Intek Rheotherm 210, Rheotherm 210 FM User Manual

SECTION 1 ! GENERAL INFORMATION ..................................... - 1 -
1.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................. - 1 -
1.2 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION ................................. - 2 -
1.3 PRECAUTIONS ............................................... - 2 -
! INSTALLATION .............................................. - 4 -
2.1 SENSOR ..................................................... - 4 -
2.2 TRANSMITTER ELECTRONICS ................................. - 6 -
2.3 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS .................................. - 7 -
! OPERATION ................................................. - 11 -
3.1 START UP ................................................... - 11 -
3.2 GENERAL INFORMATION .................................... - 11 -
3.3 OPERATIONAL INTERFACES ................................. - 11 -
3.4 INSTRUMENT CONFIGURATION .............................. - 12 -
3.5 OUTPUT CURVE ............................................. - 16 -
! MAINTENANCE ............................................. - 17 -
4.1 GENERAL MAINTENANCE .................................... - 17 -
4.2 FLOW CALIBRATION ADJUSTMENT ........................... - 17 -
4.3 SPARE PARTS ............................................... - 17 -
4.4 TROUBLESHOOTING ......................................... - 17 -
SECTION 5 ! CUSTOMER SERVICE ........................................ - 21 -
5.1 QUESTIONS ON EXISTING HARDWARE ........................ - 21 -
5.2 TROUBLESHOOTING ......................................... - 21 -
5.3 FACTORY AND FIELD SERVICE ............................... - 21 -
5.4 DECONTAMINATION OF EQUIPMENT ......................... - 21 -
5.5 QUESTIONS ON NEW EQUIPMENT ............................ - 21 -
SECTION 6 ! CUSTOM INFORMATION ..................................... - 22 -
6.1 UNIT IDENTIFICATION ....................................... - 22 -
6.2 CONFIGURATION ............................................ - 22 -
6.3 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ..................................... - 22 -
TABLE OF ORIGINAL CALIBRATION DATA .......................... - 23 -
Intek, Inc. 2010
MODEL 210FM RevB.wpd
Intek, Inc. warrants each Rheotherm Model 210 product to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service; Intek's obligation under this warranty being limited to making good any part or parts thereof which shall, within one (1) year after delivery of such product to the original purchaser, be returned to Intek with transportation charges prepaid and which Intek's examination shall disclose to its satisfaction to have been thus defective; this warranty being expressly in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied and all other obligation or liabilities on Intek's part. The purchaser will assume all responsibility and expense for removal, decontamination and reinstallation of equipment.
Rheotherm flow meters are manufactured under United States patent numbers 4,255,968; 4,942,763; 4,949,578; 5,485,754; 5,752,411 and 6,526,755. Intek, Rheotherm,RheoVac, Rheovec, Rheomax and RheoSmart are registered trademarks of Intek, Inc.
Intek, Inc.
751 Intek Way
Westerville, Ohio 43082-9057
TEL: (614) 895-0301 FAX: (614) 895-0319
Rheotherm®precision flow meters are designed to provide accurate representation of fluid flow rate. Rheotherm instruments are manufactured exclusively by Intek, Inc. and employ a patented thermal
technique used by industry since 1978. The unique sensor designs have protected sensors, are easy to install and require little or no maintenance. The Model 210 is a “smart” instrument; its unique features and performance characteristics are described in SECTIONS 3, 4, and 6.
Each Rheotherm flow meter consists of two elements a sensor and a transmitter unit. The sensors come in two basic designs, intrusive and nonintrusive (SECTION 2.1). Design selection is based on application constraints or customer preference. The transmitter, for signal processing, is housed in one of three enclosure styles (SECTION 2.2). Again, selection is based on application requirement.
Key features of Rheotherm instruments are:
Nonintrusive flow measurement
For pipe sizes from 0.030 to 2 inches, flow sensing can
be done from outside the flow tube.
No moving parts There are no rotating, translating, undulating or oscillating parts to wear, stick, break or fatigue.
