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1.2Audience and Purpose .................................................................................................................................... 7
2.0 System Assumptions ................................................................................................................................. 9
2.2Backward and Forward Coupling Coefficient Calculation ............................................................ 14
2.3Feature Set ........................................................................................................................................................ 15
12.0 Power Delivery ..........................................................................................................................................41
12.1DVDD Linear Regulator ................................................................................................................................ 41
12.1.1Operation of an Active Pull – Down Circuit ...................................................................... 41
12.1.2Implementation of an Active Pull – Down Circuit .......................................................... 41
Table 15. Active Pull – Down circuit BOM ................................................................................................................ 42
This design guide provides motherboard implementation recommendations for the
Intel® Quark™ Microcontroller D2000 platform, based on the Intel® Quark™
Microcontroller D2000 processor. This document includes design guidelines for Intel®
Quark™ Microcontroller D2000 platforms and the hardware integration aspects that
must be considered when designing a platform.
This design guide has been developed to ensure maximum flexibility for board
designers while reducing the risk of board-related issues. Design recommendations are
based on Intel's simulations and lab experience and are strongly recommended, if not
necessary, to meet the timing and signal quality specifications. Design
recommendations are based on the reference platforms designed by Intel. They should
be used as an example but may not be applicable to particular designs.
Note: The guidelines recommended in this document are based on experience, simulation,
and preliminary validation work done at Intel while developing the Intel® Quark™
Microcontroller D2000 processor-based platform. This work is ongoing, and these
recommendations are subject to change.
Caution: If the guidelines listed in this document are not followed, it is very important that
designers perform thorough signal integrity and timing simulations. Even when
following these guidelines, Intel recommends the critical signals to be simulated to
ensure proper signal integrity and flight time. Any deviation from the guidelines should
be simulated.
Metric units are used in some sections in addition to the standard use of U.S. customary
system of units (USCS). If there is a discrepancy between the metric and USCS units,
assume the USCS unit is most accurate. The conversion factor used is 1 inch (1000
mils) = 25.4 mm.
1.2 Audience and Purpose
The Intel® Quark™ Microcontroller D2000 is a highly integrated, ultra-low-power part
designed to enable innovative wearable solutions with long battery life for
fitness/health/wellness monitors, smart watches, and so on.
This document is intended to aid platform hardware designers in system
implementation and reference design reuse by:
Documenting the hardware implementation of a specific form factor wearable
based on the Intel® Quark™ Microcontroller D2000 platform
This section covers general Intel® Quark™ Microcontroller D2000 and Intel® Quark™
Microcontroller D2000 Customer Reference Board (CRB) system topology and interface
connectivity assumptions. The Intel® Quark™ Microcontroller D2000 CRB is used as a
baseline reference example for guidelines.
The system uses the PCB technology of a standard interconnect, Type 3, 4-layer board,
no blind or buried vias. It is important to note that variations in the stackup of a
motherboard, such as changes in the dielectric height, trace widths, and spacing, can
impact the impedance, loss, and jitter characteristics of all the interfaces. Such changes
may be intentional, or may be the result of variations in the manufacturing process. In
either case, they must be properly considered when designing interconnects. This
design guide applies the CRB PCB stackup and trace width/spacing that is shown in
Figure 4.
Note: All the routing guidelines in this document are simulated based on the CRB stackup.
2.1.2 PCB Technology Considerations
The typical values, including the design and material tolerances, are centered on a
nominal single line impedance specification of 50𝛺 ± 15% for microstrip. Many
interfaces specify a different nominal single-ended impedance. For more details on the
nominal trace width to meet those impedance targets, refer to the individual interface
The following general stackup recommendations should be followed:
Microstrip layers are assumed to be built from 1/2oz. foil, plated up nominally
another 1 oz.; however, the trace thickness range defined allows for significant
process variance around this nominal.
Based on the Intel® Quark™ Microcontroller D2000 layout layers, 3/4 dual stripline
is assumed to be built from 1 oz. copper.
All high-speed signals should reference solid planes over the length of their routing
and should not cross plane splits. Ground referencing is preferred.
Reference plane stitching vias must be used in conjunction with high-speed signal
layer transitions that include a reference plane change. Refer to each signal group
section for more specification.
The parameter values for internal and external traces are the final thickness and
width after the motherboard materials are laminated, conductors plated, and
etched. Intel uses these exact values to generate the associated electrical models
for simulation.