Intel IQ80960RM, IQ80960RN User Manual

IQ80960RM/RN Evaluation Platform
Board Ma nu al
September 1998
Order Number: 273160-003
Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Intel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. Intel products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications.
Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked "reserved" or "undefined." Intel reserves these for
future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them. The IQ80960RM/RN may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications.
Current characterized errata are available on request. Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications and before placing your product order. Copies of documents which have an ordering number and are referenced in this document, or other Intel literature may be obtained by calling 1-800-
548-4725 or by visiting Intel’s website at
Copyright © Intel Corporation, 1998 *Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners.
IQ80960RM/RN Evaluation P lat form Board Manual


1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 i960
1.2 Software Development Tools.....................................................................................................1-3
1.3 IxWorks Software Development Toolset....................................................................................1-4
1.4 CTOOLS Software Development Toolset..................................................................................1-5
1.5 About This Manual...................................................... ................... ................... ....... ..................1-6
1.6 Notational-Conventions .............................................................................................................1-7
1.7 Technical Support......................................................................................................................1-8
2 Getting Started.................................................................................................................................2-1
2.1 Pre-I n sta llation Consid e r a ti o n s....... ...................................................................................... .....2-1
2.2 Software Installation..................................................................................................................2-1
2.3 Hardware Installati o n....................................................................................................... ..........2-2
2.4 Creating and Downloading Executable Files.............................................................................2-3
RM/RN I/O Processor and IQ80960RM/RN Features.....................................................1-3
1.3.1 IxWorks Real-Time Operating System .........................................................................1-4
1.3.2 TORNADO Build Tools.................................................................................................1-4
1.3.3 TORNADO Test and Debug Tools ................................... ..... ....... ....... ..... ....... .. .......... .1-4
1.4.1 CT OOLS and the MON960 Debug Monitor..................................................................1-5 MON960 Host Communications...................................................................1-5 Terminal Emulation Method.........................................................................1-5 Host Debugger Interface (HDI) Method .......................................................1-5
1.7.1 Intel Customer Electronic Mail Support .................................................................. ..... .1-8
1.7.2 Intel Customer Support Contacts..................................................................................1-8
1.7.3 Related Information ......................................................................................................1-9
2.2.1 Installing Software Development Tools ........................................................................2-1
2.3.1 Battery Backup .............................................................................................................2-2
2.3.2 Installing the IQ80960RM/RN Platforms in the Host System............................. ..... ......2-2
2.3.3 Verify IQ809 60RM/RN Platform is Functional ..............................................................2-2
2.4.1 Sam ple Downl oad and Execution Using GDB960 . .......................................................2-3
3 Hardware Refere n ce..... ...................................................................................................................3-1
3.1 Power Requirements .................................................................................................................3-1
3.2 SDRAM......................................................................................................................................3-1
3.2.1 SDRAM Performance...................................................................................................3-2
3.2.2 Upgrading SDRAM.......................................................................................................3-3
3.3 Flash ROM.. ...............................................................................................................................3-3
3.3.1 Flash ROM Programming.............................................................................................3-3
3.4 Console Se rial Port........... .........................................................................................................3-4
3.5 Secondary PCI Bus Expansion Connectors ..............................................................................3-4
3.5.1 PCI Slots Power Availability..........................................................................................3-4
3.5.2 Inte rrupt and IDSEL Routing .. .......................................................................................3-5
3.6 Battery Backup..........................................................................................................................3-5
3.7 Loss of Fan Detect.....................................................................................................................3-5
3.8 Logic Analyzer Headers..................................... ....... .. ....... ..... ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ..... .............3-6
3.9 JTAG Header.............................................................................................................................3-7
3.10 User LEDs .................................................................................................................................3-8
3.10.1 User LEDs During Initialization.....................................................................................3-8
IQ80960RM/RN Evaluation Platform Board Manual iii
4 i960® RM/RN I/O Processor Overview............................................................................................4-1
4.1 CPU Memory Map.....................................................................................................................4-2
4.2 Local Interrupts..........................................................................................................................4-3
4.3 CPU Counte r /T im e r s.................................................................................... .............................4-5
4.4 Primary PCI Interface................................................................................................................4-5
4.5 Secondary PCI Interface ................................................................ .. ....... ..... ....... ..... ....... .. ........4-5
4.6 DMA Channels ..........................................................................................................................4-6
4.7 Application Accelerator Unit ......................................................................................................4-6
4.8 Performance Monitor Unit..........................................................................................................4-7
5 MON960 Support for IQ80960RM/RN.............................................................................................5-1
5.1 Secondary PCI Bus Expansion Connectors............................................................. ....... ....... ...5-1
5.2 MON960 Components...............................................................................................................5-1
5.2.1 MON 960 Initialization ................................................................................................... 5- 1
5.2.2 80960JT Core Initialization.................................... .. .......... .. ....... .......... .. ....... ..... .. ........5-2
5.2.3 Memory Controller Initialization....................................................................................5-2
5.2.4 SDRAM Initialization.....................................................................................................5-2
5.2.5 Primary PCI Interface Initialization................................................................................5-3
5.2.6 Primary ATU Initialization.............................................................................................5-3
5.2.7 PCI-to-PCI Bridge Initialization .....................................................................................5-4
5.2.8 Secondary ATU Initialization ............................ ..... .. .......... .. ..... .. ..... ..... ....... .. ..... .. ..... ...5-4
5.3 MON960 Kernel.........................................................................................................................5-5
5.4 MON960 Extensions . .................................................................................................................5-5
5.4.1 Secondary PCI Initialization................................... ....... ....... ....... .......... ....... ....... ....... ...5-5
5.4.2 PCI BIOS Routines .......................................................................................................5-6 sysPCIBIOSPresent.....................................................................................5-6 sysFindPCIDevice........................................................................................5-7 sysFindPCIClassCode.................................................................................5-7 sysGenerateSpecialCycle............................................................................5-8 sysReadConfigByte......................................................................................5-8 sysReadConfigWord....................................................................................5-9 sysReadConfigDword ..................................................................................5-9 sysWriteConfigByte....................................................................................5-10 sysWriteConfigWord..................................................................................5-10 sysWriteConfigDword................................................................................. 5-11 sysGetIrqRoutingOptions...........................................................................5-11 sysSetPCIIrq..............................................................................................5-12
5.4.3 Additional MON960 Commands ............................................................. ..... ....... .. ......5-12 print_pci Uti lity........... .................................................................................5-12
5.5 Diagnostics / Example Code ...................................................................................................5-12
5.5.1 Board Level Diagnostics.................................................... .. ..... ....... ..... .. ....... ..... ....... .5-12
5.5.2 Secondary PCI Diagnostics.................................................................. ....... .. ....... ..... .5-12
A Bill of Materials ...............................................................................................................A-1
B Schematics.....................................................................................................................B-1
C PLD Code........ ...............................................................................................................C-1
D Recycling the Battery.....................................................................................................D-1
iv IQ80960RM/RN Eval uation Platform Board Man ual