Chemical compatibility
The wetted surface(s) can be any of a number of corrosion resistant metals or alloys. Most TU or TUL type sensors can be made with no internal joints or seals.
Rheotherm meters can be ordered calibrated for mass or volumetric units or in average velocity. Flow rate, totalization and fluid temperature displays or output signals are available, as well as rangeability up to 100:1 or more.
Fluid pressure options
to 10,000 psi (check sensor tag for rating on your unit).
Withstands over-ranging No damage or change in calibration will occur due to excessive flow rates many times higher than calibration range.
Immunity to shock and vibration
Optional nuclear radiation hardening.
Range of application ducts.
includes measurements in capillary tubes to large diameter pipes or
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Rheotherm flow meters are available with various nonintrusive and intrusive sensor designs, but they all use the same, patented, thermal sensing technique. Two temperature sensors are used one is in thermal equilibrium with the fluid and provides a fluid temperature reference, while the second temperature sensor is located near a heater so that its temperature is slightly above that of the fluid. In a TU or TUL sensor, the temperature sensors and heater are attached to the outside of the flow tube, whereas the probe sensors have the sensors and heater located in the probe(s) that are inserted into the stream. The rate at which heat is removed from the heated sensor by the stream is related to fluid velocity. Hence, the measured temperature differential between the reference sensor and heated sensor is a function of flow rate. Intek, Inc. is licensed to use this patented and trademarked flow measurement method.
Nonintrusive sensor Examples of insertion probe sensors (TU or TUL) with thread or flange fittings
!! CAUTION: Throughout the manual this caution notation
indicates that failure to execute the accompanying instructions may cause the instrument or external equipment to malfunction.
!! WARNING: A warning indicates that failure to execute the
accompanying instructions may cause permanent damage to the instrument or external equipment.
1. Use proper input power Check the label on the transmitter for the input power requirements.
2. Use reasonable care in handling the sensor. Do not try to disassemble the sensors; there are no removable parts.
TU or TUL Twisting or bending can damage the sensor. The flow tubes are thin­walled tubing. Do not rotate the electronics box or try to disassemble the sensor body tube fittings (at each end of the shell).
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Probes (NPT/2I, NPT/I, BF/2I, BF/I, etc.) Take care not to bend the probes or damage the tips. Do not try to remove or turn the electronics box.
3. Check the sensor maximum temperature rating Do n ot operate a sensor at or subject it to a temperature above its specified limit.
4. Keep moisture out of the electronic enclosure and sensor junction box. Once cable connections are made in the junction box, make sure the lid is tightly closed. Seal conduit lines if they can become wet inside.
5. Keep sensor wetted surfaces clean and free of permanent layer build-up.
6. Do not exceed pressure limits of the tube or fittings.
7. Maintain a thermally stable environment (short-term) for the sensor and adjacent line (See SECTION 2 INSTALLATION).
These instructions cover installation, calibration and maintenance of Rheotherm meters in standard configurations. Any special information pertaining to your unit is covered under CUSTOM INFORMATION (SECTION 6). Time should be taken to carefully read these instructions prior to installation of the equipment. Should any questions arise or problems occur, call Intek for immediate assistance.
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!! WARNING: If the instrument has been selected for use in
hazardous environments the model number shall end with the suffix
-FM. The -FM notation designates that the instrument has been designed, manufactured for use, and reviewed by Factory Mutual (FM) as suitable for use in Class I, Division 1, Groups B, C, D, (Class I, Zone 1, IIB+H2 for US Only), Class II, Division 1, Groups E, F, G, Class III, Division 1, type NEMA 4X, T6 Ta=60 Locations. This instrument is not recommended for use in acetylene environments.
!! WARNING: The sensors have no user serviceable parts, so do not try to disassemble. Permanent damage may result.
/C, Hazardous
!! CAUTION: All sensors have a directional arrow on the tag and/or etched into a metal part. Before installing a sensor, please note proper flow direction. This is critical to instrument performance.
