Intel 945G - Bulk Single Unit Atx Exp User Manual

Intel® 945G Express Chipset Development Kit
April 2007
Reference #308823-002
Intel® 945G Express Chipset Develop m ent Kit User’s Manual
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† Hyper-Threading Technology (HT Technology) requires a computer system with an Intel Technology and an HT Technology-enabled chipset, BIOS, and operating system. Performance will vary depending on the specific hardware and software you use. See for more information including which processors support HT Technology.
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945G Express Chipset Development Kit User’s Manual may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause
Pentium® 4 processor supporting HT
Reference #308823
Intel® 945G Express Chipset Develop m ent Kit User’s Manual
1 About Th is Ma nua l..........................................................................................................6
1.1 Content Overview..............................................................................................................6
1.2 Text Conventions.............................................................................................................. 6
1.3 Glossary of Terms and Acronyms......................................................................................7
1.4 Support Options ................................................................................................................ 9
1.4.1 Electroni c Support Systems...............................................................................................9
1.4.2 Additional Technical Support............................................................................................. 9
1.5 Product Literature ..............................................................................................................9
1.6 Related Documents.........................................................................................................10
2 Development Kit F eatures.............................................................................................11
2.1 Overview.........................................................................................................................11
2.1.1 Intel® 945G Express Platform Feat ur es and Benef its .......................................................12
2.1.2 Development Kit Features Summary ...............................................................................13
2.2 Development Kit Hardware Lists......................................................................................14
2.3 Software Key Features....................................................................................................14
2.3.1 AMI* BIOS.......................................................................................................................14
2.4 Processor Featur es and Oper ation..................................................................................15
2.4.1 Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor 551......................................................................................15
2.4.2 Intel® Celeron® D Processor 341......................................................................................16
2.5 Intel® 945G Express Chipset Feat ur es and Oper ation......................................................16
2.5.1 Intel® 945G Memory Controller Hub ((G ) M CH) .................................................................17
2.5.2 Intel® I/O Controller Hub 7 (ICH7)....................................................................................19
2.5.3 Power Management ........................................................................................................21
3 Setting Up the Develop ment Kit ...................................................................................23
3.1 Overview.........................................................................................................................23
3.2 Additional Hardware and Software Required ....................................................................23
3.3 Setting up the Evaluation Board.......................................................................................24
3.3.1 Memory Configurations ...................................................................................................25
3.3.2 Audio Subsystem Configurations .....................................................................................28
3.3.3 LAN Subsystem Configurations.......................................................................................29
3.3.4 Intel® Active Management Technology (Optional) ............................................................31
3.3.5 Configu rin g th e BIOS.......................................................................................................32
3.4 Error Messages and Beep Codes....................................................................................32
3.4.1 Speaker ..........................................................................................................................32
3.4.2 BIOS Beep Codes...........................................................................................................32
3.4.3 BIOS Error Messages......................................................................................................33
3.4.4 Port 80h POST Codes.....................................................................................................33
4 Hardware References....................................................................................................38
4.1 Overview.........................................................................................................................38
4.1.1 Board Layout...................................................................................................................39
4.1.2 Back Panel Connectors ...................................................................................................41
4.2 Primary Features.............................................................................................................41
4.2.1 Core Components ...........................................................................................................42
4.2.2 Expansion Slots and Sockets ..........................................................................................42
4.3 Secondary Features........................................................................................................46
4.3.1 Jumper Settings..............................................................................................................47
4.3.2 LEDs...............................................................................................................................47
4.3.3 Front Panel Header ( P ower up and Reset) ......................................................................47
4.4 Headers ..........................................................................................................................48
Reference #308823
Intel® 945G Express Chipset Develop m ent Kit User’s Manual
4.4.1 Evaluation Board Headers...............................................................................................48
4.4.2 ATX Power Connectors...................................................................................................49
4.4.3 IDE Connector.................................................................................................................50
4.4.4 SATA Pinout ...................................................................................................................50
4.4.5 Fan Connectors...............................................................................................................51
