Intek RheoVac 950 User Manual

SECTION 1 GENERAL INFORMATION ....................................... - 1 -
1.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................. - 1 -
1.2 PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION ....................................... - 2 -
1.3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .................................... - 2 -
1.4 PRECAUTIONS .................................................. - 2 -
SECTION 2 INSTALLATION ................................................ - 4 -
2.1 INSTALLATION ................................................. - 4 -
2.2 RheoVac SYSTEM INSTALLATION/SITE SELECTION ................. - 4 -
2.2.1 Probe Site Selection .......................................... - 4 -
2.2.2 Electronics Unit Site Selection ................................. - 5 -
2.3 MOUNTING HARDWARE INSTALLATION .......................... - 6 -
2.4 PROBE INSTALLATION AND ORIENTATION ........................ - 6 -
2.5 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS ..................................... - 8 -
SECTION 3 OPERATION .................................................. - 14 -
3.1 GENERAL INFORMATION ....................................... - 14 -
3.2 SYSTEM START-UP ............................................. - 14 -
3.3 PORTABLE USB DATA STORAGE DEVICE/Warranty ................. - 14 -
3.4 DISPLAY ....................................................... - 15 -
3.5 COMMUNICATIONS ............................................ - 15 -
3.6 DATA PROCESSING ............................................. - 16 -
3.7 CUSTOM SOFTWARE ........................................... - 17 -
SECTION 4 MAINTENANCE .............................................. - 18 -
4.1 GENERAL MAINTENANCE ....................................... - 18 -
4.2 CALIBRATION ................................................. - 18 -
4.3 SPARE PARTS .................................................. - 18 -
4.4 TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................ - 18 -
SECTION 5 CUSTOMER SERVICE ......................................... - 21 -
5.1 QUESTIONS ON EXISTING HARDWARE ........................... - 21 -
5.2 TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................ - 21 -
5.3 FACTORY AND FIELD SERVICE .................................. - 21 -
5.4 QUESTIONS ON NEW EQUIPMENT ............................... - 21 -
5.5 CONDENSER SERVICES ......................................... - 21 -
SECTION 6 CUSTOM INFORMATION ...................................... - 22 -
6.1 UNIT IDENTIFICATION .......................................... - 22 -
6.2 CONFIGURATION ............................................... - 22 -
6.3 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ........................................ - 22 -
Appendix A - RheoVac Model 950 User Interface Software Appendix B - RheoVac Model 950 Networking
Intek, Inc. 2007
Intek, Inc. warrants each RheoVac product to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service, Intek's obligation under this warranty being limited to making good any part or parts thereof which shall, within one (1) year after delivery of such product to the original purchaser, be returned to Intek with transportation charges prepaid and which Intek's examination shall disclose to its satisfaction to have been thus defective; this warranty being expressly in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied and all other obligation or liabilities on Intek's part. The purchaser will assume all responsibility and expense for removal, decontamination and reinstallation of equipment.
RheoVac instruments are manufactured under United States patent numbers 4,255,968, 5,485,754, 5,752,411 and 6,526,755. Intek, Rheotherm, Rheovec, Rheomax, RheoVac and RheoSmart are registered trademarks of Intek, Inc.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
Intek, Inc.
751 Intek Way
Westerville, Ohio 43082-9057
Phone (614) 895-0301 Fax (614) 895-0319
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For the first time, all necessary properties of the gases in the condenser exhauster line are directly measured to provide an accurate determination of air in-leakage and condenser performance related parameters. These properties are measured to provide the power industry with the most advantageous and complete product for condenser system diagnostics:
the RheoVac®System*
*USPNs 4,255,648; 5,485,754; 5,752,411; 6,526,755
A model 950 RheoVac system consists of one, two or three probes reporting to a central signal conditioner and processor unit. The sensing probe, consisting of multiple sensors configured in a single probe head, is installed in the vacuum line between the condenser and the exhauster. The RheoVac system is superior to all other methods in that it makes no assumptions about the dynamic condenser and vacuum line environment. The sensor head employs the patented Rheotherm an accurate mass flow measurement. Additionally, temperature, pressure and water vapor relative saturation measurements are made using a high accuracy platinum resistance temperature detector (RTD), a strain gauge pressure sensor and a specially configured and calibrated water vapor saturation sensor.
