Intel® Server Board
SE7320EP2 / Intel® Server
Board SE7525RP2
Technical Product Specification
Intel order number D24635-001
Revision 1.0
April 29, 2005
Enterprise Platforms and Services Division - Marketing
Revision History Intel® Server Board SE7320EP2 / Intel® Server Board SE7525RP2
Revision History
Date Revision Number Modifications
2/01/2005 0.5 Initial release
4/29/2005 0.95
Added BIOS section information, updated HW information to include
latest product developments.
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Intel® Server Board SE7320EP2 / Intel® Server Board SE7525RP2 TPS
1. Introduction
The Intel® Server Board SE7320EP2 / SE7525RP2 Technical Product Specification provides
technical details for the server board’s functional architecture and feature set. It also provides a
high-level detail of some of the board’s functional sub-systems.
This document is intended to be the technical reference for this board. Updates to this
document will be made via the Specification Update that is published monthly following the date
of the product launch.
1.1 Server Board Use Disclaimer
Intel Corporation server boards contain a number of high-density VLSI and power delivery
components that need adequate airflow to cool. Intel ensures through its own chassis
development and testing that when Intel server building blocks are used together, the fully
integrated system will meet the intended thermal requirements of these components. It is the
responsibility of the system integrator who chooses not to use Intel developed server building
blocks to consult vendor datasheets and operating parameters to determine the amount of air
flow required for their specific application and environmental conditions. Intel Corporation
cannot be held responsible if components fail or the server board does not operate correctly
when used outside any of their published operating or non-operating limits.
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Intel order number D24635-001
Intel® Server Board SE7320EP2 / Intel® Server Board SE7525RP2 TPS
Intel® Server Board SE7320EP2 / SE7525RP2 Overview
2. Intel® Server Board SE7320EP2 / SE7525RP2
The Intel® Server Boards SE7320EP2 and SE7525RP2 are monolithic printed circuit boards
with features that were designed to support the general purpose, pedestal server market. The
Intel Server Board SE7525RP2 also meets the needs of a high-end workstation system. The
architecture is based around the Intel® E7320/E7525 chipset and is capable of supporting one
or two Intel® Xeon™ processors with 1MB or 2MB L2 cache and up to 8GB of memory.
2.1 Intel® Server Boards SE7320EP2 and SE7525RP2 Feature Set
The Intel Server Boards SE7320EP2 and SE7525RP2 support the following feature set:
Processor/FSB support
- Dual Intel Xeon processors with 1MB or 2MB L2 cache using the 604-pin FCPGA
processor package
- 800 MHz FSB
- 6.4 GB/sec bus bandwidth
- One version 10.1 compliant VRD to supply each CPU core voltage
Intel E7320/E7525 chipset components
- MCH memory controller
- 6300ESB ICH I/O controller
Support for up to four DDR2-400 compliant ECC DDR2 DIMMs providing up to 8GB
memory support.
Three separate and independent PCI buses:
- Segment A: Two PCI 32-bit/33-MHz, 5 V connectors supporting full-length PCI add-
in cards and two embedded devices:
2D/3D graphics controller: ATI* Rage* XL video controller with 8 MB of SDRAM
One Intel 10/100/1000 82541PI Fast Ethernet Controller
- Segment B: Two PCI-X* 64-bit/66-MHz, 3.3 V slots supporting full-length PCI / PCI-X
One x1 PCI Express bus supporting the Marvell* Yukon* 88E8050 10/100/1000
gigabit Ethernet controller
LPC (Low Pin Count) bus segment with one embedded devices:
- Super I/O (Super I/O) controller chip, National Semiconductor* PC8374L, providing
all PC-compatible I/O (floppy, serial, keyboard, mouse) and integrated hardware
Two external Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports with an additional internal header
providing two optional USB ports for front panel support
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Intel order number D24635-001
Intel® Server Board SE7320EP2 / Intel® Server Board SE7525RP2 TPS
Intel® Server Board SE7320EP2 / SE7525RP2 Overview
One IDE connector, supporting up to two ATA-100 compatible devices
Two SATA connectors, supporting up to two SATA devices and RAID 0/1
Support for up to five system fans and two processor fans
SSI-compliant connectors for SSI interface support: front panel and power connectors
The following figure below shows the functional blocks of the server boards and the plug-in
modules that they support.
