Intel 8255x 10/100 Mbps Ethernet
Controller Family
Open Source Software Developer Manual
January 2003
Revi sion 1.0
Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel® products. This specification, the Intel 8255x 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Controller Family
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The Intel
from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request.
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71 IPCB Structu re Lar g e Se nd...................... .............................. ............................... ................... 1 60
Intel 8255x 10/100 Mbps Eth ernet Controller Family Open Source Software Developer Manual
Revision History
January 20031.0Initial rele ase.
Intel 8255x 10/ 100 M bps Ethern et Co ntroller Family O pen Sourc e Sof tware Devel ope r Manua l
This document is intended for use as a software tec hnic al reference manual for the Intel® 10/100
Mbps Fast Ethe rnet controll er family, which includes the 825 57, 82558, 82559, 82550, and 82551,
as well as the 82562 Platform LAN Connect device. It also contains inform ation for several PCI
LAN adapters based on these devices: Intel
PRO/100B Wake on LAN (WOL), Intel
EtherExpress™ PRO/100+, Intel® EtherExpress™
EtherExpress™ PRO/100B, and Intel® EtherExpress™
This manual is intended to be used as a technical reference for software and test engine ers
developing device dr ivers or related softwa re for adapters or systems using the Intel
82558, 82559, 82550, or 82551 Fast Ethernet controllers or the Intel
Connect (PLC) device. It contains reference information about the controllers as well as other
information th at may be required by software developers (such as PHY information, EEPROM
contents, PCI scanning, etc.). Since this document uses many examples and contains sample code
fragments, it is assum ed that the reader has a fundamental und ers tanding of device driver
programming and a working knowledge of both C programming language and x86 assembler
programming language. Familiarity with at least one industry sta ndard network operating system
(NOS) device driver interface (for example, Net work Drive r Interface Specification [NDIS] or
ODI) is also helpful.
The Intel
successive order.
82557First generation Intel® 10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Controller (includes MAC unit only)
82559Third generation Intel® 10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Control ler (inc ludes both a MAC and PHY unit)
82550Intel® 10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Controller (includes both MAC and PHY)
82551Intel® 10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Controller (includes both MAC and PHY)
In general, the Intel family of Fast Ethernet controllers are similar. All family members share the
same core hardware and software interface . The later generation components have a higher
integration and include suppor t for mi scellaneous fea tures (for example, manageability). Since the
differe nt generations of Fast Et hernet controllers are highly simila r, this manu al doc uments the
functionali ty of all de vic es and deta il s the dif f erenc es betwee n the devi ces. It is int ended t o be used
as a tool to maintain and develop software for all devi ces in the Intel family of Fast Ethe rnet
10/100 Mbps Fast Ethern et Controller Family includes the following devices in
Second generation Intel® 10/100 Mbps Fast Ether net Controller (include s MAC and an integrated
PHY unit)
82562 Platform LAN
Intel 8255x 10/100 Mbps Eth ernet Controller Family Open Source Software Developer Manual
1.2Document Conventions
1.2.1Device Refer ences
This do cu m e n t en comp ass e s in f o r mat ion for al l m e m b er s o f th e Intel Fast Eth er n et co ntroll er s:
82551, 82550, 82559, 82558, 82557 and the 82562.
The document convent ion, “8255x,” will be used to refe r to all devices. In addition, there are
specific references to the 82557 throughout this manual that pertains to all 8255x devic es . Devicespecific differences and exceptions will be documented.
Decimal, binary, and hexadecimal numbers are used through the manual. They will be de signated
as follows:
• Decimal numbers: Decimal numbers will not be followed by a suffix.
• Binary numbers: Binary numbers (base 2) will be followed by a “b” (for example, 01b).
• Hexadecimal numbers: Hexadecimal numbers (base 16) will be followed with the suffix “h”
(for example, 1Ch). Hexadecimal numbers may also be noted with a pre f ix of “0x” (for
example, 0x1c).
1.2.3Signal Name Representation
Signals that are active in a low logic state when asserted are followed by the pound sign (#). For
example, FRAME# is asserted low by the master during a transaction. It is asserted low at the start
and duration of a trans action and de-asserted during the final data phase.
Signals that are not followed by a pound sign are ac tive in a high logic state when as serted. For
example, the IDSEL signal is asserted high when the 82559 during PCI read and write transactions.
1.2.4Memory A lignment Terminology
The 8255x data structures have special memory alignment requirements. T his implies that the
starting phy si cal address of a data structure must be aligned as specified. The following terms are
used for this purpos e:
• Byte alignment: Byte alignment implies that the physical addresses can be odd or even.
Examples: 0FECBD9A1h or 02345ADC6h
• Word ali gnm ent : Word alignment implies that phys ical addresses must be aligned on even
boundaries . In other words, the last nibble of the address may only end in 0h, 2h, 4h, 6h, 8h,
Ah, Ch, or Eh.
Example: 0FECBD9A2h
• Dword alignment: Dword alignment im plies that the physical addres ses may only be aligned
on 4-byte boundarie s. In othe r words, the last nibbl e of the addres s may only end in 0h, 4h, 8h,
or Ch.