1-1 IQ80960RM/IQ80960RN Platform Functional Block Diagram...................................................1-1
1-2 IQ80960RN Platform Physical Diagram....................................................................................1-2
3-1 LED Register Bitmap.................................................................................................................3-8
4-1 i960
4-2 IQ80960RM/RN Platform Memory Map.................................. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .4-2
4-3 i960 4-4 i960
4-5 Application Accelerator Uni t.......................................................................................................4-7
RM/RN I/O Processor Block Diagram..............................................................................4-1
RM/RN I/O Processor Interrupt Controller Connections..................................................4-4
RM/RN I/O Processor DMA Controller ............................................................................4-6


1-1 Document Information...............................................................................................................1-9
1-2 Cyclone Contacts. ......................................................................................................................1-9
3-1 IQ80960RN Platform Power Requirements...............................................................................3-1
3-2 IQ80960RM Platform Power Requirements .............................................. ..... .. ..... ....... .. ..... ......3-1
3-3 SDRAM Performance................................................................................................................3-2
3-4 SDRAM Configurations..............................................................................................................3-3
3-5 UART Register Addresses.........................................................................................................3-4
3-6 Secondary PCI Bus Interrupt and IDSEL Routing .....................................................................3-5
3-7 Logic Analyzer Header Definitions.............................................................................................3-6
3-8 JTAG Header Pinout..................................................................................................................3-7
3-9 Switch S1 Settings.....................................................................................................................3-7
3-10 Start-up LEDs MON960.............................................................................................................3-8
3-11 IQ80960RM/RN Connectors and LEDs....................................... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ....... ..... .. ..... ..... .3-9
5-1 Initialization Modes .............................................. ............ ............ ......... ............ ....... ..................5-3
A-1 IQ80960RN Bill of Materials .....................................................................................................A-1
A-2 IQ80960RM Bill of Materials.................................................................................... ....... ..........A-5
B-1 IQ80960RN Schematics List. ....................................................................................................B-1
B-2 IQ80960RM Schematics List ....................................................................................................B-2
IQ80960RM/RN Evaluation Platform Board Manual v
This manual describes the IQ80960RM and IQ80960RN evaluation platforms for Intel’s i960® RM/RN I/O processor. The i960 RM/RN I/O processors combine an 80960JT c ore with two PCI bus interfaces , as well as a m emory controller, DMA ch an nels, an in terrup t contro ller interf ace, and an I 64-bit primary PCI and s econdary P CI buse s while the 80960 RM uti lizes bot h a 32 -bit prim ary and secondary PCI bus . The IQ8096 0RM a nd IQ80960RN pl at forms are full-l ength PCI adapte r boards
and are 8.9” in height to accommodate four standard PCI connectors on the secondary PCI bus. The boards can be installed in any PCI host system tha t complies with the PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 2.1. PCI devices can be connected to the secondary bus to build powerful intelligent I/O subsystems.
Figure 1-1. IQ80960RM/IQ80960RN Platform Function al Block Diagram
C serial bus. The difference between the two processors is that the 80960RN utilizes
Secondary PCI Slot 4
Secon dary PCI Slot 3
Secondary PCI Slot 2
Secondary PCI Slot 1
SDRAM (x72)
Logic Analyzer Interface
i960® RM/RN I/O Processor
Primary PCI Bus 32/64-bits
Secondar y PC I
Bus 32/64-bits
Flash ROM
Logic Analyzer Interface
Serial Port
User LED
IQ80960RM/RN Evaluation Board Ma nual 1-1
Figure 1-2. IQ80960RN Platform Physical Diagram
64-Bit Secondary PCI Slo ts
J8 J9 J10 J11 J12
Logic Analyzer Connec tors
168-Pin SDRAM DIMM Socket
RS-232 Serial Port
Flash Memory
1 2 3 4
64-Bit PCI
NiCd Batteries
1-2 IQ80960RM/RN Evaluation Board Man ual
1.1 i960® RM/RN I/O Processor and IQ80960RM/RN Features
The i960 RM/RN I/O processor serv es as the mai n component of a high performance, PCI-based intelligent I/O subsystem. The IQ80960RM and IQ80960RN platforms allow the developer to connect PCI devices to the i960 RM/RN I/O processors usi ng the four secondary PCI expa nsi on connectors. The features of the IQ80960RM and IQ80960RN platforms are enumerated below and shown in Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2.
i960 RM/RN I/O processor
Modified PCI long-card form factor
64-bit or 32-bit primary PCI bus interface (80960RM 32-bit only)
64-bit or 32-bit secondary PCI bus connected to the primary PCI interface with a PCI-to-PCI
bridge (80960RM 32-bit only)
DMA channels on both PCI buses
C Serial Bus
168-pin, 3.3V DIMM socket supporting 16 to 128 Mbytes of Synchronous DRAM organized
x72 to support Error Correction Code (ECC) and clocke d at 66 MHz (ships with 16 M/ECC installed)
Serial console port based on 16C550 UART
Eight user-programmable LEDs
3 Indicator LEDs: proces sor has passed self- test, 3.3 V is supplied to SDRAM, and 3.3 V is
supplied to sec ondary PCI slots
Flash ROM, 2 Mbytes
Logic analyzer connectors for SDRAM bus, ROM bus and secondary P CI arbitration signals
Fan heatsink monitor circuit
Battery backup for SDRAM
JTAG header

