Intek RheoVac 940 User Manual

SECTION 1 — GENERAL INFORMATION ....................................... - 1 -
1.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................. - 1 -
1.2 PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION ....................................... - 2 -
1.3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ..................................... - 2 -
1.4 PRECAUTIONS .................................................. - 2 -
SECTION 2 — INSTALLATION ................................................ - 4 -
2.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................. - 4 -
2.2 RheoVac MONITOR INSTALLATION/SITE SELECTION ................ - 4 -
2.2.1 Transducer Site Selection ..................................... - 4 -
2.2.2 Electronics Unit Site Selection ................................. - 4 -
2.3 MOUNTING HARDWARE INSTALLATION .......................... - 6 -
2.4 TRANSDUCER INSTALLATION .................................... - 6 -
2.5 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS ..................................... - 8 -
2.6 RheoVac MONITOR GROUNDING ................................. - 13 -
SECTION 3 — OPERATION .................................................. - 15 -
3.1 GENERAL INFORMATION ....................................... - 15 -
3.2 SYSTEM START-UP ............................................. - 15 -
3.3 OUTPUT SIGNALS .............................................. - 15 -
3.4 IBM-PC SOFTWARE ............................................. - 16 -
3.4.1 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ............................... - 17 -
3.4.2 SOFTWARE OPERATION .................................. - 17 -
3.4.3 DATA PROCESSING ....................................... - 18 -
3.5 CUSTOM SOFTWARE ........................................... - 19 -
SECTION 4 — MAINTENANCE ............................................... - 21 -
4.1 GENERAL MAINTENANCE ....................................... - 21 -
4.2 CALIBRATION .................................................. - 21 -
4.3 SPARE PARTS .................................................. - 21 -
4.4 TROUBLE SHOOTING ........................................... - 21 -
SECTION 5 — CUSTOMER SERVICE ......................................... - 25 -
5.1 QUESTION ON EXISTING HARDWARE ............................ - 25 -
5.2 TROUBLE SHOOTING ........................................... - 25 -
5.3 FACTORY AND FIELD SERVICE .................................. - 25 -
5.4 QUESTIONS ON NEW EQUIPMENT ................................ - 25 -
SECTION 6 — CUSTOM INFORMATION ...................................... - 26 -
6.1 UNIT IDENTIFICATION .......................................... - 26 -
6.2 CONFIGURATION ............................................... - 26 -
6.3 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ........................................ - 26 -
©Intek, Inc. 1999
Manual no. RVAC Rev. D
Rheotherm instruments are manufactured under United States patent numbers 4,255,968, 4,942,763, 4,949,578, 5,485,754 and 5,752,411. Intek, Rheotherm, Rheovec, Rheomax, RheoVac and RheoSmart are registered trademarks of Intek, Inc.
Intek, Inc.
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Phone (614) 895-0301 – Fax (614) 895-0319
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For the first time, all necessary properties of the fluid in the condenser exhauster line are directly measured to provide an accurate determination of air in-leakage. These properties are measured to provide the power industry with the most advantageous and complete product for condenser system diagnostics:
— the RheoVac
Air In-Leak Monitor System*
*USPNs 5,485,754; 5,752,411
The RheoVac air in-leak monitor system consists of multiple sensors configured in a single probe head and an electronic signal conditioner and digital signal processor (DSP) unit. The sensing probe is installed in the vacuum line between the condenser and the exhauster. The RheoVac monitor is superior to all other methods in that it makes no assumptions about the dynamic condenser and vacuum line
environment. The sensor head employs the patented Rheotherm
technology to provide an accurate flow measurement. Additionally, temperature, pressure and water vapor relative saturation measurements are made using a high accuracy platinum resistance temperature detector (RTD), a strain gauge pressure sensor and a specially configured and calibrated water vapor saturation sensor.
Figure 1 RheoVac Air In-Leak Monitor
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The principal features of the RheoVac monitor are shown in Figure 1. At the heart of the RheoVac monitor is the Rheotherm flow transducer which uses the same patented thermal sensing technique employed in all precision flow instruments manufactured by Intek. Two temperature sensor probes are used — one sensor is in thermal equilibrium with the flow medium and provides a temperature and flow signal reference, while the second sensor is located near a constant power probe heater so that its temperature is always above that of the fluid. The temperature of the heated sensor will vary with the stream velocity of the fluid. Hence, the measured temperature differential between the reference sensor and heated sensor is a function of flow rate, which is approximately proportional to the logarithm of mass flow rate (USPN 4,255,968).
The Rheotherm flow sensor is calibrated to measure the total mass flow of the water vapor/air mixture. From the other three measurements, the RheoVac electronics converts the total mass flow signal from the transducer into two components, air mass flow rate and water vapor mass flow rate. This unique measurement method is disclosed in two separate patents (USPN 5,485,754 & 5,752,411).
The RheoVac monitor is fully calibrated in the factory under dynamic fluid conditions identical to those within the power plant vacuum line. No field adjustments are required.
Primary Calibration Accuracy:
±1% of reading
±0.5% of reading
Operating Temperature:
Electronics: !20 to 120°F Transducer: 40 to 160°F
Never subject transducer to temperatures above 210°F
Operating Pressure:
0 to 10 inches Hg absolute
Process Connection:
Hot tap assembly (1½” thread-o-let must be welded to
Wetted Surface:
300 Series SS and engineering plastic
Local Display:
air in-leakage (SCFM)
Input Power:
115 Vac, 50/60 Hz (±15V) 230 Vac, 50/60 Hz (±15V)
Signal Output:
4/20 mA (for 10 parameters) RS 232/422
Storage Temperature:
!20 to 120°F
Storage Pressure:
15 psig (maximum)
pipe for hot tap installation)
Read the entire manual before installing and operating the RheoVac monitor.
