 64-bit Intel
Xeon™ Processors MP with up to 8MB L3 cache
E8500 Chipset:
- Intel
E8500 Chipset North Bridge (NB): provides two processor buses and
connection to I/O and memory subsystems
- Intel
E8500 eXtended Memory Bridge (XMB): provides hot-plug support for up to
64GB of DDR2 memory
- Intel
- Intel
6700 PXH 64-bit PCI Hub: provides support for PCI-X* I/O
IOP332 Storage I/O Processor : provides support for PCI-X adapters and contains Intel (ROMB)
- Intel
81801EB I/O Controller Hub 5 (ICH5): provides support for the system BIOS, video, USB 2.0, and Serial ATA (SATA).
Advanced I/O slots including PCI Express* and PCI-X and support circuits:
- One hot-plug PCI Express x8 slot
- Three hot-plug PCI Express x4 slots
- One hot-plug 64-bit PCI-X 133MHz, 1.0 slot
- Two 64-bit PCI-X 100MHz, 1.0 slots (not hot-plug)
Xeon™ Processors MP with 1MB L2 cache or 64-bit Intel®
XScale™ technology to support optional RAID On Motherboard
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Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4 Product Overview
Server management with either the Intel
Management Module Professional or Intel®
Management Module Advanced
ATI* Radeon* 7000 video controller, with 16MB SDRAM Broadcom* BCM5704 NetXtreme* Gigabit Ethernet controller: provides two ports on the
rear of the Mainboard
LSI Logic* 53C1030 Ultra320* SCSI Controller: provides two independent Ultra320 SCSI
Optional ROMB support: provides two channels of RAID 0, 1, 5, 10 or 50 Optional custom Intel
Fibre Channel Module: provides two 2Gbps optical connectors
Intel® Server Board SE8500HW4 Main Board
North Bridge
Memory Board
Memory Board
Memory Board
SE8500HW4 Memory Board
PCI-X 100 MHz
LSI* 53C1030 Ultra320*
SCSI Channel A
Fibre Channel Module
SCSI Channel B
Front Panel
PCIe x8
PCIe x4
PCIe x4
Act Key
PCIe x4
PCIe x4
PCIe x4
PCI-X* 100 MHz
PCI Express x4 (hot-plug)
PCI Express x4 (hot-plug)
PCI-X 133 MHz (hot-plug)
PCI Express* x8 (hot-plug)
PCI Express x4 (hot-plug)
RAID Smart
Ethernet Port Ethernet Port
External SCSI Connector (optional)
USB Port USB Port
Video Port
GCM (optional)
Figure 2. Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4 Interconnect Diagram
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Product Overview Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4
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Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4 Processor and Chipset
2. Processor and Chipset
2.1 Processors Supported
The Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4 supports 64-bit Intel® Xeon™ Processors MP which are based on the Intel
NetBurst™ microarchitecture. Several architectural and microarchitectural enhancements have been added to this processor, including an increased L2 cache size and, for some models, an integrated L3 cache. Table 1 provides a feature set overview of the 64-bit Intel
Xeon™ Processors MP.
Figure 3. 64-bit Intel® Xeon™ Processors MP
Table 1. Processor Feature Overview
Feature 64-bit Intel® Xeon™
Processors MP with
1MB L2 cache
Package FC-mPGA4 L2 cache size 1MB L3 cache size N/A 4MB or 8MB Core operating voltage 1.0975 to 1.4V 1.171 to 1.3250V Cache operating voltage N/A 1.1 to 1.25V Front side bus 667MHz with data-bus Error Correcting Code (ECC),
bandwidth up to 5.33GB/s
64-bit Intel® Xeon™
Processors MP with up to
8MB L3 cache
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Processor and Chipset Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4
The 64-bit Intel® Xeon™ Processors MP includes the following advanced features:
Extended Memory 64 Technology (EM64T) for executing both 32-bit and 64-bit
applications simultaneously
Intel Intel Execute-Disable Bit for hardware support of security features Quad-channel DDR2 400MHz memory support PCI Express for faster serial interconnects Streaming Single Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD) Extensions 2 and 3 (SSE2, SSE3)
For more information, please refer to the 64-bit Intel cache Datasheet, 64-bit Intel bit Intel
Hyper-Threading (HT) technology providing two logical processors
Demand-Based Switching (DBS) for power savings
Xeon™ Processors MP with 1MB L2 cache Specification Update, and 64-bit Intel®
Xeon™ Processors MP with up to 8MB L3 cache Datasheet, 64-
Xeon™ Processors MP with 1MB L2
Xeon™ Processors MP with up to 8MB L3 cache Specification Update.