Example: 0FECBD9A8h
Intel 8255x 10/ 100 M bps Ethern et Co ntroller Family O pen Sourc e Sof tware Devel ope r Manua l
• Paragraph alignment: Paragraph align me nt implies that the phys ical addresses may only be
aligned on 16-byte boundaries. In other words, the last nibble must be a 0.
Example: 02345ADC0h
Intel 8255x 10/100 Mbps Eth ernet Controller Family Open Source Software Developer Manual
Intel 8255x 10/ 100 M bps Ethern et Co ntroller Family O pen Sourc e Sof tware Devel ope r Manua l
Adapter and Controller Overview
Adapters based on an Inte l® 8255x device support the ANSI/IEEE 802.3u standard for 100BASETX (100 Mbps operation) and 10BASE-T (10 Mbps operation).
2.1Adapter Block Diagram
The main components of I ntel Fast Ethernet adapters are:
• A Fast Ethernet Media Acces s Controller (MAC), such as the 8255x, is the core component.
The MAC supports the Fast Ethernet ANSI/IEEE 802.3u standard.
• A Physical Layer (PHY) inte rfac e device is also required. The 82558, 82559, 82550, and
82551 components ha ve an i ntegrated PHY that supports 100BAS E-TX and 10BASE-T.
Adapters based on the 82557 must include an appropriate PHY component for their design.
• A serial EE PROM is required to hold the adapter’s individual E thernet node address and othe r
configuration information including fixed PCI configuration parameters.
The adapters are based on 100BASE-T X spe cifications. 100BAS E-TX is a specific scheme
designed for use over 2 pairs of Category 5 unshiel ded twisted-pair cable . 100BASE-TX defines a
signaling sche m e for 100 Mbps and provides compatibi lity with the existing 10 Mbps IEEE 802.3
10BASE-T signaling standard. Since only 2-wire pairs are used, TX technology allows full duplex
operation at 100 Mbps. The Intel 82555 is one possible TX solution.
The block diagra m belo w illus trate s an Intel
MAC with a TX or T4 PH Y.
PRO/100B adapter confi gurat ion bas ed on t he 82557
PCI Local Bus
100BASE-T4 or
Intel® 82557
Intel 8255x 10/100 Mbps Eth ernet Controller Family Open Source Software Developer Manual
Adapter and Controller Overview
2.2Intel Fast Ethernet MAC Features
2.2.182557 Features
• Glueless 32-bit, zero wait state PCI bus master interface compliant with PCI Specification,
Revision 2.1.
• 10 and 100 Mbps support in compliance with IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T and 802.3u 100BASE-
• Fast back-to-back transmit interf rame spacing (IFS) of 960 ns in 100 Mbps networks and 9. 6
µs in 10 Mbps networks.
• On-chip Control/Status Register (CSR) incorporating the System Control Block (SCB).
• Simple and flexible packet support with Dynamic transmit chaining.
• Packed Transmit Buf f er Descriptors (TBDs).
• Early transmit complete indication.
• Simple receive pack et support al lows ear ly receive in terrupt support for concurre nt processing
(in simplified mode).
• IEEE Media Independent Interfac e (MII) compliant PHY interface other MII compliant PHYs.
• Full and half duplex transmit and receive capability.
• Separate on-c hip receive and transmit FI F Os.
• On-chip network management counters.
• EEPROM support.
• Optional Flash ROM support (256 Kbytes or 1 Mbyte).
2.2.282558 Features
For the most part, the 82558 is a superset of the 82557. In addi tion to incorporat ing the features of
the 82557, it al so i ncludes the following :
• Backward compatibl e to 82557 software.
• Integrated 100BASE-TX PHY.
• IEEE 802.3u auto-ne gotiation support in 10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, full dupl ex a nd f ull
duplex flow control configurations.
• Auto-polarity correction for 10BASE-T.
• Optimized PCI interface with support for the memory write and invalida te PCI command.
• Automatic read of EEPROM (programmable I D).
• IEEE 802.3x flow control capable.
• PHY based flow control supp ort when the internal 100BASE-TX PHY is used.
• Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) Specification and PCI Power
Management Specification compliant.
• Remote power up support (for Magic Packet*).
Intel 8255x 10/ 100 M bps Ethern et Co ntroller Family O pen Sourc e Sof tware Devel ope r Manua l
Adapter and Controller Overview
• Optional Flash support up to 64 Kbytes. (The 82557 is cap able of larger Flash size support.)
2.2.382559, 82550, 82551, and 82562 Fea tures
The 82559, 82550, and 82551 devices are supersets of the 82557 and 82558. However , the 82559
does not support PHY based flow control as the 82558 did. The new 82559 features are:
• Backward compatible to the 82557 and 82558 software.
• Low power 3.3 V device:
• Clockrun protocol support.
• System Management Bus (SMB) s upport.
• Wired for Management support (WfM).
• Expanded Wake on LAN capabiliti es .
• 128 Kbytes Flash size support. (The 82558 only supp orted a 64 Kbyte Flash.)
