in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications.
Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice.
Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked "reserved" or "undefined." Intel
reserves these for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future
changes to them.
The Intel
from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request.
Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications and before placing your product order.
Intel, Intel Pentium 4 processor, and the Intel logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries
in the United States and other countries.
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
Pentium® 4 processor may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate
• Updated the processor identification information table.
Removed Possib le system hang du e t o ca cheable line-sp lit loa ds
with page-tables in uncacheable (UC) space and Uncacheable
memory type prevents physical address code breakpoint match
erratum. Renumbered remaining errata. Modified the
workaround for N45. Added errata N46 and N47. Added
processor marking information.
This document is an update to the specifications contained in the documents listed in
the following Affected Documents/Related Documents table. It is a compilation of
device and document errata and specification clarifications and changes, and is
intended for hardware system manufacturers and for software developers of
applications, operating system, and tools.
Information types defined in the Nomenclature section of this document are
consolidated into this update document and are no longer published in other
documents. This document may also contain information that has not been previously
Affected Documents
Document Title Document
Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor in the 423-pin Package
Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor in the 478-pin Package
Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor with 512-KB L2 Cache on 0.13
Micron Process and In te l
Edition Supportin g H y p e r-Thre a d in g Tech nology
Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor Extreme Edition on 0.13 Micron
Process in the 775-land Package datasheet
1. Hyper-Threading Technology requires a computer system with an Intel
processor supporting HT Technology and a Hyper-Threading Technology enabled
chipset, BIOS and operating system. Performance will vary depending on the specific
hardware and software you use. See <<http://>>
for more information including details on which processors support HT Technology.
Intel® 64 and IA-32 Intel Architectures Software Developer's Manual Volume 2A:
Instruction Set Reference, A-M
Intel® 64 and IA-32 Intel Architectures Software Developer's Manual Volume 2B:
Instruction Set Reference, N-Z
Intel® 64 and IA-32 Intel Architectures Software Developer's Manual Volume 3A: System
Programming Guide
Intel® 64 and IA-32 Intel Architectures Software Developer's Manual Volume 3B: System
Programming Guide
Document Title and Link
Errata are design defects or errors. Errata may cause the Intel
Pentium® 4
processor’s behavior to deviate from published specifications. Hardware and software
designed to be used with any given stepping must assume that all errata
documented for that stepping are present on all devices.
Specification Changes are modifications to the current published specifications.
These changes will be incorporated in the next release of the specifications.
Specification Clarifications describe a specification in greater detail or further
highlight a specification’s impact to a complex design situation. These clarifications
will be incorporated in the next release of the specifications.
Documentation Changes include typos, errors, or omissions from the current
published specifications. These changes will be incorporated in the next release of the
Note: Errata remain in the specification update throughout the product’s lifecycle, or until a
particular stepping is no longer commercially available. Under these circumstances,
errata removed from the specification update are archived and available upon
request. Specification changes, specification clarifications and documentation
changes are removed from the specification update when the appropriate changes
are made to the appropriate product specification or user documentation
(datasheets, manuals, etc.).
10 Specification Update
Summary Tables of Changes
Summary Tables of Changes
The following table indicates the Specification Changes, Errata, Specification
Clarifications or Documentation Changes, which apply to the listed MCH steppings.
Intel intends to fix some of the errata in a future stepping of the component, and to
account for the other outstanding issues through documentation or Specification
Changes as noted. This table uses the following notations:
Codes Used in Summary Table
X: Erratum, Specification Change or Clarification that applies
to this stepping.
Note: Each Specification Update item is prefixed with a capital letter to distinguish the
(No mark) or (Blank Box): This erratum is fixed in listed stepping or specification
change does not apply to listed stepping.
Doc: Document change or update that will be implemented.
PlanFix: This erratum may be fixed in a future stepping of the
Fixed: This erratum has been previously fixed.
NoFix: There are no plans to fix this erratum.
