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4 Intel® Digital Set Top Box Display Driver
User’s Guide for Microsoft* Windows* CE 5.0
Revision History
Date Driver Description
May 2005 1-0-0-0064 This is the first version of the new guide. The content and layout are all new.
18 May 2005 Updated after technical review.
July 2005 Added hardware-accelerated bob support for overlay surfaces with
December 2005 1-0-0-0092 Updated escape interface for HDMI Hotplug and HDMI/siI9030 over scan
January 2006 1-0-0-0094 Removed the content for 815.
interleaved data using DirectDraw.
Added new samples (BobTest, CapsTest, PerPixelAlphaBltTest, VBITest).
flag. Added new sample (ClipBltTest).
Added overlay formats that support progressive and interleaved data, and
noted YUV 4:2:0 planar limitation for 830 and 854.
Added details of DAC configuration for different TV out type for CX25899 in
HH2 TV card.
Intel® Digital Set Top Box Display Driver 5
User’s Guide for Microsoft* Windows* CE 5.0
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6 Intel® Digital Set Top Box Display Driver
User’s Guide for Microsoft* Windows* CE 5.0
This document describes the Intel® Digital Set Top Box Display Driver for Microsoft* Windows* CE 5.0. It
provides a summary of display driver features, installation notes, and configuration information. It is targeted at all
platform and system developers who need to interface with the graphics subsystem. This includes, but is not limited
to: platform designers, system BIOS developers, system integrators, original equipment manufacturers, and system
control application developers.
1.1 Definitions
Table 1. Definitions
Term Definition
API Application Programming Interface
BLT Bit block transfer
BPP Bits per pixel
DDGPE DirectDraw* Graphics Primitive Engine
Direct3D* An API for manipulating and displaying three-dimensional objects. Developed by
Microsoft, Direct3D provides programmers with a way to develop 3-D programs that
can utilize whatever graphics acceleration device is installed in the machine. Virtually
all 3-D accelerator cards for PCs support Direct3D.
Another 3-D standard offering similar functionality is OpenGL.
GDI Graphical Device Interface
GMCH Graphics Memory Controller Hub
GWES Graphics, Windowing, and Events Subsy st em
VBI Vertical Blanking Interval
Intel® Digital Set Top Box Display Driver 7
User’s Guide for Microsoft* Windows* CE 5.0
FFeeaattuurree SSuum
2.1 GMCHs
The Intel® Digital Set Top Box Display Driver supports the following Graphic Memory Controller Hubs:
• Intel® 82830M GMCH
• Intel® 82854 GMCH
2.1.1 Base Features Common Base Features
The Intel® Digital Set Top Box Display Driver includes support for:
•DirectDraw 2D APIs, including: DdCreateSurface, DdDestroySurface, DdLock, DdBlt and DdAlphaBlt,
and DdUnlock.
•DirectDraw Video APIs, including: DdCreateSurface, DdDestroySurface, DdSetColorKey, DdLock,
DdUpdateOverlay, DdSetOverlayPosition, DdFlip, and DdUnlock.
• DDGPE APIs, which extend GPE classes to support DirectDraw.
• GDI APIs, including hardware accelerated BLT support: color fill, source copy, stretch, and system to
video memory.
• Power Management, including support for Full On and Suspend (OS power states D0 and D4).
• ExtEscape interface – installed in the Extras\src\inc folder by the display driver MSI.
• Dynamic memory configuration – for when the amount of video memory is not a significant concern. This
model has no limit on the amount of video memory that can be allocated in the system, besides the amount
of available memory.
8 Intel® Digital Set Top Box Display Driver
User’s Guide for Microsoft* Windows* CE 5.0
2.1.2 830 and 854 Base Features
The Intel® Digital Set Top Box Display Driver for the 830 and 854 includes support for:
•Region alpha blending using the DirectDraw method AlphaBlt — where a single alpha value is used for the
entire rectangle.
•Per-pixel alpha blending using the DirectDraw method AlphaBlt — where a separate alpha value is used
for each pixel.
•Plane based alpha blending, which uses the GMCH to blend the graphics plane wit h t he ove rl ay pla ne. See
the AlphaBlendMode registry option in
• Blend options, including bilinear and anisotropic.
• Direct 3D Mobile
• Hardware anti-aliased text
• Sample applications – installed in the Extras folder by the display driver MSI. Samples are CETK DLLs.