technology to provide
Figure 1 RheoVac Model 950
- 1 -
The principal features of the RheoVac system are shown in Figure 1. At the heart of the RheoVac system is the Rheotherm mass flow transducer, which uses the same patented thermal sensing technique employed in all precision flow instruments manufactured by Intek. Two temperature sensors are used one sensor is in thermal equilibrium with the flow medium and provides a temperature and flow signal reference, while the second sensor is located near a constant power heater so that its temperature is always above that of the fluid. The temperature of the heated sensor will vary with the stream velocity of the fluid. Hence, the measured temperature differential between the reference sensor and heated sensor is a function of flow rate, which is approximately proportional to the logarithm of mass flow rate (USPN 4,255,968).
The Rheotherm flow sensor is calibrated to measure the total mass flow of the gaseous water vapor/air mixture. From the other three measurements, the RheoVac electronics converts the total gas mass flow signal from the probe into two components, air mass flow rate and water vapor mass flow rate. This unique measurement method is disclosed in two separate patents (USPN 5,485,754 & 5,752,411).
The RheoVac system is fully calibrated in the factory under dynamic fluid conditions identical to those within the power plant vacuum line. No field adjustments are required.
Primary Calibration Accuracy:
±5% Total Mass Flow
±0.5% of reading
Operating Temperature:
Electronics: 40 to 120°F (5 to 49°C) Probe: 40 to 160°F (5 to 71°C)
Never subject probe to temperatures above 210°F (99°C)
Operating Pressure:
0.5 to 30 inches Hg absolute 15 psi maximum
Process Connection:
Hot tap assembly (1½” thread-o-let must be welded to pipe for hot tap installation)
Wetted Surface:
300 Series SS and engineered plastic
Read the entire manual before installing and operating the RheoVac system.
Local Display:
Back-lit LCD Selectable display of air in-leakage and 6 of the other output parameters
Input Power:
100-250 Vac, 50/60 Hz
Signal Output:
RS-232/RS-422/Serial Modbus, Ethernet Eight 4-20mA signals (optional)
Data Access:
Storage Temperature:
!20 to 120°F (-29 to 49°C)
Storage Pressure:
15 psig (maximum)
Local Keypad:
Parameter scrolling Metric/English units
Carefully select the best locations for installation of the probes. Access, installation clearances, freedom from standing water, and straight-run should all be considered when selecting a probe location.
- 2 -
Use reasonable care in handling the probe the sensing components are delicate. Do not bend the probes, damage the tips, or obstruct the sensing ports. If shipping the unit, make sure the probe is adequately protected from foreign objects and damage.
Use proper input power it must be between 100 and 250 Vac (nominal 120/240 Vac) at 50/60 Hz (60 Hz nominal).
Confirm the line and environmental temperature is always below the probe and electronics ratings never operate a probe at or subject it to temperatures or pressures beyond its specified limits. (See Section 1.3)
.. WARNING - Never allow live high temperature steam to flow either direction in the
exhauster line where a probe is located. This can happen if steam jet ejectors are operated incorrectly.
.. WARNING - Do not allow the instrument’s RS sensor (or separate RS probe) to come
into contact with liquid water, water mist, or fog – these conditions may be present in your condenser vent line due to design configuration. The RS sensor measures relative saturation up to 100% but may fail under the above wet condition. Intek provides design services to improve condenser venting and reduce or eliminate entrained liquid water and excess condenser back pressure.
Keep moisture out of the enclosures once all service connections are made, make sure the enclosure lids are tightly closed and all gaskets are in place. Seal all conduit lines.
.. WARNING - Be sure to power up your RheoVac instrument system and probe(s) for
at least 30 minutes before inserting probes into the vent line hot taps. DO NOT leave probe in vent line unpowered or when flooding the condenser.
- 3 -
These instructions cover installation of RheoVac instruments in their standard configuration. Additional information pertaining to your unit is covered in SECTION 6 CUSTOM INFORMATION . Carefully read these instructions prior to installing the equipment. Also, see preceding SECTION 1.4.
The RheoVac 950 can be configured with one, two or three probes. A three probe system is intended to be installed so that one probe is in each of the two exhaust lines coming out of the condenser (A side and B side). The third probe should go in the header pipe that runs to the exhauster(s). Other installation arrangements of multiple probes should be discussed with the factory.