1.2 Software Development Tools

A number of software development tools are available for the i960® processor family1. This
manual provides information on two software development toolsets: Wind River System’s IxWorks* and Intel’s CTOOLS. If you are using other software development tools, read through the infor mation in this ch apter and in Chapter 2 to gain a general understanding of how to use your tools with this board.
1. To view the electronic tools catalog, access from the web.
IQ80960RM/RN Evaluation Board Ma nual 1-3

1.3 IxWorks Software Development Toolset

IxWorks is a comple te toolset feat uring an integrated development environme nt including a compiler, assembler, linker, and debugger. It also features a real-time operating system.

1.3.1 IxWorks Real-Time Operating System

The IQ80960RM/RN platforms are equipped with Wind River Systems, Inc.’s IxWorks. IxWorks provides for the elements of the I protocols, and executive modules for configuration and control. IxWorks also allows for the writing of basic device drivers and provides NOS-to-driver independence. TORNADO for I provides a visua l environment for building, testing and debugg ing of I

1.3.2 TORNADO Build Tools

TORNADO for I2O includes a coll ection of supporting tools that provide a complete development tool chain. These include the compiler, assembler, linker and binary utilities. Also provided is an
O module builder, which creates I2O-loadable modules .
O standard: an event-driven driver framework, host message
O drivers.

1.3.3 TORNADO Test and Debug T ools

TORNADO for I2O test and debug tools include the dynamic loader, the CrossWind∗ debugger, the WindSh* interactive shell, and a system browser.
The dynamic loader allows for interactive loading, testing, and replac ement of individual object modules that c omprise a driver.
CrossWind is an extended version of GDB960. Using it you can debug I breakpoints on desired I locals, stack frame, memory and so on.
WindSh allows you to communicate to the IQ80960RM/RN platform via an RS-232 serial port. The IQ80960RM/RN pla tform supports port speeds from 300 to 115,200 bps. The shell can be used to:
control and monitor I
format, send and receive driver messages
examine hardware registers
run automated I
The shell also provides essential debugging capabilities; including breakpoints, single stepping, stack checking, and disassembly.
O components. A variety of windows display source code, registers,
O drivers
O test suites
O drivers by setting
1-4 IQ80960RM/RN Evaluation Board Man ual

1.4 CTOOLS Software Development Toolset

Inte l’s i96 0 p rocessor software development toolset, CTOOLS, features ad vanced C/C++ - language compilers for the i960 processor family. CTOOLS development toolse t is available for Windows* 95/NT-based systems and a variety of UNIX workstation hosts. These products provide execution profiling and instruction scheduling optimizations and include an assembler, a linker, and utilities designed for embedded processor software development.

1.4.1 CTOOLS and the MON960 Debug Monitor

In place of IxWorks, the IQ80960RM/RN platform can be equipped with Intel’s MON960, an on-board software monitor that allows you to execute and debug programs written for i960 processors in a non-I step, memory display, and other useful functions for running and debugging a program.
The IQ80960RM/RN platform works with the source-level debuggers provided with CT OOLS, including GDB960 (command line version) and GDB960V (GUI version). MON960 Host Communications
MON960 allows you to communicate and download programs developed for the IQ80960RM/RN platform across a host system’s serial port or PCI interface. The IQ80960RM/RN platform supports two methods of communication: terminal emulation and Host Debugger Interface (HDI).
O environment. The monitor provides program download, breakpoint, single
Introduction Terminal Emulation Method
Terminal emulation software on your host system can communicate to MON960 on the IQ80960RM/RN platform via an RS-232 serial port. The IQ80960RM/RN platform supports port speeds from 300 to 115,200 bps. Serial downloads to MON960 require that the terminal emulation software support th e XMODEM proto col.
Configure the serial port on the host system for 300-115,200 baud, 8 bits, one stop bit, no parity with XON/XOFF flow control. Host Debugger Interface (HDI) Method
You may use a source-l eve l debugger, such as Intel’s GDB960 and GDB960V to estab lish serial or PCI communications with the IQ80960RM/RN platform. The MON960 Host Debugger Interface (HDI) provides a defined mess aging layer between MON960 and the debugger. For more information on this interface, see the MON960 Debug Monitor User’s Manual (484290).
HDI connection requests cannot be detected by MON960 if the user has already initiated a connection using a terminal emulator. In this case, the IQ80960RM/RN platform must be reset before the debugger can conne ct to MON960.
IQ80960RM/RN Evaluation Board Ma nual 1-5

