Intel NetStructure 1520 Administrator's Manual

Intel® NetStructure™ 1520 Cache Appliance
Copyright © 2000, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Intel Corporation 5200 N. E. Elam Young Parkway Hillsboro, Oregon 97124-6497
No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Intel Corporation. INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITH NO WARRANTIES WHA TSOEVER, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OR ANY OTHER RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES OR OF INTEL, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF ANY SPECIFICATION, DOCUMENTATION, SOFTWARE OR OTHER MATERIALS REFERENCED HEREIN. Nothing in this document constitutes a guarantee, warranty or license to any intellectual property right, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise. Intel makes no representations or warranties and specifically disclaims all liability as to this document or the information contained herein with respect to: (i) liability for infringement of any proprietary rights, including without limitation, intellectual property rights; (ii) sufficiency, reliability, accuracy, completeness or usefulness of same; and (iii) ability or sufficiency of same to function accurately as a representation of any standard. Furthermore, Intel makes no commitment to update the information contained in this document, and Intel reserves the right to make changes at any time, without notice, the information contained in this document. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. IN NO EVENT SHALL INTEL BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOST PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, COMPUTER FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION, OR LOST INFORMATION) SUFFERED AS A RESULT OF USE OF THE PRODUCT.
Intel® cache products may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request.
*Other product and corporate names may be trademarks of other companies and are used only for explanation and to the owners’ benefit, without the intent to infringe.
July 2000 A29914-001
Preface ix
Who should read this manual ................................................................... x
Conventions used in this manual.............................................................. x
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
What is an Intel® NetStructure™ Cache Appliance? ............................... 2
Why use this caching appliance?....................................................... 2
Flexible cache architecture ................................................................2
Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance features ..................................... 3
How to use this guide ...............................................................................5
Chapter 2 Getting Started 7
Starting the system for the first time ......................................................... 8
Accessing the Manager UI .....................................................................12
Using Monitor and Configure mode .................................................13
Using online help.............................................................................. 15
Accessing the command-line interface................................................... 15
Verifying that caching works................................................................... 15
Changing passwords .............................................................................. 15
Chapter 3 Monitoring Appliance Performance 17
Accessing monitor pages .......................................................................18
Using the Dashboard page..................................................................... 18
Dashboard alert lights ...................................................................... 19
Changing the selected node ............................................................20
Using the Node page.............................................................................. 20
Using the Graphs page........................................................................... 21
Using the Protocols page .......................................................................21
Using the Cache page ............................................................................ 21
Using the ARM page .............................................................................. 21
Using the Other page ............................................................................. 22
Using the MRTG page ........................................................................... 22
Chapter 4 Configuring the Appliance 23
Accessing configure pages .................................................................... 24
Using the Server Basics page................................................................ 24
Setting general options.................................................................... 25
Setting Web management options .................................................. 26
Setting virtual IP addressing options ............................................... 26
Setting browser auto configuration options ..................................... 28
Setting throttling of network connections......................................... 28
Configuring load-shedding............................................................... 28
Enabling SNMP agents ................................................................... 29
Using the Protocols page ....................................................................... 30
Configuring HTTP............................................................................ 30
Configuring NNTP ........................................................................... 31
Configuring FTP .............................................................................. 34
Using the Cache page............................................................................ 35
Cache activation .............................................................................. 35
Storage ............................................................................................ 36
Freshness........................................................................................ 36
Variable content............................................................................... 38
Using the Security page ......................................................................... 39
Using the Routing page.......................................................................... 39
Setting HTTP parent caching options.............................................. 40
Setting ICP options.......................................................................... 41
Setting server accelerator options ................................................... 43
Checking transparency.................................................................... 44
Checking WCCP.............................................................................. 44
Using the Host Database page .............................................................. 44
Configuring the host database......................................................... 45
Configuring DNS.............................................................................. 47
Using the Snapshots page ..................................................................... 47
iv Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance Administrator’s Guide
Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance Administrator’s Guide
Chapter 5 Using the Command-Line Interface 49
Starting the command-line interface....................................................... 50
Starting the appliance the first time.................................................. 50
Using the appliance after initial start-up ...........................................50
Navigating the command-line interface .................................................. 51
Using the setup menu............................................................................. 52
Changing network addresses configuration ..................................... 52
Changing the controller speed and transmission mode ................... 53
Changing the DNS address and domain name................................ 53
Changing the gateway address........................................................ 53
Configuring time zone settings......................................................... 54
Configuring date and time settings................................................... 54
Viewing current network address settings........................................ 54
Using the main menu.............................................................................. 54
Checking the status of the Server and Manager.............................. 55
