Intel® Enpirion® Power Solutions
EM22xx Evaluation Board User Guide
User Guide
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User Guide | Intel® Enpirion® Power Solutions
EM22xx Evaluation Board User Guide
1. Description ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
2. Required Equipment ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
3. Evaluation Board Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 4
4. Instructions ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
5. Evaluation Board Schematic ...................................................................................................................................... 7
6. Bill of Materials ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
7. Revision History ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
List of Figures
Figure 1: EM22xx Evaluation Board Overview (View From Top - EM2260 shown as an example) ..... 4
Figure 2: Jumper Table, Marked On The EM22xx Evaluation Board Silk Screen ....................................... 6
Figure 3: Evaluation Board Schematic – Power ......................................................................................................... 7
Figure 4: Evaluation Board Schematic – AUX ............................................................................................................. 8
List of Tables
Table 1: Required Equipment ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Table 2: Bill of Materials...................................................................................................................................................... 9

User Guide | Intel® Enpirion® Power Solutions
EM22xx Evaluation Board User Guide
1. Description
The EM22xx family are PowerSoC synchronous Dual Phase buck converters from the Intel®
Enpirion® Power Solutions family. The EM22xx series feature an advanced controller, gate
drivers, synchronous MOSFET switches, and high performance inductors. Only input and
output filter capacitors and a few small signal components are required for a complete
Differential remote sensing and ±0.5% set-point accuracy provide precise regulation over
line, load and temperature variation. Very low ripple further reduces accuracy uncertainty to
provide best in class static regulation for today’s FPGAs, ASICs, processors, and DDR
memory devices.
2. Required Equipment
Table 1: Required Equipment
Item # Equipment Recommended
1 DC Power Supply 20V/30A, adjustable
2 Electronic Load 50…100A with dynamic load capabilities
3 Intel Enpirion PMBus
Communication Interface Dongle
4 Intel 25A Mini Slammer Loads Fits the on-board LD1, LD2 & LD3 socket
5 DMM 6 ½ digit
6 Oscilloscope 4 channels, 0.5 GHz BW
7 Cables >60A capability, eyelet terminal, 4 mm
diameter hole, 10 mm outer diameter

3. Evaluation Board Overview
User Guide | Intel® Enpirion® Power Solutions
EM22xx Evaluation Board User Guide
Interface Dongle
Ferrite Beads
Figure 1: EM22xx Evaluation Board Overview (View From Top - EM2260 shown as an example)