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This manual describes the 8XC251SA, S B, SP, SQ† embedded microcontr oller , whic h is the first
member of the Intel MCS
software and hardware designers familiar with the principles of microcontrollers.
This manual contains 14 chapters and 3 appendices. This chapter, Chapter 1, provides an overview of the manual. This section summarizes the contents of the remaining chapters and appendices. The remainder of this chapter describes notational conventions and terminology used
throughout the manual and provides references to related documentation.
Chapter 2, “Architectural Overview” — provides an overview of device hardware. It covers
core functions (pipelined CPU, clock and reset unit, and o n-ch ip memory) and on-chip peripherals (timer/counters, watchdog timer, programmable counter array, and serial I/O port.)
Chapter 3, “Address Spaces”— describes the three address spaces of the MCS 251 microcontroller: memory address space, special function register (SFR) space, and the register file. It also
provides a map of the S F R space sh owing the lo catio n of the SF Rs an d th eir reset values and explains the mapping of the address spaces of the MCS
the MCS 251 architecture.
Chapter 4, “Device Configuration”— describes microcontroller f eatures that are con figured at
device reset, including the external memory interface (the number of external address bits, the
number of wait states, memory regions for asserting RD#, WR#, and PSEN#, pag e mode), binary/
source opcodes, interrupt mode, and the mapping of a portion of on-chip code memory to data
memory. It describes the configuration bytes and how to program them for the desired configuration. It also describes how internal memory space maps into external memory.
251 microcontroller family. This manual is intended for use by both
51 architecture into the address spaces of
Chapter 5, “Programming”— prov ides an overview of the instruction set. It describes each instruction type (control, arithmetic, logical, etc.) and lists the instructions in tabular form. This
chapter also discusses the addressing modes, bit instructions, and the program status words.
Appendix A provides a detailed description of each instructi on.
Chapter 6, “Interrupt System” — describes the 8XC251Sx interrupt circuitry which provides
a TRAP instruction interrupt and seven maskable interrupts: two external interrupts, three timer
interrupts, a PCA interrupt, and a serial port interrupt. This chapter also discusses the interrupt
priority scheme, interrupt enable, interrupt processing, and interrupt response time.
† The 8XC251SA, SB, SP, SQ products are also collectively referred to as 8XC251Sx.
Chapter 7, “Input/Output Ports” — describes the four 8-bit I/O ports (ports 0–3) and discusses
their configuration for general-purpose I/O, external memory accesses (ports 0, 2), and alternative special functions.
Chapter 8, “Timer/Counters and WatchDog Timer” — describes the three on-chip timer/counters and discusses their application. This chapter also provides instructions for using the
hardware watchdog timer (WDT) and describes the operation of the WDT during the idle and
powerdown modes.
Chapter 9, “Programmable Counter Array” — describes the PCA o n-ch ip periph eral and explains how to configure it for general-purpose applicatio ns (timers and counters) and special applications (programmable WDT and pulse-width modulator).
Chapter 10, “Serial I/O Port” — describes the full-duplex serial I/O port and explains how to
program it to communicate with external peripherals. This chapter also discusses baud rate generation, framing error detection, multiprocessor communications, and automatic address recognition.
Chapter 11, “Minimum Hardware Setup” — describes the basic requirements for operating
the 8XC251Sx in a system. It also discusses on-chip and external clock sources and describes device resets, including power-on reset.
Chapter 12, “Special Operating Modes” — provides an overview of the idle, power down, an d
on-circuit emulation (ONCE) modes and describes how to enter and exit each mode. This chapter
also describes the power control (PCON) special function register and lists the status of the device
pins during the special modes and reset (Table 12-1).
Chapter 13, “External Memory Interface” —describes the external memory signals and bus
cycles and provides examples of external memory design. It provides waveform diagr ams for the
bus cycles, bus cycles with wait states, and the configuration byte bus cycles. It also provides bus
cycle diagrams with AC timing symbols and definitions of the symbols.
Chapter 14, “Programming and Verifying Nonvolatile Memory” — provides instructions for
programming and verifying on-chip cod e memory, configuration bytes, signature bytes, lock bits
and the encryption array.
Appendix A, “Instruction Set Reference” — provides reference in formation for the instruction
set. It describes each instruction; defines the bits in the program status word regis ters (PSW,
PSW1); shows the relationships between instructions and PSW flags; and l ists hexadecimal opcodes, instruction lengths, and execution times. Chapter 5, “Programming,” includes a general
discussion of the instruction set.