Starting the appliance ......................................................................55
Stopping the appliance..................................................................... 55
Viewing and maintaining versions of the software ........................... 56
Clearing statistics .............................................................................59
Rebooting the System...................................................................... 60
Halting the System ...........................................................................60
Changing the administrator password for telnet or serial access..... 60
Resetting to factory settings............................................................. 61
Preparing a cache disk..................................................................... 61
Using the config menu............................................................................ 61
Setting general controls ...................................................................62
Configuring protocol options ............................................................63
Configuring the cache ...................................................................... 76
Configuring security options............................................................. 82
Configuring routing options .............................................................. 84
Configuring the Adaptive Redirection Module (ARM) ......................93
Configuring the host database options............................................. 96
Configuring logging options.............................................................. 98
Contents v
Using the monitor menu ......................................................................... 99
Viewing Node statistics.................................................................... 99
Viewing Protocol statistics ............................................................. 100
Viewing Cache statistics................................................................ 104
Viewing Other statistics ................................................................. 105
Using the expert menu ......................................................................... 107
Using the save menu ........................................................................... 108
Using the load menu ............................................................................ 108
Using the logoff menu .......................................................................... 108
Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Problems 109
Rebooting your system ........................................................................ 110
Rebooting your system from the CLI ............................................. 110
Upgrading software .............................................................................. 111
Appendix A Caching Solutions and Performance 113
Web proxy caching............................................................................... 114
A day in the life of a cache request ............................................... 114
Ensuring cached object freshness................................................. 115
Revalidating objects ...................................................................... 116
HTTP object freshness tests ......................................................... 116
Deciding whether to serve HTTP objects ...................................... 117
Configuring HTTP freshness options............................................. 118
Caching HTTP alternates .............................................................. 119
To cache or not to cache? ............................................................. 119
Transparent proxy caching................................................................... 120
Serving requests transparently...................................................... 121
Interception strategies ................................................................... 121
ARM redirection............................................................................. 125
Adaptive interception bypass......................................................... 126
Server acceleration .............................................................................. 128
Advantages of server acceleration ................................................ 129
How server acceleration works...................................................... 129
Retrieving requested documents................................................... 129
Web server redirects ..................................................................... 131
Understanding server acceleration mapping rules ........................ 132
Examples of rules and translations................................................ 133
vi Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance Administrator’s Guide
Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance Administrator’s Guide
Understanding cache hierarchies ......................................................... 135
HTTP cache hierarchies................................................................. 135
ICP cache hierarchies ....................................................................136
NNTP cache hierarchies ................................................................ 137
News article caching............................................................................. 138
The appliance as a news server ....................................................139
The appliance as a caching proxy news server ............................. 139
Supporting several parent news servers........................................ 139
Blocking particular groups.............................................................. 140
Clustering .......................................................................................140
Transparency ................................................................................. 141
Posting ........................................................................................... 141
Maintaining the cache: updates and feeds..................................... 141
Configuring Access control ............................................................142
Obeying NNTP control messages.................................................. 143
Client bandwidth throttling.............................................................. 143
Carrier-class architecture .....................................................................143
Performance................................................................................... 143
High-availability ..............................................................................145
Node fault tolerance .......................................................................147
Expansion capabilities.................................................................... 147
Centralized administration.............................................................. 148
Appendix B Error Messages 151
HTML messages sent to clients ...........................................................152
Standard HTTP response messages ...................................................154
Glossary 157
Index 163
List of
Initially configuring and starting your system............................................ 8
Accessing the Manager UI .....................................................................12
Reaching Monitor pages......................................................................... 18
Reaching the Dashboard page............................................................... 18
Changing the selected node................................................................... 20
Reaching the Node Page .......................................................................20
Reaching the Graphs page..................................................................... 21
Reaching the Protocols page .................................................................21
Contents vii
Reaching the Cache page...................................................................... 21
Reaching the ARM page ........................................................................ 22
Reaching the Other page ....................................................................... 22
Reaching the MRTG page ..................................................................... 22
Reaching the configure pages ............................................................... 24
Reaching the Server Basics page.......................................................... 24
Modifying the Virtual IP address list ....................................................... 27
Adding a Virtual IP address.................................................................... 27