4.4.6 Front Panel USB Header.................................................................................................51
4.4.7 Front Panel Audio Header ...............................................................................................51
4.4.8 Front Panel Header.........................................................................................................52
4.4.9 Serial Port Header...........................................................................................................52
4.5 Thermal Considerations...................................................................................................53
Figure 1 Intel® 945G/ICH7 Platform Bloc k Diagram .......................................................................11
Figure 2 Memory Channel and DIMM Configuration ......................................................................27
Figure 3 Dual Channel (Interleaved) Mode Confi gur ation with 2x DIMMs.......................................27
Figure 4 Dual Channel (Interleaved) Mode Confi gur ation with 3x DIMMs.......................................27
Figure 5 Dual Channel (Interleaved) Mode Confi gur ation with 4x DIMMs.......................................28
Figure 6 Single Channel (Asymmetric) Mode Configuration with 1x DIMM.....................................28
Figure 7 Single Channel (Asymmetric) Mode Configuration with 3x DIMMs ...................................28
Figure 8 Back Panel Audio Connect or Options for 8-channel Audio Subsystem............................. 29
Figure 9 LAN Connector LED locati ons .........................................................................................30
Figure 10 Evaluation Board Layout..................................................................................................38
Figure 11 Evaluation Boar d M ajor Com ponents...............................................................................39
Figure 12 Back Panel I/O Connectors..............................................................................................41
Figure 13 Evaluation Board Main Jumpers......................................................................................46
Figure 14 Front Panel Header.........................................................................................................48
Figure 15 Processor Heat Si nk for Om ni- Directional Airflow.............................................................53
Figure 16 Localized High Temperature Zones.................................................................................54
Table 1 Intel Literature Centers......................................................................................................9
Table 2 Related Documents.........................................................................................................10
Table 3 Key Features and Benef its of the Intel® 945G Express Platform.......................................12
Table 4 Development Kit Features Summary ...............................................................................13
Table 5 Effects of Power Switch Pressing Duration......................................................................22
Table 6 Back Panel Task (Audio) .................................................................................................29
Table 7 LAN Connector LED Status .............................................................................................30
Table 8 Beep Codes ....................................................................................................................32
Table 9 Error Messages ...............................................................................................................33
Table 10 Port 80h POST Code Ranges..........................................................................................33
Table 11 Port 80h POST Codes.....................................................................................................34
Table 12 Typical Port 80h POST Sequence ...................................................................................36
Table 13 Evaluation Boar d Components ........................................................................................39
Reference #308823
Intel® 945G Express Chipset Develop m ent Kit User’s Manual
Table 14 Back Panel I/O Connectors..............................................................................................41
Table 15 Core Components ...........................................................................................................42
Table 16 Expansion Slots and Sockets ..........................................................................................42
Table 17 Intel® sDVO to PCI Express* Connector Mapping for MEC Cards ....................................43
Table 18 PCI Express* (x1) Pi nout.................................................................................................45
Table 19 Jumpers........................................................................................................................ ..47
Table 20 Boot Select Opti ons for J 3601 and J 3602........................................................................47
Table 21 LEDs...............................................................................................................................47
Table 22 Front Panel Jumper Setting.............................................................................................48
Table 23 Evaluation Board Headers...............................................................................................48
Table 24 2x12 ATX Power Connector ............................................................................................49
Table 25 2x2 Auxiliary 12V Power Connector.................................................................................49
Table 26 IDE Connector.................................................................................................................50
Table 27 SATA Pinout ...................................................................................................................50
Table 28 Fan Connectors...............................................................................................................51
Table 29 Front Panel USB Header.................................................................................................51
Table 30 Front Panel Audio Header ...............................................................................................51
Table 31 Front Panel Header ( J 7J 2) ..............................................................................................52
Table 32 Serial Port Header ( J 2B 1) ................................................................................................52
Revision History
Date Revision Description
April 2007 002 Updated Section 2.2 to reflect that heat sink fan is pre
August 20 05 001 Initial release
installed. Updated Section 3.3 to add safety warning.
Reference #308823
Intel® 945G Express Chipset Develop m ent Kit User’s Manual
About Th is Ma nua l
1 About This Manual
This us er’s manual descr ibes the u se of t he Intel® 945G® Express Chipset Development Kit. Th is manual ha s been written for OEM s, system evaluators, and embedded system developers. All jumpers, headers, LED functions, and their locations on the board, along with subsystem fea tur es and POST codes, are defined in th is document .
For the latest information about the Intel reference platform, visit:
945G® Express Chipset Development Kit
For design documents related to this platform, such as schematics and bill of materials, pleas e conta ct your Intel field sa les repr esentative.