1.5 About This Manual

A brief description of the contents of this manu al follows.
Chapter 1, “Introduction”
Chapter 2, “Getting Started”
Chapter3, “Hardware Refere nce”
Chapter 4, “i960® RM/RN I/O Processor Overview”
Chapter 5, “MON960 Support for IQ80960RM/RN”
Appendix A, “Bill of Materials”
Appendix B, “Schematics”
Appendix C, “PLD Code” Appendix D, “Recycling the
Introduces the IQ80960RM chapter also describes Intel’s C TOOLS* and WindRiver Systems IxWorks* software development tools, and defines notational-conventions and related documentation.
Provid es st ep-b y-s te p i ns tru ct ions fo r in st al li ng t he IQ8 0960 R M or I Q80 96 0RN platform in a host system and downloading and executing an application program. This chapter also describes Intel’s software development tools, the MON960 Debug Monitor, IxWORKS, software installation, and hardware configuration.
Descri bes the locations of connectors, switche s and LEDs on the IQ80960RM and IQ80960RN platforms. Header pinouts and register descriptions are also provided in this chapter.
Presents an overview of the capabilities of the i960 RM/RN I/O pro c essor and inclu des the CPU memory map.
Describes a number of features added to MON960 to support application development on the i960 RM/RN I/O processor.
Shows complete parts list IQ80960RM and IQ80960RN Evaluation Platforms. Complete set of schematics for the IQ80960RM and IQ80960RN Evaluati on
Platforms. Example PLD code used on IQ80960RM and IQ80960RN evaluation boards
for SDR AM battery backup. Information on the RBRC program and the locations of participating recycling
and IQ80960RN Evaluation Board features. This
1-6 IQ80960RM/RN Evaluation Board Man ual

1.6 Notational-Conventions

The following notation conventions are consistent with other i960 RM/RN I/O processor documentation and general industry standards.
# or overbar
Bold Indicates user entry and/or commands .
Italics Indicates a ref erence to related documents; also used to show emphasis. Courier font Indicates code examples and file directories and names. Asterisks (*) On non-Intel company an d pr oduct names, a trailing asterisk indicates
UPPERCASE In text, signal name s are shown in upperc ase. When seve ral signal s share
Designations for hexadecima l and binary numbers
In code examples the pound symbol (#) is appended to a signal name to indi cate that t h e signal is active. Normall y in v erted clock signals are indicate d with an overbar above the signal name (e.g., RAS).
PLD sig n a l names ar e in bo l d lo w ercase letters (e. g ., h_off, h_on).
the item is a trademark or re g istere d tr ademar k . Such brand s and names are the pr o perty of th eir respective o w ne r s .
a common name, each signa l is represented by the signa l name followed by a number; the group is represented by the signal name followed by a variable (n). In cod e ex amples, si gn al names ar e sh o w n in th e cas e required by the software development tool in use.
In text, instead of using subscripted “base” designators (e.g., FF leading “0x” (e.g., 0xFF) hexadecimal numbers are represented by a string of hex digi ts followed by the lette r H. A zero prefix is added to numbers that begin with A through F. (e.g., FF is shown as 0FFH.) In examples of actual code, “0x” is used. Decimal and binary numbers are represented by their customary nota tions. (e.g., 255 is a decimal number and 1111 1111 is a binary num ber. In some cases, the letter B is added to binary numbers for clari ty.)
) or
IQ80960RM/RN Evaluation Board Ma nual 1-7

1.7 Techn ical Suppo rt

Up-to-date produc t and technical info rma tion is available el ectronically from:
Intel’s World-Wide Web (WWW) Location:
IQ80960RM and IQ80960RN Product Information:
For techn i cal assist an c e, electroni c mai l (e- mail) prov id e s th e f ast est route to re ac h en g i ne er s specializing in IQ80960RM and IQ80960RN issues. Posting messages on the Embedded Microprocessor Forum at is also a direct route for IQ80960RM and IQ80960RN technical assistance. See Section 1.7.2.
Within the United States and Canada you may contact the Intel Technical Support Hotline. See
Section 1.7.1 for a list of customer support sources for the US and oth er ge ographical areas.