Reaching the Protocols page ................................................................. 30
Reaching the Cache page...................................................................... 35
Reaching the Security page ................................................................... 39
Reaching the Routing page.................................................................... 40
Adding an ICP Peer ............................................................................... 42
Creating a document route rewriting rule ............................................... 43
Reaching the Host Database page ........................................................ 44
Reaching the Snapshots page ............................................................... 48
Changing network address configuration on the NIC............................. 52
Changing speed and transmission mode............................................... 53
Changing the DNS address ................................................................... 53
Changing the gateway address.............................................................. 53
Configuring the time zone setting........................................................... 54
Configuring the date and time settings................................................... 54
Checking Server and Manager status.................................................... 55
Starting the appliance ............................................................................ 55
Stopping the appliance........................................................................... 55
Identifying which versions of the appliance software are installed......... 56
Setting up the FTP server ...................................................................... 56
Starting the upgrade from the appliance side ........................................ 57
Running a different version of the appliance software ........................... 58
Deleting a version of the appliance software ......................................... 59
Viewing the current version of the appliance ......................................... 59
Clearing statistics for the appliance ....................................................... 59
Rebooting the system ............................................................................ 60
Halting the system.................................................................................. 60
Changing the password ......................................................................... 60
Resetting the appliance to default factory settings................................. 61
viii Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance Administrator’s Guide
Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance Administrator’s Guide
Preparing a cache disk ........................................................................... 61
Setting general controls.......................................................................... 62
Configuring HHTP options...................................................................... 63
Configuring NNTP options...................................................................... 64
Adding NNTP server rules...................................................................... 65
Configuring the FTP options................................................................... 71
Adding filter rules.................................................................................... 72
Deleting filter rules.................................................................................. 74
Viewing filter rules ..................................................................................74
Adding remap rules ................................................................................74
Deleting remap rules ..............................................................................75
Viewing remap rules ............................................................................... 75
Enabling caching for different protocols .................................................76
Setting disk storage options ...................................................................77
Setting freshness properties................................................................... 77
Adding caching rules ..............................................................................79
Deleting cache rules ............................................................................... 81
Viewing cache rules................................................................................ 82
Adding IP Allow rules.............................................................................. 82
Deleting IP Allow rules............................................................................ 82
Viewing IP Allow rules ............................................................................83
Adding Manager Allow rules................................................................... 83
Deleting Manager Allow rules................................................................. 84
Viewing Manager Allow rules .................................................................84
Enabling parent proxy caching rules ......................................................89
Disabling parent proxy caching rules...................................................... 89
Adding parent proxy caching rules ......................................................... 89
Deleting parent proxy caching rules ....................................................... 91
Viewing parent proxy caching rules........................................................ 92
Enabling WCCP...................................................................................... 92
Disabling WCCP..................................................................................... 92
Configuring WCCP options..................................................................... 92
Viewing current WCCP options ..............................................................93
Enabling transparent redirection............................................................. 93
Disabling transparent redirection............................................................ 93
Adding ARM bypass rules ......................................................................94
Contents ix
Deleting ARM bypass rules.................................................................... 95
Viewing ARM bypass rules .................................................................... 95
Configuring load-shedding options......................................................... 96
Configuring host database options......................................................... 96
Viewing host database options .............................................................. 98
Enabling logging options ........................................................................ 98
Disabling logging options ....................................................................... 98
Configuring logging options.................................................................... 98
Viewing logging options ......................................................................... 99
Viewing node statistics........................................................................... 99
Viewing protocol statistics .................................................................... 100
Viewing Cache statistics ...................................................................... 104
Viewing host database statistics .......................................................... 105
Viewing DNS statistics ......................................................................... 106
Viewing cluster statistics ...................................................................... 106
Viewing logging statistics ..................................................................... 107
Entering expert mode........................................................................... 107
Saving the current configuration to a floppy disk ................................. 108
Loading a previously saved configuration from a floppy ...................... 108
Logging off the system ......................................................................... 108
Rebooting the appliance from the CLI.................................................. 110
Rebooting the appliance from the front panel ...................................... 110
x Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance Administrator’s Guide
Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance Administrator’s Guide
This manual describes how to use and configure an Intel® NetStructure™ Cache Appliance system (referred to as “appliance” in this manual) either as a single node or as a cluster of nodes.
