Intel® Gateway Solutions for the
Internet of Things – Development
Kit – DK50
Getting Started Guide
October 2014
Document Number: 330496-005
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July 2014 002 Added Knowledge Forum appendix and made minor edits, mostly in
May 2014 001 First public version
Wind River Workbench
correcting inconsistent forma tting.
Intel® Gateway Solutions for the IoT – Development Kit – DK50
Getting Started Guide October 2014
6 Document Number: 330496-005
1 Introduction
This guide describes how to set up and begin running the Intel® Gateway Solutions for
the Internet of Things (IoT) – Development Kit – DK50. In this document:
•Development Kit refers to the Intel
Things (IoT) – Development Kit – DK50, including the Target Device
hardware, board firmware, and Wind River software.
•Target Device refers to the Intel
•Host System refers to a stand-alone computer system onto which the Wind
River Development Tools software is installed. A Host System and the Wind
River Development Tools are not included in the kit.
Development Kit Contents 1.1
Gateway Solutions for the Internet of
Galileo Development Board included in the
The Development Kit includes the following:
Galileo Development Board
• Power adapter, power cord, and power plugs
• Documentation packet
• Micro-SD flash memory card (installed), includes Wind River Linux OS with
Wind River Intelligent Device Platform software
• USB to flash memory card adapter
• USB flash memory drive, includes a backup image for the Target Device OS
and Development Kit documentation.
In addition, some versions of the Development Kit may include the following:
•Four nylon standoffs and screws
7260 dual-band wireless network adapter (PCIe* Mini Card)
• 2x internal Wi-Fi* antenna with U.FL connector
• Metal chassis for the Intel® Galileo Development Board
• 2x external Wi-Fi* antenna with RP-SMA male connector
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Intel® Gateway Solutions for the IoT – Development Kit – DK50
Reference Documents 1.2
The following documents provide additional details and related information for
developing Intel® gateway solutions.
Table 1. Reference Documents
Title Link Description
Intel® Galileo Board Getting
Started Guide Website
Wind River® Linux 5.0 / 5.1
Recommended Development
Host Distributions
For users with a registered product, Intel provides technical support for this
Development Kit through Intel® Premier Support. To submit a support reque st using
Intel Premier Support, go to See the Dear Customer
Letter included with your Development Kit for details.
In addition to Intel® Premier Support, registered users can use the Intel® Gateway
Solutions for the IoT - Knowledge Forum to ask “how-to” questions. Follow the
instructions in Appendix B to register, login, and submit questions in this online
support forum.
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Document Number: 330496-005 9
Intel® Gateway Solutions for the IoT – Development Kit – DK50
Documentation Conventions 1.4
The following conventions are used in this manual:
Courier font - code examples, command line entries, API names,
parameters, filenames, directory paths, and executables
•Bold text - graphical user interface entries and buttons
Target Device Photos 1.5
Photos of the Target Device are included below for your reference.
Figure 1. Target Device - Top View
Intel® Gateway Solutions for the IoT – Development Kit – DK50
Getting Started Guide October 2014
10 Document Number: 330496-005
Figure 2. Target Device - Bottom View
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Intel® Gateway Solutions for the IoT – Development Kit – DK50
2 Register Your Product
Before you begin, you must register your Intel® Gateway Solutions for the Internet of
Things – Development Kit – DK50 Series. The registration process submi ts a license
key request to Wind River to permit you to download Wind River software. You cannot
use the Wind River installer to download the Wind River com po n en ts without this
You will use the login ID and password that you create or use in these steps to access
the Intel Registration Center. On the Intel Registration Center you can see a list of
licensed products and download software for them.
1. In your Web browser, go to
The following screen is displayed:
Register Your Product
Figure 3. Register Product
Intel® Gateway Solutions for the IoT – Development Kit – DK50
Getting Started Guide October 2014
12 Document Number: 330496-005
Register Your Product
2. In the box for your email address, select the appropriate option for your email
•IMPORTANT: If you have an Intel Premier Support account, use the email
address that is associated with this account. Using your existing email address
will automatically add this product to your list of supported products.
•Otherwise, use your preferred email address.
3. Type in the serial number that is located at the top of the “Dear Customer Letter”
included in your product box.
4. A screen displays on which you must fill out your contact information. Click
Submit after filling in your information.