Figure 1. Block Diagram of Intel® Server Boards SE7320EP2 and SE7525RP2
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Intel order number D24635-001
Intel® Server Board SE7320EP2 / Intel® Server Board SE7525RP2 TPS
Functional Architecture
3. Functional Architecture
This chapter provides a high-level description of the functionality distributed between the
architectural blocks of the Intel® Server Boards SE7320EP2 and SE7525RP2.
3.1 Processor and Memory Subsystem
The Intel® chipset E7320 / E7525 provides a 36-bit address, 64-bit data processor host bus
interface, operating at 800 MHz in the AGTL+ signaling environment. The MCH component of
the chipset provides an integrated memory controller, an 8-bit hub interface, one x8 PCI
Express interface (programmable into separate x 4 interface), and a x16 PCI Express interface
(E7525 MCH only).
The x4 PCI Express interface provides
The interface to x8 PCI Express slot (Lane 0-3)
The interface to Marvell (Lane 4)
The x16 PCI Express interface provides
The interface to x16 PCI Express slot
The 32-bit/33-MHz PCI buses via the 6300ESB ICH
The board directly supports up to 8GB of ECC memory, using four DDR2-400 compliant ECC
DIMMs. The ECC implementation in the MCH can detect and correct single-bit errors (SBE),
detect multiple-bit errors (MBE), and supports Intel® x4 Single Data Device Correction (Intel®
x4 SDDC) feature with x4 DIMMs.
3.1.1 Processor Support
The Intel Server Boards SE7320EP2 and SE7525RP2 support one or two processors in the
604-pin FCPGA package. When two processors are installed, both must be of identical revision,
core voltage, and bus/core speed. When only one processor is installed, it must be in the socket
labeled CPU0. The other socket must be empty. The support circuitry on the server boards
consist of the following:
Dual 604-pin processor sockets supporting 800MHz FSB Intel® Xeon™ processors.
Processor host bus AGTL+ support circuitry.
Table 1. Processor Support Matrix
Processor Family Package Type Frequency Cache Size Front Side Bus Speed
Intel® Xeon™ MPGA604 2.8~3.6GHz 1 MB 800MHz
Intel® Xeon™ MPGA604 3.0~3.6GHz 2 MB 800MHz
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Intel order number D24635-001
Intel® Server Board SE7320EP2 / Intel® Server Board SE7525RP2 TPS
Functional Architecture
Processors must be populated in sequential order. Processor socket 1 must be
populated before processor socket 2.
The board is designed to provide up to 105A of current per processor. Processors with
higher current requirements are not supported.
No terminator is required in the second processor socket when using a uni-processor
In addition to the circuitry described above, the processor subsystem contains the following:
Reset configuration logic
Processor module presence detection logic
Server management registers and sensors Processor VRD
The Intel Server Boards SE7320EP2 and SE7525RP2 have two Voltage Regulator Downs
(VRDs) to support two processors. This is compliant with the VRM 10.1 specification and
provides a maximum of 210 Amps, which is capable of supporting the requirements for two
Intel® Xeon™ processors.
The board hardware must monitor the processor VTTEN (Output enable for VTT) pin for each
processor before turning on the VRD. If the VTTEN pin of the two processors are not identical,
then the Power on Logic will not turn on the VRD. Reset Configuration Logic
The BIOS determines the processor stepping, cache size, and other information through the
CPUID instruction. The requirements are as follows:
All processors in the system must operate at the same frequency, have the same cache
sizes, and same VID. No mixing of product families is supported.