The manual covers the following topics:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
monitoring, and configuring the appliance.
Chapter 6
with the appliance.
Appendix A
and features of the appliance.
Appendix B
contains an overview of the appliance and an overview of this guide. through
contains information to help you troubleshoot problems you might have
contains background information about the appliance’ s main components
provides error information.
Chapter 1
contain procedural information about starting,
Who should read this manual
This manual is intended for system administrators who configure, run, and administer Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance systems. Consequently, the information in the manual was written with the assumption that the reader has experience in Web server administration and configuring TCP/IP networking.
Conventions used in this manual
This manual uses the following conventions.
Convention Purpose
italics Represent emphasis and introduce terms, for example,
“the management cluster.”
monospaced font
monospaced bold
monospaced italic
brackets [ ] Represent optional command arguments in command
Represents graphical user interface options and menu names, for example, “
Represents commands, file names, file content, computer input, and output, for example, “use the command.”
Represents commands that you should enter literally, for example, type
Represents variables for which you should substitute a value, for example, “enter a
syntax, for example,
add pathname
Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance Administrator’s Guide
Chapter 1
The Intel® NetStructure™ Cache Appliance is a carrier -class caching appliance that offers high performance, high availability, and simple centralized management. The appliance automatically and efficiently copies network documents and images, bringing them closer and serving them faster to your users.
When placed strategically in a network, the appliance can serve user requests for objects from its cache or the caches of neighboring appliances rather than have requests served from an origin server. This relief results in improved network performance, and a perceived higher quality of service. At the same time, the appliances reduce Internet bandwidth usage by eliminating redundant requests for popular documents.
This chapter provides the following overviews:
What is an Intel® NetStructure™ Cache Appliance?‚ on page 2
Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance features‚ on page 3
How to use this guide‚ on page 5
What is an Intel® NetStructure™ Cache Appliance?
Internet users request billions of documents each day all over the world. Unfortunately, global data networking has become difficult for professionals as they struggle with overloaded servers trying to keep pace with society’s growing data demands.
The Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance family provides you with a turnkey, scalable solution you can place in your network to deliver industry-leading caching capabilities. Your system is designed for fast and reliable caching for Internet Service Providers (ISPs), backbone providers, and large intranets.
Why use this caching appliance?
Caching can significantly reduce pressure on busy networks and servers by storing copies of popular documents near their users. Instead of making multiple requests for the same document across congested networks to overloaded serv ers, users access copies from the caching appliance’s large, fast local cache. This reduces backbone congestion, provides faster response, and improv es the quality of service.
The following design features make the Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance a carrier-class caching product:
Speed (the ability to handle thousands of simultaneous user connections)
Scalability (you can easily add nodes to a management cluster as needed)
Fault tolerance (redundant boot images)
Secure single-point administration (you can configure many nodes at once)
Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance featur es‚ on page 3
about these features.
for more information
Flexible cache architecture
You can use the appliance alone or with other enterprise software, including other caching products. Here are some examples of ways to use the appliance.
Web proxy cache
User requests go to the appliance on the way to the destined web server . If the cache contains the requested document, the appliance serves the requested document directly. If the cache does not have the desired document, the appliance acts as a proxy, fetching the document from the web server on the user’s behalf, and keeps a copy to satisfy future requests.
Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance Administrator’s Guide
Server accelerator
The appliance can be configured as a web server to accelerate slower traditional web servers. Documents stored in cache are served at high speed, while documents not in cache are requested on demand from slower, traditional web servers. This
server accelerator
feature is also called
Part of an HTTP cache hierarchy
The appliance can participate in flexible cache hierarchies, where Internet requests not fulfilled in one cache can be routed to other regional caches, taking advantage of the of nearby caches.
ICP sibling
The appliance supports the standard Internet Cache Protocol (ICP) to interoperate with existing ICP cache hierarchies. The appliance can send ICP queries to neighboring caches as part of an ICP cache hierarchy.
NNTP news cache
The appliance caches and serves NNTP news articles and can accept news feeds for designated news groups.
Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance features
The appliance provides a rich set of features to ensure high performance and superior stability and to offer broad flexibility. The following list provides a brief overview of the appliance’s primary features. For a more exhaustive list and description of features, refer to
Carrier-class architecture‚ on page 143
The appliance scales from a single node into multiple-node
, allowing you to improve system performance and reliability simply by adding more nodes to your cluster. Support exists for two types of clusters: and
management-only clustering
Clustering‚ on page 140
. For more information on clustering, see
soft clustering
Boot Image Redundancy
The appliance features both a primary and secondary boot image on separate hard drives. When a drive with a boot image fails, a system administrator can detect and replace the faulty hard drive. This feature helps maximize the time your system is up and running uninterrupted.
Chapter 1
Multithreading process support
The appliance is the first commercial caching proxy server to aggressively implement multithreading, breaking down large transactions into small, efficient tasks. The appliance processes multiple outstanding requests simultaneously and efficiently, even under peak loads.
High-speed caching
The cache consists of a high speed object database stored on raw disk. Objects are stored and indexed according to their URL and associated headers. This enables the appliance to store, retrieve, and serve not only web pages, but parts of web pages, providing optimum bandwidth savings.
Broad protocol support
The Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance supports the following protocols:
HTTP versions 0.9 through 1.1
SSL encryption
WCCP 2.0
HTTP cache hierarchy support
In a hierarchy of proxy servers, the appliance can act either as a parent or child cache, either to other Intel NetStructure Cache Appliances, or to other caching products.
Web server acceleration
Through reverse proxy, the appliance can act as a web server accelerator, handling requests for and relieving stress from web servers.
Transparency option
With transparent interception of user traffic, user requests are automatically injected into the cache on their way to the eventual destination. Users request Internet data as usual without any browser configuration, and the appliance automatically serves their requests.
Secure, single-point administration
The appliance offers two administration alternatives to suit the needs of different environments:
Browser-based interface
: The Manager User Interface (UI) offers
password-protected, single-point administration for an entire cluster.
Command-line interface
: The command-line interface lets you configure the system’s network addresses and lets you control, configure, and monitor the appliance.
Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance Administrator’s Guide
SNMP Network Management
The appliance can be monitored and managed through SNMP network management facilities. The appliance supports two management information bases (MIBs). The first, MIB-2 is a well known standard MIB. The second, the proprietary Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance MIB provides more specific node and cluster information.
Performance reporting
You can get performance statistics at a glance from the Manager UI or from the command-line interface.
How to use this guide
The rest of this guide contains three parts: background information, procedural chapters, and reference appendixes.
To find out about … See …
Procedures how to get started Starting the system for the first time‚ on
page 8
how to use the Manager UI Accessing the Manager UI‚ on page 12
how to monitor and configure the appliance using the Manager UI
how to use the command line interface
how to upgrade software Installing a new version of the appliance
how to troubleshoot system problems
Appendices background information including
web proxy caching, transparent proxy caching, server acceleration, cache hierarchies, news article caching, and carrier-class architecture
error messages Appendix B‚ Error Messages
Using Monitor and Configure mode‚ on page 13
Accessing the command-line interface‚ on page 15
software‚ on page 56
Chapter 6‚ Troubleshooting Problems
Appendix A‚ Caching Solutions and Performance
Chapter 1
Getting Started
This chapter contains the following sections:
Starting the system for the first time‚ on page 8
Accessing the Manager UI‚ on page 12
Accessing the command-line interface‚ on page 15
Verifying that caching works‚ on page 15
Changing passwords‚ on page 15
Chapter 2
Starting the system for the first time
Before you can start the Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance, make sure it is physically connected properly. Connections include:
Connecting to the network through the primary network interface.Connecting a Terminal Emulator or Concentrator to the appliance’s COM1
port using the serial cable that came packaged with the appliance.
Attaching the supplied power cord to the appliance and plugging the cord into
an approved receptacle.
You can find instructions on how to physically set up your system in the Intel
NetStructure Cache Appliance Quick Start.
Note Safety regulations and warranty require that the front bezel mounts and panel
must be in place during operation of the appliance. Once you have made the physical connections, you can initially configure your
appliance and start it up.
Initially configuring and starting your system
1 From the Terminal Emulator or Serial Concentrator, make sure you are
emulating a VT100 terminal. Use these port specifications for the connection:
9600 baud 8 data bits No parity 1 stop bit Hardware flow control
2 From the window emulating the VT100 terminal, open the connection to the
3 Power on the appliance by pressing the power button, located behind the front
bezel. Supplying power to the appliance starts the initial boot process. The initial boot process takes approximately three to four minutes. During this time random characters might appear on the screen of your VT100 terminal emulator.
Note See the Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance Quick Start for locations of
controls and physical features on your system.
8 Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance Administrator’s Guide
After your system completes the boot procedure, a console login prompt appears with fields for both a login and password. At the prompt, supply
admin for both the login and password, and press Enter.
5 After you login, the VT100 terminal emulator screen displays this initial set
of menu selections.
—setup Initial Intel Cache Setup
install Install Intel Cache commit Commit Setup Changes
Use the arrow keys to select setup and press the Enter key.
Note For information on how to navigate within the CLI, refer to Navigating the
command-line interface‚ on page 51.
7 The setup menu appears. This menu allows you to configure network and
time parameters as well as view settings you have entered.
—network Configure Network
timezone Configure Time Zone time Configure Date and Time view View Settings
Use the arrow keys to select network and press the Enter key. The following network setup fields appear:
Enter IP Address Enter Hostname Intel-NetStructure-Cache__ Enter Netmask Enter Nameserver IP __________________________ Enter Gateway IP Enter Domain _________________________
In each field supply an appropriate value and press the Enter key. Pressing the Enter key moves the cursor to the next field. After you have supplied values for all six fields, press CTRL+X to save your changes and return to the previous menu.
10 The bottom of the screen displays a message that indicates the setup has
completed. When the message appears, entries to the screen have been successfully changed and stored. The menu on this screen should appear as follows:
network Configure Network
–timezone Configure Time Zone
time Configure Date and Time view View Settings
Chapter 2 Getting Started 9
Use the arrow keys to highlight timezone and press the Enter key. Pressing the Enter key causes a scrollable list of av ailable timzones to appear. Here is a partial list:
–United States Eastern
United States Central United States Mountain United States Pacific
Use the arrow keys to scroll through the available zones and highlight the appropriate zone for your area. After highlighting the applicable zone, press the Enter key. Next, press any key to save your selection and return to the previous screen as follows:
network Configure Network timezone Configure Time Zone
–time Configure Date and Time
view View Settings
In order for the timezone change to become effective, the appliance must be rebooted. A reboot operation occurs later during the initial setup.
13 Use the arrow keys to highlight time and press the Enter key. Pressing the
Enter key causes the following fields to appear:
Enable(1)/Disable(0) Daylight Savings Time__
Currently Inside (1)/Outside(0) Daylight Savings Time__
Enter Time [HH:MM:SS] __:__:__ Enter Date [MM/DD/YYYY] __/__/__
Set your Daylight Savings Time options. Then enter the time using a 24-hour format (e.g., for 2:14:56 PM enter 14:14:56). For each part of the format, you must press Enter to accept the value and to move to the next part of the field. For example, after entering the two-digit hour value, pressing Enter causes the value to be accepted and positions the cursor over the minutes part of the time field. Supply the date using the MM/DD/YYYY format. After supplying the date, press the CTRL-X key combination to sav e your changes and return to the previous menu as follows:
network Configure Network timezone Configure Time Zone time Configure Date and Time
–view View Settings
From this menu you can select view to verify the network and time information you have entered. After you are sure all the information you have entered is correct, press the CTRL-X key combination twice to mov e back to the main menu as follows:
setup Initial Intel Cache Setup
–install Install Intel Cache
commit Commit Setup Changes
From the main screen, highlight install and press the Enter key. Selecting install causes the settings to be written to the boot image. During the
10 Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance Administrator’s Guide
installation, the bottom of the screen keeps you apprised of the installation’s progress.
