Intel 82635ASRCDVKHV Product Data Sheet

Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D400-Series
(Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D415, Intel® RealSens e™ Depth Camera D4 3 5)
September 2017
Revision 0.7
Document: XXXXX
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2 Datasheet


1 Description and Features .................................................................................... 7
2 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Disclaimer .............................................................................................. 8
2.2 Purpose and Scope of this Document ......................................................... 8
2.3 Terminology ........................................................................................... 8
2.4 Overview ............................................................................................... 9
2.4.1 Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D400-Series SKUs .................... 9
2.5 Stereo Vision Depth Technology Overview ................................................ 11
2.6 D400-Series Camera Block Diagram ........................................................ 12
2.7 Depth Module ....................................................................................... 13
2.7.1 Left and Right Imagers ............................................................. 15
2.7.2 Infrared Projector .................................................................... 17
2.7.3 Color Camera .......................................................................... 17
2.8 Color Image Signal Processor (IS P) ......................................................... 18
2.9 Intel® RealSen s e™ Vision Processor D4 Card ........................................... 18
2.9.1 Power Requirements ................................................................ 19
2.10 D400-Series Depth Camer a s Th ermals .................................................... 20
2.11 Storage and Operating Con ditions ........................................................... 20
3 Functional Specification .................................................................................... 21
3.1 Depth Camera ...................................................................................... 21
3.2 Depth Camera Functions ........................................................................ 22
3.3 Color Camera Fu nctions ......................................................................... 23
4 Software Package ............................................................................................ 24
4.1 Intel® RealSense™ Sof twar e Development Kit 2.0 .................................... 24
5 Firmware ........................................................................................................ 25
5.1 Firmware Update .................................................................................. 25
5.1.1 Update Limits .......................................................................... 25
5.2 Recovery ............................................................................................. 25
6 Calibration Support .......................................................................................... 26
6.1 Dynamic Calibration Tool ....................................................................... 26
7 Regulatory Compliance ..................................................................................... 27
7.1 System Laser Compliance ...................................................................... 27
7.1.1 Certification Statement............................................................. 27
7.1.2 Explanatory Label .................................................................... 27
7.1.3 Cautionary S ta te m ents ............................................................. 27
7.1.4 Safety and Handling Instructions: .............................................. 28
7.1.5 Manufacturer’s Information ....................................................... 28
7.1.6 US FDA Accession Number ........................................................ 28
7.2 Ecology Compliance .............................................................................. 29
8 Mechanical Drawings ........................................................................................ 31
Datasheet 3
Figure 2-1. Intel® RealSen s eTM Depth Camera D415 ............................................ 10
Figure 2-2. Intel® RealSen s eTM Depth Camera D435 ............................................ 11
Figure 2-3. Active I nfrared (IR) Stereo Vision Technology ..................................... 12
Figure 2-4. Depth Measurement (Z) Versus Range (R) ......................................... 12
Figure 2-5. D415/D435 System Block Diagram .................................................... 13
Figure 2-6. Depth Module in D 415 (Intel® RealSense™ Depth Module D415) .......... 14
Figure 2-7. Depth Module in D 435 (Intel® RealSense™ Depth Module D430) .......... 14
Figure 2-8. Intel® Re a lSense™ Vision Proc essor D4 Card ..................................... 19
Figure 8-1. Intel® RealSen s e™ Depth Camera D415 ............................................ 31
Figure 8-2. Intel® RealSen s e™ Depth Camera D435 ............................................ 32
4 Datasheet
Table 2-1. Product SK U De s criptions .................................................................... 9
Table 2-2. Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D415 Mechanical Dim ensions ........... 10
Table 2-3. Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D435 Mechanical Dim ensions ........... 10
Table 2-4. Depth Module .................................................................................. 14
Table 2-5. Depth Module SKU P r operties ............................................................. 15
Table 2-6. Standard Left and R ight Imager Properties (for D415) .......................... 16
Table 2-7. Wide Left and Right Im a ger Properties (for D435) ................................ 16
Table 2-8. Standard Infrared Projector Parameters .............................................. 17
Table 2-9. Wide Infrared Projector Parameters .................................................... 17
Table 2-10. Color Sensor Pr operties ................................................................... 18
Table 2-11. ISP Properties ................................................................................ 18
Table 2-12. Intel® Rea lSense™ Vision P r oc e s s or D4 Card Components .................. 19
Table 2-13. Power Requirements ....................................................................... 20
Table 2-14. Max Skin Temperature .................................................................... 20
Table 2-15. Storage and Op er ating Conditions ..................................................... 20
Table 3-1. Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D400 Series Image Form a ts ............. 21
Table 3-2. Depth Ca m er a Controls ..................................................................... 22
Table 3-3. RGB (Integrated) Exposed Controls .................................................... 23
Datasheet 5

Revision History

Initial Release
Description Revision Date
September 2017
§ §
6 Datasheet
D415 Features
D435 Features
Description and Fea tures