5. Follow the correct path:
•If your email address was not recognized, you will be prompted to create a
user account. See Figure 5. Create Support User Account. Type in your
preferred Login ID and password and then click Submit..
•If your email address is recognized, you will not see Figure 5. Create Support
User Account. Continue to the next step.
Figure 4. Create Support User Accoun t
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Intel® Gateway Solutions for the IoT – Development Kit – DK50
6. A confirmation screen displays as follows. Your screen includes your contact
information in the bottom part of the screen. Click Continue.
Figure 5. Wind River License Key Request Confirmation
7. You are prompted to sign into the Intel Registration Center with your user name
and password. Your list of subscribed products is displayed and you can download
the necessary software. See the following illustration:
Figure 6. Logged in to Intel Registration Center
Register Your Product
Intel® Gateway Solutions for the IoT – Development Kit – DK50
Getting Started Guide October 2014
14 Document Number: 330496-005
Register Your Product
You will receive two messages in email from “Intel Registration Center.” Save these
messages for future reference.
•One message is titled, “Intel
Premier Support Registration Successfully
Completed”. See the sample message below.
Figure 7. Email Message: Intel
Premier Support Registration Successfully Completed
•The other message is titled, “Thank you for registering Intel® Gateway
Solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT) Development Kit DK50”. See the
sample message below:
Figure 8. Email Message: Thank you for registering Intel
Internet of Things (IoT) Development Kit DK50
Gateway Solutions for the
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Document Number: 330496-005 15
Intel® Gateway Solutions for the IoT – Development Kit – DK50
3 Host System Setup
The Development Kit requires a Host System to interface with the Target Device and
for Target Device software development.
Host System Hardware Recommendations 3.1
The following Host System hardware is recommended, especially if the Host System
will be used for Target Device software development.
• 3
• CPU with four or more cores and with Intel
• 150 GB or more of free disk space
• 4 GB or more RAM
• Wired Ethernet port or Wireless Ethernet (Wi-Fi)
• At least one USB 2.0 port
• Micro SDHC flash memory card reader or adapter
Generation Intel® Core™ i5 processor or better
HT Technology)
Host System Setup
Hyper-Threading Technology
Host System Software Requirements 3.2
Recommended Host System OS
Intel recommends Linux for the Host System operating system. The instructions in this
guide were developed on a system running Ubuntu 12.04 (64-bit).
Serial Port Communication Software
The Host System must have serial port interface software installed, such as PuTTY*,
to communicate with the Target Device over the serial RS-232/UART interface.
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Getting Started Guide October 2014
16 Document Number: 330496-005
Target Device Setup
4 Target Device Setup
Follow the steps below to set up the Target Device. When finished, the setup should
look like the following picture.
Figure 9. Target Device Set Up
Target Device Hardware 4.1
The following hardware is needed to set up the Target Device. This hardware is
included with the Development Kit:
• Intel
• Power adapter, power cord, and power plug
• Micro-SD Flash Card (capacity of 4 to 16 GB)
The following additional hardware is included with some versions of the Development
Kit for wireless connectivity:
October 2014 Getting Started Guide
Document Number: 330496-005 17
Galileo Development Board
Intel® Gateway Solutions for the IoT – Development Kit – DK50
Target Device Setup
• Intel® 7260 dual-band wireless network adapter (PCIe* Mini Card)
• 2x internal Wi-Fi* antenna with U.FL connector (if the Target Device does not
have a metal chassis)
•2x external Wi-Fi antenna with RP-SMA male connector (if the Target Device
has a metal chassis)
The following hardware is recommended, but not included in the Development Kit:
• 1/8 inch stereo to Male DB9 Serial cable
• Female DB9 Serial to USB cable
• Micro USB 2.0 to USB Female adapter (an On-The-Go adapter will work)
• Micro USB 2.0 to USB Male adapter (an On-The-Go adapter will work)
Connecting Power 4.2
Plug in the 12 Volt DC jack of the included power adapter to the DC Input of the
Target Device. Connect the appropriate plug to the power adapter. Plug in the power
adapter to wall power.
Confirming Serial Port 4.3
The serial port provides Linux command line interface to the Target Device.
Note: A 1/8 inch stereo to Male DB9 Serial cable is needed for Serial Port I/ O . This is not
included in the kit.
Use the lsusb command in a Linux command line to confirm that the USB-Serial
(UART) interface was recognized correctly by the operating system. The following
figure shows the FT232 USB-Serial (UART) USB device as an example.