2.2.1 Probe Site Selection
# The location for each probe should provide the probe sensing area with well-established
smooth flow, uniform system temperature and pressure, and consistent non-liquid phase flow medium. Pipe sections ahead of a probe, in which water can accumulate, must be avoided. Refer to Figure 2 and select the most preferred location for each probe. Do not install the probes beyond any “trap” sections as shown in Figure 2, Configurations B and D. Special installation instructions unique to your unit, where applicable, will be noted in SECTION
6.3 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS. Refer to this section now to review special instructions.
Figure 2 RheoVac Probe Insertion Recommendation
- 4 -
# Check installation clearance. Each transducer probe is almost 3 feet (0.9m) long and the hot
tap assembly is approximately 13 inches (0.33m) long, therefore, allow minimum clearance of 4 feet (1.3m) for probe installation. Be sure there are no obstructions around the vacuum line that will interfere with probe insertion. Figure 3 shows the proper insertion angle. THIS ORIENTATION IS IMPORTANT FOR PROPER OPERATION.
# Observe the selected sites. They should be convenient for the removal and replacement of
probes at any time for service without building scaffolding or waiting for plant shutdown.
# Check operating conditions. The temperature and pressure limits (see Technical
Specifications; Section 1.3) of the unit should be checked to ensure compatibility with your application.
# Gases in the air removal line should be free of liquid water, mist or fog. Wetness in the line
will result in erroneous readings from the instrument. If wet conditions exist in the air removal line, there is either air removal section damage or design flaws which adversely affect condenser performance. Consult Intek for assistance in evaluating the severity of the problem and possible remedies.
2.2.2 Electronics Unit Site Selection
The Model 950 typically has two or three electronics enclosures (see Figure 1). The processor enclosure and other electronics boxes should be installed in a convenient location and should be kept away from direct sources of heat, such as uninsulated steam lines, or moisture. The maximum temperature rating of electronics is 120°F; ensure that this temperature will not be exceeded. Once the wiring connections are made, close and latch down the box lid to protect the contents from damage and debris. All these enclosures should be located in a dry area and should be kept clamped shut during normal operation. Do not allow water to get into the enclosures. If installed outdoors, build a roof over all enclosures to prevent eventual water infiltration.
A. Processor Enclosure: This 12x10 NEMA 4 enclosure houses the display and central
processing unit. Input power (100-250 Vac, 50/60 Hz) is connected inside this enclosure. This enclosure should be installed in a convenient location and should be kept away from direct sources of high heat, such as uninsulated steam lines.
B. Distribution Box: This 8x6 NEMA 4 enclosure is typically located near the probe that is
closest to the processor enclosure unit. It is connected to the main processor with an RS-485 bus DeviceNet™ cable, which can be hundreds of feet long. The probe and transmitter RS­485 cable connections are also made within this box. The probe and transmitter cable lengths should be 15 ft. or less, if possible.
C. Transmitter Box (optional): This 10x8 NEMA 4 enclosure contains terminals for accessing
the eight 4-20mA signals. It can be located in or near the control room so that the 4-20 wires
do not have to be run from the plant floor. An RS-485 DeviceNet cable runs from the distribution box to the transmitter box. (There are restrictions on how this can be done, so check manual Section 6, or contact the factory.)
- 5 -
Î Check hardware. Verify that the probe slides through the hot tap assembly.
Ï Check installation configuration. Make sure the probe is parallel to the floor (see Figure 4).
Be sure location is accessible for probe removal and maintenance.
Ð Check installation clearance. Verify there is a minimum probe insertion clearance of 4 feet
(1.3m) between pipe surface and any obstruction.
Ñ Install the mounting hardware. Drill a 1½” through-hole, center the thread-o-let over the
hole and weld it onto the condenser vacuum pipe (see Figure 4). Thread the hot-tap assembly into the thread-o-let. Use thread tape or pipe dope to seal the connection. (Alternate: weld thread-o-let to pipe wall, then drill a 1¼" hole in pipe wall using a hot-tap drill.)
Ò It may be necessary to apply a force of about 23 lb (102 Newtons) to remove or replace the
probe under plant operating conditions.
Î Check proper installation direction. Each probe has a directional
arrow on the junction box. Before installing the unit, note proper flow direction. This is important to instrument operation.