1.1 Content Overview
Chapter 1: About This Manu al
Description of conventions used in this manual. The last few sections explain how to obtain literature and contact customer support.
Chapter 2: D ev elo p m ent Kit Features
Describes de velop men t kit features and board capability. This includes the inform ation on the pr ocessor featur es, com ponent features an d operati on, and overa ll developm ent kit board capability.
Chapter 3: Setting Up the Development Kit Board
Complete instructions on how to configure the evaluation board and processor assembly by setting jumpers, connecting peripherals, providing power, and configuring the BIOS.
Chapter 4: H ardware Reference
Description of jumper settings and functions, board debug capabilities, and pinout information for connectors.
1.2 Text Conventions
The following notations may be used throughout this manual.
# The pound symbol (#) appended to a signal name indicates that the signal is
active low.
Variables Vari ables ar e shown in ita lics. Var iables mu s t be replaced wi th corr ect valu es. Instructions Instr uction mnemonics are shown in upper case. When you are progr amming,
instructi on s ar e n ot case sensitive. You may use either upper cas e or lower case.
Numbers Hexadecimal numbers are represented by a string of h ex adecimal digits
followed by the character H. A zero prefix is added to numbers that begin with A through F (e.g., FF is shown as 0FFH). Decimal and bin ary number s ar e represented by their customary notations. (That is, 255 is a decimal number and 1111 1111 is a binary number. In some cases, the letter B is added for clarity.)
Reference #308823
Intel® 945G Express Chipset Develop m ent Kit User’s Manual
About Th is Ma nua l
Units of Measure The foll o wi ng abbrevi ations are us ed t o represen t units of measure:
A amps, amperes GByte gigabytes KByte kilobytes KΩ kilo-o hms mA milliamps, millia mp eres MByte megabytes MHz megahertz ms milliseconds mW milliwatts ns nanoseconds pF picofarads W watts V volts
Signal Names Signal names are shown in uppercase. When several signals share a common
name, an individual signal is represented by the signal name followed by a number, while the group is represented by the signal name followed by a variable (n). F or exampl e, the lower chip-sel ect sign als are nam ed CS0 #, CS1#, CS2#, and so on; they are collectively call ed C S n#. A pound sym bol (#) appen d ed to a signal nam e identifi es an active-low sign al. Port pin s ar e repr esented by the port abbreviat ion, a period, and the pin number (e.g., P 1. 0 ).
1.3 Glossar y of Terms and Acronyms
This section defines conventions and terminology used throughout this document.
Term Description
ADD2+ Card Advanced Digital Display Card – 2nd Generation. Provides digital display options for
ACPI Advanc ed Configur ation an d Pow er In t erface BLT Block Level Tran sfer Core Th e internal base logic in the (G)MCH CRT Cathode Ray Tube DBI Dynamic Bus Inversion DDR Double Data Rate SDRAM memory technology DDR2 A second generation Double Data Rate SDRAM memory technology DMI (G)MCH-Intel® ICH7 Direct Media Interface DVI Digital Video Interface. Specification that defines the connector and interface for
FSB Front Side B us .Synonym ous with h ost or process or bus . Full Reset Full reset is when PWROK is de-asserted. Warm reset is when both RSTIN# and
an Intel graphics controller that supports ADD2+ cards. It plugs into a x16 PCI Express* connector but uses the multiplexed SDVO interface. The card adds Video In capabilities. This card will not wor k with an I nt el graphics c ontr ol ler that supp ort s DVO and ADD c ards . I t will f u nc ti on as an ADD2 card in an ADD2-su pp orted system, but Video In capabilities will not work.
digital dis p lays.
PWROK are asserted.