2.1.1 Heat Sink
The Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4 uses the reference design Common Enabling Kit (CEK) heatsinks, which meet the 64-bit Intel targets. Each CEK heatsink consists of the following components:
Passive heatsink (with captive standoff and screws) Thermal Interface Material (TIM-2) – to cover the entire processor Integrated Heat
Spreader (IHS) and the heatsink base
Hat spring – mounted below the Intel
Xeon™ Processors MP thermal performance
Server Board Set SE8500HW4 Mainboard
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Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4 Processor and Chipset
2.1.2 Installation Order
Some processor signals do not have on-die termination and must be terminated at an end agent. The Intel Front Side Buses (FSBs). For each bus with a processor installed, the first socket on that bus must be used to ensure proper signal termination. A processor must be installed in socket 1 before socket 2, and socket 3 before socket 4. Refer to Table 2 for processor installation order.
Server Board Set SE8500HW4 Mainboard was designed with two separate
Table 2. Processor Installation Order
Sockets Number of
Four Installed Installed Installed Installed Installed Installed Installed
1 2 3 4
Installed One Installed Installed Installed Installed Installed Two1 Installed Installed Installed Installed Installed Installed Installed Installed Installed Three1
Installed Installed Installed Installed Installed Installed
VRM 10.2
VRM 9.1
1. There is no performance gained by splitting the processors across the FSBs. Intel has validated sequential process installation, with a one-processor configuration using socket 1; a two-processor configuration using sockets 1 and 2; and a three-processor configuration using sockets 1, 2 and 3.
2. The 9.1 VRM is only required when installing 64-bit Intel
Xeon™ Processors MP with
up to 8MB of L3 cache.
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Processor and Chipset Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4
2.2 Intel® E8500 Chipset
The Intel® E8500 Chipset is the highest performance, most scalable platform offering in the 64­bit Intel
Xeon™ Processor MP family. The chipset represents the sixth-generation Intel four­way multi-processor platform, is architected for multi-core processors and includes these advanced features:
Support for up to four 64-bit Intel Maintains coherency across both buses Double-pumped 40-bit address buses with a total address bandwidth of 167 million
Xeon™ Processors MP FSB operating at 667 MHz
Quad-pumped, 64-bit data bus providing a bandwidth of 5.3 GB/s per bus x8 Single Device Data Correction (x8 SDDC) technology for memory error correction Hardware memory initialization ECC protection on data signals and parity protection on address signals Support for hot-plug memory and performance operations
This section provides an overview of the chipset components, for more detailed information refer to the Intel
E8500 Chipset Datasheets referenced in the Appendix.
2.2.1 North Bridge (NB)
The Intel® E8500 Chipset North Bridge (NB) is the center of the system architecture and provides interconnection to:
Up to four 64-bit Intel
Xeon™ Processors MP via two 667 MHz FSBs optimized for
server applications
Up to 64GB memory via four Independent Memory Interfaces (IMI) I/O subsystem components via one PCI Express and the Intel
82801EB I/O Controller
Hub 5 (ICH5)
2.2.2 eXtended Memory Bridge (XMB)
The Intel® E8500 Chipset eXtended Memory Bridge (XMB) provides interface between the NB and DDR2 400MHz DIMMs. The Intel Memory Boards, each with an XMB and four DDR2 400MHz DIMM locations.