1.7.1 Intel Customer Electronic Mail Support

For direct support from engine ers spec iali ng in i960® Microprocessor issues s end e-mail in english to
Questions and other messages may be posted to the Embedded Microprocessor Forum at

1.7.2 Intel Customer Support Contacts

Contact Intel Corporation for technical assistance for the IQ80960RM/RN evaluation platform.
Country Literatu re Customer Support Numbe r
United S tates 800-548-4725 800-628-8686 Canada 800-468-8118 or 303-297-7763 800-628-8686 Europe Contact local distributor Contact local distributor Austral ia Contact local distributor Contac t local distributor Israel Contact local d istributor Contact local distributor Japan Contact local distribu tor Contac t local distributor
1-8 IQ80960RM/RN Evaluation Board Man ual

1.7.3 Related In fo rmat io n

T o orde r printe d manua ls fro m Intel, c ontac t your loc al sales re prese ntati ve or Intel L iteratur e Sal es (1-800-548-4725 ).
Table 1-1. Document Information
Product Document Name Compan y/ Order #
Developers’ Insight CD-ROM i
RM/RN I/O Processor Developer’s Ma nual 80960RM I/O Processor 80960RN I/O Processor MON960 Debug Monitor User’s Guide
PCI Local Bus Specification
Writing I2O Device Drivers in IxWorks
IxWorks Reference Manual
VxWorks Programmer’s Guide
Tornado User’ s Guide
Tornado for I2O
Tornado for I2O Compact Disk
Intel # 273000 Intel # 273158
Data Sheet Intel # 273156
Data Sheet Intel # 273157
Intel #484290
Revisio n2.1
Rev. 1.0 #TDK-12380-ZC-00
PCI Special Interest Group 1-800-433-5177
Wind River Systems, Inc. #DOC-1173-8D-02
Wind River Systems, Inc. #DOC-1173-8D-03
Wind River Systems, Inc. #DOC-11045-ZD-01
Wind River Systems, Inc. #DOC-1116-8D-01
Wind River Systems, Inc. #DOC-12381-8D-00
Contact Cyclo ne Microsystems for additional information about their products and literature:
Table 1-2. Cyclone Contacts
Phone: 203-786-5536
Cyclone Microsystems
25 Science Park
New Haven CT 06511
IQ80960RM/RN Evaluation Board Ma nual 1-9
F AX: 203-786-5025 e-mail:
Getting Started
This chapter c ontains in st ructio ns for ins tall ing the IQ80960RM/ RN pla tform in a host sys tem and, how to download and execute an application program using Wi nd River System’ s IxWorks or
Intel’s CTOOLS software development tools ets.

2.1 Pre-Installation Considerations

This section pr ovides a general overview of the components required to develop and execute a program on the IQ80960RM/RN platform. IQ80960RM/RN eva luation boards support two software development toolsets, Wind River System’s IxWorks and Intel’s CTOOLS.
IxWorks is a complete toolset featuring an integrated development environment including a compiler, assembler, linker, and debugger. It also features a real-time operating system. If you are using the IxWorks opera ting system with the TORNADO* dev elopment environment, refer to the Wind River Systems, Inc. documentation referenced in Section 1.7.3.
CTOOLS is a complete C/C++-language software-development toolset for developing embedded applications to run on i960 processors. It contains a C/C++ compiler, the gcc960 and ic960 compiler driver programs, an assembler, runtime libraries, a collection of software-development tools and utilities, and printed and on-line documentation. The MON960 Debug Monitor User’s Guide fully
describes the components of MON960, including MON960 commands, the Host Debugger Interface Library (HDIL), and the MONDB.EXE utility. If you are using MON960 and the CTOOLS toolset, refer to section Section 2.2.1, “Installing Software Development T ools” on page 2-1.
See Chapter 1 for more information on the IxWorks and CTOOLS features. The IQ80960RM/RN evaluation boards are supplied with IxWorks intel ligent real-tim e ope rating
system pre-lo ade d into the on-board Flash. You also have the option of installing the MON960 debug monitor, which is required if you are using the CTOOLS deb ugging tools, GDB960, GDB960V, or MONDB. Section3.3.1 des cribe s the Flash ROM pro gramming utilit y, which allows you to load MON960 onto the platform or re-load IxWorks.

2.2 Software Installation

2.2.1 Installing Software Development Tools

If you haven’t done so already, install your development softwar e as described in its manuals. All references in this manual to CTOOLS or CrossWind assume that the default directories were selected during installat ion. If this is not the case , substitute th e appropriate path for the default path wherever file locations are referenced in this manual.
IQ80960RM/RN Evaluation Board Ma nual 2-1
Getting Started

2.3 Hardware Installation

Follow these in st ructions to get your new IQ80960RM/RN platform running. Be sure all items on the checklist were provided with your IQ80960RM/RN.
Warning: Static charges can severely damage the IQ80960 RM/RN platforms. Be sure you are prop erly
grounded before re moving the IQ80960RM/RN platform from the anti-stati c bag.