Reference #308823
Intel® 945G Express Chipset Develop m ent Kit User’s Manual
About Th is Ma nua l
Term Description
GMCH Graphics Memory Controller Hub. Component that contains the processor interface,
Host This term is used synonymously with processor. Intel® DVO Digital Video Out port. Term used for the first generation of Intel Graphics
Intel® ICH7 Seventh generation I/O Controller Hub component that contains additional
LCD Liquid Crystal Display. LVDS Low Voltage Differential Signaling. A high speed, low power data transmission
MCH Memory Controller Hub. Component that contains the processor interface, DRAM
MEC Media Expansion Card, also known as ADD2+ card. Refer to ADD2+ term for
PCI Express Third Generation input/output graphics attach called PCI Express Graphics. PCI
Primary PCI The Primary PCI is the physical PCI bus that is driven directly by the ICH7
SDVO Serial Digital Video Out. A digital display channel that serially transmits digital
SDVO Device Third party codec that uses SDVO as an input. May have a variety of output
SMI System Management Interrupt. SMI is used to indicate any of several system
UMA Unified Memory Architecture. Describes an integrated graphics device using system
DRAM controller, x16 PCI Express port (typically, the external graphics interface), and integrated graphics device (IGD). It communicates with the Intel Hub 7 (ICH7) and other I/O controller hubs over the DMI interconnect. In this docu ment G MCH refers to the Intel
Controller’s digital display channels. Digital display data is provided in a parallel format. This int er face is not electrically compatible with the 2 display channel discussed in this document – SDVO.
functionality compared to previous ICHs. The I/O Controller Hub component contains th e pr i m ary P CI int erfac e, LPC int erface, USB 2, ATA-1 00, and other I/O functi ons . It c omm un icates wi th th e (G)MCH ov er a propriet ary interc on n ect c all ed Direct Media Interface (DMI).
standard used for display connections to LCD panels.
controller, and x16 PCI Express port (typically, the external graphics interface). It communicates with the I/O controller hub (ICH7) and other I/O controller hubs over the DMI interconnect. In this document MCH refers to the 82945P MCH component.
Express is a high-speed serial interface whose configuration is software compatible with the existing PCI specifications. The specific PCI Express implementation intended for connecting the (G)MCH to an external Graphics Controller is a x16 link and replaces AGP.
component. Communication between Primary PCI and the (G)MCH occurs over DMI . Note that the Primary PCI bus is not PCI Bus 0 from a configuration standpoint.
displ ay d ata t o an ext er n al SD V O device. Th e SDVO device accepts this seriali z ed format and then translates the data into the appropriate display format (i.e., TMDS, LVDS, TV-Out). This interface is not electrically compatible with the previous digital display channel (DVO). For the 82945G GMCH, it will be multiplexed on a portion of the x16 graphics PCI Express interface.
formats, including DVI, LVDS, HDMI, TV-Out, etc.
conditions (such as, thermal sensor events, throttling activated, access to System Management RAM, chassis open, or other system state related activity).
memory for its frame buffers.
82945G GMCH component.
I/O Controller
generati on digit al
Reference #308823
Intel® 945G Express Chipset Develop m ent Kit User’s Manual
About Th is Ma nua l
1.4 Support Options
1.4.1 Electronic Support Systems
Intel’s site on the World Wi d e Web ( provides up-to-date technical information and product support. This information is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, providing technical infor mation whenever you need it.
Product documentation is provided online in a variety of web-friendly formats at:
1.4.2 Additional Technical Support
If you require additional technical support, please contact your field sales representative or local distributor.
1.5 Product Literature
Product literature can be ordered from the following Intel literature centers:
Table 1 Intel Literature Centers
Location Telephone Number
U.S. and Canada 1-800-548-4725 U.S. (from overseas) 708-296-9333 Europe (U.K.) 44(0)1793-431155 Germany 44(0)1793-421333 France 44(0)1793-421777 Japan (fax only) 81(0)120-47-88-32
Reference #308823
Intel® 945G Express Chipset Develop m ent Kit User’s Manual
About Th is Ma nua l
1.6 Related Documents
Table 2 Related Documents
Document Title Order Number
Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor 570/571, 560/561, 550/551, 540/541 , 53 0/ 5 31 and 520/521 Su pp or ti n g H yp er- T hreadin g Technology and supporting Intel
Intel® Pentium® 4 Proces sor o n 9 0 nm P roces s Specificati o n Update
Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor on 90 nm Pr oc ess in the 77 5- L an d LGA Package Thermal and Mechanical Design Guidelines
Intel® Celeron® D Processors 335, 33 0, 3 25, and 320 Datasheet
Intel® Celeron® D Processors 335, 33 0, 3 25, and 320 Specification Update
LGA775 Socket Mechanical Design Guide 302666 Voltage Regulator Down (VRD) 10.1 Design Guide for Desktop
LGA775 Socket Intel® Pentium 4 Pr oc es sor in the 77 5-L and LGA Pac k ag e f or
Embedded Applications Thermal Design Guide Intel® Celeron D Processor in the 775-Land LGA Package for
Embedded Applications Thermal Design Guide Intel® 945G/945P Express Chipset Family Datasheet 307502 Intel® 945G/P Express Chipset Family Memory Controller Hub
Specification Update Intel® 945G/P Express Chipset Family Thermal and Mechanical
Design Guidelines Intel® I/O Controller Hub 7 (ICH7) Family Datasheet 307013 Intel® I/O Controller Hub 7 (ICH7) Specification Update 307014 Intel® I/O Controller Hub 7 (ICH7) Thermal Design Guidelines:
For the Intel Controller Hubs
PCI Lo cal Bus Specification, Rev. 2.3 PCI Express Specification, Rev 1.0a, July 22, 2002
Datasheet: On 90nm in 775-land LGA Package
Extend ed M em ory 64 Tec hn ol og y
82801GB ICH7 and 82801GR ICH7R I/O
Reference #308823
Intel® 945G Express Chipset Develop m ent Kit User’s Manual
533/800 MHz FSB
Display MEC
Super I/O
Other ASICs
AC '97 / Intel
SMBus 2.0 / I
PCI Express* x1
PCI Express
Flash BIOS
Development Kit F eatures
2 Development Kit Features
2.1 Overview
This chapter provides a platform overview of the Intel® 945G Express Chipset platform.