Processors run at a fixed speed and cannot be programmed to operate at a lower or
higher speed.
The processor information is read at every system power-on.
Note: The processor speed is the processor power on reset default value. No manual processor
speed setting options exist either in the form of a BIOS setup option or jumpers. Processor Module Presence Detection
Logic is provided on the server boards to detect the presence and identity of installed
processors. The Power On logic checks the logic and will not turn on the system DC power
unless the VTTENs of both the processors match in a DP configuration.
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Intel® Server Board SE7320EP2 / Intel® Server Board SE7525RP2 TPS
Functional Architecture Interrupts and APIC
Interrupt generation and notification to the processors is done by the APICs in the 6300ESB ICH
using messages on the front side bus. Common Enabling Kit (CEK) Design Support
The server boards have been designed to comply with the Intel® Common Enabling Kit (CEK)
processor mounting and thermal solution. The server boards ship from Intel’s factory with a CEK
spring snapped onto the underside of the board, beneath each processor socket. The CEK
spring is removable to allow the use of non-Intel heat sink retention solutions.
Heatsink assembly
with integrated
Server Board
CEK Spring
Note: When installing either of these server boards into an Intel® Server Chassis SC5300, the
passive heatsink solution (no fan) must be used.
Figure 2. CEK ‘Passive’ Component Stackup
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Intel® Server Board SE7320EP2 / Intel® Server Board SE7525RP2 TPS
Functional Architecture
3.1.2 Memory Subsystem
The server boards supports up to four DIMM slots for a maximum memory capacity of 8 GB. The
DIMM organization is x72, which includes eight ECC check bits. The memory interface runs at
400MT/s. The memory controller supports memory scrubbing, single-bit error correction and
multiple-bit error detection and Intel x4 SDDC support with x4 DIMMs. Memory can be
implemented with either single-sided (one row) or double-sided (two row) DIMMs.
The figure below provides a block diagram of the memory sub-system implemented on the
Figure 3. Memory Sub-system Block Diagram Memory DIMM Support
The board supports DDR2-400 compliant ECC DIMMS operating at 400MT/s. Only DIMMs
tested and qualified by Intel or a designated memory test vendor are supported on this board.
All DIMMs are supported by design, but only fully qualified DIMMs will be supported on the
The minimum supported DIMM size is 256MB. Therefore, the minimum main memory
configuration is 1 x 256MB or 256MB. The largest size DIMM supported is a 2GB registered
DDR2-400 ECC DIMM based on 1Gb technology. Therefore, the maximum main memory
configuration is 4 x 2GB or 8GB.
Only registered DDR2-400 compliant, ECC, DDR2 memory DIMMs are supported
ECC single-bit errors (SBE) are corrected and multiple-bit error (MBE) are detected.
The server boards support Intel® x4 SDDC with x4 DIMMs.
The maximum memory capacity is 8GB
The minimum memory capacity is 256MB
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Intel order number D24635-001
Intel® Server Board SE7320EP2 / Intel® Server Board SE7525RP2 TPS
Functional Architecture Memory Configuration
The memory interface between the MCH and the DIMMs is 144 bits wide (72 bits for each
There are two banks of DIMMs, Bank 1 and Bank 2. Bank 1 contains DIMM socket locations 1A
and 1B. Bank 2 contains 2A and 2B. The sockets associated with each bank are located next to
each other and the DIMM socket identifiers are marked on the server board silkscreen, near the
DIMM socket.
For designs that require a lower price point, a single 256MB DIMM can be populated in the
DIMM 1B socket. When a single DIMM is installed, interleaving and Intel x4 SDDC are not
available. Bank 2 will only operate with two DIMMs installed.
The server boards’ signal integrity and cooling are optimized when memory banks are
populated in order. Before populating either DIMM socket in Bank 2, both DIMMs in Bank 1
must be populated. No empty DIMM sockets are allowed between populated DIMMs.