The sensor style supplied with your meter is listed in the model code number in SECTION 6. Proper installation of the sensor is necessary for achieving accuracy and repeatability. Installation suggestions for each type of standard sensor are given here and instrument detail drawings may be included in the appendix. For custom sensor installations, refer to CUSTOM INFORMATION SECTION 6.
Be sure wetted surfaces are clean before installing. If cleaning is needed, use non-residue solvent and wipe dry. Some sensor terminations are enclosed in an aluminum housing and if it is not sealed properly can easily be damaged by moisture and corrosion. Make sure the lid is tightly sealed and
the gasket, if supplied, is in place.
1. TU or TUL (nonintrusive) capillary (C),
'16 and c TU or TUL sensors particularly
require special care in handling and installing to avoid damage to sensor tube andtube stubs.
!! WARNING: TU and TUL sensors are made with thin-walled tubing use care when installing.
All TU and TUL sensors larger than c inch should have straight line input and output sections, typically 20 pipe diameters on the inlet and 6 to 10 diameters on the outlet. If installed vertically, the direction of flow should be up through the sensor. Connection in
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the line is via compression fittings, hose with clamp, threaded fittings or flanges, whichever is appropriate. Care must be taken not to transmit a twisting force through the sensor’s midsection. The TU and TUL sensors, whether flanged or not, must not be used to pull other piping together or to make up angular mismatch of fittings. The sensor mounted enclosure should never be rotated for any reason.
TU and TUL sensors
'16 or smaller may be sleeved with a c" tube for added support.
Connection should always be made to the flow tube, as there is no assured seal between the flow tube and the sleeve.
Fluid temperatures other than ambient require special attention. Thermal gradients from one end of the sensor to the other, as well as along the radius of the connection pipe, are undesirable. Therefore, effective insulation should be installed around the inlet and outlet straight line runs. Gradients which may exist in the line further up stream can be removed if an insulated elbow is installed in the line prior to entering the straight line portion of the plumbing. Metallic support braces for the sensor or adjoining plumbing can act as a heat sink and cause indication errors in high temperature applications. The support braces should be thermally isolated from the line to avoid heat loss effects.
If the sensor is for use above 212°F, it will have a stainless steel side arm to get the electronics box away from the heat. Free air should be allowed to flow around the side arm and electronics enclosure to keep the electronics cool. The side arm can be insulated up to one third of its length from the sensor body.
In these applications, proper thermal control is vital to accurate meter performance. Non­uniformheat tracing, relayon/off temperature controllers and oscillating proportional type control should always be avoided. Steam trace lines with good pressure regulation or properly tuned proportional temperature control systems are effective in maintaining uniform fluid temperature. A box around the sensor and inlet tubing is highly
recommended for operating temperatures higher than room ambient. Allow enough inlet tubing inside the box to allow the fluid temperature to become the same temperature as the surrounding air. Separately control the box air temperature at the same temperature as the incoming fluid temperature to minimize thermally induced indication errors.
Flow stream conditioning must also be considered to maximize meter performance. Avoid upstream protrusions and short distance straight runs, particularly for insertion probes and TU/TUL sensors ¼" and larger. Flow pulsations, such as those created by metering pumps, may cause the instrument to differ from the factory calibration. Furthermore, if the flow is varied by stroke and by pump speed adjustment, the indication will most likely be non-repeatable. If you are using a pump of this type, it is recommended that a pulsation dampening device be used to provide smooth continuous flow. Otherwise a readjustment
of the instrument calibration after installation would be required (See SECTION 4.2).
For liquid measurement systems using high pressure gas to force flow, the effects of the absorbed gas must be considered. In these cases, sudden pressure drops up stream of the sensor such as line size expansions, control valves, and pressure dropping regulators must
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be avoided. Sudden pressure drops can cause the absorbed gas to release into the liquid, making the flow sporadic and difficult to measure. Control valves should be placed down stream of the sensor.
The ideal installation will provide the sensor with well established smooth flow, uniform system temperature and consistent fluid media.
