6.8. Nios II FPH2 and the Newlib Library........................................................................57
6.9. C Macros for round(), fmins(), and fmaxs()............................................................. 58
7. Nios II Floating Point Hardware (FPH1) Component.....................................................59
7.1. Creating the FPH1 Example Hardware ...................................................................59
7.2. Adding FPH1 to the Design and Configuring the Device............................................. 60
7.3. Building the FPH1 Example Software...................................................................... 61
7.3.1. Creating the FPH1 Software Project............................................................ 61
7.3.2. Running and Analyzing the FPH1 Example Software......................................61
7.3.3. Software Implementation for FPH1............................................................. 63
7.4. Nios II FPH1 and the Newlib Library........................................................................63
7.5. Assessing Your Floating Point Optimization Needs.....................................................63
7.6. Hardware Divide Considerations with FPH1..............................................................64
8. Document Revision History for Nios II Custom Instruction User Guide......................... 66
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Nios II Custom Instruction User Guide
Nios II Embedded Processor
Nios II
UG-20286 | 2020.04.27
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1. Nios II Custom Instruction Overview
Custom instructions give you the ability to tailor the Nios II processor to meet the
needs of a particular application. You can accelerate time critical software algorithms
by converting them to custom hardware logic blocks. Because it is easy to alter the
design of the FPGA-based Nios II processor, custom instructions provide an easy way
to experiment with hardware-software tradeoffs at any point in the design process.
The custom instruction logic connects directly to the Nios II arithmetic logic unit (ALU)
as shown in the following figure.
Figure 1.Custom Instruction Logic Connects to the Nios II ALU
Related Information
•Custom Instruction Software Interface on page 16
•Building the CRC Example Hardware on page 23
1.1. Custom Instruction Implementation
Nios II custom instructions are custom logic blocks adjacent to the arithmetic logic
Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Agilex, Altera, Arria, Cyclone, Enpirion, Intel, the Intel logo, MAX, Nios,
Quartus and Stratix words and logos are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or
other countries. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current specifications in
accordance with Intel's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services
at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any
information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel
customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published
information and before placing orders for products or services.
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
unit (ALU) in the processor’s datapath.
Conduit interface to external
memory, FIFO, or other logic
result [31..0]
Register File
1. Nios II Custom Instruction Overview
UG-20286 | 2020.04.27
When custom instructions are implemented in a Nios II system, each custom
operation is assigned a unique selector index. The selector index allows software to
specify the desired operation from among up to 256 custom operations. The selector
index is determined at the time the hardware is instantiated with the Platform
Designer or Platform Designer (Standard) software. Platform Designer exports the
selection index value to system.h for use by the Nios II software build tools.
1.1.1. Custom Instruction Hardware Implementation
Figure 2.Hardware Block Diagram of a Nios II Custom Instruction
A Nios II custom instruction logic block interfaces with the Nios II processor through
three ports: dataa, datab, and result.
The custom instruction logic provides a result based on the inputs provided by the
Nios II processor. The Nios II custom instruction logic receives input on its dataa
port, or on its dataa and datab ports, and drives the result to its result port.
The Nios II processor supports several types of custom instructions. The figure above
shows all the ports required to accommodate all custom instruction types. Any
particular custom instruction implementation requires only the ports specific to its
custom instruction type.
The figure above also shows a conduit interface to external logic. The interface to
external logic allows you to include a custom interface to system resources outside of
the Nios II processor datapath.
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Nios II Custom Instruction User Guide
1. Nios II Custom Instruction Overview
1.1.2. Custom Instruction Software Implementation
The Nios II custom instruction software interface is simple and abstracts the details of
the custom instruction from the software developer.
For each custom instruction, the Nios II Embedded Design Suite (EDS) generates a
macro in the system header file, system.h. You can use the macro directly in your C
or C++ application code, and you do not need to program assembly code to access
custom instructions. Software can also invoke custom instructions in Nios II processor
assembly language.
Related Information
Custom Instruction Software Interface on page 16
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Nios II Custom Instruction User Guide
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2. Custom Instruction Hardware Interface
2.1. Custom Instruction Types
Different types of custom instructions are available to meet the requirements of your
application. The type you choose determines the hardware interface for your custom
Table 1.Custom Instruction Types, Applications, and Hardware Ports
MulticycleMulti-clock cycle custom logic blocks of fixed or
variable durations.
