Intel Dialogic Quick Install Manual

Quick Install Guide
Dialogic® IP Media Server
Quick Install Guide
This Dialogic® IP Media Server Quick Install Guide is for qualified personnel who are responsible for installing the server.
The Dialogic® IP Media Server is the industry’s premier open, carrier-class IP media server. It leverages the simplicity and flexibility of SIP and VoiceXML to provide a cost-effective and scalable IP media server solution, powering a broad range of voice and video services for next generation wireline, wireless, and broadband networks.
Dialogic® IP Media Server software is available on an integrated platform to suit individual deployment requirements:
• Low-profile 1U rack-mount server
• One or two dual-core processor system
• Dual Ethernet ports
• Dual or single power supply systems
Dialogic® IP Media Server technology is based on the Intel 1U Server Chassis TIGW1U and the Intel Server BoardS5000PHB.
For additional technical information concerning the Intel chassis and server, see the Intel Technical Product Specification on the Intel web site:
Optional Components
To install the Dialogic® IP Media Server, you need the following:
• Phillips-head screwdriver for mounting the chassis to the rack
• Cables for the RJ45 NIC interfaces
• PC or laptop with a terminal emulation
Dialogic recommends that the systems be pow­ered using a UPS system for maximum reliability and protection from power fluctuations.
Contact Information
Dialogic provides support for those customers who have purchased a support contract for the IP Media Server. If you purchased products from a reseller, please contact that reseller for technical support. Please use the following web site to contact Dialogic support.
Dialogic® IP Media Server Front Control Panel
Dialogic® IP Media Server Rear View
Copyright 2006-2009, Dialogic Corporation
Part Number: 64--0445-01
The integrated Dialogic® IP Media Server is available with optional components.
A second redundant power supply is available as a factory-installed option.
Note that while your IP Media Server may have open disk drive bays, these must not be upgraded with field-installed drives.
Dialogic® IP Media Server Front View
The IP Media Server shipment includes two boxes. Unpack them and verify that you have received the following items:
• Chassis
• Bezel
• AC Power Cord(s)
• Hardware Warranty
• Sliding rail kit and installation guide
• Documentation package
• End User License
• CD containing electronic versions of the documentation and release notes
1 - Check Package Contents
The IP Media Server comes with sliding rails and a set of fixed rails for mounting in rack-mount systems. The configuration of your racks may dictate which rails you are able to use. Refer to the installation instructions provided with the rails for more information.
You must also install the rack-mount handles that are included with the rails. The rack-mount handles hold the front bezel in place. The front bezel includes a lock and key set to prohibit access to the front panel buttons while allowing you to view the activity LEDs.
2 - Rack Mount the Server
Contact Information
Continue to Step 3
Two Processors
Hard Disk
Temperature: Operating Non-operating
Humidity, operating Non-operating
Dual-Core Intel Xeon Processor 5100 Seris Quad-Core Intel Xeon Processor 5400 Series
Four-port 10/100/1000 Mb
24 GB with 4 GB memory per DIMM
Height 1.7", Width 16.93", Depth 26.46" (43 mm x 430 mm x 672 mm)
+41°F to +104°F –40°F to +158°F
Three 2.5 inch SAS disk drives
Single or dual 450W Power Supplies AC Voltage: 100–127 / 200–240 V~; 6.3 / 3.2A
5% to 85% 95% (non-condensing) @ +23°C (73°F) to 40°C(104°F)
Cables connect at the rear of the chassis. There are two 1Gb Ethernet ports and a serial port connector. The standard Ethernet ports are labeled eth0 and eth1. Refer to the Dialogic® IP Media Server - Rear View drawing for the location of each connector.
Note that one model of the IP Media Server has two power supplies, whereas the other model has a single power supply. If you have a single power supply system, plug the power cord into the F- Front Power Supply connector.
Serial Port
The serial port (RJ45 connector) is located to the left of the Ethernet ports. You can connect the serial port to a terminal server for alternative access to the system. The default setup for the serial connection is Rate: 9600 baud, Bits: 8, Parity: None, Stop Bits: 1, Flow Control: None.
After connecting all cables, power on the system by pressing the Power button on the front panel. Wait until the system is fully running, as indicated by the Front Panel LEDs, before configuring a management interface (described in step 6).
The system is configured to run DHCP on the Ethernet interfaces (eth0, eth1). If you use DHCP to set the IP address of an interface and you know the IP address, then you can use the Web User Interface (Web UI) immediately.
If you do not know the IP address configured on the system or to set an IP address for the first time, access the system with a monitor and keyboard or over the serial port. Connect to the serial port using any standard terminal interface.
When a connection to the IP Media Server is established, the login prompt appears. The IP Media Server is delivered with a single administrator access level user defined in the system. The login prompt appears as follows:
{hostname} login:
Use “admin” as the user name to log into the serial port or through the console using the Web User Interface (Web UI).
Select the Interface Configuration command.