Figure 10. Confirm USB-Serial Device is Recognized in Linux
Intel® Gateway Solutions for the IoT – Development Kit – DK50
Getting Started Guide October 2014
18 Document Number: 330496-005
Target Device Setup
Use the following settings to connect to the Target Device via a serial port interface,
such as PuTTY*:
• BAUD Rate: 115200
• Data Bits: 8
• Stop Bits: 1
• Parity: None
• Flow Control: None
Figure 5and Figure 6 show PuTTY application snapshots as an example.
Figure 11. PuTTY Configuration Snapshot 1
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Intel® Gateway Solutions for the IoT – Development Kit – DK50
Figure 12. PuTTY Configuration Snapshot 2
Target Device Setup
If the PuTTY connection fails using the above settings, check for incorrect rd/wr/exe
permissions for the file handle /dev/ttyUSBn (where n is the device number that the
OS assigns. It is typically 0 through 9). Update the permission settings using the
chmod linux command. See the following figure.
Figure 13. Confirm USB-Serial Device is Recognized in Linux
Detailed instructions for connecting the serial port from the Target to the Host System
are in the Intel
Galileo Board Getting Started Guide.
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Getting Started Guide October 2014
20 Document Number: 330496-005
Target Device Setup
Target Device Software 4.4
The included micro-SD flash memory card is bootable and is pre-loaded with the Wind
River Linux and Wind River Intelligent Device Platform XT software.
After establishing connectivity via Serial Port or SSH, use the following login and
password to access the Linux command line interface:
login: root
Password: root
Wired Ethernet Connection 4.5
The best way to connect the Target Device to the internet or to another network is
through an Ethernet router with integrated DHCP server. Use an Ethernet cable to
connect the 10/100LAN port of the Target Device to one of the I/O ports of the
The Wind River Intelligent Device Platform XT runtime software implements a network
gateway function that assumes the Ethernet eth0 interface (10/100 LAN port) has a
WAN connection. The Target Device will attempt to obtain an IP address from a DHCP
server on this interface.
As an alternative to connecting the Target Device to an Ethernet router with an
integrated DHCP server, the Target Device may be configured with a static IP address
after the system has booted. (See Section 3.7.1 Configuring a Static IP Address Using
Wireless Ethernet Connection 4.6
A wireless connection requires installing a wireless network adapter (PCIe* Mini Card).
The Intel® 7260 dual-band wireless network adapter supported by the default Target
Device runtime software is used in this section for illustration.
Note: The following instructions assume a wireless network adapter is installed.
After the Target Device has booted, the Inteligent Device Platform gateway advertises
a wireless LAN network with Service Set Identifier (SSID) of:
xxxx are alphanumeric characters.
Connect to this local wireless network using the password: windriveridp.
IDPDK-xxxx, where
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Document Number: 330496-005 21
Intel® Gateway Solutions for the IoT – Development Kit – DK50
Target Device Setup
4.6.1 Connecting to the Target Device’s Local Wireless Network
This section provides instructions to connect the Host System or another wireless
device to the Target Device’s local wireless network.
The following steps were performed on a Host System running Ubuntu 12 operating
system. The procedure should be similar for other Linux operating systems.
1. Select the Network Icon at the top of the screen, or go to System Settings ->
Network Connections.
2. Find the Target Device’s local wireless network with an SSID of IDPDK-xxxx.
3. Select the Target Device’s local wireless network to connect to it.
4. When prompted, enter the password:
You should now be connected to the Target Device’s local wireless network.
Note: The onboard wireless LAN is statically defined to use subnet
Wind River Web Interface Tool (WebIF) 4.7
Wind River provides a Web Interface tool (WebIF) that allows the user to control and
change many Target Device settings.
Note: The following instructions assume a wireless network adapter is installed.
Use the following steps to access the Web Interface (WebIF) tool.
1. Connect from a Host System to the Target Device on the wired or wireless
Ethernet interface as explained in Section 3.5 or Section 3.6.
2. On the Host System, open an internet browser.
3. In the address window of the browser, enter internet address
4. If the connection to the Web Interface is successful, a popup box will ask for a
user name and password. Use
User Name:
Password: admin
See the Wind River Systems Intelligent Device Platform Programmer’s Guide at and Release Notes at for details regarding
the Web Interface tool and its Target Device customization options.
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Getting Started Guide October 2014
22 Document Number: 330496-005
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