2. Intrusive Probes
!! IMPORTANT: Recommended straight run for best accuracy is
a minimum 20 diameters upstream and 10 diameters downstream.
The various probe sensors are mounted through a threaded collar (NPT/2I and NPT/I) or flanged tee (BF/2I or BF/I). Other fittings and sensor designs are also available and are discussed on the Custom Information page. Generally the probes are sized so the tips extend ½ to 1 inch beyond the pipe center line when properly installed. There are exceptions to this in certain applications; see CUSTOM INFORMATION (SECTION 6) as it applies.
Proper alignment of the sensor with flow is important; the flow direction is indicated on the sensor tag and/or etched into the sensor. All dual probe sensors (NPT/2I, BF/2I) are installed so that the two probes are side-by-side across the fluid stream. Never rotate the integral box. If this occurs the sensor could be damaged and/or installed misaligned with the direction of flow.
For high temperature applications, the sensor and surrounding line should be well insulated. Leave a portion of the sensor neck un-insulated to allow heat dissipation before reaching the junction box.
Three transmitter configurations are available. The base model contains a round box integrally mounted on the sensor, and provides a linear 4-20 mA output (the “blind” option). When a local display is needed, the transmitter is enclosed in an explosion-proof box that contains a windowed electronics package for process variable display, IR communication, and IR proximity sensor user adjustment (the “display” option). A remote user interface option allows the sensor and the electronics to be separated by up to 200 feet with the use of a shielded instrument cable (Model 210R option). Consider the operational needs when selecting an installation site. Review the operation section of this manual and provide access to the features that may need to be used during normal or maintenance operations.
Each configuration is designed such that the instrument is watertight (non-submersible) when the
covers are properly seated. The housing(s) should be mounted such that wire/cable ports are located at the back, bottom, or sides of the housing(s) to reduce risks associated with water spray, condensation and settling of dust and dirt. All exposed parts are stainless steel (unless a special alloy has been specified), painted cast aluminum or steel, polycarbonate, or quartz glass (display window). These materials tolerate most corrosive environments.
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!! WARNING: When used in hazardous environments, the model number will include the -FM suffix. Using the shaft of a screwdriver placed between the lid’s center bosses, the sensor mounted box lid shall be tightened enough to assure it cannot be removed without the use of a tool. All enclosure covers should be in place, with all supplied gaskets, and tightened before power is applied to the unit. Conduit seals are required for Class I, Division 1 and Class I, Zone 1 applications if the field wiring passes through a conduit length 18" or longer. Applicable code requirements should be observed when connecting the conduit to the enclosure.
For the Model 210R option, the sensor and transmitter housing(s) should be installed keeping in mind the length and routing of the field wiring cable(s). Field wiring consisting of individually shielded pairs, one pair for power and one pair for the flow signal, is recommended. EMC compliance testing has been successfully completed using a single field wiring cable length of ten feet per CE marking guidelines. Additional lengths have been factory tested up to 200 feet. Lengths beyond ten feet require attention from the system installer with consideration given to potential RF interference of the 4-20 mA signal and to assure adequate power DC voltage levels are delivered to the instrument, given resistive voltage loss in longer DC power wire lengths. Sensor cable, for use in Model 210R, is typically supplied by the factory. Conduit or other suitable protection is also recommended for this cable between the sensor and the transmitter electronics.
Unless otherwise specified, normal ambient environment for the transmitter is 0-120°F. Maximum environment temperature for the transmitter and transmitter enclosure contents is 135°F.
1. Verify/configure the input power. The input power requirement is listed on the tag on the transmitter enclosure. Be sure the input power source to be used is properly selected in the unit. Unless specifically ordered otherwise, the input power requirements are 24±2Vdc @ 0.25A typical. Do not apply power to the instrument until all connections
are made and all enclosure covers are in place.
!! CAUTION: Use supply wires suitable for 10/C above ambient.
!! CAUTION: The output signal is isolated from the power ground.
If you are connecting the 4-20 mA output to an isolated input device, it may be advisable to ground the incoming signal at the input device. Refer to the input device manufacturer’s recommendations.