Carefully select the best location for installation of the transducer probe. Adequate straight run and freedom from standing water in the line are vital to achieving optimal performance from the RheoVac monitor (See Figure 2).
Use reasonable care in handling the transducer — the sensing components are delicate. Take care not to bend the probes, damage the tips, or otherwise obstruct the sensing ports.
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Use proper input power — check the power select switch position on the electronics. Select either 115 Vac or 230 Vac before applying power.
Check the transducer maximum temperature and pressure ratings — never operate a transducer at or subject it to temperatures or pressures beyond its specified limits.
. . WARNING - Never allow live high temperature steam to flow either direction in
the exhauster line where the probe is located.
Keep moisture out of the enclosures — once all service connections are made, make sure the enclosure lids are tightly closed and all gaskets are in place. Seal conduit lines at the instrument.
Figure 2 RheoVac Probe Insertion Recommendation
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These instructions cover installation of the RheoVac monitor in its standard configuration. Additional information pertaining to your unit is covered in SECTION 6 — CUSTOM INFORM A TION. Carefully read these instructions prior to installing the equipment.
2.2.1 Transducer Site Selection
# Select the installation site. The location should provide the transducer sensing area with
well-established smooth flow, uniform system temperature and pressure, and consistent non­liquid phase flow medium. Pipe sections ahead of probe, in which water can accumulate, must be avoided. Refer to Figure 2 and select the most preferred location that fits your vacuum line configuration. Do not install the probe beyond any “trap” sections as shown in Figure 2, Configurations B and D. Special installation instructions unique to your unit, where applicable, will be noted in SECTION 6.3 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS. Refer to this section now to review any special instructions.
# Check installation clearance. The transducer probe is almost 3 feet long and the hot tap
assembly is about 13” long, so allow 4 feet of clearance for probe installation. Be sure there are no obstructions around the vacuum line that will interfere with transducer insertion. Figure 3 shows the proper insertion angle. THIS ORIENTATION IS IMPORTANT FOR PROPER OPERATION.
# OBSERVE the selected site. It should be convenient for removal and replacing probe at any
time for service without building scaffolding or waiting for plant shutdown.
# Check operating conditions. The temperature and pressure limits of the unit should be
checked to ensure compatibility with your application.
2.2.2 Electronics Unit Site Selection
# Select the installation site. The electronics unit should be located in a dry area. The
electronics are not protected against condensed liquid water inside the enclosure.
# Check for input voltage access. The electronics unit should be located in an area with access
to a 115 Vac or 230 Vac single phase, 50-60 Hz input power source.
# Check cable distances. The distances from the transducer to the electronics unit and from
the electronics unit to the control room, or to the receiving equipment serial communications port or to the analog input device, should not exceed the distances shown in Figure 4.
# Check electronics enclosure mounting area requirements. The RheoVac electronics
enclosure is NEMA 4, measuring 12"×10"×5". A detailed drawing of the mounting interface is shown in Figure 5 (pg. 7).
# Check for accessibility to setup and use a portable computer (PC) at the site for trouble-
shooting. There should be a place to set up the PC and to open the electronics enclosure.
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Transducer Installation Detail
Î Check hardware. Verify that the probe slides
through the hot tap assembly.
Ï Check installation configuration. Make sure
the probe is parallel to the floor. (see Figure 3).
Ð Check installation clearance. Verify there is a
probe insertion clearance of 4 feet from the pipe wall.
Ñ Install the mounting hardware. Drill a 1½”
through hole and weld the thread-o-let onto the condenser vacuum pipe (See Figure 3). Thread the hot-tap assembly into the thread­o-let. Use thread tape or pipe dope to seal the connection.
Ò It should be convenient to apply a force of
about 23 lb to remove or replace the probe under plant operating conditions.
Figure 4 Maximum Cable Lengths
Î Check proper installation direction. The transducer has a directional arrow on the tag and/or
etched into a metal part. Before installing the unit, note proper flow direction. This is important to instrument operation.
Ï Check serial number. If more than one RheoVac unit has been purchased, make sure the
complete serial number of the transducer matches the complete serial number of the separate electronics unit. The transducer and electronics are a matched set. Mismatched components will result in erroneous readings.
Ð Verify stop clamp location (see Figure 6). A stop clamp is attached to the probe as an
indication of its insertion depth. It is important this stay in place so the sensors are in the correct location and ensure the probes do not contact the opposite pipe wall. The clamp’s location was determined based on your pipe diameter, as shown in SECTION 6.2, and is marked with a groove on the probe’s shaft. Refer to this mark if the stop clamp is inadvertently moved.
Ñ Inspect the transducer probe tips. Be sure wetted surfaces are clean before installing. If
cleaning is needed, use a damp cloth wetted with alcohol and wipe dry using a soft, lint-free cloth. Do not immerse probe in liquid alcohol or any other liquids.
Ò Install the transducer. The instrument should be mounted through the pipe wall using the hot-
tap assembly. The transducer installs so that the two probes are side-by-side across the gas stream. The transducer has a flow directional arrow on the transducer tag and/or marked into the fitting. When installing under vacuum, do not allow the clamp to "slam" against the seal nut upon opening the valve. Grasp the transducer shaft firmly before opening the ball valve. Allow the transducer to slide through the valve by controlling the amount of grip on its shaft. Special installation instructions, if any, will be noted in SECTION 6.
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Figure 5 RheoVac Electronics Enclosure
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