DIMM and memory configurations must adhere to the following:
Intel® Server Board SE7320EP2 / Intel® Server Board SE7525RP2 TPS
Functional Architecture
J16 J18 J20 J21
1B 2B 1A 2A
Bank 2
Figure 4. Memory Bank Label Definition
2 I
The I
C bus is used by the system BIOS to retrieve DIMM information needed to program the
MCH memory registers, which are required to boot the system. The following table provides the
C addresses for each DIMM slot.
C Bus
Table 3. I2C Addresses for Memory Module SMB
Device Address
DIMM 1A 0xA6
DIMM 2A 0xA4
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Intel® Server Board SE7320EP2 / Intel® Server Board SE7525RP2 TPS
Functional Architecture DRAM ECC
The ECC used for DRAM provides Intel® x4 SDDC technology for x4 SDRAMs. DRAMs that
are x8 use the same algorithm but will not have Intel x4 SDDC technology, since at most only
four bits can be corrected with this ECC.
The method provides more ECC bits so each ECC word can correct more than a single-bit
failure. This is possible because different mathematical algorithms provide multiple-bit
correction with the right number of data bits and ECC bits. For example, a 144-bit ECC word
that consists of 128 data bits and 16 ECC bits can be used to correct up to 4-bit errors within
certain bit fields of data. These four bits must be adjacent, not random. Even though the ratio of
the ECC bits to data bits is the same as the previous example (16/128 vs. 8/64), the longer ECC
word allows for a correction and detection algorithm that is more efficient.
3.2 Intel® E7320 / E7525 Chipset
The Intel Server Boards SE7320EP2 and SE7525RP2 are designed around the Intel E7320 /
E7525 chipset. The chipset provides an integrated I/O bridge and memory controller, and a
flexible I/O subsystem core (PCI Express). This is targeted for multiprocessor systems and
standard high-volume servers. The chipset consists of two components:
MCH: Memory Control Hub. The MCH accepts access requests from the host
(processor) bus and directs those accesses to memory or to one of the PCI buses. The
MCH monitors the host bus, examining addresses for each request. Accesses may be
directed to a memory request queue for subsequent forwarding to the memory
subsystem, or to an outbound request queue for subsequent forwarding to one of the
PCI buses. The MCH also accepts inbound requests from the 6300ESB ICH. The MCH
is responsible for generating the appropriate controls to control data transfer to and from
6300ESB ICH: The 6300ESB ICH controller has several components. It provides the
interface for a 32-bit/33-MHz PCI bus and the interface for a 64-bit/66MHz PCI-X bus.
The 6300ESB ICH can be both a master and a target on that PCI bus. The 6300ESB
ICH also includes a USB 2.0 controller and an IDE controller. The 6300ESB ICH is also
responsible for much of the power management functions, with ACPI control registers
built in. The 6300ESB ICH also provides a number of GPIO pins and has the LPC bus to
support low speed legacy I/O.
The MCH and 6300ESB ICH chips provide the pathway between processor and I/O systems.
The MCH is responsible for accepting access requests from the host (processor) bus, and
directing all I/O accesses to one of the PCI buses or legacy I/O locations. If the cycle is directed
to one of the PCI Express segments, the MCH communicates with the PCI Express Devices
(add-in card, on board devices) through the PCI Express interface. If the cycle is directed to the
6300ESB ICH, the cycle is output on the MCH’s 8-bit HI 1.5 bus.
The E7320 MCH supports one x8 port configuration PCI Express interface. The E7525MCH
supports one x8 port and one x16 port configuration PCI Express interface. The x8 interface is
capable of logically dividing into separate x4 interface. Each with half the bandwidth of x8
interface and fully compliant to the specification. Maximum theoretical peak bandwidth on each
x8 PCI Express interfaces of 2.5Gb/s in each direction simultaneously, for 5 Gb/s per port.