2.3.1 Battery Bac ku p

Battery backup is provided to save any information in SDRAM during a power failure. The IQ80960RM/RN platform contains four AA NiCd batter ies, a charging circuit and a regulator circuit. The batteries installed in the IQ80960RM/RN platform are rated at 600 mA/Hr.
SDRAM technology provides a simple way of enabling data preservation through the self-refresh command. When the processor receives an active Primary PCI reset it issues the self-refresh command and drive s the SCKE signals low. Upon seeing this condition, a P A L on the IQ80960RM/RN platform holds SCKE low before the process or los es power. The batteries maintain power to the SDRAM and the PAL to ensure self-refresh mode. When the PAL detects PRST# returning to ina ctive state, the PAL releases the hold on SCKE.
The battery circuit can be disabled by removing the batteries. LED CR4 indicates when the SDRAMs have sufficient power. If the batteries remain in the evaluation platform when it is depowered and/or removed from the chassis, the batteries will maintain the SDRAM for approximately 30 hours. Once power is again applied, the batteries will be fully charged in about 4 hours.
2.3.2 Installing the IQ80960RM/RN Platforms in the Host System
If you are installing the IQ80960RM/RN pla tform for the first time, vis ually inspect the board for any damage that may have occurred during shipment. If there are visible defect s , return the board
for repl acement. Follow the host system manufa cturer’s instructions for inst alling a PCI adapter. The IQ80960RM/RN pl atform is a full-leng th P CI adapter and requires a PCI s lot that is free from obstructions. The IQ80960RM/RN platform is taller than specified in the PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 2.1. The extended height of the board will require you to keep the cover off of your PC. Refer to Chapt er 3 for physical dimensions of the boa rd.

2.3.3 Verify IQ80960RM/RN Platform is Functional

These instruct ions ass ume that you have alrea dy install ed the IQ8 0960RM/RN pla tfo rm in the host system as described in Section 2.3.2 .
1. To connect the serial port for communicating with and downloading to the IQ80960RM/RN platform, connect the RS-232 cable (provided with the IQ80960RM/RN) from a free serial port on the host system to the phone jack-style connector on the IQ80960RM/RN platform.
2. Upon power-up, the red FAIL LED turns off, indicating that the processor has passed its self-test.
3. If you have IxWorks installed in the flash ROM, the user L EDs displ ay the bina ry pat tern 99H. In the IxWorks deve lopment environment, raw serial input/output is not used. Instead, the Wind DeBug (WDB) protocol is run over the serial port, to allow communica tion with Tornado developm ent tools. If the terminal emulation package is run ning at 115, 200 baud, the letters “WDB_READY” display prior to launching in the WDB serial proto col.
2-2 IQ80960RM/RN Evaluation Board Man ual
4. If you have MON960 installed in th e flash ROM, pre ss <ENTER> on a term inal connected to
the IQ80960RM/RN platform to bring up the MON960 prompt. MON960 automatically adjusts its baud rate to match that of the termi nal at start-up. At baud rates other than 9600, it may be necessary to press <ENTER> several times.

2.4 Creating and Downloading Executable Files

To download code to the IQ80960RM/RN platform running IxWorks, consult Wind Riv er documentation on the supplied TORNADO for I IQ80960RM/RN platform, your compiler produces an ELF-format object file.
To download code to the IQ80960RM/RN platform running CTOOLS, consult the CTOOLS documentation for information regarding compiling, linking, and downloading applications. During a download, MON960 checks the link address sto r ed in the ELF file, and stores the file at that locati on on the IQ80960RM/RN platform. If the executable file is linke d to an invalid addres s on the IQ80960RM/RN platform, MON960 aborts the downloa d.

2.4.1 Sample Download and Execution Using GDB960

This example shows you how to us e GBD960 to download and execute a file named myapp via the serial port.
O CD-ROM. To downl oad code to the
Getting Started
Invoke GDB960. From a Windows 95/NT command prompt, issue the command:
gdb960 -r com2 myapp This command establishes communication and downloads the fil e myapp.
To execute the program, enter the command from the GDB960 command prompt:
(gdb960) run
More information on the GDB960 commands mentioned in this section can be found in the GDB960 User’s Manual.
IQ80960RM/RN Evaluation Board Ma nual 2-3
Hardware Reference

3.1 Power Requirements

The IQ80960RM/RN platform draws power from the PCI bus. The power requirements of th e IQ80960RM/RN platforms are shown in Table 3-1 and Table 3-2. The numbers do not include th e power required by a PCI card(s) mounted on one or more of the IQ80960RM/RN platforms’ four
expansion slot s.
Table 3-1. IQ80960RN Platform Power Requirements
Voltage Typical Current Maximum Current
+3.3 V 0 V* 0 V*
+5 V 1.45 A 1.96 A
+12 V 286 mA 485 mA
-12 V 1 mA 1 mA
NOTE: Does not include the power required by a PCI card(s) mounted on the IQ80960RN platform.
* +3.3V for 80960RN Processor created on board from +5V.
Table 3-2. IQ80960RM Platform Power Requirements
NOTE: Does not include the power required by a PCI car d(s) moun ted on the IQ80960RM platform.
* +3.3V for 80960RM Proc essor created on board from +5V.


The IQ80960RM/RN platform is equipped with a 168-pin DIMM socket formatted to accept +3.3V synchronous DRAM with or without Error Correction Code (ECC). The socket will accept SDRAM from 8 Mbytes to 128 Mbytes. 128 Mbyte SDRAMs are available in both x64 and x72 configurations. Note that 8 Mbyte SDRAMs are only for x64 or non-ECC memory. The SDRAM is accessible from either of the PCI buses, via the ATUs, and the local bus on the IQ80960RM/RN platform.
Voltage Typical Current Maximum Current
+3.3 V 0 V* 0 V*
+5 V 1.32 A 1.86 A
+12 V 284 mA 485 mA
-12 V 1 mA 1 mA
IQ80960RM/RN Evaluation Board Ma nual 3-1
Hardware Reference