Shaded: This item is either new or modified from the previous
version of the document.
product. The key below details the letters that are used in Intel’s microprocessor
Specification Updates:
A = Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® processor 7000 sequence
C = Intel® Celeron® processor
D = Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® processor 2.80 GHz
Specification Update 11
Summary Tables of Changes
E = Intel® Pentium® III processor
F = Intel® Pentium® processor Extreme Edition and Intel® Pentium® D
Q = Mobile Intel® Pentium® 4 processor supporting Hyper-Threading technology
on 90-nm process technology
R = Intel® Pentium® 4 processor on 90 nm process
S = 64-bit Intel® Xeon® processor with 800 MHz system bus (1 MB and 2 MB L2
cache versions)
T = Mobile Intel® Pentium® 4 processor-M
U = 64-bit Intel® Xeon® processor MP with up to 8MB L3 cache
V = Mobile Intel® Celeron® processor on .13 micron process in Micro-FCPGA
W= Intel® Celeron® M processor
X = Intel® Pentium® M processor on 90nm process with 2-MB L2 cache and
Intel® processor A100 and A110 with 512-KB L2 cache
Y = Intel® Pentium® M processor
Z = Mobile Intel® Pentium® 4 processor with 533 MHz system bus
AA = Intel® Pentium® D processor 900 sequence and Intel® Pentium® processor
Extreme Edition 955, 965
AB = Intel® Pentium® 4 processor 6x1 sequence
AC = Intel(R) Celeron(R) processor in 478 pin package
AD = Intel(R) Celeron(R) D processor on 65nm process
AE = Intel® Core™ Duo processor and Intel® Core™ Solo processor on 65nm
AF = Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® processor LV
AG = Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® processor 5100 series
AH = Intel® Core™2 Duo/Solo processor for Intel® Centrino® Duo processor
AI = Intel® Core™2 Extreme processor X6800 and Intel® Core™2 Duo desktop
processor E6000 and E4000 sequence
12 Specification Update
Summary Tables of Changes
AJ = Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® processor 5300 series
AK = Intel® Core™2 Extreme quad-core processor QX6000 sequence and Intel®
Core™2 Quad processor Q6000 sequence
AL = Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® processor 7100 series
AM = Intel® Celeron® processor 400 sequence
AN = Intel® Pentium® dual-core processor
AO = Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® processor 3200 series
AP = Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® processor 3000 series
AQ = Intel® Pentium® dual-core desktop processor E2000 sequence
AR = Intel® Celeron® processor 500 series
AS = Intel® Xeon® processor 7200, 7300 series
AT = Intel® Celeron® processor 200 series
AU = Intel® Celeron® Dual Core processor T1400
AV = Intel® Core™2 Extreme processor QX9650 and Intel® Core™2 Quad
processor Q9000 series
AW = Intel® Core™ 2 Duo processor E8000 series
AX = Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® processor 5400 series
AY= Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® processor 5200 series
AZ = Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor and Intel® Core™2 Extreme Processor on 45-
nm Process
AAA = Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® processor 3300 series
AAB = Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® E3110 Processor
AAC = Intel® Celeron® dual-core processor E1000 series
AAD = Intel® Core™2 Extreme Processor QX9775Δ
AAE = Intel® Atom™ processor Z5xx series
AAF = Intel® Atom™ processor 200 series
AAG = Intel® Atom™ processor N series
No. B2 C1 D0 E0 B0 C1 D1 M0 Plan ERRATA
I/O restart in SMM may fail after
N1 X X X X X X X X No Fix
N2 X X X X X X X X No Fix
simultaneous machine check exception
MCA registers may contain invalid