Revision 1.0
Intel order number D24635-001
Intel® Server Board SE7320EP2 / Intel® Server Board SE7525RP2 TPS
Functional Architecture
All I/O for the board, including PCI and PC-compatible I/O, is directed through the MCH and
then through the 6300ESB ICH provided PCI buses.
The 6300ESB ICH provides one 32-bit/33-MHz PCI bus, hereafter called P32-A.
The 6300ESB ICH provides one 64-bit/66-MHz PCI-X bus, hereafter called P64-B.
This independent bus structure allows both PCI buses to operate independently and
concurrently, providing additional bandwidth to the system.
3.2.1 MCH Memory Architecture Overview
The MCH supports a 144-bit wide memory sub-system that can support up to 16GB of
DDR2-400 memory, using 4 GB DIMMs. This configuration needs external registers for
buffering the memory address and control signals. The four chip selects are registered inside
the MCH and need no external registers for chip selects.
The memory interface runs at 400MT/s. The memory interface supports a 72-bit or 144-bit wide
memory array. It uses seventeen address lines (BA [2:0] and MA [13:0]) and supports 256 Mb,
512 Mb, 1 Gb DRAM densities. The DDR2 DIMM interface supports memory scrubbing, singlebit error correction, and multiple bit error detection and Intel x4 SDDC with x4 DIMMs. DDR2 Configurations
The DDR2 interface supports up to 8GB of main memory and supports single- and doubledensity DIMMs. DDR2 can be any industry-standard DDR2. The following table shows the
DDR2 DIMM technology supported.
Table 4. Supported DDR2 Technology
Technology Organization DRAM Components / DIMM Row / Column
Address Bits
4M X 8 X 4bks 8 12/10 128Mb
8M X 4 X 4bks 16 12/11
8M X 8 X 4bks 8 13/10 256Mb
16M X 4 X 4bks 16 13/11
16M X 8 X 4bks 8 14/10 512Mb
32M X 4 X 4bks 16 14/11
32M X 8 X 8bks 8 14/10 1Gb
64M X 4 X 8bks 16 14/11
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Intel® Server Board SE7320EP2 / Intel® Server Board SE7525RP2 TPS
Functional Architecture
3.2.2 Memory Controller Hub (MCH)
The MCH is a 1077-ball FC-BGA device and uses the proven components of previous
generations like the Intel® Xeon™ processor bus interface unit, the hub interface unit, and the
DDR2 memory interface unit. In addition, the MCH incorporates a PCI Express interface. The
PCI Express interface allows the MCH to directly interface with the PXH/PXHD or PCI Express
devices. The MCH also increases the main memory interface bandwidth and maximum memory
configuration with a 144-bit wide memory interface.
The MCH integrates the following main functions:
An integrated high performance main memory subsystem
An PCI Express bus which provides an interface to the PXH/PXHD or PCI Express
A HL 1.5 bus which provides an interface to the 6300ESB ICH
Other features provided by the MCH include the following:
Full support of ECC on the processor bus
Full support of Intel x4 SDDC on the memory interface with x4 DIMMs
Twelve deep in-order queue, two deep defer queue
Full support of registered DDR2-400 ECC DIMMs
Support for 2GB DDR2 memory modules
Memory scrubbing
3.2.3 6300ESB ICH
The 6300ESB ICH is a multi-function device, housed in a 689-pin BGA device, providing a HI
1.5 to PCI bridge, a PCI 32-bit/33MHz interface, a 64-bit/66MHz PCI-X interface, a PCI IDE
interface, a PCI USB controller, and a power management controller. Each function within the
6300ESB ICH has its own set of configuration registers. Once configured, each appears to the
system as a distinct hardware controller sharing the same PCI bus interface.