The clk_en input signal must be connected to the clk_en signals of all the registers in the
custom instruction, in case the Nios II processor needs to stall the custom instruction during
Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Agilex, Altera, Arria, Cyclone, Enpirion, Intel, the Intel logo, MAX, Nios,
Quartus and Stratix words and logos are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or
other countries. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current specifications in
accordance with Intel's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services
at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any
information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel
customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published
information and before placing orders for products or services.
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
2. Custom Instruction Hardware Interface
UG-20286 | 2020.04.27
Instruction TypeApplicationHardware Ports
ExtendedCustom logic blocks that are capable of
Internal register file
External interfaceCustom logic blocks that interface to logic
performing multiple operations
Custom logic blocks that access internal register
files for input or output or both.
outside of the Nios II processor’s datapath
Standard custom instruction ports, plus userdefined interface to external logic.
2.1.1. Combinational Custom Instructions
A combinational custom instruction is a logic block that completes its logic function in
a single clock cycle.
A combinational custom instruction must not have side effects. In particular, a
combinational custom instruction cannot have an external interface. This restriction
exists because the Nios II processor issues combinational custom instructions
speculatively, to optimize execution. It issues the instruction before knowing whether
it is necessary, and ignores the result if it is not required.
A basic combinational custom instruction block, with the required ports shown in
"Custom Instruction Types", implements a single custom operation. This operation has
a selection index determined when the instruction is instantiated in the system using
Platform Designer.
You can further optimize combinational custom instructions by implementing the
extended custom instruction. Refer to “Extended Custom Instructions”.
Related Information
•Extended Custom Instructions on page 11
•Custom Instruction Types on page 7
List of standard custom instruction hardware ports, to be used as signal types
Nios II Custom Instruction User Guide
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dataa[ ]
datab[ ]
result[ ]
dataa[ ] valid
datab[ ] valid
result valid
2. Custom Instruction Hardware Interface
UG-20286 | 2020.04.27 Combinational Custom Instruction Ports
A combinational custom instruction must have a result port, and may have optional
In the figure above, the dataa and datab ports are inputs to the logic block, which
drives the results on the result port. Because the logic function completes in a single
clock cycle, a combinational custom instruction does not require control ports.
Table 2.Combinational Custom Instruction Ports
Port NameDirectionRequiredDescription
InputNoInput operand to custom instruction
InputNoInput operand to custom instruction
OutputYesResult of custom instruction
The only required port for combinational custom instructions is the result port. The
dataa and datab ports are optional. Include them only if the custom instruction
requires input operands. If the custom instruction requires only a single input port,
use dataa. Combinational Custom Instruction Timing
The processor presents the input data on the dataa and datab ports on the rising
edge of the processor clock. The processor reads the result port on the rising edge
of the following processor clock cycle.
Multicycle custom instructions complete in either a fixed or variable number of clock
cycles. For a custom instruction that completes in a fixed number of clock cycles, you
specify the required number of clock cycles at system generation. For a custom
instruction that requires a variable number of clock cycles, you instantiate the start
and done ports. These ports participate in a handshaking scheme to determine when
the custom instruction execution is complete.
2. Custom Instruction Hardware Interface
UG-20286 | 2020.04.27
A basic multicycle custom instruction block, with the required ports shown in "Custom
Instruction Types", implements a single custom operation. This operation has a
selection index determined when the instruction is instantiated in the system using
Platform Designer.
You can further optimize multicycle custom instructions by implementing the extended
internal register file, or by creating external interface custom instructions.
Related Information
•Extended Custom Instructions on page 11
•Internal Register File Custom Instructions on page 13
•External Interface Custom Instructions on page 15
•Custom Instruction Types on page 7
List of standard custom instruction hardware ports, to be used as signal types Multicycle Custom Instruction Ports
Table 3.Multicycle Custom Instruction Ports
Port NameDirectionRequiredDescription
InputYesSystem clock
InputYesClock enable
InputYesSynchronous reset
InputNoCommands custom instruction logic to start execution
OutputNoCustom instruction logic indicates to the processor that execution is
Nios II Custom Instruction User Guide
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2. Custom Instruction Hardware Interface
UG-20286 | 2020.04.27
Port NameDirectionRequiredDescription
The clk, clk_en, and reset ports are required for multicycle custom instructions.