For CE compliance when using an input power source above 70 volts, it is required to employ a switch or circuit-breaker as a means for disconnection. For all other cases this is also recommended but may not be required by your local wiring code consult your plant’s safety engineer.
2. Check the analog output configuration of the transmitter and your input device. Typically the 4-20 mA output is configured to actively supply the loop current. If another output
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type has been ordered it will be listed in SECTION 6.3 - SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS. (Active: current to the loop is sourced by transmitter. Passive: output receiver sources the current.)
3. Pull wires through the conduit. Wire for the power connection must be no smaller than 22 gauge or as required by applicable local or company wiring codes. After pulling the wire, pot the conduit or wires near the enclosure if there is any possibility of water from condensation or spray entering the enclosure through the conduit. With the “blind” option, a single cable that contains two internal twisted-shielded pairs is included and is used for both the input power and the output signal. For the 210R option, a shielded sensor cable is supplied. Conduit or other suitable protection is also recommended for this cable between the sensor and the transmitter electronics. Separate wire pairs are recommended for power and signal conductor for use in hazardous locations where the ­FM option is required. (See Figures 1 and 2).
!! WARNING: The transmitter unit is not protected against condensed liquid water inside the enclosure. Be sure conduit interfaces are dry or sealed at the instrument to prevent condensation that may be present in conduit lines from entering the enclosure.
4. Make wiring connections. Power should be off at this time. Refer to Figures 1 and 2 for system wiring detail.
!! WARNING: Verify the wiring. The equipment can be permanently damaged if not wired as instructed in this manual. Conduit seals are required for Class I, Division 1 and Class I, Zone 1 applications if the field wiring passes through 18" or greater length of conduit. Applicable code requirements should also be met when connecting the conduit to the enclosure.
5. Secure the enclosure cover(s). Make sure it is tight enough to make a good seal against the gasket if supplied, and ensure all other enclosure openings are completely watertight. For the -XDT option, use the shaft of a screwdriver placed between the lid center bosses (-X or -XDT options), tighten the sensor mounted box lid enough to assure that the lid cannot be removed without the use of a tool. Tighten the lid and lock it by tightening the 1/16" hex headed set screw. All enclosure covers should be in place and tightened before the unit is powered up. Conduit seals are required for Class I, Division 1 and Class I, Zone 1 applications if the field wiring passes through 18" or greater of conduit. Applicable code requirements should also be met when connecting the conduit to the enclosure.
6. Connect functional ground. To assure EMC compliance, ground the sensor and the windowed enclosure (if applicable) to earth ground using 3/8" wide ground straps or equivalent. EMC compliance testing has been successfully completed using these straps and ungrounded tubing. However, if the flow tubing and electrical conduits are reliably grounded by other means, these straps may not be necessary. These straps may also be required to supply a reliable or redundant ground path for operation in hazardous locations. Consult your plant’s safety engineer.
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Figure 1 - Electrical Interface Model 210R option
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Electrical Interface, Model 210 “blind” and “display” options
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Typically, the instruments have been configured by the factory for the flow range of interest specified by the customer. After installation has been completed all that is required is to switch on power and initiate flow in the measurable flow rate range. Flow sensors that are not calibrated directly on the fluid to be measured are so indicated in this manual (SECTION 6). In this case an in-line field calibration is required.
When power is first turned on, the 4-20 mA output will be low (alarm condition while booting), followed by the output starting near 100%. During startup of units with a display, the alphanumeric display will show ‘*INTEK, INC.*’ on the top line and ‘(614)895-0301’ on the bottom display line. After fifteen to sixty seconds (depending on flow meter response) the reading will stabilize.
The Rheotherm instrument is compensated for a wide range of both ambient and flowing media temperatures. However, abrupt changes in the temperature of the flow stream can cause the instrument output to deviate from the true representation of flow rate. An accurate reading is obtained only when the sensor is in thermal equilibrium with the flowing liquid or gas. Typically, a 10°C abrupt change in temperature may require 40 seconds to stabilize. To maintain optimum accuracy, temperature ramps should be kept below 1°C/minute.
