It is recommended to carefully read this owne r ’s manual before using the
product. This will also help the user to prevent using the radio in violation of
the regulations valid in the country where the product is used, as well as to
avoid any possible inte rferences with others ervices.
This transceiver has been factory pre -programmed, in order for the user to
test it right after purchase . It is th e user ' s responsibilit y t o re - progra m
th e radio , in accordanc e wit h the specifications for the fre quency channels
assigned by the local authorit y.
This transceiver is programmable via PC, using the dedicated software and
the PC interface cabl e (optiona l items) . An y programmin g o r modificatio n o f
th e origina l defaul t settin g mus t be made by a specialised technician or by
an authorised service centre. Some functions of this transceive r migh t b e
programme d in violatio n o f th e technica l rule s in forc e fo r th e us e o f th e VHF
an d UH F F M bands . I t is th e use r ’s responsibilit y t o chec k tha t an y
mod ificatio n t o the programming will be done in compliance with the
current regulations. Any modification to the product , alteratio n o f th e interna l
circuit , o f th e externa l structur e o f th e radi o o r an y programming in violatio n o f
th e curren t regulation s wil l automaticall y voi d th e produc t certificatio n an d you r
right to us e th e product . INTE K S.R.L . decline s an y responsibilit y concernin g
an y modificatio n o f the product , mad e b y th e use r o r b y a thir d part y, afte r deliver y
o f th e product.
1. Package-openedInspectionand Installing.................................2
2. Radio Overview......................................................................... 4
3. Basic Operation......................................................................... 6
4. Programmable ButtonFunction................................................. 7
5. Radio call................................................................................... 8
6. Talk-around................................................................................ 9
7. Scan........................................................................................... 9
7.1 Start/End Scan Function........................................................... 9
7.2 Nuisance Delete........................................................................ 9
8. PublicAddress......................................................................... 10
9. Lone worker............................................................................. 10
10. EmergencyAlarm..................................................................... 10
11. Remote kill, stun, activate and revive..................................... 11
12. Wired Clone Mode....................................................................12
13. TroubleShootingGuide.......................................................12-13
14. Major Specifications.................................................................13