The Int el 551 and Intel Intel (ICH7) Family for the I/O subsystem.
Figur e 1 shows an ex ample system block di agram for the 945G Express Chipset.
Figure 1 Intel
945G Express Chipset is designed for use with the Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor
82945G GMCH (or MCH) for the host bridge, and Intel® I/O Controller Hub 7
945G/ICH7 Platform Block Diagram
Celeron® D Processor 3 4 1. Each chi p s et contains two compon ents: the
Gigabit Ethernet
Graphics C ard
USB 2.0
8 ports, 480 Mb/s
4 SATA Ports
Definition Audio CODECs
Analog Disp lay
PCI Express x16 Graphics
Intel® 82945G GMCH
DMI Interface
Intel® ICH7 Family
LPC Interface
Intel® 945G Express Chipset
Channel A
Channel B
Power Management
Clock Generation
LAN Connect
System Management (TCO)
System Memory
Reference #308823
Intel® 945G Express Chipset Develop m ent Kit User’s Manual
Development Kit F eatures
2.1.1 Intel® 945G Express Platform Features and Benefits
The 945G Express platform is designed to support several processor types: Intel® Pentium 4 Process or on 90n m Process in the 775-land LGA Pa ck age and the Intel® Celeron® D Processor. The only processor included in this development kit will be the Pentium 4 processor.
The Intel 945G Express Chipset includes the Intel ICH7 or Intel
82801GR ICH7R (not offered in the development kit).
The foll o wi ng table lists th e major features present on the Intel Section 2.1.2 will summarize the development kit features.
Table 3 Key Features and Benefits of the Intel
Features Benefits
82945G (G)MCH and Intel® 82801GB
945G Express platform.
945G Express Platform
800/533 MHz FSB Supports the Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor with HT Technology† and
PCI Express Interface The PCI Express x16 graphics interface delivers more than 3.5 times
Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator (GMA) 950
Intel® High Definition Audio
Intel® Matrix Storage Technology
Intel® Active Management Technology
Serial ATA (SATA-II) -
1.5/3 Gb/s Dual Channel DDR2,
533/667 MHz
Intel® Flex Memory Technology
the Intel the LGA775 socket, with scalability for future processor innovations.
the band wi dt h ov er a tr ad it i on al AG P 8 X inter face and su pp ort s th e latest high-performance graphics cards. The PCI Express x1 I/O ports offer 3.5 tim es th e b and w idth over tr adition al PC I arc hitectur e, deliver in g faster access to peri pheral d evices and n et w or ki ng .
Deliver s rich vis u al c olor and pict ure clarit y wi th ou t th e need for additional discrete graphics cards.
Integrated audio support enables premium home theater sound and delivers ad van ced f eatur es such as mul ti ple audi o str eams and jack re-tasking. The Dolby* PC Entertainment Experience is available exclus i vel y on s ystems with I nt el
Provides quicker fil e access with RAID 0, 5, and 10, and prot ection against data loss from a hard disk drive failure with RAID 1, 5, and 10. This feature requires the ICH7R (n ot of fered in the develop me nt k it).
Enables remote , down-the-wire management of out-of-band networked systems regardless of system state. Helps improve IT effici ency, ass et man ag em en t an d s yst em s ecur i t y an d av ail ab ility.
High-speed storage interface supports faster transfer rate for improv ed d at a access.
Delivers up to 10.7 GB/s of bandwidth and 4 GB memory addressability for faster system responsiveness and support of 64-bit computing.
Facilit ates easier upgrad es by all ow i ng different m em ory sizes to b e populated and remain in dual-channel mode.
Celeron® D Processor (not offered in this development kit) in
High Definition Audio.
Reference #308823
Intel® 945G Express Chipset Develop m ent Kit User’s Manual
Development Kit F eatures
2.1.2 Develo pm e nt Ki t Fe at ur e s Summ ary
This sect ion sum marizes the actual developm ent kit featur es .
Table 4 Development Kit Features Summary
Form Factor
Legacy I/O Control
microATX (9.60 x 9.60 inches)
Pentium® 4 Processor 551 in the 775-lan d LG A p ac k age
Intel Suppor ts a 533/800 MH z front side bus
Hyper-Threading Technology
Extended Memory 64 Technology (EM64T)
(HT Technology)
DDR2 533/667 dual-channel system memory interface (DIMM sockets) Four 240-pin DDR2 SDRAM DIMM sockets (two per channel) Support for unbuffered, non-ECC DDR2 SDRAM modules Supports 128 MB to 4 G B of system memory 256 Mbit, 51 2 M bit , or 1 Gbit tec hn ol ogy
945G Express Chipset, consisting of:
82945G Graphics Memory Controller Hub ((G)MCH)
• Intel
82801GB I/O Controller Hub 7 (ICH7)
• Intel Option of eith er us in g int egrated gr ap hic s s yst em or external PC I E xpress
graphics port:
GMA950 integrated graphics subsystem
Intel Supports Intel
Media Expansion Card (MEC, also known as ADD2+) for additi on al dig i t al dis p l ay such as DVI, LV D S , etc . d ep end in g on t h e m edi a expansion card features.
Support s ext er n al PC I Express (x1 6) graphic s c ard
High Definition Audio subsystem:
Intel 8-chann el (7 .1) audio subsystem and tw o S/P D IF di gital aud i o outp uts
using the Realtek* ALC882 audio codec. Legacy I/O controller for diskette drive, serial, parallel, and PS/2 ports
Peripheral Int erf a ce s
LAN Support
Expansion Capabilities
Reference #308823
Four SATA 1.5/3.0 Gb/s ports One Pa rallel A TA IDE interface with UDMA 33, ATA-66/100 support Six Universal Serial Bus (USB) 2.0 ports PS/2-st yl e k e yb o ard and PS/2 m ouse (6-pin mini-DIN) connectors One VGA connector provides access to integrated graphics Six audi o con nectors (Line-in, Li n e- ou t, MIC-in, Sur round L/R, Surround
L/R Rear, Center) driven by Intel High Definition Audio Two Audio SPDIF connectors One parallel port One disk ette drive int er f ac e
Gigabit (10/100/1000 Mbits/s) LAN subsystem using the Intel
82573 E
Gigabit Ethernet Controller Support for Advanced configuration and power interface (ACPI), plug and
play, and S MBIO S AMI system BIOS
Two conventional PCI bus connectors One PCI Express x16 bus add-in card connector One PCI Express x1 bus add-in card connector
Intel® 945G Express Chipset Develop m ent Kit User’s Manual
Development Kit F eatures
Hardware Monito r Subsystem
Hardware monitoring and fan control ASIC Voltage sense to detect out of range power supply voltages Thermal sense to detect out of range thermal values Three fan connectors Three fan sense inputs used to monitor fan activity Fan speed control
2.2 Development Kit Hardware Lists
The following hardware is included in the development kit:
1x Intel® 945G Express Chipset Development Kit reference board.
1x Intel
1x Pre-installed CPU fan heat sink
2x 512 MByte DDR2 533 unbuffered DIMMs
1x Pre-progr amme d and installed fir mware hub
1x Pre-installed Type 2032, socketed 3V lithium coin cell battery
1x Pre-installed (G)MCH heat sink
1x Pre-installed ICH7 heat sink
Jum per ( for boa rd power-on)
1x Intel
Pentium® 4 Processor 551 with HT Technology (at 3.4 GHz)
945G Express Chipset Development Kit Software CD-ROM
2.3 Software Key Features
The software in the kit was chosen to facilitate development of real-time applications based on th e components u s ed in the evaluation board. The driver CD included in the kit cont ains all of the software drivers necessary for basic system functionality under the following operating systems: Microsoft* Windows* 2000/XP/XP Embedded, and Linux*.