Specify an IP address for each interface, including eth0 and eth1.
To change the IP address of an interface:
• Select the interface to be configured.
• Tab to the IP address field.
• Enter an IP address.
• Enter a network mask.
• Make a note of the IP address and apply the change.
The next screen displayed is the original screen you saw when you logged in. Tab to the REBOOT option and press ENTER.
The IP Media Server reboots and the interface comes up with the specified addresses. All further configuration is done through the Web User Interface. The Web User Interface arrives configured to use HTTP. If HTTPS is preferred, you can install a security certificate and key on the system using the Web User Interface.
The IP Media Server must have its license activated in order to become fully functional. Refer to the License Activation Guide for information about activating your Dialogic® IP Media Server license.
Refer to the Dialogic® IP Media Server Installation and Opera- tions Guide for information about configuring and administering the IP Media Server.
6 - continued
This equipment contains no user serviceable parts and is not intended for repair by unauthorized personnel.
If you experience problems with the IP Media Server chassis and need repair or warranty information, please contact Dialogic to acquire an RMA number. You may need to send the IP Media Server to Dialogic for servicing under the RMA number.
Use the keyboard to navigate through the interface.
Navigate through the fields
in the display.
Select an option.
To apply, cancel or reboot.
To access help.
Navigation Key
7 - Activate License
8 - Configure and Administer
6 - Configure a Management Interface
4 - Apply Power
3 - Connect System Cables
5 - Attach Front Bezel
After pressing the Power button to turn on the IP Media Server, you should snap the front bezel into place and use the enclosed keys to lock it. This prevents unauthorized access to the front panel buttons.
Rack Mounting Requirements
See the Server Rack Cabinet Compatibility Guide on the Documentation CD.
5 - Attach Front Bezel
(+5°C to +40°C) (–40°C to +70°C)
DC Voltage: Min: -38 VDC Max: -75 VDC
Copyright and Legal Notice
Copyright © 2006-2009 Dialogic Corporation. All Rights Reserved. You may not reproduce this document in whole or in part without permission in writing from Dialogic Corporation at the address provided below. All contents of this document are furnished for informational use only and are subject to change without notice and do not represent a commitment on the part of Dialogic Corporation or its subsidiaries (“Dialogic”). Reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in the document. However, Dialogic does not warrant the accuracy of this information and cannot accept responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions that may be contained in this document. INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH DIALOGIC® PRODUCTS. NO LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE, TO ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IS GRANTED BY THIS DOCUMENT. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN A SIGNED AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND DIALOGIC, DIALOGIC ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER, AND DIALOGIC DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, RELATING TO SALE AND/OR USE OF DIALOGIC PRODUCTS INCLUDING LIABILITY OR WARRANTIES RELATING TO FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT OF A THIRD PARTY. Dialogic products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, life sustaining, critical control or safety systems, or in nuclear facility applications. Due to differing national regulations and approval requirements, certain Dialogic products may be suitable for use only in specific countries, and thus may not function properly in other countries. You are responsible for ensuring that your use of such products occurs only in the countries where such use is suitable. For information on specific products, contact Dialogic Corporation at the address indicated below or on the web at It is possible that the use or implementation of any one of the concepts, applications, or ideas described in this document, in marketing collateral produced by or on web pages maintained by Dialogic may infringe one or more patents or other intellectual property rights owned by third parties. Dialogic does not provide any intellectual property licenses with the sale of Dialogic products other than a license to use such product in accordance with intellectual property owned or validly licensed by Dialogic and no such licenses are provided except pursuant to a signed agreement with Dialogic. More detailed information about such intellectual property is available from Dialogic’s legal department at 9800 Cavendish Blvd., 5th Floor, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H4M 2V9. Dialogic encourages all users of its products to procure all necessary intellectual property licenses required to implement any concepts or applications and does not condone or encourage any intellectual property infringement and disclaims any responsibility related thereto. These intellectual property licenses may differ from country to country and it is the responsibility of those who develop the concepts or applications to be aware of and comply with different national license requirements. Dialogic, Dialogic Pro, Brooktrout, Diva, Cantata, SnowShore, Eicon, Eicon Networks, NMS Communications, NMS (stylized), Eiconcard, SIPcontrol, Diva ISDN, TruFax, Exnet, EXS, SwitchKit, N20, Making Innovation Thrive, Connecting to Growth, Video is the New Voice, Fusion, Vision, PacketMedia, NaturalAccess, NaturalCallControl, NaturalConference, NaturalFax and Shiva, among others as well as related logos, are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Dialogic Corporation or its subsidiaries. Dialogic's trademarks may be used publicly only with permission from Dialogic. Such permission may only be granted by Dialogic’s legal department at 9800 Cavendish Blvd., 5th Floor, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H4M 2V9. Any authorized use of Dialogic's trademarks will be subject to full respect of the trademark guidelines published by Dialogic from time to time and any use of Dialogic’s trademarks requires proper acknowledgement. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners.