InnoSenT IVS979 Installation Manual

InnoSenT sets standards – worldwide
Page 1 Version 1.0 DATA SHEET IVS-979
Installa on Manual IVS-979
Version 1.0 - 15.03.2012
The IVS-979 is a K-Band VCO Transceiver with advanced SiGe MMIC technology that can be operated in FSK and FMCW mode.
Another smart new feature is the 1/x divider output for VCO tuning slope lineariza! on.
InnoSenT GmbH has established and applies a quality system for: development, produc­! on and sales of radar sensors for commer­cial and industrial sensors.
An audit was performed, Report No. 010350 Proof has been furnished that the requirements according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 are fulfi lled.
This product is compliant to the restric! on of hazardous substances (RoHS - European Union direc! ve 2002/95/EG)
» K-Band VCO Transceiver with advanced SiGe MMIC technology
» FSK / FMCW modes
» 1/x divider for reference frequency output
» stereo (dual channel) opera! on to detect direc! on of mo! on
» integrated RF-pre-amplifi er
Product Family
Applica ons
K-Band VCO Transceiver with advanced MMIC technology
» Traffi c Monitoring
Movement Velocity Direc! on Presence Distance Angle
The informa! on contained in this document shall remain the sole and exclusive property of InnoSenT GmbH and shall not be disclosed by the recipient to third par! es without prior consent of InnoSenT in wri! ng.
Descrip! on
Cer! fi cates
InnoSenT sets standards – worldwide
Page 2 Version 1.0 DATA SHEET IVS-979
transmit frequencies f 24.000 - 24.250 GHz depending on V
varactor tuning voltage V
0 3 V
tuning bandwidth fi ne DC 500k Hz
tuning bandwidth coarse DC 0.4 Hz
input impedance Vtune fi ne 1 200pf ESD protec# on
input impedance Vtune coarse 1 200pf ESD protec# on
tuning slope coarse 340 552 766 MHz/V
tuning slope fi ne 59 96 133 MHz/V
temperature dri$ frequency Δf -4 -5 MHz/°C
ouput power (EIRP) P
20 dBm @ room-temperature
out of band radia# on (EIRP) P
out of band
-30 dBm @ room-temperature
divider ra# o factory se& ng 1,280
for example 24.200GHz lead to 1.18MHz
IF-amplifi er gain 40 dB part number LT6204
bandwidth 100 2.5M Hz
output impedance 100 Ω
signal level S
t.b.d. mV @ InnoSenT Test setup
t.b.d. mV @ InnoSenT Test setup
IF-output voltage off set 1.65 V
I/Q balance amplitude 6 dB
phase 70 95 120 °
Antenna pa! ern (compare with antenna pa! ern on page 4)
antenna pa* ern (@3dB) horizontal 7 ° azimuth
ver# cal 28 ° eleva# on
side lobe suppression horizontal 15 dB azimuth
ver# cal 15 dB eleva# on
Power Supply
supply voltage V
5.3 5.5 6 V max. 1mVPP ripple
supply current I
170 mA
opera# ng temperature T
-30 +60 °C
storage temperature T
-30 +85 °C
outline dimensions 120 x 72.5 x 10.65 (17.7) mm compare drawing
Electrical Characteris" cs
Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Comment
The informa# on contained in this document shall remain the sole and exclusive property of InnoSenT GmbH and shall not be disclosed by the recipient to third par# es without prior consent of InnoSenT in wri# ng.
Handling Precau" ons
This InnoSenT sensor is sensi# ve to damage from ESD. Normal precau# ons as usally applied to CMOS devices are suffi cient when handling this device. Touching the signal output PINs has to be avoided at any # me before soldering or plugging the device into a motherboard.
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