Note: While every car e wa s taken to en s ure the lat es t version of drivers were pr ovi d ed on the
enclosed CD at t ime of publi c ation, newer revision s m ay be available . Updated dri ve rs for Intel components can be found at:
For all th ird party components, pl ease conta ct the appropriate vendor for updated drivers.
Note: Software in the kit is provided free by th e ve ndor an d is only lic ensed for evalu ation
purposes. Refer to the documentation in the evaluation kit for further details on any terms and
conditions that may be applicable to the granted licenses. Customers using the tools that work with Microsoft products must license those products. Any targets created by those tools sh ould also have a ppropria te li c enses. Software included in t he kit is su bj e ct to change. Refer to for details on addition al software from oth e r third- pa rt y vendors.
2.3.1 AMI* BIOS
This developmen t kit ships pre-installe d with AMI BI O S pre-boot fir mware from AMI. AMI BIOS provides an industry-standard BIOS platform to run most standard operating systems, including Windows 2000/XP/XP Embedded, Linux, and others.
Reference #308823
Intel® 945G Express Chipset Develop m ent Kit User’s Manual
Development Kit F eatures
2.4 Processor Features and Operation
The foll o wi ng sect ion provid es a detail ed view at processor features and oper ation.
2.4.1 Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor 551
The main differ en t between the Pentium 4 process or 550 and the 551 is th at the 551 supports Intel
Extended Memory 64 Technology (EM64T), while the 550 does not. The
rest of the features are th e s ame.
The Intel Pentium 4 processor 551 supports Intel (EM64T ) as an enhan cement to the IA-32 Intel
Extended Memory 64 Technology
Architectur e. Th is enhan cement enabl es the processor to execute operating systems and applications written to take advantage of EM64T features. With appropriate 64-bit supporting hardware and software, platforms based on an Intel processor supporting EM64T can use extended virtual and physical memory.
In addition to supporting all the existing Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (SSE2), there are 13 new instructions that further extend the capabilities of Intel processor technology. These new ins tructions, called Str eaming SIM D Extensions 3 (SSE3), enhance the performance of optimized applications for the digital home such as video, image processing, and media compression technology.
The pr ocessor’ s Intel NetBurst
microar ch itecture front side bus uses a s p lit-tr ansaction, deferred reply protocol. The Net Bu rst micr oarchitecture F SB u ses s ource-s yn ch ronou s transfer ( S ST) of a ddress and data to improve p e rformance by transferring data four tim e s per bus clock. Along with the 4x data bus, the address bus can deliver addresses two times per bus clock and i s r e ferred to as a “dou ble-clocked ” or 2x address bus. Features of the processor include:
Binary compatible with applications running on previous members of the Intel
microp rocessor line
NetBurst microarchitecture
System bus frequency at 533/800 MHz
775-Land LGA Package
Supports EM64T Technology
Rapid Ex ecu tion Eng ine: ari th metic log ic units ( A LUs) run at twi ce the processor
core freq uenc y
Supports Hyper-Threading Technology (HT Technology)
Hyper Pipelined Technology Advance Dyna mic Execution Very deep out- of-order execution
Enhanced branch predi ction
16 KByte Level 1 data cache
1 MByte Adva nced Transfer Ca che (on- d ie, full - s p eed Level 2 (L2) cache) with 8-
way associ ati vely and Err or C or rectin g C od e ( ECC)
144 Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (SSE2) and 13 Streaming SIMD Extensions 3
(SSE3) instructions.