The start, done, dataa, datab, and result ports are optional. Implement them
only if the custom instruction requires them.
The Nios II system clock feeds the custom logic block’s clk port, and the Nios II
system’s master reset feeds the active high reset port. The reset port is asserted
only when the whole Nios II system is reset.
The custom logic block must treat the active high clk_en port as a conventional clock
qualifier signal, ignoring clk while clk_en is deasserted.
The processor asserts the active high start port on the first clock cycle of the custom
instruction execution. At this time, the dataa and datab ports have valid values and
remain valid throughout the duration of the custom instruction execution. The start
signal is asserted for a single clock cycle.
For a fixed length multicycle custom instruction, after the instruction starts, the
processor waits the specified number of clock cycles, and then reads the value on the
result signal. For an n-cycle operation, the custom logic block must present valid
data on the nth rising edge after the custom instruction begins execution.
For a variable length multicycle custom instruction, the processor waits until the active
high done signal is asserted. The processor reads the result port on the same clock
edge on which done is asserted. The custom logic block must present data on the
result port on the same clock cycle on which it asserts the done signal.
2.1.3. Extended Custom Instructions
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An extended custom instruction allows a single custom logic block to implement
several different operations.
Nios II Custom Instruction User Guide
2. Custom Instruction Hardware Interface
Extended custom instruction components occupy multiple select indices. The selection
indices are determined when the custom instruction hardware block is instantiated in
the system using Platform Designer.
Extended custom instructions use an extension index to specify which operation the
logic block performs. The extension index can be up to eight bits wide, allowing a
single custom logic block to implement as many as 256 different operations.
The following block diagram shows an extended custom instruction with bit-swap,
byte-swap, and half-word swap operations.
Figure 7.Extended Custom Instruction with Swap Operations
UG-20286 | 2020.04.27
The custom instruction in the preceding figure performs swap operations on data
received at the dataa port. The instruction hardware uses the two bit wide n port to
select the output from a multiplexer, determining which result is presented to the
result port.
Note: This logic is just a simple example, using a multiplexer on the output. You can
implement function selection based on an extension index in any way that is
appropriate for your application.
Extended custom instructions can be combinational or multicycle custom instructions.
To implement an extended custom instruction, add an n port to your custom
instruction logic. The bit width of the n port is a function of the number of operations
the custom logic block can perform.
An extended custom instruction block occupies several contiguous selection indices.
When the block is instantiated, Platform Designer determines a base selection index.
When the Nios II processor decodes a custom instruction, the custom hardware
block's n port decodes the low-order bits of the selection index. Thus, the extension
index extends the base index to produce the complete selection index.
Nios II Custom Instruction User Guide
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2. Custom Instruction Hardware Interface
UG-20286 | 2020.04.27
For example, suppose the custom instruction block in Figure 7 on page 12 is
instantiated in a Nios II system with a base selection index of 0x1C. In this case,
individual swap operations are selected with the following selection indices:
•0x1C—Bit swap
•0x1D—Byte swap
•0x1E—Half-word swap
Therefore, if n is <m> bits wide, the extended custom instruction component occupies
select indices.
For example, the custom instruction illustrated above occupies four indices, because n
is two bits wide. Therefore, when this instruction is implemented in a Nios II system,
256 - 4 = 252 available indices remain.
Related Information
Custom Instruction Assembly Language Interface on page 20
Information about the custom instruction index Extended Custom Instruction Timing
All extended custom instruction port operations are identical to those for the
combinational and multicycle custom instructions, with the exception of the n port.
The n port timing is the same as that of the dataa port. For example, for an extended
variable multicycle custom instruction, the processor presents the extension index to
the n port on the same rising edge of the clock at which start is asserted, and the n
port remains stable during execution of the custom instruction.
The n port is not present in combinational and multicycle custom instructions.
