Intel BX80613I7980X, Core i7-980X, Core i7-975, Core i7-870 Product Overview

PRODUCT BRIEF Intel® Core™ i7 Processor Extreme Edition
for Desktop
Intel® Core™ i7-980X
Processor Extreme Edition
Product Overview
Outperform, overwhelm, and overthrow your
competition with the new Intel® Core™ i7
processor Extreme Edition, featuring Intel’s
rst 32nm processor with 12 computing
threads. The Intel Core i7 processor Extreme
Edition delivers incredible breakthroughs in
gaming and multitasking performance.
Wield the Ultimate Gaming Weapon
The Intel Core i7 processor Extreme Edition
can not only take on today’s most complex
and immersive games, but it’s also powerful
enough to handle tomorrow’s gaming
advances. Experience smoother and
more realistic gaming made possible by
distributing AI, physics, and rendering
across six cores and 12 threads, bringing
3D gaming to life for the ultimate desktop
Breakaway Performance for Digital Media Creation
Take digital content creation to a whole new
level and enjoy faster video transcoding and
image rendering, plus incredible performance
for photo retouching and photo editing.
Whether you’re a serious multitasker or
a multimedia enthusiast, performance
matters. So why limit yourself? Unlock your
full potential with Intel’s top-of-the-line
family of processors and experience total
creative freedom that’s limited only by
your imagination.
Gear Up for Extreme Processing Power
You’ll get maximum PC power for whatever
you do, thanks to the combination of intel-
ligent features such as Intel® Turbo Boost
and Intel® Hyper-Threading
which together activate full
processing power exactly where and when
you need it. The Intel Core i7 processor
Express chipset-based motherboards,
offers unprecedented bandwidth and mem-
ory performance, including an integrated
memory controller with three channels
of DDR3, two DIMMs per channel, and up
to 25.6 GB/s bandwidth at 1066 MHz.
Intel® Core™ i7 Processor Extreme Edition
Intel® Core™ i7 Processor Comparison
Number of Processor Cores
Number of Simultaneous Threads with Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology
Intel® Smart Cache
Processor Base Frequency
Integrated Memory Controller
Intel® Turbo Boost Technology
Number of DDR3 Memory Channels
Intel® Express Chipset
Overclocking Enabled
6 4 4
12 8 8
12 MB 8 MB 8 MB
3.33 GHz 3.33 GHz 2.93 GHz
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
3 3 2
X58 X58 P55
Yes Yes No
Features and Benets of the Intel® Core™ i7 Processor Extreme Edition
Feature Benefit
Six-Core Processing
Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology
Intel® Turbo Boost Technology
Intel® Smart Cache
Intel® QuickPath Interconnect
Integrated Memory Controller
Intel® HD Boost
AES-NI Encryption / Decryption Acceleration
Provides six complete execution cores in a single processor package, delivering 12 computing threads to help operating systems and applications deliver additional performance, so users can experience better multitasking and multi-threaded performance across many types of applications and workloads.
Delivers two processing threads per physical core for a total of 12 threads for massive computational throughput, allowing highly threaded applications to get more work done faster.
Dynamically increases the processor’s frequency as needed by taking advantage of thermal and power headroom when operating below specified limits. Get more performance automatically, when you need it the most.
This large last-level cache enables dynamic and efficient allocation of shared cache to all six cores to match the needs of various applications for ultra-efficient data storage and manipulation.
Intel’s latest system interconnect design increases bandwidth and lowers latency, while achieving data transfer speeds as high as 25.6 GB/s.
An integrated memory controller with three channels of DDR3 1066 MHz offers memory performance up to 25.6 GB/s. Combined with the processor’s efficient prefetching algorithms, this memory controller’s lower latency and higher memory bandwidth delivers amazing performance for data-intensive applications.
Includes the full SSE4 instruction set, significantly improving a broad range of multimedia and compute-intensive applications. The 128-bit SSE instructions are issued at a throughput rate of one per clock cycle, allowing a new level of processing efficiency with SSE4-optimized applications.
Provides 6 new processor instructions that help to improve performance for AES encryption and decryption algorithms.
For more information on the Intel® Core™ i7 processor Extreme Edition, visit
Outperform, overwhelm, and overthrow your competition with the new Intel® Core™ i7 processor Extreme Edition.
1 Intel® Turbo Boost Technology req uires a P C with a processor wit h Intel Turbo Boost Tech nolog y capa bilit y. Intel Turbo Boost Tech nolog y performa nce var ies dep ending on har dware, soft ware, a nd overa ll
system c onguration. Check wit h your PC m anufa cturer on whether yo ur system delivers Intel Turbo Bo ost Techno logy. Se e com/techn ology/ turb oboost for mo re information.
Intel® Hyper-Threa ding Technology r equir es a comp uter sy stem wi th a processor suppo rtin g HT Technology an d an HT Technology- enabled chipset, B IOS, and operating system . Performan ce will vary
depen ding on the spe cic hardware and sof tware you use. For mor e infor matio n inclu ding details o n which p rocessors su ppor t HT Techn ology, see www. intel .com/ info/hyper threading .
Warning: Altering clock frequency and/or voltage may (i) reduce system stability and useful life of the system and processor; (ii) caus e the processor and other system comp onents to fail; (iii) cause reduc tions
in syste m performance; (iv) cause additi onal heat or oth er dama ge; and (v) affec t system data integrity. Intel h as not tes ted, and does n ot warranty, th e operation of t he processor b eyond its specications .
Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Co re, and C ore Ins ide are t rademarks of Intel Co rpor ation i n the U.S. and ot her cou ntries. * Other na mes and b rands may be clai med as the prop ert y of others. Copyr ight © 2010 Intel Corpo ration. All rights r eserved. 0310/EE /MS/ PDF
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