An executable file called TestShell is also provided that can execute the CETK DLLs without using CETK.
•Hardware-accelerated bob for overlay surfaces with interleaved data using DirectDraw
usage is provided in the BobTest sample. Note: IDirectDrawSurface5::UpdateOverlay
DDOVER_BOBHARDWARE flag is not supported since DirectDraw Video Port Extensions are not
4.1.1 Display Options for more information.
2.2 Surface Support
The display driver includes support for:
• Single, double and triple frame buffer op tions
• Planar 4:2:0 YV12 overlay format with progressive data
• Planar 4:2:0 I420 overlay format with progressive data
• Planar 4:2:0 CMWH overlay format with progressive data (for HWMC)
• Packed 4:2:2 YUY2 overlay format with interleaved and progressive data
• Packed 4:2:2 UYVY overlay format with interleaved and progressive data
• Packed 4:2:2 YVYU overlay format with interleaved and progressive data
• Packed 4:2:2 VYUY overlay format with interleaved and progressive data
• Packed xRGB8888 overlay format with interleaved and progressive data
• Single, double, and triple video overlay options
Note: For planar YUV 4:2:0 overlay form ats, interl eaved data is displayed with the temporal chroma artifact
commonly referred to as the Chroma Upsampling Error (CUE).
Intel® Digital Set Top Box Display Driver 9
User’s Guide for Microsoft* Windows* CE 5.0
2.3 Display Configuration
The display driver includes support for the following resolutions. (In the following list 60Hz is used as a short-hand
for 59.94Hz.)
For use with NTSC:
• 640x480 @ 60Hz – scaled to 720x480
• 720x480 @ 60Hz
• 800x600 @ 60Hz – scaled to 720x480
• 1024x768 @ 60Hz – scaled to 720x480
For use with PAL and SECAM:
• 640x480 @ 50Hz – scaled to 720x576
• 720x576 @ 50Hz
• 800x600 @ 50Hz – scaled to 720x576
• 1024x768 @ 50Hz – scaled to 720x576
For use with Extended Definition 480p:
•720x480 @ 60Hz
For use with Extended Definition 576p:
•720x576 @ 50Hz
For use with High Definition – 720p
•1280x720 @ 60Hz
For use with High Definition 1080i
•1920x1080 @ 60Hz
The display driver includes support for the following bit depths:
• 16 bits per pixel
• 32 bits per pixel (Intel 82830M GMCH and Intel 82854 GMCH only)
The display driver includes support for the following display types:
• CRT and digital flat panels – via the analog(VGA) port
• TV – with the use of external TV encoders via a DVO port
The display driver includes support for the following display modes:
• Analog(VGA) – output to the analog(VGA) port
• DVO – output to the DVO port
• Twin – output to both the analog(VGA) port and DVO port using DVO timings
10 Intel® Digital Set Top Box Display Driver
User’s Guide for Microsoft* Windows* CE 5.0
2.3.1 Display Configuration Notes
Note: The TV Format and resolution cannot be changed at run-time. Any changes must be made in the video.reg
registry file.
Note: Expect TVs to crop the desktop as TVs normally crop their output. Monitors that are normally attached to PCs
are not likely to crop the desktop. Monitors accepting TV input may crop the desktop. For that reason, avoid placing
user interface elements near the edge of the display.
Note: Some monitors that accept DVI input ex pect 12 80x768 or 1024x768 and may not work with 1280x 720 (w hi ch
is the resolution for 720p).
2.4 VBI Support
The display driver includes support for the following VBI features:
• Closed Captioning with NTSC (Line 21, field 1 & 2)
• Copy Generation Management System on NTSC (Line 20, field 1; Line 21, fiel d 2)
• Wide Screen Signaling on NTSC (Line 20, field 2; Line 20, field 1)
2.5 TV Encoders
The display driver has been tested with the following TV encoders connected to the DVO port.
TV Encoder Tested on the 830 Tested on the 854
Focus FS454 Yes Yes
Conexant* CX25873 Yes No
Conexant CX25892 No Yes
Silicon Image SiI9030 No Yes
2.6 Direct3D Mobile Support
The display driver includes support for the following subset of the Direct3D Mobile APIs on the 830 and 854.
