Intel SC5650SCWS Service Manual

Intel® Workstation System SC5650SCWS Service Guide
Order Number: E81534-001
Revision 1.0
Intel® Workstation System SC5650SCWS Service Guide i
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Intel workstation boards contain a number of high-density VLSI and power delivery components that need adequate airflow for cooling. Intel’s own chassis are designed and tested to meet the intended thermal requirements of these components when the fully integrated system is used together. It is the responsibility of the system integrator that chooses not to use Intel developed workstation building blocks to consult vendor datasheets and operating parameters to determine the amount of airflow required for their specific application and environmental conditions. Intel Corporation can not be held responsible if components fail or the workstation board does not operate correctly when used outside any of their published operating or non-operating limits.
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Intel® Workstation System SC5650SCWS Service Guide ii
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