The primary role of the 6300ESB ICH is to provide the gateway to all PC-compatible I/O devices
and features. The board uses the following the 6300ESB ICH features:
PCI, PCI-X bus interface
LPC bus interface
IDE interface, with Ultra DMA 100 capability
Universal Serial Bus (USB) 2.0 interface
PC-compatible timer/counter and DMA controllers
APIC and 8259 interrupt controller
Power management
System RTC
General purpose I/O (GPIO)
The following are the descriptions of how each supported feature is used on the board.
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Intel® Server Board SE7320EP2 / Intel® Server Board SE7525RP2 TPS
Functional Architecture PCI Bus P32-A I/O Subsystem
The 6300ESB ICH provides a legacy 32-bit PCI subsystem and acts as the central resource on
this PCI interface. P32-A supports the following embedded devices and connectors:
An ATI Rage XL video controller with 3D/2D graphics accelerator
One Intel
Two 5V expansion slots capable of supporting full-length PCI add-in cards operating at
82541PI network controller
33 MHz PCI Bus P64-B I/O Subsystem
The 6300ESB ICH provides a legacy 64-bit PCI-X subsystem and acts as the central resource
on this PCI interface. P64-B supports two 3.3V expansion slots. These support full-length PCI-X
add-in cards operating at 66 MHz. PCI Bus Master IDE Interface
The 6300ESB ICH acts as a PCI-based Ultra DMA 100 IDE controller that supports
programmed I/O transfers and bus master IDE transfers. The 6300ESB ICH supports two IDE
channels, supporting two drives each (drives 0 and 1). The Intel Server Boards SE7320EP2 and
SE7525RP2 implement one 40-pin IDE connector to access the IDE functionality.
The IDE interface supports Ultra DMA 100 Synchronous DMA Mode transfers on the 40-pin
connector. USB Interface
The 6300ESB ICH contains one EHCI USB 2.0 controller and four USB ports. The USB
controller moves data between the main memory and up to four USB connectors. All ports
function identically and with the same bandwidth. The Server Boards SE7320EP2 and
SE7525RP2 implement four ports on the board.
The server boards provide two external USB ports on the back. The dual-stack USB connector
is located within the standard ATX I/O panel area next to the keyboard and mouse housing. The
USB specification defines the external connectors.
The third and fourth USB ports are optional and can be accessed by cabling from an internal 9pin connector on the server boards to an external USB port either at the front or the rear of a
chassis. Two port SATA Interface
The 6300ESB ICH contains one SATA controller and two SATA ports. The data transfer rates
up to 150Mbyte/s. Alternate Device ID and RAID Class Code options support Soft RAID. Compatibility Interrupt Control
The 6300ESB ICH provides the functionality of two 82C59 PIC devices for ISA-compatible
interrupt handling.
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Intel order number D24635-001
Intel® Server Board SE7320EP2 / Intel® Server Board SE7525RP2 TPS
Functional Architecture APIC
The 6300ESB ICH integrates an I/O APIC capability with 24 interrupts. General Purpose Input and Output Pins
The 6300ESB ICH provides a number of general purpose input and output pins. Many of these
pins have alternate functions, and thus all are not available. The following table lists the GPI
and GPO pins used on the board and gives a brief description of their function.
Table 5. 6300ESB ICH GPIO Usage Table
Pin Name (Powe
GPIO4/PIRQG# Core Input PERR_LOG Parity Error Log
GPIO6 Core Input SKU_VER_ID1 SKU Version ID 1
GPIO7 Core Input MCHPME_N MCH Power Management Event
GPIO8 Resume Input FP_NMI_BTN_N Input: NMI Button
GPIO11/SMBALERT# Resume Input PS_ALERT_N SM Bus alert from power supply
GPIO56 Resume Output KNI_DISABLE_N Output: Active Low to disable on
GPIO57 Resume Output YKN_DIS_N_A Output: Active Low to disable on
Signal Name Function Description
board VGA
L: Clear CMOS; H: Normal
L: 80 conductor cable; H: 40
conductor cable
board 82541PI
board 88E8050 Power Management
One of the embedded functions of the 6300ESB ICH is a power management controller. This is
used to implement ACPI-compliant power management features. The server boards support
sleep states S0, S1, S4, and S5.