• Thin ball grid array (BGA) 15 x 15 mm package. Features
The 82559ER is a member of the 82559 Fast Eth ernet controllers. It is a subset of the 82559.
However, the 82559ER does not support:
• SMB.
• Wake on Magic Packet*.
2.3Working with the Physical Layer
The 82557 contains an IEEE MII compl iant interface to a MII complian t P HY, allowing
connections to 10/100 Mbps networks. Software communicates to a MII compl iant device thro ugh
the 82557 by using the its Management Data Interface (MDI) port.
The 82558, 82559, 82550 and 82551 contain an embedded PHY module. Although the PHY is
internal for these devices, software still communicates to the PHY unit through the MDI port.
For 10/100 Mbps connections, t he 82557 can be used in conjunction with the Intel
Mbps only connections, the 82557 can be interfaced to the Intel
maintaining software compatibil ity to 100 Mbps solutions. The 82558 and later devices do not
have a 10 Mbps only interface as the 82557. However , it is possible to interface these devices with
a 10 Mbps only MII device.
82503 serial interface, while
82555. For 10
Intel 8255x 10/100 Mbps Eth ernet Controller Family Open Source Software Developer Manual
Adapter and Controller Overview
Intel 8255x 10/ 100 M bps Ethern et Co ntroller Family O pen Sourc e Sof tware Devel ope r Manua l
Power Management Interface
The 82557 has no power management support. The 82558 added support for th e Advanced
Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) Specification and limited support for Wake on LAN
(WOL). The 82558 B-s tep upgraded and expanded the WOL capability, while the 82559 expanded
and simplified the WOL functionality even more.
3.1Low Power Mode Requirements
The 82558, 82559, 825 50, a nd 82551 adhere to the emerging power management sta ndards as
defined in:
• PCI Bus Power Management Interfa ce Specificatio n, Revision 1.0.
• Advanced Configura tion and Power Interface Specification (ACPI), Rev 1.0; Dec ember 22,
• Device Class Power Managem ent Reference Specification - Network Device Class, Revision
These three specifications define how a PCI network device can be controlled in an OS Directed
Power Management (OSPM) environment. These devices all adhere to these specific ations.
Additionally, they support bus isolation within the chip and Wake on LAN (WOL) capabilities.
3.2Device Power States
Currently, operating systems only support the D0 and D3 power states. However, starting with the
82558, the Intel Fast Ethernet controller fami ly supports all four power states as defined in the PCI
Power Management Specification. These power states are named D0, D1, D2 and D3. D0 is the
maximum powered state, and D3, the minimum powered state.
3.3Power Management Re gis ters
The 82558, 82559, 82550, and 82551 support power manage ment registers:
• Power Management Capability Pointer (Cap_Ptr)
• Power Management Capabilities (PMC)
• Power Management Control/Status Register (PMCSR)
• Power Management Driver Register (PMDR)
The first three registers are located in PCI configuration space and are defined in the PCI Power
Management Spec ification. It is part of the device CSR, which is mapped into sys tem memory and
I/O space.
Intel 8255x 10/100 Mbps Eth ernet Controller Family Open Source Software Developer Manual
Power Management Interface
3.4Link Operation
In the D0 state, the device maintains an active link. The 82558 B-step (refer to Table 2, “Device
and Revisi on ID” on page 13) and later devices also maintain an active link in the D3 state if PME
is enabled and the device has power. This implies:
• 10BASE-T Mode: The device expects a normal clock input on the X1 a nd X2 pins. It expects
to receive norma l reception on the Rece iv e Differ ential Pos itive and Receive Differential
Negative signals (RDP/RDN pair). The device will not transmit on the Transmit Dif f erential
Positive and Tra n smit Diffe r ential Negative signal s (TDP/TDN pair).
• 100BASE-TX Mod e: The device expects a normal cloc k input on the X1 and X2 pins and to
receive normal reception on the RDP/RDN pair. It transmits a continuous idle st ream on the
TDP/TDN pair, as required by the 100BASE -TX s tandard. The 82558 does not transmit
frames on the link.
• Auto-Negotiation: If the link f ails whil e th e device is in the D1 state, it performs the nor mal
auto-negoti ation p roto col in or der t o re-est abl ish t he link. F or the 8 2558 B -step , if the link fa il s
in the D3 state and PME is enabl ed and t he devi ce has power , th e devic e will attempt to use the
normal auto-negotiation protocol in order to re-establish the link. If the link fails on the 82559
in the D3 state and PME is enabled and the device has power, the 82559 will go into a deep
power down state, rather than trying to re-establish the link with the auto-ne gotiation prot ocol.
During the D3 power state, the 82558 A-step does not mainta in an active link. The 82558 B-st ep
and later generation devices do not maintain a link in D3 if PME is disabled or if the device does
not have power.
Intel 8255x 10/ 100 M bps Ethern et Co ntroller Family O pen Sourc e Sof tware Devel ope r Manua l
PCI Interface
4.1PCI Configuration Space
One of the most important functions for enabling superior configurability and ease of use is the
ability to r elocate PCI devices in the address spaces. By def ault PCI devices support “Plug and
Play.” When the system is powered on, dev ice independent software (usually the system BIOS)
determines present devices, builds an address map, and assigns non-conflicting resources to those
devices. The device independent software accomplishes this configuration task by writing to the
PCI configuration s pace of each individual PCI dev ice.