Appendix B, “Signal Descriptions” — describes the function(s) of each device pin. Descriptions are listed alphabetically by signal name. This appendix also provides a list of the signals
grouped by functional category.
Appendix C, “Registers” — accumulates, for convenient reference, copies of the register definition figures that appear throughout the manual.
A glossary has been included for your convenience.
The following notations and terminology are used in this manual. The Glossary defines other
terms with special meanings.
#The pound symbol (#) has either of two meanings, depending on the
context. When used with a signal name, the symbol means that the
signal is active low . When u sed in an instru ction, th e sy mbol prefix es
an immediate value in immediate addressing mode.
italicsItalics identify variables and introduce new terminology. The context
in which italics are used distinguishes between the two possible
Variables in registers and signal names are commonly represented by
x and y, where x represents the first variable and y represents the
second variable. For example, in register Px.y, x represents the
variable [1–4] that identifies the specific port, and y represents the
register bit variable [7:0]. Variables must be replaced with the correct
values when configuring or programming registers or identifying
XXXXUppercase X (no italics) represents an unknown value or a “don’t
care” state or condition. The value may be either binary or
hexadecimal, depending on the context. For example, 2XAFH (hex)
indicates that bits 11:8 are unknown; 10XX in binary context
indicates that the two LSBs are unknown.
Assert and DeassertThe terms assert and deassert refer to the act of making a signal
active (enabled) and inactive (disabled), respectively. The active
polarity (high/low) is defined by the signal name. Active-low signals
are designated by a pound symbol (#) suf fix; active-high s ignals have
no suffix. To assert RD# is to drive it low; to assert ALE is to drive it
high; to deassert RD# is to drive it high; to deassert ALE is to drive i t
low .
InstructionsInstruction mnemonics are shown in upper case to avoid confusion.
When writing code, either upper case or lower case may be used.
Logic 0 (Low)An input voltage level equal to or less than the maximum value of
or an output voltage level equal to or less than the maximum
value of V
. See data sheet for values.
Logic 1 (High)An input voltage level equal to or greater than the minimum value of
or an output voltage level equal to or greater than the minimum
value of V
. See data sheet for values.
NumbersHexadecimal numbers are represented by a string of hexadecimal
digits followed by the character H. Decimal and binary numbers are
represented by their customary notations. That is, 255 is a decimal
number and 1111 1111 is a binary number. In some cases, the letter B
is added for clarity.
Register BitsBit locations are indexed by 7:0 for byte registers, 15:0 for word
registers, and 31:0 for double-word (dword) registers, where bit 0 is
the least-significant bit and 7, 15, or 31 is the most-significant bit. An
individual bit is represented by the register name, followed by a
period and the bit number. For example, PCON.4 is bit 4 of the
power control register. In some discussions, bit names are used. For
example, the name of PCON.4 is POF, the power-off flag.
Register NamesRegister names are shown in upper case. For example, PCON is the
power control register. If a register name contains a lowercase
character, it represents more than one register. For example,
CCAPMx represents the five registers: CCAPM0 through CCAPM4.
Reserved BitsSome registers contain reserved bits. These bits are not used in this
device, but they may be used in future implementations. Do not write
a “1” to a reserved bit. The value read from a reserved bit is indeterminate.
Set and ClearThe terms set and clear refer to the value of a bit or the act of givi ng
it a value. If a bit is set, its value is “1;” setting a bit gives it a “1”
value. If a bit is clear, its value is “0;” clearing a bit gives it a “0”
Signal NamesSignal names are shown in upper case. When several signals share a
common name, an in dividual sig nal is repre sented by the sign al name
followed by a number. Port pins are represented by the port abbreviation, a period, and the pin number (e.g., P0.0, P0.1). A pound
symbol (#) appended to a signal name identifies an active- low s ignal.
Units of MeasureThe following abbrevi ations are used to represent units of measure:
The following documents contain additional information that is useful in designing systems that
incorporate the 8XC251Sx microcontroller. To order documents, please call Intel Literature Fulfillment (1-800-548-4725 in the U.S. and Canada; +44(0) 793-431155 in Europe).
Embedded MicrocontrollersOrder Number 270646
Embedded ProcessorsOrder Number 272396
Embedded Applications Order Number 270648
PackagingOrder Number 240800
1.3.1Data Sheet
The data sheet is included in Embedded Microcontrollers and is also available individually.
8XC251SA, SB, SP, SQ High-Performance CHMOS MicrocontrollerOrder Number 272783
1.3.2Application Notes
The following application notes apply to the MCS 251 microcontroller.
