Page 2 Version 1.0 DATA SHEET IVS-979
transmit frequencies f 24.000 - 24.250 GHz depending on V
varactor tuning voltage V
0 3 V
tuning bandwidth fi ne DC 500k Hz
tuning bandwidth coarse DC 0.4 Hz
input impedance Vtune fi ne 1 kΩ 200pf ESD protec# on
input impedance Vtune coarse 1 kΩ 200pf ESD protec# on
tuning slope coarse 340 552 766 MHz/V
tuning slope fi ne 59 96 133 MHz/V
temperature dri$ frequency Δf -4 -5 MHz/°C
ouput power (EIRP) P
20 dBm @ room-temperature
out of band radia# on (EIRP) P
out of band
-30 dBm @ room-temperature
divider ra# o factory se& ng 1,280
for example 24.200GHz
lead to 1.18MHz
IF-amplifi er gain 40 dB part number LT6204
bandwidth 100 2.5M Hz
output impedance 100 Ω
signal level S
t.b.d. mV @ InnoSenT Test setup
t.b.d. mV @ InnoSenT Test setup
IF-output voltage off set 1.65 V
I/Q balance amplitude 6 dB
phase 70 95 120 °
Antenna pa! ern (compare with antenna pa! ern on page 4)
antenna pa* ern (@3dB) horizontal 7 ° azimuth
ver# cal 28 ° eleva# on
side lobe suppression horizontal 15 dB azimuth
ver# cal 15 dB eleva# on
Power Supply
supply voltage V
5.3 5.5 6 V max. 1mVPP ripple
supply current I
170 mA
opera# ng temperature T
-30 +60 °C
storage temperature T
-30 +85 °C
outline dimensions 120 x 72.5 x 10.65 (17.7) mm compare drawing
Electrical Characteris" cs
Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Comment
The informa# on contained in this document shall remain the sole and exclusive property of InnoSenT GmbH and shall
not be disclosed by the recipient to third par# es without prior consent of InnoSenT in wri# ng.
Handling Precau" ons
This InnoSenT sensor is sensi# ve to damage from ESD.
Normal precau# ons as usally applied to CMOS devices are suffi cient when handling this device.
Touching the signal output PINs has to be avoided at any # me before soldering or plugging the
device into a motherboard.