Rheotherm instruments are calibrated for a particular fluid, either at the factory or in the field. If the fluid changes properties, the calibration changes. Therefore, once calibrated, do not allow fluid properties such as density and viscosity to change (other than the intrinsic changes which occur with temperature variation). If the fluid is changed, a recalibration may be attempted following the procedure in SECTION 3.4.3. If this procedure does not provide for accurate indication for the range of interest, contact the factory.
Unless specifically ordered otherwise, all Model 210 instruments include a 4-20 mA analog output flow signal. A user interface option (-XDT) includes a 2 x 16 alphanumeric LCD backlit display, a status LED, two proximity sensors, and an IR I/O port. The flow process variable is a linear, temperature compensated value. The output signal is scaled such that 4 mA (0 Vdc for voltage output) represents zero flow and 20 mA (10 Vdc) represents 100% of the rated full-scale flow. The factory set full-scale value is shown on the output curve at the end of the manual.
1. Analog Output
The unit will have a 4-20 mA (0-10 Vdc, or other optional) signal for remote flow indication. The default configuration for the output is 4-20 mA active transmitter. See SECTION 2.3 for a discussion of the output types. The flow output covers 0 to 100% of full scale flow and abruptly drops to zero (4 mA) below the instrument’s calibrated low flow value. Refer to the Output Curve (Figure in Custom
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Information Section). The instrument output will extend outside of the 4-20 mA range to signify an alarm condition. A low value will indicate a problem has been detected with the sensor. All other error types will produce an output value higher than 20 mA. The only expected time the signal will be outside the 4-20 mA level is for a few seconds after powering on the instrument.
2. Local LCD Display
The optional 2x16 character display can be set to simultaneously indicate any two of the following: flow, temperature in °C or °F, or flow totalization, on either the top or the bottom display line.
3. Infrared I/O
Typically, the Model 210 also includes an IR Input/Output port. The IR port allows the use of a wireless palm device to configure the instrument display, adjust the flow calibration, and access instrument status and diagnostics. Palm device user instructions are included in a separate Appendix.
!! WARNING: To perform a calibration adjustment for a “blind” instrument, the transmitter housing cover must be removed to access the IR communications port and a palm device is required. “Blind” instruments are not recommended for use in hazardous locations. Since the instrument must be active to perform this operation, follow prudent safety procedures before attempting this procedure. ONLY INSTRUMENTS WITH A ‘-FM’ DESIGNATION IN THE MODEL NUMBER ARE APPROVED FOR USE IN HAZARDOUS AREAS.
Occasionally a change to the instrument’s factory default configuration may be desired. This section covers making use of certain features to optimize the performance of the instrument. If the instrument is not equipped with the user display option then the palm user appendix must be used. In this case, adjustment requires the use of an infrared equipped palm device and Model 210 palm device software. A familiarity with using a palm device is assumed in the following sections. Additional application specific tips are available on the palm device by tapping the info icon ±i located in the top right corner of the application’s menu bar. The user interface allows for full functional control of the instrument configuration as detailed below.
Table I. User Interface Configuration Options
Name Function Notes
89 Top Display
89 Bottom Display
Adjust Low
Adjust Low
Adjust High
Adjust High 9
Cal Select Retrieves calibration parameters Select 1 of 4 calibration parameter sets A, B, C or D
Reset Totalizer Resets total count to zero Hold ‘Select’ clears count when countdown reaches zero
Sets top line parameter Press ‘Select’ to activate new display parameter
Sets bottom line parameter Fluid temperature in °C
At low flow rate, increases indication Perform at steady flow rate below previous adjust high value
At low flow rate, decreases indication Perform at steady flow rate below previous adjust high value
At high flow rate, increases indication Perform at steady flow rate above previous adjust low value
At high flow rate, decreases indication Perform at steady flow rate above previous adjust low value
Model 210 Display Scroll List
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A quick reference guide is provided in the form of Table I which contains a list of available con­figuration options accessible using the display and the proximitysensors mentioned in SECTION 3.3
1. Local Display Configuration The Model 210 instrument with display option offers a user interface comprised of a 2x16 character LCD display, a status LED, and two proximity sensors. The LCD display can be used to display flow, temperature or totalization, and to execute certain instrument operations. To access choices using the display and proximity sensors, hold your finger over the ‘SCROLL’ button. The display will then scroll through a list of choices. Once the desired function is displayed, quickly move your finger over the ‘SELECT’ button to select the displayed function. Any time either button is ‘pressed’, the status LED (See Figures 3 and 4) will change from a short continuous burst to a steady single pulse.