2.1.4. Internal Register File Custom Instructions
The Nios II processor allows custom instruction logic to access its own internal register
Internal register file access gives you the flexibility to specify whether the custom
instruction reads its operands from the Nios II processor’s register file or from the
custom instruction’s own internal register file. In addition, a custom instruction can
write its results to the local register file rather than to the Nios II processor’s register
Custom instructions containing internal register files use readra, readrb, and
writerc signals to determine if the custom instruction should use the internal
register file or the dataa, datab, and result signals. Ports a, b, and c specify the
internal registers from which to read or to which to write. For example, if readra is
deasserted (specifying a read operation from the internal register), the a signal value
provides the register number in the internal register file. Ports a, b, and c are five bits
each, allowing you to address as many as 32 registers.
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Nios II Custom Instruction User Guide
2. Custom Instruction Hardware Interface
Related Information
Instruction Set Reference
Further details about Nios II custom instruction implementation in the Nios II
Processor Reference Guide Internal Register File Custom Instruction Example
Figure 8.Multiply-accumulate Custom Logic Block
UG-20286 | 2020.04.27
This example shows how a custom instruction can access the Nios II internal register
When writerc is deasserted, the Nios II processor ignores the value driven on the
result port. The accumulated value is stored in an internal register. Alternatively, the
processor can read the value on the result port by asserting writerc. At the same
time, the internal register is cleared so that it is ready for a new round of multiply and
accumulate operations.
To access the Nios II internal register file, you must implement several custom
instruction-specific ports.
The following table lists the internal register file custom instruction-specific optional
ports. Use the optional ports only if the custom instruction requires them.
InputNoCustom instruction internal register number for data source A.
InputNoCustom instruction internal register number for data source B.
InputNoCustom instruction internal register number for data destination.
If readra is high, Nios II processor register a supplies dataa. If readra
is low, custom instruction logic reads internal register a.
If readrb is high, Nios II processor register b supplies datab. If readrb
is low, custom instruction logic reads internal register b.
If writerc is high, the Nios II processor writes the value on the result
port to register c. If writerc is low, custom instruction logic writes to
internal register c.
Nios II Custom Instruction User Guide
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Conduit Interface
2. Custom Instruction Hardware Interface
UG-20286 | 2020.04.27
The readra, readrb, writerc, a, b, and c ports behave similarly to dataa. When
the custom instruction begins, the processor presents the new values of the readra,
readrb, writerc, a, b, and c ports on the rising edge of the processor clock. All six
of these ports remain stable during execution of the custom instructions.
To determine how to handle the register file, custom instruction logic reads the active
high readra, readrb, and writerc ports. The logic uses the a, b, and c ports as
register numbrs. When readra or readrb is asserted, the custom instruction logic
ignores the corresponding a or b port, and receives data from the dataa or datab
port. When writerc is asserted, the custom instruction logic ignores the c port and
writes to the result port.
All other custom instruction port operations behave the same as for combinational and
multicycle custom instructions.
2.1.5. External Interface Custom Instructions
Nios II external interface custom instructions allow you to add an interface to
communicate with logic outside of the processor’s datapath.
At system generation, conduits propagate out to the top level of the Platform Designer
system, where external logic can access the signals. By enabling custom instruction
logic to access memory external to the processor, external interface custom
instructions extend the capabilities of the custom instruction logic.
Figure 9.Custom Instruction with External Interface
Custom instruction logic can perform various tasks such as storing intermediate
results or reading memory to control the custom instruction operation. The conduit
interface also provides a dedicated path for data to flow into or out of the processor.
For example, custom instruction logic with an external interface can feed data directly
from the processor’s register file to an external first-in first-out (FIFO) memory buffer.
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3. Custom Instruction Software Interface
The Nios II custom instruction software interface abstracts logic implementation
details from the application code.
During the build process the Nios II software build tools generate macros that allow
easy access from application code to custom instructions.
3.1. Custom Instruction Software Examples
These examples illustrate how the Nios II custom instruction software interface fits
into your software code.
The following example shows a portion of the system.h header file that defines a
macro for a bit-swap custom instruction. This bit-swap example accepts one 32 bit
input and performs only one function.
In this example, ALT_CI_BITWSWAP_N is defined to be 0x0, which is the custom
instruction’s selection index. The ALT_CI_BITSWAP(A) macro accepts a single
argument, abstracting out the selection index ALT_CI_BITWSWAP_N. The macro maps
to a GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) Nios II built-in function.