The 8255x supports 16 Dwords of Type 0 Configuration Space Header, as defined in the PCI
Specification, Revision 2.1. The 82259 and 82558 also support a small section in the device
specific configuration space. The configuration space is depicted below. The registers that are not
identi cal betw ee n the de vi ce s ar e s h ad e d.
Table 1. PCI Configuration Space
Byte Offset
8Class Code (200000h)
10CSR Memory Mapped Base Address Register
14CSR I/O Mapped Base Address Regist er
3CMax_Lat ency (FFh)Min_Grant (FF h)Interrupt Pin (01h)Interr upt Line
Byte 3Byte 2Byte 1Byte 0
Device IDVendor ID
Status RegisterCommand Register
Header Ty peLatenc y TimerC a che Line Siz e
Flash Memory Mapped Base Address Regis ter
Subsystem IDSubsystem Vendor ID
Expansion ROM Base Address Register
Power Management CapabilitiesNext Item PointerCapability ID
ReservedDataPower Management CSR
Revision ID
Intel 8255x 10/100 Mbps Eth ernet Controller Family Open Source Software Developer Manual
PCI In terfac e
4.1.1Vendor ID (Offset 0)
This field ide ntifies the device manufacturer. For the 82557 B-ste p this field equals 8086h. For the
82557 C-Ste p, 82558, and 82559, this fie ld i s automa tical ly loade d from the EEPROM at power on
or upon the asserti on of PCI reset. If the EEPROM is not present or inva lid, this value defaults to
4.1.2Device ID (Offset 2)
This field uniquely identifies the devi ce . For the 82557 B-step this field i s 1229h. For the 82557 CStep, 82558, and 82559, this field is automatically loaded from the EEPROM at power on or upon
the asse rtion of PCI reset. If the EEPROM is not present or invalid, this value defaults to 12 29h for
the 82558 and 82559. The 82559ER does not load the Device ID from the EEPROM and will
always equal 1209h.
4.1.3Command Register (Offset 4)
The Command Register provides control over the device’s ability to generate and respond to CPU
cycles. Its layout is shown below. The shaded bits are not used and are hard-wired to 0.
30Special cycle monitoring.
2xMa stering enable.
1xMemory access enable.
0xI/O acce s s en ab le .
Memory write and invalidate (MWI) enable.
NOTE: More information regarding the MWI command is loca ted in Section 4.2.1,
“Memory Writ e and Invalidate”.
4.1.4Status Register (Offset 6)
The Status Register is used to record status information for PCI bus related events. Its layout is
shown below. The shaded bits are not used and are hard-wired to 0.
Intel 8255x 10/ 100 M bps Ethern et Co ntroller Family O pen Sourc e Sof tware Devel ope r Manua l
Figure 3. Command Registe r
Status BitsReserved
PCI Interface
15xDetected parity error.
14xSignaled system error.
13xReceived master abort.
12xRecei ved targ et abort.
110Signaled target abort.
10:901DEVSEL timing (indicates minimum timing).
8xData parity reported.
71Fast ba ck-to-back capabl e.
60UDF supported.
5066 MHz capable.
1 (82559
Capabilities list. This bit indicates whether the device implements a list of new capabilities
such as PCI Power Management. If it is set, the Cap_Ptr register in the PCI Configuration
Space points to the location of the first item in the Capabilities List.
NOTE: This bi t is set to 1 f or the 82559 an d 82558 if it i s not disabled by the EE PROM. I t
is always equal to 0 for the 82557.
4.1.5Revision (Offset 8)
This register specifies a device specific revision identifier. For the 82557 C-Step, 82558, and
82559, this f ield m ay be a utoma tical ly loa ded f rom the EEPROM at power on or u pon th e asserti on
of a PCI reset. The default revision register values for the various devices are:
The class code, 020000h, identifies the device as an Ethernet adapter.
4.1.7Cache Line Size (Offset C)
This regis ter specifie s the system cache line size in units of 32-bit words and ca n be read or written
to. The system BIOS or OS should initialize this register at power on or after a PCI reset .
The 82557 does no t suppor t Me mory W rit e and In valida te (MWI) and the refore re turns 0 when thi s
register is re ad. The 82258 and 82559 support the MW I command and must support this register.
The 82558 and 82559 can only support cache line sizes of 8 and 16 Dwords. Any value other than
8 or 16 written to the register is ignored, and the dev ice does not use the MWI command. If a value
other than 8 or 16 is written into the Cache Line Size (CLS) register, the device returns all zero es
when th e CL S re gi ster is rea d.
Figure 4. Cache Line Size
PCI Revision
Intel Driver
0 0 0 RWRW0 0 0
Bit 3 is set to 1 only if t he value 00001000b (8) is written to this register. Bit 4 is set to 1 only if the
value 00010000b (16) is written to this register. All other bits are read only and will return 0 on
4.1.8Latency Timer (Offset D)
This register sp ecifies, in units of PCI bus clocks, the minimum time that a bus master can retain
ownership of the bus. This value is set by the PCI bus arbitrator based on the values in the
maximum latenc y ( Max_Lat) and Maximum Grant (Max_Gnt) regis ters.