3.2.1 SDRAM Performance

The IQ80960RM/RN pla tform uses 72-bit SDRAM with ECC or 64-bit SDRAM without ECC. SDRAM allows zero data-to-data wait state operation at 66 MHz. The memory controller unit (MCU ) of the i 96 0 of four enables se am less read/write burs ting of long data strea ms, as long as the MCU does not cross the page boundary. Page boundaries are naturally aligned 2 Kbyte blocks. 72-bit SDRAM with ECC allows a maximum throughput of 528 Mbytes per second.
Both 16 Mbit and 64 Mbit SDRAM devic es are supported. The MCU keeps two pages per bank open simult aneous ly for 16 Mbit de vices a nd 4 pages pe r bank fo r 64 Mb it device s. Simulta neous ly open pages allo w for greate r performanc e for seq uential ac cess , distribu te d acros s multipl e inte rnal bus transactions. Table 3-3 shows re ad a nd wr it e exa m p l es of a sin g l e 8 byt e acce s s an d fo r a multiple 40 byte access.
Table 3-3. SDRAM Performance
Read Pag e H it ( 8 by tes) 7 76 Mbyt es / s ec
Read Page Miss (8 bytes) 12 44 Mbytes/sec
Read Page Hit (40 bytes) 11 240 Mbytes/sec
Read Page Miss ( 40 bytes) 16 165 Mbytes/sec
Write Page Hit (8 bytes) 4 132 Mbytes/sec
Write Page Miss (8 bytes) 8 66 Mbytes/sec
Write Page Hit (40 bytes) 8 330 Mbytes/sec
Write Page Miss (40 byte s) 12 220 Mbytes/sec
RM/RN I/O processor supports SDRAM burst le ngths of four. A burst length
Cycle Type Table Clocks Performance Bandwidth
Note that if ECC is enabled and you attempt a partial write — less than 64 bits — you will incur a penalty. Because ECC is enabled, the MCU will trans late the write into a read-modify-wri te transaction. Therefore, for a single byte write the clock count will be 11.
3-2 IQ80960RM/RN Evaluation Board Man ual

3.2.2 Upgrading SDRAM

The IQ80960RM/RN is equipped with 16 Mbytes of SDRAM with ECC ins erted in the 168-pin DIMM socket. The memory may be expanded by inserting up to a 128 Mbyte module into the DIMM socket. The various memory combinations are shown in Table 3-4. Only 168-pin +3.3V SDRAM modules with or without ECC rated at 10 ns shoul d be us ed on the IQ80960RM/RN platform. The column labeled ECC dete rmines if that particular memory configuration can be used with ECC.
Table 3-4. SDRAM Configurations
Hardware Reference
16 Mbit
64 Mbit
2M x 8
1M x 16
8M x 8
4M x 16
# Banks Row Column ECC
1 2 Yes 32 Mbytes 1 2 No 16 Mbytes 1 2 Yes 128 Mbyt es 1 2 No 64 Mbytes

3.3 Flash ROM

An E28F016S5 (2 Mbytes) Flash ROM is included on the IQ80960RM/RN platform. This Flash ROM contains IxWorks* and may be used to store user applications.

3.3.1 Flash ROM Programming

Two types of Flash ROM prog rammi ng exist on the IQ80960RM/RN platform. The first is normal application development programming. This occurs using IxWorks to download new software and the 80960JT core to writ e the new code to the Flash ROM. During this tim e the boot sectors (containing IxWorks) are write protected.
11 9
11 8
12 9
12 8
Total Memory
Yes 16 Mbytes
No 8 Mbytes
Yes 64 Mbytes
No 32 Mbytes
The second type of Flash ROM programming is loading the boot sectors. You will not be required to load the boot sectors except:
To load MON960
To load a new rele ase of IxWorks
To change between the check build and the free build of IxWorks
The following steps ar e requ ired to program the Flash ROM boot sectors :
1. Set switch S1 #’s 1 and 2 to the on position.
2. Reset the board by cycling power on the worksta tion.
3. Run the Intel DOS-based flash utility to program the Flash ROM boot sect ors.
4. Set switch S1 #’s 1 and 2 to the off position.
5. Reset the board by cycling power on the worksta tion.
IQ80960RM/RN Evaluation Board Ma nual 3-3
Hardware Reference

3.4 Console Serial Port

The console seri al port on the IQ80960RM/RN platform, based on a 16C550 UART, is capable of operation from 300 to 115,200 bps. The port is connected to a phone ja ck-style plug on the IQ80960RM/RN pla tform. The DB25 to RJ-45 cable inc luded with the IQ80960RM/R N can be used to connect the console port to any sta ndard RS-232 port on the host system.
The UART on the IQ80960RM/RN platf orm is clocked with a 1.843 MHz clock, and may be programmed to use th is clo ck with it s inte rnal baud rate coun ters . The UAR T regis ter addr esses are shown in Table 3-5; refer to the 16C550 device data book for a detailed description of the registe rs and device operat ion. Note that some UART addresses refer to di fferent registers depending on whether a read or a write is being per f orm ed.
Table 3-5. UART Register Addresses
Address Read Register Write Register
E000 0000H Receive Holding Register Transmit Hold ing Register E000 0001H Unused Interrupt Enable Register E000 0002H Interrupt Status Register FIFO Control Register E000 0003H Unused Line Control Register E000 0014H Unused Modem Control Regis ter E000 0015H Line Status Register Unused E000 0016H Modem St atus Register Unused E000 0017H Scratch pad Register Scratchpad Register

3.5 Secondary PCI Bus Expansion Connectors

Four PCI Expansion Slots are available on the IQ80960RM/RN platform. The IQ80960RM supports 32-bit PCI expansion and the IQ80960RN supports 64-bit PCI expans ion. The slots are designed for +5V PCI signalling and accommodate PCI cards with +5V or universal sig nalling capabilities.