17 After the installation is complete, use the arro w k eys to position the cursor on
commit as follows:
setup Initial Intel Cache Setup install Install Intel Cache
–commit Commit Setup Changes
Pressing the Enter key starts the final phase of the initialization process as well as the cache application. The bottom of the screen indicates that the cache application has started and prompts you to press the Enter key a second time.
19 When the Initialization Complete! prompt appears, press the Enter
key to reboot the appliance. Rebooting the appliance takes several minutes. During the reboot process, random characters might appear in the window of the VT100 terminal emulator screen.
20 After your system completes the boot procedure, a console login prompt
appears with fields for both a login and password. At the prompt, supply
admin for both the login and password, and press Enter.
21 After the login completes, the initial menu appears with additional selections:
setup Initial Intel Cache Setup
–main Main Intel Cache Controls
config Intel Cache Configuration monitor View Statistics expert Enter Expert Mode save Save Config to Floppy load Load Config from Floppy logoff Logoff
The system starts with factory settings. You can further configure or customize the appliance by following the guidelines in Chapter 4‚ Configuring the Appliance.
Once the software is running, you can access the system through a web browser by using the system’s IP Address with an appended :8081 as the URL. For information on accessing the manager UI, refer to Accessing the Manager UI‚ on page 12.
Chapter 2 Getting Started 11
Accessing the Manager UI
The Manager UI is a browser-based interf ace, consisting of a series of web pages. Use the Manager UI to monitor performance and configure and fine-tune selected nodes in your cluster. You can access any node in the cluster through the same Manager UI.
Accessing the Manager UI
1 Open your web browser.
The Manager UI requires Java and JavaScript; be sure to enable Java and JavaScript.
2 Point your browser at this location, where nodename is the IP address you
have assigned to the appliance or the qualified DNS name. If the appliance is part of a cluster, you will be logging into that specific node:
3 Provide your appliance administrator’s ID and password. By default, the
administrator ID is that you change the default administrator ID and password. You can change these values by using the Security page. For information on how to use the Security page, see Using the Security page‚ on page 39.
admin and the password is admin. It is recommended
Note Should you forget your password, contact Customer Service at Intel
Corporation for assistance. For information on how to contact Intel Customer Service, see the Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance Product Support booklet that came with your system.
Note Changing ID and password values by using the Manager UI changes those
values for the node you are logging into only. Furthermore, changing the ID and password for the Manager UI does not change the ID and password for telnet access. You must use the command-line interface (CLI) to change the telnet ID and password for the node.
The Manager UI appears in your browser in the default monitor mode. The
Dashboard page, as shown Figure 1, is the default page. From the MONITOR and CONFIGURE tabs to the left of the Dashboard page, you
can reach all other Manager UI pages.
12 Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance Administrator’s Guide
Figure 1 The Dashboard page
Using Monitor and Configure mode
The Manager UI has two modes, Monitor and Configure: In Monitor mode, view performance statistics and graphs. To access Monitor
mode, click the top of the MONITOR tab.
In Configure mode, view and modify the appliance’s configuration options.
To access Configure mode, click the top of the CONFIGURE tab.
Chapter 2 Getting Started 13
Figure 2 shows the control frame buttons for both the Monitor and Configure modes.
Monitor mode frame
Figure 2 The Monitor and Configure Control Frames
Configure mode frame
When you are in Monitor mode, you can access all the pages that report information about the appliance’s performance. With the exception of the information on the Dashboard page, information on the Monitor pages pertain to the selected node. You can change nodes at any time by returning to the Dashboard and clicking the node of your choice. For information about how to use each of the performance screens, see Accessing monitor pages‚ on page 18.
When you are in Configure mode, you can access pages that change system configuration values for the selected node. Each time you click the Make These
Changes button the selected node’s configuration is updated.
Note It is recommended that you save current configuration values before making any
changes. To save and restore an entire set of configuration files, refer to Using the
Snapshots page‚ on page 47. For information about all the values you can set in Configuration mode, see Chapter 4‚ Configuring the Appliance.