Enhanced floating point and multimedia unit for enhanced video, audio, encryption,
and 3D performance
Power ma n agement capabilit ies
Reference #308823
Intel® 945G Express Chipset Develop m ent Kit User’s Manual
Development Kit F eatures
System Management mode Multiple low-power states
Optimized for 32-bit applications running on advanced 32-bit operating systems
2.4.2 Intel® Celeron® D Processor 341
Note: This processor is not available in this development kits
The Int el with efficient power usage. It is binary compatible with previous Intel Architecture processors. Featur es of the process or include:
Binary compatible with applications running on previous members of the Intel
NetBurst microarchitecture
Support EM64T Technology
System bus frequency at 533 MHz
Rapid Ex ecu tion Engine: Ar ithmeti c Log ic Units (ALUs) run at twice the processor
Hyper Pipelined Technology
Enhanced branch predi ction
16 KByte Level 1 data cache
256 KByte Advanced Transfer Cache (on-die, full-speed Level 2 (L2) cache) with 8-
144 Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (SSE2) and 13 Streaming SIMD Extensions 3
Power Management capabilities
Optimized for 32-bit applications running on advanced 32-bit operating systems
Celeron® D Processor provid es ex cep tion al value and balanced performan ce
microp rocessor line
core frequency.
Advance Dyna mic Execution Very deep out- of-order execution
way associ ati vely and Err or C or rectin g C od e ( ECC)
(SSE3) instructions.
System Management mode Multiple low-power states
2.5 Intel® 945G Express Chipset Features and Operation
The Intel 945G Express Chip s e t platfor m is de s ign e d base d on the 32- bit IA -32 Intel® Architecture.
The MCH connects t o the processor as sh own in Figure 1. The prim ary role of an M C H in a system is to manage the flow of information between its interfaces: the processor inter face (FSB), the system memor y interfa ce ( D RAM controll er), the integrated graphics interface, the extern al graph ics inter face (PCI Express) , and th e I/ O con troll er th rough the DMI int erface. Th is inclu des arbitrating bet we en the four inter fa ces when ea ch initia tes transactions. The ICH7 will provide extensive I/O support. The functions and capabilities include PCI Express, PCI, Serial ATA, USB, IDE, and much more.
Reference #308823
Intel® 945G Express Chipset Develop m ent Kit User’s Manual
Development Kit F eatures
2.5.1 Intel® 945G Memory Controller Hub ((G)MCH)
The Int el® 945G Express Chipset (G)MCH provides the processor interface optimized for Intel Pentium 4 Processors, system memory interface, DMI, and internal/external graphics. It provides flexibility and scalability in graphics and memory subsystem performance. The following sections describe the reference board’s implementation of the Intel 945G Express Chipset (G)MCH features.
1202 FCBGA package (34 mm x 34 mm)
533/800 MHz processor system bus
32-bit host bus addressin g
12 deep in -order qu eu e
Processor support for the Pentium 4 Processor with HT Technology in the 775-Land
LGA Package and th e Celeron D Processor .
System memory controller (DDR2 implemented) Supports Dual Channel or Single Channel operation Four DIMM slots (2 DIMM per channel) DDR2 533/667 MHz
Dir ect Media Interface (D M I )
Integrated graphic s based on the Inte lDirectly supports on-board VGA connector Supports resolutions up to 2048 x 1536 @ 75 Hz refresh.
SDVO interface via Media Expansion Card connector provides maxim um displa y
Operates in Single Chan nel an d Dua l Ch an nel modes. Flat panels up to 2048x1536 @ 60 Hz or digital CRT/HDTV at 1920x1080
@ 8 Hz.
Dual independent display options with digital display.
Graphics Media Accelerator 950 System Memory
The customer reference board supports DDR2 533/667 MHz main memory. Four 240-pin DIMM connectors (two per channel) on the board support unbuffered, non-ECC, single and double-sided DDR2 400/533 MHz DIMMs. These DIMMs provide the ability to use up to 1 Gbit technology for a maximum of 4 GBytes system memory.
The syst em memory control l er will operate in th ree modes: S ingle Ch an nel, Dual Ch an nel, and Virtual Single Channel. Best performance is obtained in Dual Channel mode. In order to run in Dual Channel mode, both channels must contain the same total amount of memory. It is not necessary to have identical DIMM configurations. For more information on how to configure the system memory, refer to Section 3.3.1, “Memory Configurations.” Direct Media Interface (DMI)
The Int el 945G Express MCH’s Direct Med ia Interface (DMI) provides a hi gh-speed bi ­directional chip-to-chip interconnect for communication with the Intel (not included with the development kit). PCI Express* x16 Graphic Interface
The (G)MCH contains one 16-lane (x16) PCI Express port intended for an external PCI Expr ess graphi cs card. The P CI Ex press port is compl ian t to the PC I Ex press Base
Reference #308823
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