Server Board Set SE8500HW4 includes up to four
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Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4 Processor and Chipset
2.2.3 Intel® IOP332 Storage I/O Processor
The Intel® IOP332 Storage I/O Processor contains a PCI Express-to-PCI-X bridge and performs bridging functions between the PCI Express interface of the NB and PCI-X devices. The Intel Server Board Set SE8500HW4 contains one Intel
IOP332 Storage I/O Processor that has two
PCI bus interfaces which provide:
Slots 6 and 7 (PCI-X 100MHz, non-Hot Plug) LSI Logic 53C1030 Ultra320 SCSI controller Intel
Fibre Channel Module connector
2.2.4 Intel® 82801EB I/O Controller Hub 5 (ICH5)
The Intel® 82801EB I/O Controller Hub 5 (ICH5) provides a hub interface-to-PCI bridge, PCI-to­LPC bridge and legacy I/O controllers. Some of the features of the ICH5 are not used in this board set. The Intel
Integrated Serial ATA (SATA) controller High-speed USB 2.0 host controller ATI Radeon 7000 video controller Support for System Management Bus (SMBus) specification, version 2.0 and I ACPI power management logic support Firmware Hub (FWH) interface support
Server Board Set SE8500HW4 contains one ICH5 which provides:
2.2.5 Intel® 6700 PXH 64-bit Hub (PXH)
The Intel® 6700 PXH 64-bit Hub performs bridging functions between the PCI Express interface of the NB and PCI-X devices. The Intel has two PCI bus interfaces which provide:
Slot 2 (PCI-X 133Mhz Hot Plug) Broadcom BCM5704C dual channel Gigabit Ethernet controller
Server Board Set SE8500HW4 contains one PXH that
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Processor and Chipset Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4
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Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4 I/O Subsystems
3. I/O Subsystems
3.1 PCI Subsystem
The PCI subsystem consists of eight slots, seven available to standard PCI adapters and one for the Intel
Server Board Set SE8500HW4-specific Intel® Fibre Channel Module.
Table 3. PCI Expansion Slot Features
Segment Slot Hot Plug Technology Width Bandwidth
North Bridge (C) 1 Yes PCI Express* x8 4 PXH (A) 2 Yes PCI-X* 133 64-bit 1 North Bridge (D) 3 Yes PCI Express x4 2 North Bridge (B) 4 Yes PCI Express x4 2 North Bridge (B) 5 Yes PCI Express x4 2 Intel® IOP332 Storage I/O
Processor (B) Intel IOP332 Storage I/O
Processor (B) Intel IOP332 Storage I/O
Processor (A)
6 No PCI-X 100 64-bit 0.8
7 No PCI-X 100 64-bit 0.8
Fibre Channel No PCI-X 100 64-bit 0.8
3.1.1 PCI Interrupts
PCI Express interrupts are delivered in-band over the PCI Express bus via the Message Signal Interrupt (MSI) mechanism.
PCI and PCI-X devices can deliver interrupts either by asserting IRQ signals that are routed to the PXH or Intel
IOP332 Storage I/O Processor IOxAPIC, or over the PCI-X bus via MSI. In either case, the PXH and/or Intel® IOP332 Storage I/O Processor forward the interrupt to the NB as an Inbound Write for the processor to handle the event.
Table 4 describes how the interrupts for each of the PCI devices are mapped to the PXH and
IOP332 Storage I/O Processor.
Table 4. PCI Interrupt Mapping
Broadcom* BCM5704
Slot 2 PXH (A) PX2A_IRQ0_N PX2A_IRQ1_N PX2A_IRQ2_N PX2A_IRQ3_N Slot 6 Intel® IOP332 Storage I/O
Slot 7 Intel IOP332 Storage I/O
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Processor (B)
Processor (B)
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I/O Subsystems Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4
LSI Logic* 53C1030
Intel® Fibre Channel Module
Intel IOP332 Storage I/O Processor (A)
Intel IOP332 Storage I/O Processor (A)
- -
- -
3.1.2 PCI IDSEL Signal
The IDSEL signal is used as a chip-select for devices during read and write transactions. The PXH and Intel® IOP332 Storage I/O Processor assert a specific address bit on a given PCI bus to toggle the IDSEL signal to the PCI device. For the Intel Mainboard the address bit to IDSEL mapping is shown in Table 5.
Table 5. IDSEL Mapping
Device Device # IDSEL Host Bridge
Broadcom* BCM5704 2 PX2B_AD<18> PXH (B) Slot 2 2 PX2A_AD<18> PXH (A) Slot 6 6 PX1B_AD<22> Intel® IOP332 Storage I/O
Slot 7 7 PX1B_AD<23> Intel IOP332 Storage I/O
LSI Logic* 53C1030 5 PX1A_AD<21> Intel IOP332 Storage I/O
Intel® Fibre Channel Module 15 PX1A_AD<31> Intel IOP332 Storage I/O
ROMB enabled on Intel IOP332 Storage I/O Processor
14 n/a Internal to Intel IOP332
Server Board Set SE8500HW4
Processor (B)
Processor (B)
Processor (A)
Processor (A)
Storage I/O Processor
Note: When the ROMB solution is enabled, the IDSEL to the LSI Logic 53C1030 is inhibited by the Intel system and the Intel Since the Intel Intel
IOP332 Storage I/O Processor. This effectively hides the SCSI controller from the
Fibre Channel Module is set to device 15 so that it is not affected by the device hiding
IOP332 Storage I/O Processor acts as the SCSI (or RAID) controller.