• Returning capabilities including GetDeviceCaps
• Index buffers
• Vertex buffers
• Textures
• Methods for drawing including DrawPrimitive and DrawIndexedPrimitive
• Render states
• 4 texture blending stages
• Lighting
Intel® Digital Set Top Box Display Driver 11
User’s Guide for Microsoft* Windows* CE 5.0
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn NNootteess
3.1 Display Driver MSI
The display driver MSI installs driver files to the $(_WINCEROOT)\IntelCEG\Drivers\Display directory.
3.1.1 830 MSI
The 830 MSI installs the display driver DLL, the display driver D3D Mobile DLL, video.reg, the Conexant cx873
DLL, and the Focus fs454 DLL to the I830 subdirectory. It installs display driver include files to the
I830\extras\src\inc subdirectory. It also installs sample application source to I830\extras\src\common and
I830\extras\src\samples and sample application binaries to I830\extras\bin.
Note: The Conexant cx873 DLL supports both the CX25873, CX25892, and CX25899 TV encoders.
3.1.2 854 MSI
The 854 MSI installs the display driver DLL, the display driver D3D Mobile DLL, video.reg, the Conexant cx873
DLL, the Focus fs454 DLL, and the Silicon Image SiI9030 DLL to the I854 subdirectory. It installs display driver
include files to the I854\extras\src\inc subdirectory. It also installs sample application source to
I854\extras\src\common and I854\extras\src\samples and sample application binaries to I854\extras\bin
Note: The Conexant cx873 DLL supports both the CX25873, CX25892, and CX25899 TV encoders.
3.1.3 Installing the MSI
Before installing the display driver MSI, remove any older versions of the display driver:
1. Exit Platform Builder, if necessary.
2. Click Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs to remove the previo us d ri vers .
3. Delete the driver files found in $(_WINCEROOT)\INTELCEG\drivers.
To install the new Display Driver MSI, double-click the .msi file.
12 Intel® Digital Set Top Box Display Driver
User’s Guide for Microsoft* Windows* CE 5.0
3.2 Driver Files
The display driver and TV encoder DLLs must be included in the Windows CE image. To do this, make sure either
Platform.bib or Project.bib includes statements for the display driver DLL and the TV encoder DLL. A Direct3D
Mobile implementation module can be included optionally
For example, to configure the display driver and the Focus FS454 DLL:
ddi_iceg.dll $(INTELCEG_DRIVERS_DIR)\display\i854\ddi_iceg.dll NK SH
fs454.dll $(INTELCEG_DRIVERS_DIR)\display\i854\fs454.dll NK SH
To configure the Direct 3D module add:
gdld3dm.dll $(INTELCEG_DRIVERS_DIR)\display\i854\gdld3dm.dll NK SH
3.3 Registry Options
The MSI installs a configuration file that contains registry options. If you wish to keep this file separated, please
make sure this file is included in either Platform.reg or Project.reg. For example:
It is also possible to copy the contents of this fileinto the end of Platform.reg or Project.reg.
The registry settings in video.reg must be modified to configure the display driver and TV Encoder DLL to use on
the target platform.
Intel® Digital Set Top Box Display Driver 13
User’s Guide for Microsoft* Windows* CE 5.0
The display driver and TV Encoder DLL configuration use registry settings found in video.reg. The following
sections describe the available options. This section is a companion to, and not a replacement for, video.reg. See
video.reg for acceptable values and default values for each of the options described below.
CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn IInnffoorrm
4.1 Display Driver Options
4.1.1 Display Options
The display options configure the display resolution and mode.
This key is set to ddi_iceg.dll to enable GWES to load our display driver.
Width <DWORD>
Requested width of the frame buffer – in pixels.
Height <DWORD>
Requested height of the frame buffer – in active lines.
Depth <DWORD>
Requested pixel depth of the frame buffer – in bi t s pe r pi xel.
Refresh <DWORD>
Requested rate at which the frame buffer is sent out from the GMCH to the output port.
Bit Field that specifies which timing table flags to preset when matching compatible timing settings in port-driv er
timing tables. Available flags are (Interlaced, Pixel Double, and Line Double). This value should be set to 0x03 (that
is, Interlaced and Pixel Doubled output) when specifying 480i/576i HDMI only mode. It should be set to 0x01
(Interlaced) when setting 1080i mode for any TV encoder.
DigitalPort <DWORD>
This key determines the display configuration – analog-only (VGA), DVO-only, or twin.