AP-125, Designing Microcontroller SystemsOrder Number 210313
for Electrically Noisy Environments
AP-155, Oscillators for MicrocontrollersOrder Number 230659
AP-708, Introducing the MCS
251 MicrocontrollerOrder Number 272670
—the 8XC251SB
AP-709, Maximizing Performance Using MCS
251 MicrocontrollerOrder Number 272671
—Programming the 8XC251SB
AP-710, Migrating from the MCS
51 Microcontroller to the MCS 251 Order Number 272672
Microcontroller (8XC251SB)—Software and Hardware
The following MCS 51 microcontroller applicati on notes also apply to the MCS 251 microcontroller.
AP70, Using the Intel MCS
51 Boolean Processing CapabilitiesOrder Number 203830
AP-223, 8051 Based CRT Terminal ControllerOrder Number 270032
AP-252, Designing With the 80C51BHOrder Number 270068
AP-425, Small DC Motor Control Order Number 270622
AP-410, Enhanced Serial Port on the 83C51FAOrder Number 270490
AP-415, 83C51FA/FB PCA CookbookOrder Number 270609
AP-476, How to Implement I
Using Intel MCS
51 Microcontrollers
C Serial CommunicationOrder Number 272319
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World Wide Web, CompuServe, the FaxBack* service, and Intel’s Brand Products and Applications Support bulletin board service (BBS). These systems are available 2 4 hours a day, 7 days a
week, providing technical information whenever you need it.
In the U.S. and Canada, technical support representatives are available to answer your questions
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Table 1-1 lists the information you need to access these services.
Table 1-1. Intel Application Support Services
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1.4.1World Wide Web
We offer a variety of technical and product information through the World Wide Web (URL: Also visit Intel’s Web site for financials, history, and news.
1.4.2CompuServe Forums
Intel maintains several C o mpuServe forums that provide a means for you to gather information,
share discoveries, and debate issues. Type “go intel” for access. The INTELC forum is set up to
support designers using variou s Intel components. For info rmation about Comp uServe access and
service fees, call CompuServe at 1-800-848-8199 (U.S.) or 614-529-1340 (outside the U.S.).
1.4.3FaxBack Service
The FaxBack service is an on-demand publishing system that sends documents to your fax machine. You can get product announcements, ch ange notifications, pro duct literatu re, d evice ch aracteristics, design recommendations, and quality and reliability information from FaxBack 24
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Think of the FaxBack service as a library of technical documents that you can access with your
phone. Just dial the telephone number and respo nd to the system prompts. After y ou select a document, the system sends a copy to y our fax machine.
Each document is assigned an order number and is listed in a subject catalog. The first time you
use FaxBack, you should order the appropriate subject catalogs to get a complete listing of document order numbers. Catalogs are updated twice monthly. In addition, daily update catalogs list
the title, status, and order number of each document that has b een added, revised, or deleted during the past eight weeks. The daily update catalogs are numbered with the subject catalog number
followed by a zero. For example, for the complete mic rocontroller and flash catalog, request d ocument number 2; for the daily update to the microcontroller and flash catalog, request docu ment
number 20.
The following catalogs and information are available at the time of publication:
1.Solutions OEM subscription for m
2.Microcontroller and flash catalog
3.Development tools catalog
4.Systems catalog
5.Multimedia catalog
6.Multib us and iRMX
software catalog and BBS file listings
7.Microprocessor, PCI, and peripheral catalog
8.Quality and reliability and change notifica tion catalog
Intel’ s Brand Products and Applications Support bulletin board system (BBS) lets you download
files to your PC. The BBS has the latest ApBUILDER software, hypertext manuals and
datasheets, software drivers, firmware upgrades, application notes and utilities, and quality and
reliability data.
Any customer with a PC and modem can access the BBS. The system provide s automatic conf iguration support for 1200- through 19200-baud modems. Use these modem settings: no parity, 8
data bits, and 1 stop bit (N, 8, 1).
T o access the BBS, just dial the telephone nu mber (see Table 1-1 on page 1-7) and r espond to the
system prompts. During your first session, the system asks you to register with the system operator by entering your name and location. The system o perator will set up your access account
within 24 hours. At that time, you can access the files on the BBS.
In the U.S. and Canada, you can get a BBS user’s guide, a master list of BBS
files, and lists of FaxBack documents by calling 1-800-525-3019. Use these
modem settings: no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit (N, 8, 1).
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