4.1.9Header Type (Offset E)
This byte fi el d ident if i es the lay o ut of the seco n d part of the p red efi n ed con figu r at ion spa c e head er
and if the device is a multi-function compone nt. The 82557 and 82558 are both single function
devices and have this register hard-coded to 00h. For the 82559, the value of this register is
determined by a bit in the EEPROM. This register should read 00h for a standard Ethernet adapter,
Intel 8255x 10/ 100 M bps Ethern et Co ntroller Family O pen Sourc e Sof tware Devel ope r Manua l
4.1.10Built in Self Test (Offset F)
This optional register is used for control and status of Built in Self Test (BIST). This register is
hard-wired to 0 indicating that the dev ices do not support BIST.
Three base address registers are supported by the 8255x:
• CSR Memory Mapped Base Address Register (BAR 0 at offset 10)
• CSR I/O Mapped Base Address Register (BAR 1 at offset 14)
• Flash Memory Mapped Base Address Register (BAR 2 at offset 18)
Two request memory mapped resources, and the third, I/O mapping. Each register is 32 bits wide.
The least significant bit in each base add ress register determines w hether it represen ts an I/O or
memory space. The figures below illustrate layouts for I/O and memory mapped base address
registers. After determining which resources wil l be used, the power-up software maps the I/O and
memory controller s into available locations and continues wit h the power up. To perform the
mapping in a device independent manner, the base registers are placed in the pr edefined header
portion of confi guration space. Device drivers access th is configuration space to determine the
mapping of a particul ar device.
Figure 5. Base Address Register for Memory Mapp ing
PCI Interface
Base AddressConfiguration Bits
31:4xBase Address.
00Memory space indicator.
NOTE: Bit 0 in all base registers is read-only and used to determine whether the register maps into memory or
00 = Locate address anywher e in 32-bi t address s pace.
01 = Locate address below 1 MByte.
10 = Locate address anywher e in 64-bi t address s pace.
11 = Reserved.
I/O sp ace. Base registers mapping to memory space must return a 0 in bit 0, and base registers
mappin g to I/O space, a 1.
Figure 6. Base Address Register for I/O Mapping
Base AddressReserved1
NOTE: Base registers that map into I/O space are always 32 bits with bit 0 hard wired to a 1, bit 1 is reserved
and must return 0 on reads, and the other bits are used to map the device into I /O space.
The number of upper bits that a device actually implements depends on how much of the address
space the device responds to. A device that wants a 1 Mbyte memory address space would set the
most significant 12 bits of the base address register to be configu r able, setting the other bits to 0.
Intel 8255x 10/100 Mbps Eth ernet Controller Family Open Source Software Developer Manual
PCI In terfac e
The 8255x requires one BAR for I/O mapping and one BAR for memory mapping of these
registers anywhere within the 32-bi t memory address space. The driver determines which BAR (I/
O or Memory) is used to access the Control/Sta tus Registers. However, both are always requested
by the device.
One BAR is also require d to map the ac ces ses to a n option al Fl ash mem ory. The 82557 implements
this registe r regardless of the presence or absence of a Flash chip on the adapte r. The 82558 and
82559 only imple me nt this register if a bit is set in the EEPROM. The size of the spa ce requested
by this register is 1Mbyte, and it is always ma pped anywhere in the 32-bit memory address space.
Note: Although the 82558 only supports up to 64 Kbytes of Flash memo ry and the 82559 only supports
128 Kbytes of Flash memory, 1 Mbyte of address space is still requested. Software should not
access Flash addresses above 64 Kbytes for the 82558 or 128 Kbyt es for the 82559 because Flash
accesse s abo v e the limit s ar e al iased to lo w e r add r es s es. Table 3 describes the implementation of
the base address register s.
Table 3. Base Address Register Summary
14hI/O space for the device Control/Status Registers. The size of this space is 32 bytes.
1Ch - 27hReserved.
Memory space for the device Control/Status Registers. The size of this space is 4 Kbytes
and it is mapped anyw here in the 32-bi t memory add ress space. It is marked as prefetchable. Software should not assume that this memo ry will be granted below 1 Mby te.
Memory space for FLASH buffer accesses. The size of this space is 1Mbyte. It is mapped
anywhere in the 32-bit address space and is not pre-f etchable.
4.1.11Subsystem ID (Offset 2C)
This register uniquely identifies the add-in adapter or subs ys tem where the PCI device resides. It
provides a mechanism to distinguis h different adapters that use the same PCI controller. For the
82557 B-step thi s field equals 0000h. For the 825 57 C-Step and later devices, this field is lo aded
from the EEPROM at power on or upo n the ass ertio n of PCI re set . If the EE PROM is not prese nt or
invalid, this value defaults to 0000h.
