Intel 8xC251TB, 8xC251TQ, 8XC251SQ, 8XC251SB, 8XC251SP User Manual

8xC251TB, 8xC2 51TQ,
Addendum to the 8xC251SA, 8xC251SB,
8xC251SP, 8xC251S Q, User’s Manual
Release Date: December 2003
Order Number: 273138-002
The 8xC251Tx may contain design defects or err ors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Such errata are not covered by Intel's warranty. Current characterized errata are available on request.
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The 8x C251Tx ma y contai n desi gn def ects o r error s kno wn as er rata w hich m ay cau se the produ ct to de viat e from published specifications. Current characterized er rata are av ailable on request.
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8xC251Tx Hardware Description
Date Revision Description
November 1997 001 Initial release of t his document December 2003 002 Removed references to 8XC251TA, 8XC251TP
273138-002 December 2003 iii
8xC251Tx Hardware Description
iv December 2003 273138-002
8xC251Tx Hardware Description
8xC251TB, 8xC251TQ Hardware Description
Addendum to the 8xC251SA, 8xC251SB, 8xC251SP, 8xC251SQ, User’s Manual
1.1 Comparing the 8xC251Tx and 8xC251Sx..................................................................... 1
3.1 Overview........................................................................................................................ 7
3.2 Special Function Register Definitions............................................................................ 9
3.2.1 SCON1 .................................................................................................................... 9
3.2.2 SBUF1 ................................................................................................................... 10
3.2.3 SADDR1 ................................................................................................................ 10
3.2.4 SADEN1 ................................................................................................................ 10
3.2.5 BGCON ... ..... ....... ....... ..... ........ ....... ....... ..... ....... ........ ....... ..... ....... ....... ..... ........ ...... 10
3.2.6 IE1 ......................................................................................................................... 11
3.2.7 IPH1 . ............ ............ ............ .......... ............ ............ .......... ............ ............ ............ .. 11
3.2.8 IPL1 ....................................................................................................................... 11
4.1 Summary of the Extended Dat a Float Timing Changes .............................................. 12


Figure 1 8xC251Tx Block Diagram .....................................................................................1


Table 1. 8xC251Tx Signal Summary................................................................................. 2
Table 2. 8xC251Tx Signal Descriptions......... .................................... ................................ 3
Table 3. Special Function Register (SFR) Map.................................................................. 6
Table 4. Second Serial I/O Port Signals ............................................................................ 7
Table 5. Second Serial I/O Port Special Function Registers.............................................. 8
Table 6. SCON1 Special Function Register Definitions ..................................................... 9
Table 7. BGCON S pe c ia l F unc tion Regis te r D e fin it i o ns ................. .. ... ......... ... .......... .. .... 10
Table 8. IE1 Spec ia l F unc tion Regist e r D ef in itions... .......... .. .......... .. ... ......... ... .......... .. .... 11
Table 9. IPH1 Spe c ia l F unc tion Regist e r D ef in it io n s ............ .. ... .......... .. .......... .. .......... .. .. 11
Table 10. IPL1 Spe c ia l Fun c tio n R eg i st er De f in itions. .......... .. .......... .. ... ......... ... .......... .. .... 11
Table 11. Interru p t P rio r it y of Se c o nd S er ia l I/O Port....... .. ... ......... ... ......... ... .......... .. ... ...... 11
Table 12. UCONFIG1 bit definitions for the 8xC251Tx...................................................... 12
Table 13. Summary of the EDF# and WSB#[1:0] Configuration Options........................... 13
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8xC251 Tx Hardware Description
vi December 2003 273138-002
+ 14 hidden pages