The next example illustrates application code that uses the bit-swap custom
#include "system.h"
int main (void)
int a = 0x12345678;
int a_swap = 0;
a_swap = ALT_CI_BITSWAP(a);
return 0;
The code in this example includes the system.h file to enable the application software
to use the custom instruction macro definition. The example code declares two
integers, a and a_swap. Integer a is passed as input to the bit swap custom
instruction and the results are loaded in a_swap.
The example above illustrates how most applications use custom instructions. The
macros defined by the Nios II software build tools use C integer types only.
Occasionally, applications require input types other than integers. In those cases, you
can use a custom instruction macro to process non-integer return values.
Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Agilex, Altera, Arria, Cyclone, Enpirion, Intel, the Intel logo, MAX, Nios,
Quartus and Stratix words and logos are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or
other countries. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current specifications in
accordance with Intel's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services
at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any
information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel
customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published
information and before placing orders for products or services.
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
3. Custom Instruction Software Interface
UG-20286 | 2020.04.27
Note: You can define custom macros for Nios II custom instructions that allow other 32 bit
input types to interface with custom instructions.
Related Information
Built-in Functions and User-defined Macros on page 17
More information about the GCC built-in functions
3.2. Built-in Functions and User-defined Macros
The Nios II processor uses GCC built-in functions to map to custom instructions.
By default, the integer type custom instruction is defined in a system.h file. However,
by using built-in functions, software can use 32 bit non-integer types with custom
instructions. Fifty-two built-in functions are available to accommodate the different
combinations of supported types.
Built-in function names have the following format:
__builtin_custom_<return type>n<parameter types>
<return type> and <parameter types> represent the input and output types, encoded
as follows:
p—void *
The following example shows the prototype definitions for two built-in functions.
void __builtin_custom_nf (int n, float dataa);
float __builtin_custom_fnp (int n, void * dataa);
n is the selection index. The built-in function __builtin_custom_nf() accepts a
float as an input, and does not return a value. The built-in
function__builtin_custom_fnp() accepts a pointer as input, and returns a float.
To support non-integer input types, define macros with mnemonic names that map to
the specific built-in function required for the application.
The following example shows user-defined custom instruction macros used in an
On lines 2 through 6, the user-defined macros are declared and mapped to the
appropriate built-in functions. The macro UDEF_MACRO1() accepts a float as an
input parameter and does not return anything. The macro UDEF_MACRO2() accepts a
pointer as an input parameter and returns a float. Lines 14 and 15 show code that
uses the two user-defined macros.
Related Information
•GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection
More information about GCC built-in functions
•GCC Floating-point Custom Instruction Support Overview
•GCC Single-precision Floating-point Custom Instruction Command Line
3.2.1. Built-in Functions with No Return Value
The following built-in functions in the Nios II GCC compiler have no return value. n
represents the custom instruction selection index, and dataa and datab represent
the input arguments, if any.
void __builtin_custom_n (int n);
void __builtin_custom_ni (int n, int dataa);
void __builtin_custom_nf (int n, float dataa);
void __builtin_custom_np (int n, void *dataa);
void __builtin_custom_nii (int n, int dataa, int datab);
void __builtin_custom_nif (int n, int dataa, float datab);
void __builtin_custom_nip (int n, int dataa, void *datab);
void __builtin_custom_nfi (int n, float dataa, int datab);
void __builtin_custom_nff (int n, float dataa, float datab);
void __builtin_custom_nfp (int n, float dataa, void *datab);
void __builtin_custom_npi (int n, void *dataa, int datab);
void __builtin_custom_npf (int n, void *dataa, float datab);
void __builtin_custom_npp (int n, void *dataa, void *datab);
3. Custom Instruction Software Interface
UG-20286 | 2020.04.27
3.2.2. Built-in Functions that Return a Value of Type Int
The following built-in functions in the Nios II GCC compiler return a value of type int.
n represents the custom instruction selection index, and dataa and datab represent
the input arguments, if any.