Fibre Channel Module is attached to the same bus as the SCSI controller, the
operation required for the ROMB solution.
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Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4 I/O Subsystems
3.1.3 Bus Arbitration Signals
Request (REQ#) signals indicate to the bus arbiter that an agent/device desires use of the bus. The Grant (GNT#) signal indicates to the agent/device that access to the bus has been granted. Every master has its own REQ#, which must be tri-stated while RST# is asserted. These are point-to-point signals which are assigned to every bus master.
In the Intel and Intel BCM5704 and the Intel Logic 53C1030, and the Intel
Server Board Set SE8500HW4 there is one arbiter for each PCI bus on the PXH
IOP332 Storage I/O Processor. The PXH contains an arbiter for slot 2 and the
IOP332 Storage I/O Processor contains an arbiter for slots 6 and 7, LSI
Fibre Channel Module.
Table 6. Arbitration Connections
Device REQ# GNT# Host Bridge
Broadcom* BCM5704 PX2B_REQ0_N PX2B_GNT0_N PXH (B) Slot 2 PX2A_REQ0_N PX2A_GNT0_N PXH (A) Slot 6 PX1B_REQ1_N PX1B_GNT1_N Intel® IOP332 Storage I/O
Processor (B)
Slot 7 PX1B_REQ0_N PX1B_GNT0_N Intel IOP332 Storage I/O
Processor (B)
LSI Logic* 53C1030 PX1A_REQ0_N PX1A_GNT0_N Intel IOP332 Storage I/O
Processor (A)
Intel® Fibre Channel Module PX1A_REQ1_N PX1A_GNT1_N Intel IOP332 Storage I/O
Processor (A)
3.1.4 Wake On LAN
Wake On LAN (WOL) is supported on the Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4 either from PCI devices through the PME# signal, or PCI Express via the WAKE# signal.
Any PCI Express adapter can generate a wake event by asserting the WAKE# signal. This signal is OR’d to all other PCI Express WAKE# signals and routed to the ICH5 after being qualified with intrusion and a prior graceful shutdown. The assertion of a WAKE# signal will cause the system to return to the ACPI S0 sleep state. Once system power is up and the PCI Express devices are configured, a PME message is sent to the NB identifying the device that woke the system.
For all the PCI devices or the Ethernet controller, PME# is handled similarly to the PCI Express WAKE# signal. All PME# signals are OR’d together and routed to the ICH5 after being qualified with intrusion and a prior graceful shutdown. The PME assertion wakes the system but does not generate an interrupt from the ICH5. Once the system is powered up, the PXH or Intel Storage I/O Processor generate a PME interrupt message to the operating system. The operating system determines which slot is the PME source by polling the PXH and Intel
IOP332 Storage I/O Processor.
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I/O Subsystems Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4
3.1.5 PCI Hot Plug* Support
PCI Hot Plug* is the concept of removing a standard PCI adapter card from a system without stopping the software or powering down the system as a whole.
In the Intel
Server Board Set SE8500HW4, PCI Slot 2 supports the PCI Hot-Plug Specification, Revision 1.1 and is configured so that the PXH isolates the slot from the PCI bus when no adapter is present. The four PCI Express slots support the PCI Express Base Specification, Revision 1.0a. Hardware Components
The Intel
Server Board Set SE8500HW4 contains buttons and LEDs to assist a user for hot plug operations. Buttons provide isolation circuitry to physically disconnect the hot plug adapter from the PCI buses while LEDs provide slot power and status. The LEDs have enough luminous intensity to pass through system-level light pipes and be visible at the top of a system. An attention button can be used to invoke a hot-plug sequence to remove or add an adapter without the use of an operating system/software interface.