information if RESET# occurs and
PWRGOOD is not held asserted
Specification Update 13
Summary Tables of Changes
No. B2 C1 D0 E0 B0 C1 D1 M0 Plan ERRATA
Uncacheable (UC) code in same line as
N3 X X X X Fixed
N4 X X X X X X X X No Fix Transaction is not retried after BINIT#
N5 X X X X X X X X No Fix
N6 X Fixed
N7 X Fixed
N8 X X X X X X X X No Fix
N9 X X X X X X X X No Fix
N10 X Fixed
N11 X Fixed
N12 X X X X X X X X No Fix
N13 X X X X X X X X No Fix
N14 X Fixed
N15 X X X X Fixed
N16 X X X X Fixed
N17 X X X X Fixed
N18 X Fixed
N19 X Fixed
N20 X X X X Fixed
write back (WB) data may lead to data
Invalid opcode 0FFFh requires a ModRM
RFO-ECC-snoop-MCA combination can
result in two lines being corrupted in
main memory
Overlap of MTRRs with the same
memory type results in a type of
uncacheable (UC)
FSW may not be completely restored
after page fault on FRSTOR or FLDENV
The Proce sso r Signals Pa ge-Fault Excep t ion
(#PF) Instead of Alignment Check Exception
(#AC) on an Unlocked CMPXCHG8B
IERR# may not go active when an
internal error occurs
All L2 cache uncorrectable errors are
logged as data writes
When in no-fill mode the memory type
of large pages are incorrectly forced to
Processor may hang due to speculative
page walks to non-existent system
Load operations may get stale data in
the presence of memory address
Writing a performance counter may
result in incorrect value
IA32_MC0_STATUS register overflow
bit not set correctly
Performance counter may contain
incorrect value after being stopped
The TAP drops the last bit during
instruction register shifting
Data breakpoints on the high half of a
floating point line split may not be
MCA error code field in
IA32_MC0_STATUS register may
become out of sync with the rest of the
14 Specification Update
Summary Tables of Changes
No. B2 C1 D0 E0 B0 C1 D1 M0 Plan ERRATA
N21 X Fixed
N22 X X X X X X X X No Fix
N23 X Fixed
N24 X Fixed
N25 X Fixed
N26 X Fixed
N27 X Fixed
N28 X Fixed
N29 X X Fixed
N30 X Fixed
N31 X Fixed
N32 X Fixed
N33 X Fixed
N34 X Fixed
N35 X Fixed
N36 X X Fixed
N37 X X X X X X X X No Fix
N38 X X X X X X X X No Fix
Processor may hang on a correctable
error and snoop combination
The IA32_MC1_STATUS register may
contain incorrect information for
correctable errors
MCA error incorrectly logged as
Speculative loads which hit the L2
cache and get an uncorrectable error
will log erroneous information
Processor may fetch reset vector from
cache if A20M# is asserted during init
A correctable error on an L2 cache
shared state line hit with go to invalid
snoop hangs processor
System hang due to uncorrectable
error and bus lock combination
Incorrect address for an L1 tag parity
error is logged in IA32_MC1_ADDR
REP MOV instruction with overlapping
source and destination may result in
data corruption
Stale data in processor translation
cache may result in hang
I/O buffers for FERR#, PROCHOT# and
RFO and correctable error combination
may cause lost store or hang
RFO and correctable error may
incorrectly signal the machine check
Processor may report invalid TSS fault
instead of double fault during mode C
IA32_MC0_STATUS incorrect after
illegal APIC request
Thermal status log bit may not be set
when the thermal control circuit is
Debug mechanisms may not function
as expected
Machine check architecture error
reporting and recovery may not work
Specification Update 15
Summary Tables of Changes
No. B2 C1 D0 E0 B0 C1 D1 M0 Plan ERRATA
as expected
N39 X X X X Fixed
N40 X X X X X X X X No Fix
N41 X Fixed
N42 X X X X Fixed
N43 X X X X X X X X No Fix
N44 X X X X Fixed
N45 X X Fixed
N46 X X Fixed
N47 X X X Fixed
N48 X X X X Fixed
N49 X X X X Fixed
N50 X X X X X Fixed
N51 X X X Fixed
N52 X X X X X X X X No Fix