The display provides a local readout of flow rate, fluid temperature, and/or total accumulated flow. It can also be used to view other parameters such as the instrument’s serial number, software version, etc. Table II shows a complete list of display variables. Each display line can be set to alternate between two display variables, allowing up to four parameters to be alternately displayed. Each time a new variable is selected, for either the top or the bottom display, it will begin to alternate with the previously selected variable. To prevent a new variable from alternating with the previous one, simply select it twice. The display variables can be changed by one of two means:
a. Change Display Using Proximity Sensors
i. Hold a finger over the ‘Scroll’ button until prompted to change either the top or
bottom display and move to step ii before the display mode reverts back to the previous setting.
ii. Hold a finger over the ‘Select’ button until the desired variable is listed to
activate the change. Note: If ‘Select’ is not activated, no action will be taken.
NOTE: The variable list will repeat if the desired parameter is passed over. Continue to hold until the list wraps around again. However, if the detectors are continuously triggered for a long period of time, as in the case of a dirty window or ‘stuck key’, the circuit will automatically disable itself. Once the problem is corrected, the circuit will recover automatically.
Figure 3 - Option -X, no display
Figure 4 - Option -XDT, with local display
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Table II. Display Parameter List
Model 210 Display Parameter List
Name Parameter Description
Flow Flow Rate Rate of flow in customer specified units
Temp °C Fluid Temperature Fluid temperature in degrees Celsius
Temp °F Fluid Temperature Fluid temperature in degrees Fahrenheit
Tot Total Flow Total accumulated flow volume or mass
S/N Serial Number Instrument serial number with selected calibration suffix
SoftVer Software Version Version of the resident instrument software
!! CAUTION: Do not attempt to use the proximity sensors while the serial communication port is actively receiving data or commands; for example, while using the palm device. Wait until the status LED has returned to a brief flickering burst before using the proximity sensors.
b. Change Display Using Palm Device Refer to Palm Software Appendix.
2. Resetting the Totalizer
- There are two ways to reset the totalizer.
a. Reset Totalizer Using Proximity Sensors
i. Hold a finger over the ‘Scroll’ button until the reset totalizer prompt is
displayed and move to step ii before the display mode reverts back to the previous setting.
ii. Hold a finger over the ‘Select’ button to begin a reset countdown (remove finger
before countdown reaches zero to abort).
iii. Total will be cleared at moment countdown reaches zero.
b. Reset Totalizer Using Palm Device Refer to Palm Software Appendix.
3. Flow Calibration Adjustment
Rheotherm “smart” instruments use a unique algorithm, SmartSpan, to allow the user to adjust the flow instrument’s calibration. The operator may adjust the flow calibration curve at any two flow rate values. This is similar to making a zero and span adjustment, which typically involves making a zero adjustment at low or zero flow followed by a span adjustment at a high or full-scale flow value. A key feature of SmartSpan allows a two point adjustment without any interaction between the current adjustment and the previous one. Here the user should select two rates of flow to either optimize the factory calibration or to compensate for a fluid type that is different from the original calibration. There are two ways to adjust the flow rate indication.