3.5.1 PCI Slots Power Availability

Power from the Primary PCI bus, +3.3V, +5V, +12V, and –12V, is routed to the Secondary PCI bus expansion s lots. +3.3V is only avai lable at the secondary PCI slots if the host system makes +3.3V available on the Primary PCI slots. LED CR5 indicates if this power is available.
3-4 IQ80960RM/RN Evaluation Board Man ual

3.5.2 Interru pt and IDS E L Rou ti ng

Table 3-6. Secondary PCI Bus Interrupt and IDSEL Routing

3.6 Battery Backup

Battery backu p is provided to save any inform ation in SDRAM during a power fail ure. The IQ80960RM/RN platform contains four AA NiCd batteries, a charging circuit and a regulator circuit. The bat teries installed in the IQ80960RM/RN platform are rated at 600 mA/Hr.
SDRAM technology provides a simple way of enabling data preservation though the self-refresh command. When the processor receives an active Primary PCI reset it will issue the self-refresh command and drive the SCKE signals low. Upon seeing this condition a PAL on the IQ80960RM/RN platfor m will hol d SCKE low before the proce ssor los es power. The batteries will maintain power to the SDRAM and the PAL to ensure self-ref r esh mo de. When the PAL sees PRST# r et urning to in ac t iv e s t at e th e PAL will re lease the hold on SCKE.
Hardware Reference
The battery circuit can be disabled by removi ng the batteries. LE D CR4 indicates when the SDRAMs have suff icient power. If the batteries remain in the evaluation platform when it is depowered and/or removed from the chassis, the batteries will maint ain the SDRAM for approximately 30 hours. Once power is again applied, the batteries will be fully charged in about four hours.

3.7 Loss of Fan Detect

The i960 RM/RN I/O processor can be cooled by an active heat sin k mount ed on top. The fan provides a square wave output that is monitored by a comparator circuit on the IQ80960RM/RN platform. The frequen cy of the fan output is approxi mately 9K RPM. If the frequency falls below approximately 8K RPM the circuit will provide an interrupt to the processor.
Note: The standard production boards will be shipped with attached pass ive heat sinks. In the case of
utilizing a passive heat sink, the proces s or never sees an interrupt from not having a fan.
IQ80960RM/RN Evaluation Board Ma nual 3-5
Hardware Reference

3.8 Logic Analyzer Headers

There are five logic analyzer connectors on the IQ80960RM/RN platform. The connectors are Mictor type, AMP part # 767054-1. Hewlett-Packar d and Tektronix manufacture and sell interfaces to these connectors. The logic analyzer connectors allow for interfacing to the SDRAM and ROM buses along wit h secondary PCI arbitration signals. Table 3-7 shows the connectors and the pin assignments for each.
Table 3-7. Logic Analyzer Header Definitions
PIN J9 J11 J12 J10 J8
3 SDRAMCLK 4 DQ15 SDQM7 DQ31 RAD15 5 DQ14 SDQM6 DQ30 RAD14 6 DQ13 SDQM5 DQ29 RAD13 7 DQ12 SDQM4 DQ28 RAD12 8 DQ11 SDQM3 DQ27 RAD11
9 DQ10 SDQM2 DQ26 RAD10 10 DQ9 SDQM1 DQ25 RAD9 11 DQ8 SDQM0 DQ24 RAD8 12 DQ7 SCB7 DQ23 RAD7 13 DQ6 SCB6 DQ22 RAD6 14 DQ5 SCB5 DQ21 RAD5 15 DQ4 SCB4 DQ20 RAD4 16 DQ3 SCB3 DQ19 SCE0# RAD3 17 DQ2 SCB2 DQ18 SCE1# RAD2 18 DQ1 SCB1 DQ17 SBA1 RAD1 19 DQ0 SCB0 DQ16 SBA0 RAD0 20 DQ32 SA0 DQ48 SREQ0# RAD16 21 DQ33 SA1 DQ49 SREQ1# 22 DQ34 SA2 DQ50 SREQ2# 23 DQ35 SA3 DQ51 SREQ3# RALE 24 DQ36 SA4 DQ52 SREQ4# RCE0# 25 DQ37 SA5 DQ53 SREQ5# RCE1# 26 DQ38 SA6 DQ54 SGNT0# ROE# 27 DQ39 SA7 DQ55 SGNT1# RWE# 28 DQ40 SA8 DQ56 SGNT2# 29 DQ41 SA9 DQ57 SGNT3# I_RST# 30 DQ42 SA10 DQ58 SGNT4# 31 DQ43 SA11 DQ59 SGNT5# 32 DQ44 DQ60 33 DQ45 SWE# DQ61 34 DQ46 SCAS# DQ62 35 DQ47 SRAS# DQ63 36 P_PCICLK RALE
3-6 IQ80960RM/RN Evaluation Board Man ual
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