N53 X X X X X Fixed
N54 X X X X Fixed
N55 X X X X X X X X No Fix
Processor may Timeout Waiting for a
Device to Respond after ~0.67 Seconds
Cascading of Performance Counters
does not work Correctly when Forced
Overflow is Enabled
Possible Machine Check Due to LineSplit Loads with Page-Tables in
Uncacheable (UC) Space
VALID bit may be set when no Valid
Address is Available
EMON event counting of x87 loads may
not work as expected
Software controlled clock modulation
using a 12.5% or 25% duty cycle may
cause the processor to hang
Speculative page fault may cause
PAT index MSB may be calculated
SQRTPD and SQRTSD may return
QNaN indefinite instead of negative
Bus invalidate line requests that return
unexpected data may result in L1
cache corruption
Write Combining (WC) load may result
in unintended address on system bus
Incorrect data may be returned when
page tables are in Write Combining
(WC) memory space
Buffer on resistance may exceed
Processor issues inconsistent
transaction size attributes for locked
Multiple accesses to the same S-state
L2 cache line and ECC error
combination may result in loss of cache
Processor may hang when resuming
from Deep Sleep state
When the processor is in the System
Management Mode (SMM), debug
registers may be fully writeable
16 Specification Update
Summary Tables of Changes
No. B2 C1 D0 E0 B0 C1 D1 M0 Plan ERRATA
Associated counting logic must be
N56 X X X X Fixed
configured when using Event Selection
Control (ESCR) MSR
N57 X X X X X X X X No Fix
registers will contain invalid or stale
data following a Data, Address, or
Response Parity Error
CR2 may be incorrect or an incorrect
N58 X X X X X Fixed
page fault error code may be pushed
onto stack after execution of an LSS
N59 X Fixed
BPM[5:3]# V
does not meet
Processor may hang under certain
N60 X X X X No Fix
frequencies and 12.5% STPCLK# duty
System may hang if a fatal cache error
causes Bus Write Line (BWL)
N61 X X X X X X X X No Fix
transaction to occur to the same cache
line address as an outstanding Bus
Read Line (BRL) or Bus Read-Invalidate
Line (BRIL)
N62 X X X X X Fixed
L2 cache may contain stale data in the
Exclusive state
Re-mapping the APIC base address to
N63 X X X X X X Fixed
a value less than or equal to
0xDC001000 may cause IO and Special
Cycle failure
N64 X X X Fixed
N65 X X X X X Fixed
Erroneous BIST result found in EAX
register after reset
Processor does not flag #GP on nonzero write to certain MSRs
Simultaneous assertion of A20M# and
N66 X X X X X X X X No Fix
INIT# may result in incorrect data
N67 X X X X X Fixed
N68 X X X X X X X X No Fix
N69 X X
N70 X Fixed
N71 X X X X No Fix
CPUID instruction returns incorrect
number of ITLB entries
A Write to an APIC Register Sometimes May
Appear to Have Not Occurred
STPCLK# Signal Assertion under
Certain Conditions May Cause a
System Hang
Store to Load Data Forwarding may
Result in Switched Data Bytes
Parity Error in the L1 Cache may Cause
the Processor to Hang
Specification Update 17
Summary Tables of Changes
No. B2 C1 D0 E0 B0 C1 D1 M0 Plan ERRATA
The TCK Input in the Test Access Port
N72 X X Fixed
N73 X X X No Fix
N74 X X
N75 X X X No Fix
N76 X X X X X X No Fix
N77 X X X X X X X X No Fix
N78 X X X X X X X X No Fix
N79 X X1 X1
N80 X X X X X X X X No Fix
N81 X X X X X X X X No Fix
N82 X X X No Fix
N83 X X X X X X X X
N84 X
N85 X X X No Fix
(TAP) is Sensitive to Low Clock Edge
Rates and Prone to Noise Coupling
Onto TCK's Rising or Falling Edges
Disabling a Local APIC Disables Both
Logical Processor APICs on a HyperThreading Technology Enabled
A circuit marginality in the 800 MHz
Front Side Bus power save circuitry
may cause a system and/or application