Table 7. PCI Hot Plug LEDs
LED State Meaning Power (Green)
Attention (Amber)
Off Power off: All main rails have been removed from slot. Card can be inserted or removed. On Power on: Slot is powered on. Card cannot be inserted or removed. Blinking Power transition: Slot is in the process of changing state. Card cannot be inserted or
removed. Off Normal: Normal operation. On Attention: Power fault or operational problem at this slot. Blinking Locate: Slot is being identified at the user’s request. Software Components
PCI hot plug operations are supported by the system BIOS, an operating system driver and an optional operating system administrative interface. The Intel
Server Board Set SE8500HW4 BIOS provides initialization of the hot plug hardware components, logging of hot plug events through server management and ACPI table generation. Microsoft* Windows* Server 2003, Enterprise Edition includes support for PCI hot plug through the taskbar “Unplug or Eject Hardware” interface but may require an updated adapter device driver. Refer to other operating systems’ manuals for more information on how to perform hot-plug operations. Reference the PCI adapter release notes for specific information on support and driver requirements.
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Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4 I/O Subsystems Hot Removal Example Under Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition:
1. Open the cover of the system to access the adapters and status LEDs.
2. Double-click “Unplug/Eject” in the taskbar to open the “Unplug or Eject Hardware” menu.
3. Select the device to be removed and click “Stop”.
4. Wait for the power LED to turn off.
5. Dis-engage rocker, retention, and/or safety devices.
6. Remove the adapter. Under other operating systems:
1. Open the cover of the system to access the adapters and status LEDs.
2. Press the attention button for the slot. (press the attention button within five seconds to abort
the hot plug operation)
3. Wait for the power LED to turn off.
4. Dis-engage rocker, retention, and/or safety devices.
5. Remove the adapter. Hot Addition Example Under Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition:
1. Open the cover of the system to access adapters and view the status LEDs.
2. Install the adapter into the slot.
3. Engage rocker, retention, and/or safety devices.
4. Wait for the software user interface to open. Confirm the device to be enabled.
5. Wait for the power LED to turn on. Note: If the attention LED is blinking, a power fault has occurred. The user may need to remove
the adapter, wait for the LED to turn off, and re-start the hot add operation. Under other operating systems:
1. Open the cover of the system to access adapters and view the status LEDs.
2. Install the adapter into the slot.
3. Engage rocker, retention, and/or safety devices.
4. Press the attention button for the slot. (press the attention within five seconds to abort the
hot plug operation)
5. Wait for the power LED to turn on.
6. Enable the device in your operating system.
Note: If the attention LED is blinking, a power fault has occurred. The user may need to remove the adapter, wait for the LED to turn off, and re-start the hot add operation.
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I/O Subsystems Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4
3.2 Ultra320 SCSI Subsystem
A single LSI Logic* 53C1030 controller provides the on-board Ultra320 SCSI interface. The controller resides on the PCI Bus Segment A (PX1A), off the Intel® IOP332 Storage I/O Processor. For optimal performance, the controller is configured as a 64-bit PCI-X 100MHz device.
The LSI Logic 53C1030 supports two Ultra320 SCSI channels, both validated for LVDS operation. In the Intel hot-swap hard disk drive bay and the second is optionally connected to an external connector. In the Intel
Server Platform SR6850HW4 both channels are routed to the internal hot-swap
Server Platform SR4850HW4 the first channel is routed to the internal
hard disk drive bay. Intel has not validated Single Ended (SE) operation for this device. The Mainboard provides active terminators, termination voltage, auto re-sealable fuse, and
protection diode for both SCSI channels. The SCSI ROM allows for the configuration of on­board termination.
PCI Express and PCI-X adapter cards based on a LSI Logic 53C1030 controller should have the option ROM for the slot turned off in the system BIOS setup. This will allow the embedded LSI Logic 53C1030 controller firmware to manage the add-in adapters. The Intel
Server Board Set SE8500HW4 Mainboard does not have a physical flash device, so the system BIOS loads the required RISC F/W into the embedded LSI Logic 53C1030 controller during POST. A 53C1030-based adapter cannot take control of the embedded SCSI controller since those cards do not have the required RISC F/W to start the embedded SCSI device. Starting with the LSI Logic Fusion-MPT* SCSI BIOS 5.10.02, the embedded LSI Logic 53C1030 SCSI controller can control additional LSI Logic 53C1030-based adapter cards.
