Intel 910 Series Installation Manual

Intel® Solid-State Drive 910 Series
This guide describes how to install the Intel® Solid-State Drive 910 Series.
System Requirements
System with an available PCI Express* (PCI e) Gen 2.0 x8 or x16 slot
Supported operating s y s tem :
- Microsoft Windows Server* 2008 R 2 SP1/SP2, Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2, Windows* 7
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux* 5.5, 5. 6, 6.1, SUSE* Linux Enterprise Server 11
Intel Solid-State D r ive 910 Series Device D r ivers (available for download from: )
Installing the Intel SSD 910 Series cons ists of two main steps:
Install the SSD in the System
• Install the Devic e Driver
Installation Guide
Install the SSD in the System
1. Unpack the Intel SSD 910 Series and inspect it for dam a ge.
Unpack the SSD in a static-free environ m ent. Remove the SSD from the antistatic bag and carefully ins pect the drive for damage. If you notice any dama g e, or if any component is missing, contac t your Intel representative.
Important: Backup your data before changing your system configuration.
2. Prepar e th e c om puter.
Turn off the computer an d remove the power cord from the back of the pow er supply . Remove the cover from th e chassis.
Warning: Disconne c t the computer from the power supply a nd from any networks before
installing the S SD
3. Record th e s er ial number of the Intel SSD 910 Series a nd the PCIe slot number where the SSD
will be installed. This information can be useful at a later time for troubleshoo ting purposes.
Order Number: 327189-001
April 2012
Solid-State Drive 910 Serie s
4. Insert the Intel SSD 910 Series in an available PCIe slot.
Locate an empty PCIe Gen 2.0 x8 or x16 slot. Ensure that the s lot is electrically x8 or higher. This can be confirmed by reading th e s lot description on th e motherboard, or, by checking the supporting documentati on of the motherboard. (Note: The dr iv e m a y show degraded performance if plugged into a slot that is not electrically x8 or x16.) Remove the blank bracket panel on the back of the server th a t aligns with the empty PCIe slot. Save the bracket screw.
5. Secure the brack et to the system’s chassis by installing the bracket screw.
6. Replace the cover, pow er c or d( s ) , a nd power up the system.
The SSD installation is complete. The n ext step is to install the device driver for your operating system.
Install the Device Driver
To install the In tel SS D 910 Series D evic e Driv er, f ollow the ins truct ions f or you r ope ratin g syste m:
Microsoft Wind ows*
Microsoft Windows Driver Installation
To load the device dr iver during a new Win d ows system installation, you can boot directly from the Microsoft instal lation CD-ROM. The Windows dr iv er s are n ot in terc hangeable; however, the instructions ar e similar.
To install a new W indows operating system and its appropriate driver:
1. Using another computer, cop y the appropriate driv er files onto a disk. This disk is needed in
Step 6. To create the driver disk, open th e dr iv er folder on the CD and then open the folder for the
version of the Windows operating system to be installed on the new system. Next, select all folders and files within the directory and copy them to the root direct or y of a blank disk.
2. Boot the computer from the W indows CD.
3. Press F6 when you see the message Setup is inspecting your computer’s hardware
configuration or when the Windows ope r a ting system prompts you for non-supported drivers.
Note: You must press F6 for the new driver to be recognized. Oth er wise, the system does
not recognize the devices controlled by the driver during the Windows s etup.
4. Follow the instructions until the following message appears: Setup could not determine the
type of one or more mass storage device...
5. Select S to specify additional devices.
6. Foll ow the prompts. At the pr om pt to insert the hardwar e s upport disk, insert the Windows
driver disk. Select the driv er version appropriate for your system.
7. Foll ow the Windows install a tion procedure to complete the installation. Microsoft provides
documentation with its installation CD. See the Intel SSD 910 Series R EADME file for your operatin g system for detailed d r iver
installation ins tr uctions.
Intel® Solid-State Drive 910 Series Order Number: 327189-001 Installation Guide April 2012 2
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