hang or may result in incorrect data
Using STPCLK# and Executing Code
From Very Slow Memory Could Lead to
a System Hang
Changes to CR3 Register do not Fence
Pending Instruction Page Walks
The State of the Resume Flag (RF Flag)
in a Task-State Segment (TSS) May be
Processor Provides a 4-Byte Store
Unlock After an 8-Byte Load Lock
Simultaneous Page Faults at Similar
Page Offsets on Both Logical Processors
of an Hyper-Threading Technology
Enabled Processor May Cause
Application Failure
System Bus Interrupt Messages
Without Data Which Receive a
HardFailure Response May Hang the
Memory Type of the Load Lock
Different from its Corresponding Store
Shutdown and IERR# May Result Due
to a Machine Check Exception on a
Hyper-Threading Technology Enabled
A 16-bit Address Wrap Resulting from
a Near Branch (Jump or Call) May
Cause an Incorrect Address to Be
Reported to the #GP Exception Handler
Simultaneous Cache Line Eviction From
L2 and L3 Caches may Result in the
Write Back of Stale Data
Locks and SMC Detection May Cause
the Processor to Temporarily Hang
18 Specification Update
Summary Tables of Changes
No. B2 C1 D0 E0 B0 C1 D1 M0 Plan ERRATA
Incorrect Debug Exception (#DB) May
N86 X X X X X X X X No Fix
Occur When a Data Breakpoint is set
on an FP Instruction
N87 X
N88 X X X X X X X X No Fix
Modified Cache Line Eviction From L2
Cache May Result in Writeback of Stale
xAPIC Ma y Not Report Some Illegal Vector
Incorrect Duty Cycle is Chosen whe n On-
N89 X X X
Demand Clock Modula tion is Enabled in a
Processor Supporting Hyper-Threading
Memory Aliasing of Pages as Uncacheable
N90 X X X X X X X X No Fix
Memory Type and Write Back (WB) May Hang
the System
N91 X X
N92 X X X No Fix
N93 X X X X X X X X No Fix
A Timing Marginality in the Instruction Decode r
Unit May Cause an Unpredictable Applicatio n
Behav ior and/or System Hang
Missing Stop Gran t Ackn owledge Special Bus
Cycle May Cause a System Hang
Check Exceptions May not Update LastExcept ion Record MSRs (LERs)
Stores to Page Tab l es May Not Be Visible to
N94 X X X X X X X X No Fix
Pagewalks for Subsequent Loads Without
Serializing or Inv alidating the Page Table Entry
N95 X X
A Timing Marginality in the Arithmetic Lo gic
Unit (ALU) May Cause Indeterminate Behavior
With TF (Trap Flag) Asserted , F P I nstruction
N96 X X X X X X X X No Fix
That Triggers an Unmasked FP Exception
May Take Sing le Step Tra p Before Retirement
of Instruction
BTS(Branch Trace Store) an d PEBS(Precise
N97 X X X X X X X X No Fix
Event Based Sampling) May Update Memory
outside the BTS/PEBS Buffer
Brand String Field Reports Incorrect Maximum
N98 X No Fix
Operating Frequency on Intel
Extreme Edition Proce ssor with 1066 MHz
Memory Ordering Failure May Occur wi th
Snoop Filtering Third Party Agents after
N99 X X X X X X X X No Fix
Issuing and Completing a BWIL (Bus Write
Invalidate Line) or BLW (Bus Locked Write)
Control Register 2 (CR2) Can be Updated
N100 X X X X X X X X No Fix
during a REP MOVS/STOS Instruction with
Fast Strings Enabled
N101 X X X X X X X X No Fix
Writing the Local Vector Table (LVT)
Pentium® 4
Specification Update 19
Summary Tables of Changes
No. B2 C1 D0 E0 B0 C1 D1 M0 Plan ERRATA
when an Interrupt is Pending May Cause an
Unexpected Interrupt
Using 2M/4M Pages When A20M# Is
N102 X X X X X X X X No Fix
N103 X X X X X X X X No Fix
N104 X X X X X X X X No Fix
1. For these steppings, this erratum may be worked around in BIOS.
Asserted May Result in Incorrect
Address Translations
Writing Shared Unaligned Data that
Crosses a Cache Line without Proper
Semaphores or Barriers May Expose a
Memory Ordering Issue
Debug Status Register (DR6)
Breakpoint Condition Detected Flags
May be set Incorrectly