14 Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance Administrator’s Guide
Using online help
Both the MONITOR and CONFIGURE tabs have a Help page button. When you click the Help page button, the online help opens in another browser window. Each of the Manager UI pages has online help available.
Accessing the command-line interface
You can access the command-line interface using one of two methods: Provide a serial connection to the Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance
machine. Refer to the Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance Quick Start Guide for detailed information.
Access the machine through a telnet connection. This method requires you to
enter a telnet Administrator ID and password. Refer to Changing the administrator password for telnet or serial access‚ on page 60 for information on this ID and password.
For information on using the command-line interface, refer to Chapter 1‚ Using the Command-Line Interface.
Verifying that caching works
After starting the appliance, you should verify that it is up and running. To see if the appliance is processing HTTP requests, do the following:
1 From the Monitor tab in the Manager UI, click the Protocols button. 2 Make a note of the current HTTP User Agent Total Document Bytes
3 Set your browser to the Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance proxy port. 4 Browse the Internet. 5 Check the HTTP User Agent Total Document Bytes value.
This value should have increased if caching is working.
Changing passwords
Two IDs and passwords exist for each appliance: one to access the Manager UI and one to access the CLI when you are connected to the appliance through a telnet or serial connection. By default, the appliance uses admin for both the Administrator’s ID and password in each case.
For a given Manager UI session, an ID and password are required the first time you access an appliance or the cluster, or when you attempt to connect to a node through a telnet connection. The Administrator’s ID and passw ord are unique for each node in the cluster. It is recommended that you change the default
Chapter 2 Getting Started 15
Administrator’s ID and password for both telnet and Manager UI access as soon as possible after installing each node.
To change the password for the Manager UI, see Using the Security page‚ on
page 39. To change the password for the telnet or serial connection, see Changing the administrator password for telnet or serial access‚ on page 60.
16 Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance Administrator’s Guide
Chapter 3
Monitoring Appliance Performance
This chapter describes how to use the Manager UI to collect and interpret performance statistics on the Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Accessing monitor pages‚ on page 18
Using the Dashboard page‚ on page 18
Using the Node page‚ on page 20
Using the Graphs page‚ on page 21
Using the Protocols page‚ on page 21
Using the Cache page‚ on page 21
Using the ARM page‚ on page 21
Using the Other page‚ on page 22
Using the MRTG page‚ on page 22
Accessing monitor pages
The Manager UI uses monitor pages to present performance information on the selected appliance and the cluster as a whole. A monitor page is a browser page displayed as a result of “clicking” on a page button in the Manager UI. By default, the Manager UI starts in monitor mode (as opposed to configure mode), which displays Monitor page buttons.
Reaching Monitor pages
1 Open your browser to the Manager UI. 2 Enter the Administrator ID and password. By default, the Administrator ID is
admin and the password is also admin. Intel recommends that the
administrator change these values when the appliance is initially installed.
Note Should you forget your password, contact Customer Service at Intel
Corporation for assistance. For information on how to contact Intel Customer Service, see the Intel that came with your system.
3 Click on a MONITOR tab.
Note Some performance displays rely on Java. To use the Monitor pages or any
other pages in the UI, make sure your browser is set to enable Java and JavaScript.
NetStructure Cache Appliance Product Support booklet
Information displayed on the monitor mode pages fall into two categories: information for the selected node in the cluster, and information for the cluster as a whole. To view information on a given node, you need to access that node as described in Changing the selected node‚ on page 20.
Using the Dashboard page
The Dashboard page pro vides a concise vie w of the appliance and of the cluster. The page displays all nodes in the cluster by name and tracks essential statistics for each node. In the list of nodes, a single node is currently selected. Its name appears in black text without underlining, while the rest of the node names appear appear as hypertext links.
Reaching the Dashboard page
1 Be sure you are in monitor mode. If not, click the MONITOR tab. 2 Click the Dashboard page button.
Note By default, the Dashboard page appears after you log onto Manager UI with
your Administrator ID and password.
With the exception of the information on the Dashboard page and the cluster information on the Node page, performance information pertains to a single node.
18 Intel NetStructure Cache Appliance Administrator’s Guide
+ 146 hidden pages