int __builtin_custom_in (int n);
int __builtin_custom_ini (int n, int dataa);
int __builtin_custom_inf (int n, float dataa);
int __builtin_custom_inp (int n, void *dataa);
Nios II Custom Instruction User Guide
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3. Custom Instruction Software Interface
UG-20286 | 2020.04.27
int __builtin_custom_inii (int n, int dataa, int datab);
int __builtin_custom_inif (int n, int dataa, float datab);
int __builtin_custom_inip (int n, int dataa, void *datab);
int __builtin_custom_infi (int n, float dataa, int datab);
int __builtin_custom_inff (int n, float dataa, float datab);
int __builtin_custom_infp (int n, float dataa, void *datab);
int __builtin_custom_inpi (int n, void *dataa, int datab);
int __builtin_custom_inpf (int n, void *dataa, float datab);
int __builtin_custom_inpp (int n, void *dataa, void *datab);
3.2.3. Built-in Functions that Return a Value of Type Float
The following built-in functions in the Nios II GCC compiler return a value of type
float. n represents the custom instruction selection index, and dataa and datab
represent the input arguments, if any.
float __builtin_custom_fn (int n);
float __builtin_custom_fni (int n, int dataa);
float __builtin_custom_fnf (int n, float dataa);
float __builtin_custom_fnp (int n, void *dataa);
float __builtin_custom_fnii (int n, int dataa, int datab);
float __builtin_custom_fnif (int n, int dataa, float datab);
float __builtin_custom_fnip (int n, int dataa, void *datab);
float __builtin_custom_fnfi (int n, float dataa, int datab);
float __builtin_custom_fnff (int n, float dataa, float datab);
float __builtin_custom_fnfp (int n, float dataa, void *datab);
float __builtin_custom_fnpi (int n, void *dataa, int datab);
float __builtin_custom_fnpf (int n, void *dataa, float datab);
float __builtin_custom_fnpp (int n, void *dataa, void *datab);
3.2.4. Built-in Functions that Return a Pointer Value
The following built-in functions in the Nios II GCC compiler return a pointer value. n
represents the custom instruction selection index, and dataa and datab represent
the input arguments, if any.
void *__builtin_custom_pn (int n);
void *__builtin_custom_pni (int n, int dataa);
void *__builtin_custom_pnf (int n, float dataa);
void *__builtin_custom_pnp (int n, void *dataa);
void *__builtin_custom_pnii (int n, int dataa, int datab);
void *__builtin_custom_pnif (int n, int dataa, float datab);
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Nios II Custom Instruction User Guide
3. Custom Instruction Software Interface
void *__builtin_custom_pnip (int n, int dataa, void *datab);
void *__builtin_custom_pnfi (int n, float dataa, int datab);
void *__builtin_custom_pnff (int n, float dataa, float datab);
void *__builtin_custom_pnfp (int n, float dataa, void *datab);
void *__builtin_custom_pnpi (int n, void *dataa, int datab);
void *__builtin_custom_pnpf (int n, void *dataa, float datab);
void *__builtin_custom_pnpp (int n, void *dataa, void *datab);
3.3. Custom Instruction Assembly Language Interface
The Nios II custom instructions are accessible in assembly code as well as C/C++.
3.3.1. Custom Instruction Assembly Language Syntax
Nios II custom instructions use a standard assembly language syntax:
custom <selection index>, <Destination>, <Source A>, <Source B>
•<selection index>—The 8-bit number that selects the particular custom instruction
<Destination>—Identifies the register where the result from the result port (if
any) will be placed
•<Source A>—Identifies the register that provides the first input argument from
the dataa port (if any)
•<Source B>—Identifies the register that provides the first input argument from
the datab port (if any)
UG-20286 | 2020.04.27
You designate registers in one of two formats, depending on whether you want the
custom instruction to use a Nios II register or an internal register:
r<i>—Nios II register <i>
c<i>—Custom register <i> (internal to the custom instruction component)
The use of r or c controls the readra, readrb, and writerc fields in the the custom
instruction word.
Custom registers are only available with internal register file custom instructions.
Related Information
Custom Instruction Word Format on page 21
Detailed information about instruction fields and register file selection
3.3.2. Custom Instruction Assembly Language Examples
These examples demonstrate the syntax for custom instruction assembly language
custom 0, r6, r7, r8
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