SetHead <DWORD>
This key determines the port (analog (VGA) or digital) that controls the timing information. For analog-only (VGA) ,
analog (VGA) should be selected. For DVO-only and twin , di gi t al shoul d be selected .
ConfigId <DWORD>
This key can be used to support multiple configurations and select the configuration. Typically, one configuration is
used and this key has a value of 1 to select that configuration.
This key can be used to delay powering down the display when Window s CE is suspended. The value is in
milliseconds, and the default value is 0.
14 Intel® Digital Set Top Box Display Driver
User’s Guide for Microsoft* Windows* CE 5.0
This key is used to enable ARGB32 pixel format on the framebuffer. When in this mode, the alpha chann el in the
frame buffer is used by the HW internally to blend the graphics plane over the video overlay plane. The value for
this registry key can be either 0: disabled, or 1: enabled.
• This feature is only supported with the “Depth” registry key set to 0x20 (32). It is ignored otherwise.
• With this mode enabled, any framebuffer pixel with a zero alpha value is transparent – which unfortunately
means that the CE desktop and CE utilities will be transparent. Direct Draw must be used to render nontransparent pixels to the framebuffer. If GDI is used, only black will be seen.
•This feature is enabled automatically b y the display driver. The driver does this by enabling destination color
keying and by configuring the framebuffer to use ARGB32 pixel format. The one side effect this configuration
is that any pixel that has an alpha value of 0xFF that also matches the color key selected will be transparent
instead of opaque. For this reason, it is recommended to use alpha values from 0x00-0xFE.
•When in this mode, the HW assumes that the framebuffer is pre-multiplied. When using Direct Draw to render
to the framebuffer, it is necessary to use the correct pre-multiplied/non-premultiplied flags. If this is done
incorrectly, the final rendered image may not look correct. When using the CPU to draw on the framebuffer (ex:
SW emulated BLT, memcpy, and so on), you must take into account the fact that the framebuffer is premultiplied.
This key is used to enable the Video Renderer Workaround that prevents the stock CE 5.0 video renderer from
drawing the color key on the frame buffer. This key is ignored if “AlphaBlendMode” is disabled. This key should be
enabled whenever “AlphaBlendMode” is enabled and the stock CE 5.0 video renderer is used.
Intel® Digital Set Top Box Display Driver 15
User’s Guide for Microsoft* Windows* CE 5.0
4.1.2 Port Driver (TV Encoder DLL) Options
The port driver (TV encoder DLL) options control the selection of the port driver and the discovery of the TV
encoder device.
I2cPin <DWORD>
This setting selects the I
I2cDab <DWORD>
This setting selects the Data Address Byte (DAB) for the TV encoder silicon in the system. The DAB is normally
specified by the port driver itself, but this setting allows for customization if needed.
PortOrder <STRING>
This value determines the order that the DVO ports and analog (VGA) port will be enumerated. This also controls
the order in which the driver will detect TV encoders. This is especially important for DVO-B and DVO-C devices
because they share the same I2C bus. The PortOrder string should include the analog (VGA) port number and the
single DVO port that is in use. To avoid confusion, do not refer to multiple DVO ports.
The following setting on the 854 specifies to enumerate the DVO-B port (2) and then the analog (VGA) port (5).
The following settings is required for “Shadow” DVO mode on the 854 with the Conexant CX23899 and Silicon
Image 9030 HDMI transmitter.
PortDrivers <STRING>
This value determines the port driver DLLs that are loaded. A port driver is needed for TV encoders and is used
when the DigitalPort is set to DVO or Twin. This string should contain a single port driver.
The following setting for the 830 specifies to load the Focus fs454 DLL.
C* bus. (Value of 1 usually identifies DVO-A, 4 usually identifies DVO-B/C)
The following setting for the 854 specifies to load the Conexant cx873 DLL. Note: The Conexant cx873 DLL
supports both the CX25873 and CX25892 TV encoders .
To load the Silicon Image 9030 port driver in single DVO mode.
Note: Using the sii9030 port driver in this mode requires a port order of “5300”
To load the Conexant CX23899 and Silicon Image 9030 HDMI port driver in “Shadow” DVO Mode.
“PortDrivers”=”cx873 sii9030”
DebugPortMessage <DWORD>
This setting is used to turn on or off the debug messages in port driver module.
16 Intel® Digital Set Top Box Display Driver
User’s Guide for Microsoft* Windows* CE 5.0
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