Ï Check serial number (S/N). If more than one RheoVac unit has been
purchased, make sure the first five digits of the serial numbers of the probe(s) match the first five digits of the serial number of the main processor unit. The electronics and up to three probes are a matched set. Mismatched components will not work correctly. The dash number on the probe S/N is the probe number shown on the display. Record the probe number and installation location for future reference.
Ð Verify stop clamp location (see Figure 3). A stop clamp is attached
to each probe as an indication of its insertion depth. It is important that the stop clamp is securely in place to position the sensors in the correct location and to ensure that the probes do not contact the opposite pipe wall. Contact with the pipe wall could damage the probe. The clamp’s location was determined based on your submitted pipe diameter, as shown in SECTION 6.2, and is marked with a groove on each probe shaft. Refer to this mark if a stop clamp is inadvertently moved. The two metal probe tips should be in the middle of the pipe.
Figure 3
Probe Stop Clamp
- 6 -
Figure 4 Transducer Installation Detail
- 7 -
Ñ Inspect the probe tips. Be sure wetted surfaces are clean before installing. If cleaning is
needed, use a damp cloth wetted with alcohol and wipe dry using a second dry, soft, lint-free cloth. Do not immerse probes in alcohol or any other liquids. This may damage the probe sensors.
Ò Be sure to power up your RheoVac instrument system and probe(s) for at least 30 minutes
before inserting probes into the vent line hot taps. DO NOT leave probe in vent line unpowered or when flooding the condenser.
Ó Install each probe. The probe should be mounted through the pipe wall using the hot-tap
assembly. The probe installs so that the two sensor tips are side-by-side across the gas stream. The probes have a flow directional arrow on the junction box. When installing under vacuum, do not allow the clamp to "slam" against the seal nut upon opening the valve. Grasp the probe firmly, with hand against the seal nut, before opening the ball valve. Allow the probe shaft to slide slowly through the valve by controlling the amount of grip on the probe shaft. Special installation instructions, if any, will be noted in SECTION 6.
Ô Prior to inserting probe, loosen the compression nut on the thermocouple connector of the hot
tap and clean the inner surface of the thermocouple connector to ensure it is free of particles that may cause probe damage.
. IMPORTANT . Inspect and VERIFY these electrical connections carefully. Improper
connection could damage electronic components and sensor function. If additional holes need to be drilledin the processor enclosure, remove the electronicssubassembly (mounted ona mounting plate) and temporarily store inside an ESD bag in a safe, clean place. Do not drill with electronics boards inside the enclosure.
A. Main Processor Unit (see Figure 5)
1. Sensor Power and Communication Line box using the RS-485 Communications/Power cable. Follow indicated connector color code. [communications
2. Main Power circuit. An external disconnect switch should be used for disconnecting power to the
: white (A), blue (B) and shield (SH); power: 24Vdc, red (+), and black (!)]
: Connect main power terminals to a dedicated 100-250Vac, single phase, 15 amp
: Connect the distribution box to this main processor
system during outages. Power connection wires should be at least 18 gauge and comply with accepted wiring codes. SW1 is used for cycling power to reset.
3. Serial Communication
: Connector JP3 is the RS-232 serial communication interface. This interface should only be used for distances of 20 feet or less, such as to a laptop computer. A 20 foot serial cable with a DB-9 connector can be shipped upon request (see Figure 9 and
Table I below). An RS-422 serial communication interface is present for long data communications when configured without 4-20 mA outputs.
Table I RJ-11 to DB-9 Module Adapter
RJ-11 Pin Out DB-9 Pin Out RJ-11 Pin Out DB-9 Pin Out
1 Tx (transmit) 1 N/C 1 Tx+ (transmit+) 1 Rx
2 N/C 2 Tx (transmit) 2 TxS (transmitS) 2 Rx+ (receive+)
3 Rx (receive) 3 Rx (receive) 3 Rx+ (receive+) 3 Tx+ (transmit+)
4 N/C 4 N/C 4 RxS (receiveS) 4 N/C
5 Power (+5V) 5 Ground 5 Power (+5V) 5 Ground
6 Ground 6 Pulled high 6 Ground 6 Tx
7 N/C 7 7 TBD
8 Pulled high 8 8 TBD
9 N/C 9 9 TBD
S (receiveS)
S (transmitS )
- 8 -
Figure 5 Output Connections and Set-up
- 9 -
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