4.1.12Subsystem Vendor ID (Offset 2E)
This register uniquely identifies the add-in adapter or subs ys tem where the PCI device resides. It
provides a mechanism to distinguis h the vendor of a adapter from the vend or of the PCI controller
used on the adapter. For th e 82557 B-step this field is 0000h. For the 82557 C-Step and later
devices, this field is automatically loaded from the EEPROM at power on or upon the as sertion of
PCI reset. If the EEPROM is not present or invalid, this value defaults to 0000h.
4.1.13Expansion ROM Base Address Register (Offset 30)
The 8255x provides an interface to a local Flash device (or EEPROM) which may be used as an
expansion ROM. A 32-bit E xpansion ROM Base Address Regi st er at offset 30h in the PCI
Configuration Space is defined to handle the address and size information for boot-time access to
Intel 8255x 10/ 100 M bps Ethern et Co ntroller Family O pen Sourc e Sof tware Devel ope r Manua l
the Flash. The 82557 implements this register regardless of the prese nce or abs ence of a Flash
component on the adapter. For the 82558 and later Fast Etherne t controllers, this register is only
implemen te d if a bit is set in the EEP R O M .
The register func tions exactly lik e a 32-bi t bas e address register exc ept that the encoding ( and
usage) of the bottom bits is different. The upper 21 bits correspon d to the upper 21 bits of the
expansion ROM base address. The 8255x only allow an expansion ROM to be mapped on a 1
Mbyte boundary. Therefore, only the most significant 12 bits are configurable to indicate the 1
Mbyte size requ irement ( as with the Fla sh Memory Ma pped BAR, the 825 58 an d 82559 request a 1
Mbyte mapping even though the maximum Flash size allowed with those devices is 65 Kb ytes).
The format of the register is sh own in the figure below .
Figure 7. Expansion ROM Base Address Register
Read / WriteReserved (all bits set to 0)En
Bit 0 in the register is used to control whether or not the device accepts accesses to its expansion
ROM. When this bit is reset, the devices expansion ROM address space is disabled. This bit is
programmed at initialization time by the system BIOS. The Memory Space bit in the Command
register has precedence over the Expansion ROM Base Address Enable bit. A device responds to
accesses to its expansion ROM only if both the Memory Space bit and the Expansion ROM Base
Address Enable bit are set to 1 (it is reset to 0 upon PCI reset).
PCI Interface
4.1.14The Capabilities Pointer (Offset 34)
This an 8-bit field that provides an offse t in the device PCI Configuration S pace for the loca tion of
the first item in the Capabilities Linked List. The Power Management Interface documentation
specifies this linked list to provide access to all appropriate device information in the
implementation of the ACPI.
For the 82257, this register is hard-wire d to 0 si nce it does not support power management.
For the 82558 this r egis ter is set to DCh if powe r mana gement is ena bled in the EEPROM. If power
management is dis abled, then this register is set to 0.
For the 82559 and later Intel Fast Ethernet controllers, this regist er is hard-wired to DCh.
4.1.15Interrupt Line (Offset 3C)
The Interrupt Line register is an 8-bit register used to communicate interrupt line routing
information. This register is configurable by the system BIOS or OS. POST software writes the
routing information into this register as it initializes and configures the system. The value in this
register specifies which system inte rrupt controller input the device interrupt pin is connected to.
Device drivers and operating systems use this information to determine priority and vector
4.1.16Interrupt Pin (Offset 3D)
The Interrupt Pin register specifies which interrupt pin the device (or device function) uses. This
register is always set to a 1, indicating that INTA# is used.
Intel 8255x 10/100 Mbps Eth ernet Controller Family Open Source Software Developer Manual
PCI In terfac e
4.1.17Max_Lat / Min_Gnt (Offset 3E)
These registe rs specify the device settings for Latency Timer va lues. For both registers , the value
specifies a period of time in units of ¼ microsec ond. Min_Gnt is used to specify the burst length
period the devi ce needs assuming a clock rate of 33 MHz. Max_Lat is used to specify how often
the device needs to gain access to the PCI bus. The value s of these registers are 8h (2 µS) for
Min_Gnt and 18h (6 µS) for Max_Lat.
4.1.18Pow er Management PCI Configuratio n Registers Identifier (Offset DC)
The Capability Identif ier signals this item in the capability linked list as the PCI Power
Management regis ters. The PCI Power Management registers ha ve be en a ssigned the ID of 01h.
Since power manage ment is not implemented in the 82557, this register is hard-coded to 0 for that
device. For the 82558 and later devices, this rea d only register returns 01h. Item Pointer (Offset DD)
The Next Item Pointer register describes the location of the next item in the capability lis t. Since
power managem ent is the last it em in the list, this register is se t to 0. Management Capabilities (Offset DE)
The Power Management Capabilities (PMC) register is a 16-bit re ad-only register, which provides
informatio n on the capabilities of the device related to power manage me nt. Since power
management is not imp lemented in the 82557, this register is hard-coded to 0 for that device. For
the 82558 and later devices, this regist er returns values according to the chart below.