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Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4 I/O Subsystems
3.3 Intel® RAID On Motherboard (ROMB)
The Intel® IOP332 Storage I/O Processor, in conjunction with the LSI Logic 53C1030, provides an optional RAID On Motherboard (ROMB) solution which supports RAID levels 0, 1, 5, 10, and
50. A 2MB flash component and a non-volatile SRAM store the code and hardware configuration information.
To activate the ROMB solution, a physical Intel RAID DIMM must be installed on the Intel contains a registration code required to unlock the LSI Mega RAID* solution. The DDR2 400MHz RAID DIMM serves as memory for the Intel cache to store write data for the drives. In addition to these components an Intel
RAID Activation Key (RAK) and DDR2 400MHz
Server Board Set SE8500HW4 Mainboard. The RAK
IOP332 Storage I/O Processor and a disk
RAID Smart Battery (RSB) may also be installed to refresh the RAID DIMM when system power drops below specifications.
After installing a RAK and DDR2 400MHz RAID DIMM, and optional RSB, the system BIOS setup allows the user to enable the ROMB solution. During option ROM scan, an option to configure the RAID is displayed. The following three chapters provide an overview of the Intel ROMB solution, however, for more information refer to the Intel
RAID Smart Battery Technical
Product Specification.
3.3.1 Intel® RAID Activation Key (RAK)
The RAK is a round one-wire serial EEPROM device programmed by Intel. This key has a registration code required to enable the LSI Mega RAID* solution.
The ROMB solution only supports 400MHz registered ECC, with a CAS latency of four clock cycles. Please refer to the Intel supported memory.
Server Board SE8500HW4 Memory Qualification List for
3.3.3 Intel® RAID Smart Battery (RSB)
The RSB keeps the contents of the DDR2 400MHz RAID DIMM preserved if power drops below specifications. When the Intel specifications, it initiates a power fail sequence that safely puts the RAID DIMM into self-refresh state. The power subsystem generates enough of a delay to allow the Intel Processor to complete its power fail sequence, even in the event of total system power loss. After the power fail sequence is completed, additional logic keeps the RAID DIMM in self­refresh mode. When power is restored, data from the RAID DIMM is safely written to the disk array.
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IOP332 Storage I/O Processor senses power has dropped below
IOP332 Storage I/O
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I/O Subsystems Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4
3.4 Gigabit Ethernet
A single Broadcom* BCM5704C controller provides the on-board Gigabit Ethernet interface. This controller has two ports that can independently operate at 1000/100/10 Mbps and support failover and teaming for greater reliability and performance. The two Media Access Controllers support full-duplex and half-duplex modes at all speeds and have their own PCI configuration space and on-chip memory for higher performance with load balancing and packet buffering. For optimal performance, the controller is configured as a 64-bit PCI-X 133MHz device. The ICH5 contains an Ethernet controller, but this device is not used by the Intel
Server Board Set
3.5 Serial ATA (SATA)
The ICH5 provides a Serial ATA (SATA) interface with a transfer rate of up to 1.5GB/s. The
Server Board Set SE8500HW4 Mainboard has a standard 7-pin vertical connector for this
feature. SATA cables should be 1m (40 inches) or less in length.
3.6 Fibre Channel
The Intel® Fibre Channel Module seats into a custom-wired PCI Express x16 slot on the Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4 Mainboard, which is attached to the Intel
IOP332 Storage I/O Processor. The module uses a Qlogic* ISP2322 FC-PCI-X controller and has the following features:
Two independent 2 Gbps Fibre Channel ports Support for Fibre Channel virtual interface (VI) protocol Automatically negotiates Fibre Channel bit rate (1 or 2 Gbps) Supports up to 400 MBps sustained Fibre Channel data transfer rate 1 MB SRAM per port Data and code parity protection Host intervention not required to execute complete SCSI, IP, or VI operations LC-style optical connectors Works with the Qlogic SANsurfer* Management Suite and other Qlogic FC cards
For more information, please refer to the Intel
Fibre Channel Module User Guide.
3.7 Firmware Hubs
The Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4 Mainboard has a combined total of 4MB flash memory that serves as the firmware hub (FWH) for the system BIOS. The system BIOS fits into 2MB of flash, but twice that is required to support the rolling BIOS feature. See Chapter 5 for more information on the rolling BIOS.
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