1 Description and Features

The Intel® RealSenseTM Depth Camera D415/D435 is an USB-powered camera that includes depth sensors and a RGB sensor. It is ideal for makers, educators, hardware prototyping and software developm e nt. The camera peripheral is designed for ease of setup and portability.
The Intel® RealSense comes with Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2.0 , an open source and cross platform enabling suite including rappers, sample code and tools.
Depth Camera D415/D435
Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality
Autonomous Machines
Broad Marke t
Minimum System R equirements
6th Generation Intel® Processo rs (Sk y l ake) and above.
• Ubuntu*16.04/Windows*10
Intel® RealSense
time depth
Up to 1280x720 resolution active ster eo depth
FOV (HxVxD): 69⁰x42⁰x77⁰
Dual rolling shutter sensor s for up to 90FPS deoth
Full HD RGB camera calibr ated and synchronized to depth data
Cross-platform open source Intel® RealSense SDK2.0
Intel® RealSense time depth
Up to 1280x720 resolution active stereo depth
FOV (HxVxD): 91⁰x65⁰x100⁰
Dual global shutter sensors for up to 90FPS deoth
Full HD RGB camera calibr ated and synchronized to depth data
Cross-platform open source Intel® RealSense SDK2.0
Vision Processo r D4 for real-
Vision Processo r D4 for real-
Datasheet 7
§ §

2 Introduction

2.1 Disclaimer

The current version of document is a guide to give a n understanding of product details of Intel
RealSense™ Camera Depth C a m er a D415/ D435. Specifications detail are subject to chang e until revision 0.9. P ost revision 0.9 will be to a d dress bugs and issues. Please contact your Intel representative t o b e notified of changes to this document and future r evision releases.

2.2 Purpose and Scope of this Document

This document c a p tures the specification s for the Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camer a D415/D435. This documen t provides a project team with the information necessary to understand and to use Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camer a D415/ D435.

2.3 Terminology

Term Description
Stereo Camera Baseline
Depth Depth video streams are like color video stre ams exc ept e ach pixe l has a
FOV Field Of View (FOV) describes the angular extent of a give n scene that is
The distance between the center of the left and right imager s in a stereo camera
value representing the distance away fro m the camer a instead of co lor information
imaged by a camer a . A camera's FOV c an be measur ed hor izontally, vertically, or diagonally
Vision Processor
Depth Module Intel® RealSense™ Depth Module
Host System Computer or SOC connected to Intel® RealSense™ Depth camera
IR Projector This refers to the source of infrared (IR) light used for illumina ting a s c e ne ,
Imagers RealSense Depth camera system uses a pair of camera sensors referred as
8 Datasheet
Intel® RealSense™ Vision Processor D4 The Intel RealSense Vision Processor D4 is a purpos e -built ASI C fo r
computing real time depth and accelerating computer vision, at significantly faster speeds and fraction of the power compared to host based compute.
The Depth Module incorporates the left and right imager s with the IR projector and RGB color sensor
object, or person to collect depth data.
imagers to calculate depth. They are identical c a mer as conf igur ed with identical settings.
Term Description
Image Signal Processor (ISP)
Left imager From the perspective of the stereo camera looking o ut at the wor ld, the left
Lens This refers to the optical component of an imager in the RealSe ns e Depth
System On Chip (SOC)
Stereo module This refers to a stiffened module containing at le as t two imagers. The
Stereo camera This refers to a pair of imagers looking at the same subject from slightly
SKU Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) is a unique identifier for distinct products. It is
TBD To Be Determined. In the context of this document, information will be
Image processing functions to enhance color im age quality
imager is on the left side of the camera module. Thus, when the user is facing the RealSense Depth camera, the left imager is actually on the rig ht side of the camera module.
module. Its purpose is to focus the incoming light ray s onto the CMOS chip in the imager.
Integrated circuit (IC) that integr a tes all com po ne nts of a computer
distance between the imagers, which is referr ed to as the baseline or intraocular spacing, is typically in the r ange of 20 mm to 70 mm.
different perspectives. The difference in the perspectives is used to generate a depth map by calculating a numeric value for the distance from the imagers to every point in the scene.
often used in the scope of naming different versions of a devic e
available in a later revision.

2.4 Overview

Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D400-series is a long range depth camera that outputs depth v id eo s tream. In addition to depth video stream, it can provide color, and infrared video streams.

2.4.1 Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D400-Series SKUs

Table below describes main c omponents that make up the different produ c t SKUs
Table 2-1. Product SKU D escriptions
Component Subcomponent
Vision Processor
Standard Stereo
Datasheet 9
Intel® RealSense
Depth Camera D415
Intel® RealSenseTM
Depth Camera D435
Not Final Version
Component Subcomponent
Wide Stereo Imagers X
Depth Module
Standard Infrared
Wide Infrared
RGB color sensor
Intel® RealSense
Depth Camera D415
Intel® RealSenseTM
Depth Camera D435
Table 2-2. Intel® RealSense™ Depth Ca mera D415 Mechani c a l Dimensions
Dimension Min Nominal Max Unit
Width 99 mm
Height 23 mm
Depth 20 mm
Mass 72 gr
Table 2-3. Intel® RealSense™ Depth Ca mera D435 Mechani c a l Dimensions
Dimension Min Nominal Max Unit
Width 90 mm
Height 25 mm
Depth 25 mm
Mass 72 gr
Figure 2-1. Intel® RealSenseTM Depth Camera D415
10 Datasheet
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