T able 4. Power Management Capabilities
BitDefault ValueR / WDescription
82558A: 00011
82558B, 82559:
no auxi liary power
- 01111
with auxiliary
power - 11111
82558A: 1
82558B: 0
82559: 0
PME_Support. This five bit field indicates the power states in
which the device may assert PME#. A value of 0b for any bit
indicates that the function is not capable of asserting the PME#
signa l while in that po w er sta t e.
The 82558 A-step supports wake-up from D0 and D1. The 82558
B-step an d 8255 9 s up po rt w ake- u p fr om D0, D1, D2 a nd D3
auxili ary power is prese nt and from all power state s if auxiliary
power exists.
D2_Support. If this bit is set, this function supports the D2 Power
Managem en t State. All devi ce s mus t sup po rt t he D0 an d D3 s t ates .
The 8255 9 an d later devi ces suppo r t the D 2 P ower Mana ge me nt
D1_Support. If this bit is set, this function supports the D1 Power
Management State. The 82558 and later devices supports the D1
Power Management State.
FullClk. If this bit is set, this function requires a full speed clock at
all times when it is in the D0 state in order to perform its function. If
this bit is cleared, the function only requires a full speed PCI clock
while actually transferring data so dynamic clock control may be
used. The 82558 A-step requires a fu ll speed clock at all times
when it is in the D0 state in order to pe rform its functi on.
if no
Intel 8255x 10/ 100 M bps Ethern et Co ntroller Family O pen Sourc e Sof tware Devel ope r Manua l
T able 4. Power Management Capabilities
BitDefault ValueR / WDescription
230ROReserved. This field is not used by the 8255x.
82558: 0
no auxiliary power
- 0
with auxiliary
power - 1
82558A: 0
82558B, 82559:
no auxiliary power
- 0
with auxiliary
power - 1
PCI Interface
AUX_Current. If the device is connected to an auxiliary power
supply, the 82559 reports a “1” to indicate that it consume less than
250 mA from the 3.3 Vaux pin while in the D3
reflection of bit 31.
DSI. The Device Specific Initialization bit indicates whether special
initialization of this function is required (beyond the standard PCI
configuration header) before the generic class device driver is able
to use it. Device specific initialization is required for the 82558 and
82559 af ter a D3 to D0 transition.
Auxiliary Power Source
This bit is only meaningful if PM CSR bit 31 (D3
PME) equ als 1 . When t hi s b it al so eq ual s 1, i t indi ca te s th at su ppor t
for PME# in D3
B-step and 82559 require auxiliary power for wake up from the
state. Therefore this bit is set to 1 if auxiliary power is
PME Clock. When this bit is 1, it indicates that the PME#
generat io n l ogi c r equ ir e s it s ho st P CI bu s t o mai n t ain a f ree - run ni ng
PCI clock. When this bit is 0, it indicates that no host bus clock is
required for the functi on to gener ate PME# . The 82558 and later
generation devices do not require a clock to ge nerate PME# and
return 0.
Version. This field specifies to software how to interpret the PMC
and PMCSR registers. A value of 001b indicates that the device
complies with the Revision 1.0 of the PCI Power Management
Interface Specification.
The Power Management Control/Status Register (PMCSR) is u sed to determine and change the
current power state of the device . It also all ows for the control of the power management inte rrupts
in a standard way. Since power management is not implemented in the 82557, this register is hardcoded to 0 for that device. For the 82558 and later devices this register acts according to the chart
Intel 8255x 10/100 Mbps Eth ernet Controller Family Open Source Software Developer Manual
PCI In terfac e
Table 5. Power Management Control/Status Register
BitValue at ResetR / WDescription
82558A: 0
82558B, 82559:
40 RO
no auxi liary power
- 0
Sticky bit
82558: 00
82559: 10 or 00
82558A = 0
82558B & 82559
= 0
(0 if no auxiliary
power available)
PME Status. This bit is set upon a wake-up event from the link. It is
independent of the sta te of the PM E_Enable bit. Wh en software
writes 1 to this bit it is cleared and the device stops asserting PME#
(if enabled).
Data Scale. The Data Scale is not supported on the 82558 and
always returns 0. For the 82559, it is a 2-bit read-only field
indicati ng the da ta regi s ter sca lin g fac to r. For the 82559, it eq ua ls
10b for registers 0 through 8 and 00b for registers 9 through 15.
Data Select. This 4-bit field selects which data is reported through
the Data Register and Data Scale field. This register is only
supported on the 82559 and later generation devices.
PME Enable. This bit enables the device to assert PME#.
Dynamic Data. The 8255 8 do es not im pl em ent this reg is te r and
returns 0. The 82559 does not support the ability to monitor power
consumption dynamically.
Power State. This 2-bit field is used both to dete rmine the current
power state of the 82258 or 82559 and to set the 82558 or 82559
into a n ew power st ate. Th e definition of the field values is given
00b - D0
01b - D1
10b - D2
11 b - D3
While wake-up events are not allowed in the D0 power state, hardware does not automatically
preclude this functionality. To ensure that wake-up events are not gen era ted when in D0, software
must clear the PME Enable bit when putting the device into that state. To ensure that no spurious
wake-up events are generated by the function, the PME Status bit (in the PMDR regi ster or the
PMCSR) must be specifically cleared (by writing a 1) when the PME Enable bit is set.