For Hazardous Locations:
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For Non-Hazardous Locations:
FOR USE INHAZARDOUS LOCATIONS. ONLY INSTRUMENTS WITH A ‘-FM’ DESIGNATION IN THE MODEL NUMBER ARE APPROVED FOR USE IN HAZARDOUS AREAS. To perform a calibration adjustment on an instrument without a display, the transmitter housing cover must be removed to access the IR communications port and a palm device is required. Since the instrument must be active to perform this operation, follow prudent safety procedures before attempting this procedure.
!! CAUTION: Although the calibration adjustments can be made at any non-zero flow value, it is recommended that the low and high flows be at least 10% of full-scale apart from each other. If the desired accuracy is not met with this technique, a factory assisted recalibration may be required.
!! CAUTION: Adjustments to the calibration will override the factory calibration settings. Before field calibrating the unit, make sure indication errors are not correctable by reviewing the installation guidelines and making any necessary flow system changes. Note: factory calibration settings can be restored as detailed below.
a. Enable/Disable Calibration Adjustment
A separate feature of SmartSpan is the ability to disable and enable the calibration adjustment function to prevent accidental or unauthorized changes to calibration. This is done by setting both the top and bottom display lines to the ‘Temp °C’ field, then by holding a finger over the ‘Select’ proximity sensor. The message ‘SmartSpan / Disabled’ will be displayed when disabled. Change both display lines to the ‘Temp °F’ field and press ‘Select’ to enable calibration adjustment. The factory default setting will have this feature enabled.
b. Adjust Calibration Using Proximity Sensors
i. Establish flow at a known flow value near the low range of normal use (e.g., 15-
20% of full-scale flow). Do not attempt to zero the indication at a non flowing condition.
ii. Hold a finger over the ‘Scroll’ button until the ‘SmartSpan / Adj Low’ prompt
is displayed and move to step iii before the display mode reverts back to the previous setting. Select the prompt containing a ‘8’ to increase the flow indication or a ‘9’ to decrease the flow indication.
iii. Hold a finger over the ‘Select’ button to begin. As you continue to hold the
button the sensitivity will continue to increase. For fine adjustment, release the button, and continue to press and release to change the offset incrementally. Recheck the measured flow, compare with the instrument indication, and readjust as needed. Use the ‘Adj High
8’ or ‘Adj High 9 ’ prompts similarly at
a high flow (e.g., 85-95% of full-scale flow) to complete the two point calibration.
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A message of ‘Flow is too low / for Adj High’ or ‘Flow is too high / for Adj Low’ will appear during calibration if the flow is out of the allowed range for the adjustment.
c. Adjust Calibration Using Palm Device Refer to Palm Software Appendix.
d. Restore Factory Calibration Restore the factory calibration settings by setting both
the top and bottom display lines to the ‘Software Version’ field and then hold a finger over ‘Select’. Alternatively, using the palm ‘Calibration Adjustment’ option, tap the ‘Restore Cal’ button. By either method, the message ‘Factory Cal A[B,C,or D] / Restored’ will be displayed when completed.
4. Selecting Different Calibrations
Use this feature to select one of four (A, B, C, or D) different calibrations. In general, a unit with a single calibration, which is the standard, will be shipped from the factory with the B, C and D calibrations as duplicates of the original ‘A’ calibration. This allows you to custom calibrate up to three additional calibration settings while preserving the original factory calibration. If the model number contains “-SW-”, a special multi-calibration option has been ordered. This means that two or more calibrations have been custom configured at the factory. In this case, refer to the Special Instructions Section for more information. In all cases the factory default will have calibration ‘A’ active.
a. Calibration Selection Using Proximity Sensors
i. Hold a finger over the ‘Scroll’ button until the ‘Select Cal’ prompt is displayed
and move to step ii before the display mode reverts back to the previous setting.
ii. Hold a finger over the ‘Select’ button until the desired calibration is listed to
activate the change.
b. Calibration Selection Using Palm Device Refer to Palm Software Appendix.
The Figure in the Custom Information Section is the final linearized flow output curve for your unit. The instrument has been calibrated over the actual flow rate range indicated on the ordinate (Y axis).
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