3.3 Super I/O
The National Semiconductor* 8374L Super I/O device contains all of the necessary circuitry to
control two serial ports, one parallel port, floppy disk, PS/2-compatible keyboard and mouse and
hardware monitor controller. The server boards implement the following features:
Two serial ports
Keyboard and mouse
Local hardware monitoring
Wake up control
System health support
Revision 1.0
Intel order number D24635-001
Intel® Server Board SE7320EP2 / Intel® Server Board SE7525RP2 TPS
Functional Architecture
3.3.1 GPIOs
The Super I/O provides a number of general-purpose input/output pins that the server boards
utilize. The following table identifies the pin and the signal name used in the schematics:
Intel® Server Board SE7320EP2 / Intel® Server Board SE7525RP2 TPS
Functional Architecture
3.3.2 Serial Ports
The board provides two serial ports, an external serial port, and an internal serial header. The
following sections provide details on the use of the serial ports. Serial A
Serial A is a standard DB9 interface located at the rear I/O panel of the server boards, to the left
of the video connector below the parallel port connector. Serial A is designated by as “Serial A”
on the silkscreen. The reference designator is J4. Serial B
Serial B is an optional port, accessed through a 9-pin internal header. A standard DH-10 to DB9
cable can be used to direct serial B to an external connector on any given chassis. The serial B
interface follows the standard RS232 pinout. The server boards have a “Serial_B” silkscreen
label next to the connector and is located beside the PCI-X slot 1 connector. Floppy Disk Controller
The floppy disk controller (FDC) in the Super I/O is functionally compatible with floppy disk
controllers in the DP8473 and N844077. All FDC functions are integrated into the Super I/O
including analog data separator and 16-byte FIFO. The server boards provide a standard 34-pin
interface for the floppy disk controller. Keyboard and Mouse
Two external PS/2 ports, located on the back of the server boards, provide access to the
keyboard and mouse functions. Wake-up Control
The Super I/O contains functionality that allows various events to control the power-on and
power-off the system.
3.4 BIOS Flash
The board incorporates an Intel® FWH flash memory component. The 82802AC is a highperformance 8-megabit memory component and non-volatile storage space. The flash device is
connected through the LPC interface of 6300ESB.
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Intel® Server Board SE7320EP2 / Intel® Server Board SE7525RP2 TPS
Functional Architecture
3.5 SM Bus Block Diagram
See below for the SM Bus block diagram and device addresses.
Figure 5. Intel® Server Boards SE7320EP2 and SE7525RP2 SMBUS Block Diagram
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Intel® Server Board SE7320EP2 / Intel® Server Board SE7525RP2 TPS
Clock Generation and Distribution
4. Clock Generation and Distribution
All buses on the Intel Server Boards SE7320EP2 / SE7525RP2 operate using synchronous
clocks. Clock synthesizer/driver circuitry on the server board generates clock frequencies and
voltage levels as required, including the following:
200 MHz at 0.7V current-mode: For processor 0, processor 1, debug port and MCH
66 MHz at 3.3 V logic levels: For MCH, 6300ESB ICH
48 MHz at 3.3V logic levels: For 6300ESB ICH
33 MHz at 3.3V logic levels: For 6300ESB ICH, PCI connector, Super I/O
14.318 MHz at 2.5 V logic levels: For 6300ESB ICH , Super I/O and video
The following figure illustrates clock generation and distribution on the board.
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Intel® Server Board SE7320EP2 / Intel® Server Board SE7525RP2 TPS
Clock Generation and Distribution
Figure 6. Intel® Server Boards SE7320EP2 and SE7525RP2 Clock Distribution Diagram
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