T o support Wake on LAN mode (pre-boot wake), the PME Enable and PME Sta tus bits are set wit h
known values after power-up reset. The ALTRST# pin should be connec ted to the device auxiliary
power good signal on the motherboard so that it will be active low on system power up. Assertion
of ALTRST# clears the PME Status bit and se ts the PME Enable bi t if the clock is active on the
CLK pin. Thus, if the Wake on LAN (WOL) bit in the EEPROM is se t, the device will wake up the
system upon receiving of Magic Packet*.
Intel 8255x 10/ 100 M bps Ethern et Co ntroller Family O pen Sourc e Sof tware Devel ope r Manua l Power Consumption Registers (Offset E2h)
The Data Register is an 8-bit read-only registe r providing a mechanism for the device to report
state depende nt maximum power consumption and hea t dissipation. The value reported in this
register depends on the value written to the Data Select field in the PMCSR register .
The power measurements defined in the register have a dynamic range of 0 to 2.55 W wit h 0.01 W
resolution according to the data scale.
Note: The required accurac y should be in the range of +20% and -10%. The 82557 and 82558 do not
implement this register. The 82559 and later Intel Fast Ethe rnet controllers do. The val ue reported
in this register is hard-coded in the 82559 silicon. The structure of the data register is presented
T able 6. Power Consumption / Dissipation Reporting
Data SelectData ScaleData Reported
02D0 Power Consumption = 58 (580 mW)
12D1 Power Consumption = 40 (400 mW)
22D2 Power Consumption = 40 (400 mW)
32D3 Power Consumption = 40 (400 mW)
42D0 Power Dissipated = 58 (580 mW)
52D1 Power Dissipated = 40 (400 mW)
62D2 Power Dissipated = 40 (400 mW)
72D3 Power Dissipated = 40 (400 mW)
82Common Function Power Dissipated = 00
9-150Reserved 00 h
PCI Interface
NOTE: The D1 and D2 power states are not currently s upporte d by operating systems.
4.2PCI Command Usage
The table below lists the PCI commands that the various Intel Fast Ethernet controllers can use.
Intel 8255x 10/100 Mbps Eth ernet Controller Family Open Source Software Developer Manual
PCI In terfac e
Table 7. Gener ated PCI Commands
PCI CommandNameCircumstance Used
0x6MRTxCB “S” bit read.
0xCMRMRe ading transmit data buffers.
MWI (82558 &
CB and RFD. Writing sta tistics co unters or dump data
buffer to memory. Writing received packet data into
receive buffers.
Writing received packet data into receive buffers.
The controllers do not generate I/O commands, Interrupt Acknowledge cycle s, or Configuration
cycles. The controllers also do not support Dual Address Cycle (DAC). Targets (typically the
system bridge ) must respond to all of the commands that the Ethernet controller generates.
4.2.1Memory Write and Invalidate
The 82558, 82559 , 825 50, and 82551 hav e 4 int ernal DMA channe ls. Of thes e 4, t he Rec eive DMA
channel is used to deposit packet data received from the link into sy stem memory. The Receive
DMA channel uses both the Memory Write (MW) and the Memory Write and Invalidate (MWI)
commands. In order to use MWI the device m us t guarantee:
• A minimum transfer of one cac he line.
• All byte- en a bl e bits are ac ti v e dur i n g ea ch M W I acc es s.
• The device may cros s a cache line boundary only if it intends to transfer the e ntire next cache
line too.
In order to ensure the abo ve conditions, the device may use the MWI command only if the
following c onditions hold:
1. The cache line size written in the CLS register during PCI configuration is 8 or 16 Dwords.
2. The accessed address is cache line aligned.
3. The 82558 or 82559 has at le as t a c ache line size of data byte in its Receive FIFO.
4. Ther e is a t le ast a cache li n e s iz e o f sp ac e left in the sy s t em m e m o r y buff er. In addit i on , the
device will use two configuration bits to enable and disable the us e of MWI:
a. MWI Enable bit in the PCI Configurat ion Com mand register (Section 4.1, “PCI
Configuration Space”).
b. MWI Enable bit in the device Configure command (Sect ion6.4.2.3, “Configure (010b)”).
If any one of these conditions does not hold, the device uses the MW command. If a MWI cycle is
started and one of the conditions does not hold any more (for example, the data space in the
memory buffer is less than the CLS), then the device terminates the MWI cycle at the end of the
cache line. The next cycle is a MWI or MW cycle according to the conditions listed above .
If a MWI cy cl e is te r m i na t ed by a Ret r y fr o m th e target, the device att empts to re tr y th e ac cess
using th e MWI command. If a MWI cycle is terminated in the middle of a cache line by a
disconnect from the target (inclu ding Disconnect-C), the de vice issues a new cycle from the
disconnecte d point usi ng the MW command. If the disco nnect occurs on a cache line bounda ry, the
Intel 8255x 10/ 100 M bps Ethern et Co ntroller Family O pen Sourc e Sof tware Devel ope r Manua l
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